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  1. Dear Anna,
    Please see below:-
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'feng-shui-tips' suppressed 'feng-shui-tips' suppressed>
    Date: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 11:36 PM
    Subject: entrance facing line of death

    From: "Anna Leung"
    This message is sent from "feng-shui-tips" Mailing List.
    Please help!
    I have just used by birthday and year to determine which house (North) I am
    The new condo I am moving into has the main gates facing SE (which is
    great) but the door to my condo faces SW (which is the death sector). This
    door over looks a terrace and courtyard.

    1. My advise is that the next thing you should do is to also look at which
    intangible force affects you in your bedroom. Hopefully, it is one of the
    auspicious intangible force.
    2. Today, another user also faced the same problem i.e. main door is at SW
    and an inauspicious intangible force.
    Currently, I cannot really advise you futher as we are currently working on
    only the Eight House Theory.
    Other theories such as the Flying Star (birth chart) and even your element
    and its strength would be a better tool. This is because, a Professional
    Feng Shui Practioner will usually look at the entire house auspicious or
    inauspicious sectors to countercheck or fidn an integrated solution.
    However, this depends on an individual.
    In your case, you have to keep the location bright and remember not to have
    too many potted plants at this location. You can use some defense mechanisms
    like placing a semi circle carpet radiating outwards are some of the
    `passive' solutions.
    Warmest Regards,

  2. Dear Emilio,
    Under the Eight House Theory, frankly there is not much you can do if your
    bedroom is located in the Death area.
    The only way is to sleep close to the prosperity sector (if possible) or any
    other good intangible force.
    As for the main entrance door area in the `irritation' area:
    1. The house is under the Eight House Theory considered an unsuitable
    house. But is is not as bad as having the death or disaster line located at
    this area. If so, the house would be considered a very unsuitable house.
    2. As the main entrance is located at the South-West or we call this the
    devil's backdoor. This location is considered a YIN location and avoid
    planting too many plants outside the main entrance area. Too many plants
    will create a very YIN environment. Too YIN an environment may unduly
    attract `spirits' to the location.
    3. Since the main entrance door opens to a narrow corridor, best keep that
    area bright e.g. walls are painted neutral colours (except if you e.g. you a
    strong Metal person.. then white is not that adviceable.
    Warmest Regards,
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'eight-house' suppressed suppressed>
    Date: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 6:16 AM
    Subject: main door and bedroom

    From: "Emilio Castellanos"
    This message is sent from "eight-house" Mailing List.
    Dear Cecil and Robert,
    I am a SE person and my main door is SW Irritation area. It opens up to a
    narrow corridor.
    My bedroom is in the DEATH area and my bathrooms are in the prosperity
    ??? How can I counteract this bad influence?

  3. Dear Jason,
    I have done away with manual calculations of Pillars of Destiny as a true
    analysis is a tedious process.
    Unforunately, the book you are referring to does not allow you ultimately
    analysis the strength of your element. I am unable to ascertain by just
    looking at the information provided.
    Assuming that you are a Strong Earth element person:-
    What can help you is: to use Metal element. to exhaust your Strong Earth
    thus balancing you. Here avoid introducing the Fire Element.
    Assuming that you are a Weak Earth element person:-
    You would have to introduce Fire element to strengthen your Weak Earth
    element. Here a crystal in the shape of a pyramid or triangle helps.
    Your Wood House (SE main door) helps as it strengths the Fire element.
    Reproduce below the recommended colours for a person with Strong Earth
    Your Element
    and its Suggested Avoid or
    strength Bedroom colour Bad for U
    ============ =============== ========
    Strong Earth Light Green | Red
    White (neutral)
    Your Element
    and its Suggested Avoid or
    strength Bedroom colour Bad for U
    ============ =============== ========
    Weak Earth Red, Pink, Purple |Green
    White (neutral)
    Note: 1 . For a `Weak' element person, your colours are the reverse of a
    `Strong' element person.
    2. White (Is considered a neutral but best avoided for a person
    with Strong Metal element)
    Warmest Regards,
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
    Date: Monday, May 31, 1999 3:13 PM
    Subject: Re: Main Door

    From: "Jason Ng"
    This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
    Hi Cecil,
    My mistake for the info, if according to the 4 Pillar, I'm suppose to be a
    "earth" element, and my main door is facing the "wood" direction. So, can I
    place crystal at my main door direction?
    From the 4 Pillar,
    Hr Day Mth Yr
    HS yi ji ding geng
    EB chou you hai shu
    From the book "Hisa Calendar" I'm suppose to
    be a "Yin Earth" does it mean I'm a "weak" earth?
    Do we put "object" in each sectors according to which elements they belongs
    to or do we have to consider out "own" element before that.
    e.g. for east direction, we should place "wood" object, west direction -
    metal, but do we need to consider which elements we belongs to ?

  4. Dear Jason,
    Please see below:-
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
    Date: Monday, May 31, 1999 1:54 PM
    Subject: Main Door

    From: "Jason Ng"
    This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
    Hi Cecil,
    If my main door is facing the SE direction,
    and i suppose to be wood. Can I place crystal
    at that direction? I'm currently having a display shelf with crystal just
    at my main door.
    Any advise?

    As you have not mentioned whether you are either a Strong Wood or Weak Wood
    person, the advice can go half-half i.e.
    Assuming you are a Strong Wood person,
    1. The main door of your house is facing South-East. The main element of a
    South-East house is considered as a " Wood " house.
    2. What happens is that the South-East house strengthens a Strong Wood
    person causing an imbalance.
    In such a situation, ideally, if you are a Strong Wood person, you should
    not add Water element to strengthen your Strong Wood element.
    If so, such a person may develop health problems or face competition e.g. in
    Here, you may have to avoid placing a `collection' or a few pieces of
    crystals (of the Water element) depending on the shape of the crystals. One
    "small" crystal e.g. less than the size of a small apple does `no harm'.
    Assuming you are a Weak Wood person,
    1. The main door of your house is facing South-East. The main element of a
    South-East house is considered as a " Wood " house.
    2. What happens is that the South-East house strengthens a Weak Wood person
    helping his weak wood to grow.
    In such a situation, ideally, if you are a Weak Wood person, you can add
    Water element to strengthen your Weak Wood element. (But avoid doing it
    Here, you may consider placing crystals (of the water element).
    Alternatively, if you are not considering whether, you are a Strong or Weak
    wood person, most probably have to use your personal `intuition' or Feng
    Shui by Intuition. (If you feel comfortable, then that's fine).
    Warmest Regards,

  5. Dear Kelly,
    Under the Eight House Theory, the only way that you can minimize is (where
    possible) try to sleep closer to the longevity intangible force sector. If
    this is not possible, at least sleep with your head facing one of the 4 good
    directions. Other than this there are no known " cure "
    under the Eight House. To understand the `angle' of influence better, you
    can check out this page: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/house2.htm
    For the mirror closet, again, if possible not to sleep facing it. But if you
    really do not have a choice there are a few things you can do:-
    1. If continously, you can sleep soundly, then no problem you can `leave it'
    as it is. Some of us are more Yang or Yin and have varing degrees of
    `tolerance' to the mirror. However, some FS practioners or even authors
    raise the concern that when we sleep our souls leave our body and get a
    `shock' when it sees itself in the mirror. This has not been proven yet and
    at the moment, more a `superstitious' belief.
    The current more realistic view is that mirrors reflect Qi and a normal
    mirror is considered YIN and depending on the location can either reflect
    sha qi (poision qi) or shen qi (good qi).
    2. Alternatively, if it is a permanent thing i.e. you are going to stay in
    this house / bedroom for quite sometime, you can get someone to use an
    opaque film or if you know how to Do it Yourself (D.I.Y) go and buy such
    opaque film e.g. those used for shower glass screens and do it yourself.
    3. Alternatively, you may paste some posters around the doors immediately
    facing the bed.
    As for electrical equipment, there are varing views on this:-
    1. Some Feng Shui Practioners/ Masters / Authors consider it as belonging
    to the water element i.e. electricity behaves like `water'.
    2. Electrical equipment depending on the equipment and the `quality' of
    the product can produce high levels or low levels of radiation e.g.
    most newer Personal Computer (PC) montiors are low radiation while
    older ones have higher radiation.
    In general, it is a well known fact that when we place a compass close
    to a electrical wire, the North arrow is attracted to the magnetic
    field generated through the wire (current). However, there is no
    direct research done in this area e.g. the strength of the magnetic field
    Older model handphones were found in some studies show that it was
    unsafe for human beings as the antennae emitted high levels of
    Studies have shown that underground water can be dangerous as it emits
    some form of `radiation'. To find out, check out this short article I
    wrote: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/under.htm
    3. A few Feng Shui practioners " shrug off " the idea that electricity was
    not invented in the past and since there are no known documentation on this
    area, it is not correct for `us' to invent some new `theories'. I feel this
    view is quite narrow minded. As new technology evolve, there may or may not
    be some truth in Para 1 or 2. only time will tell. Whether it is in our life
    time or sometime in the future.
    Therefore, currently, there is a Question mark as to how we chose to
    interpret " electrical appliances ". However, some electrical appliances
    e.g. are `clear cut'. For example, many current washing machines can rotate
    vigurously and if for example it is placed at an auspicious location,
    symbolically, it is considered by some FS practioners as inauspicious as
    this action `shakes' away the luck in that location.
    However, there are newer brands of washing machines e.g. those that use
    `bubble' technology that do not make so much noise or run `quiet'.
    Anyway, such controversies continue on and on.... Do take note that at the
    end, all these are of Secondary importance to Feng Shui.
    What is more important is finding the right home e.g. bear in mind the
    Shapes and Form School e.g. the exterior of the home, suitability of the
    owner to the home and other additional analysis e.g. Flying Star and Pillars
    of Destiny strength of element would be good.
    Warmest Regards,
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
    Date: Saturday, May 29, 1999 11:48 AM
    Subject: Longevity/Death lines in bedroom. Help!

    From: "W. Kelly"
    This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
    I am moving into a new apartment next week. After some research, I have
    discovered that the longevity and the death lines run through my bedroom.
    In addition, I also have mirrored closet doors. I was wondering if there
    was any suggestions as to how I can suppress the negative aspects, while
    accentuating the positive ones? Does putting electrical equipment drain the
    negative energy or is this not the truth. Thank you for your help! W.
    Kelly e-mail: Anomini@AOL.com
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    3. Uncheck the mailing list you wish to unsubcribe, eg. "free-advice".

  6. Dear Ewa,
    Here are some guidelines as to the placement of the stove and water
    elements (water elements include the sink & fridge):-
    If the Kitchen is located at the South (Fire), East (Wood) and South-East
    (Wood) ,W (Metal) and West (Metal)
    In the above situations, the `fire' in the kitchen will not `die' out and
    even if you have a water position opposite the stove, it is fine. In fact, a
    water position opposite the stove at the above locations can help `cool'
    down the fire.
    If the Kitchen is located at the North (Water), North-East (Earth ) and
    South-West (Earth)
    In the above situation, where there Water and Earth, the fire can easily be
    extinguished, you should NEVER have a water position too close to the stove.
    Especially avoid a water position opposite it in the above situation.
    Hope the above helps.
    Warmest Regards
    Cecil Lee
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
    Date: Saturday, May 29, 1999 12:12 AM
    Subject: Advice for the kitchen

    From: "Evva Murray"
    This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
    Hi. I am new to feng shui, but from all of my basic readings I know that
    having a stove directly face a kitchen sink is "bad." I recently purchased
    a house with the stove installed in an island in the center of the kitchen.
    This faces the sink. How do I fix this problem? Thanks in advance.
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    3. Uncheck the mailing list you wish to unsubcribe, eg. "free-advice".

  7. To all users:-
    The Flying Star upgrades has always been targeted for paid users enhancements.
    Given that the report has now reached the level of near completeness/perfection, far exceeding any manual calculation done by FS consultant. Even the explanation of the report has reach a stage that can be easily understood by anyone.
    We have also decided to let the Free Report users enjoy a little benefit. By having limited analysis for your Free Report instead of no analysis:)
    Free Flying Star Report v6.10
    The Free report will now contain:-
    a. North-West Sector Chart
    b. Along with a Full anlaysis of the 20-year chart for the Entire North-West Sector Chart. However, this is only limited to 20-year chart. There will not be any further break-down in the yearly or monthly charts.
    This includes the Base Chart Analysis, Five Element Analysis & any Triple Combination, 81 Interpretation and Activation of Mountain Star Chart.
    Paid Flying Star Report v6.10
    The paid report will of course contains a full and detailed analysis.
    Geomancy Net is a centre for Feng Shui Research, we want everyone, whether you are a free user or paid user to enjoy the benefits of our Feng Shui Audit Tools.
    However, as such development of tools and services costs us a lot of money to setup and maintain, the paid reports will help us keep the tools available for the benefit to all users.
    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

  8. From: "Camilla Hougaard Kennedy"
    Hi Ewa - and all.
    I am very, very new to this list.
    Ewa wrote: >I know that having a stove directly face a kitchen sink is
    "bad." I recently purchased a house with the stove installed in an island
    in the center of the kitchen. This faces the sink.I do not think, a stove facing a sink is bad, it is important, though, that
    there is some space (at least two feet) between the two (fire and water).
    Have you taken other elements into consideration?
    Warm regards, Camilla

  9. Dear Debrah,
    1. Best is that the ceiling is high. The higher the better as this will have
    less impact on you.
    2. Avoid sleeping `dead center' (immediately under the) " V ".
    3. One permanent way to counter act this is to use a `poster bed' i.e. with
    four pillars. One can use a cloth material overhead. (But this depends on
    your budget etc...)
    Sleeping under a slop is not as bad as sleeping directly under the " V" or a
    pillar. Depending on the material of the " V" e.g. if it is wood, one way is
    to use `metal' element to counter this. As there is not much information on
    your personal element or its strength is available, you may have to forgo
    this option.
    As for the aircon vent; you can always redirect the air con vents to one
    side and not blow directly into the bed. Overall, this is less of a problem
    as it is not really considered inauspicous but rather more on the "
    practical " side where, we may or not feel conscious e.g. the slight noise
    of the aircon and the `cold' air blowing into our face.
    Warmest Regards,
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
    Date: Saturday, May 29, 1999 5:15 AM
    Subject: Slopped ceiling & aircon location

    From: "Debrah L"
    This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
    My bedroom ceiling is in a reversed "V" shape...the bed is placed under a
    slopped ceiling. Also, the aircon vent is located above the bed.
    Unfortunately there's no other good location to place the bed.
    Please offer your valuable advice.
    Thank you,
    To reply: mailto:free-advice.1070@forum.geomancy.net
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    3. Uncheck the mailing list you wish to unsubcribe, eg. "free-advice".

  10. Dear Luna,
    --Quoting Luna--

    My question is does your course cover the flying star method in details.
    Will I be able to analyze a site based on this theory after I take the

    We will try our best to make the course easy to understand.
    Yes, you will be able to analyze a site based on this theory.
    Warmest Regards,
  11. Dear Rose,
    You will be surprised to learn that Plastics (in my opinion) is considered
    of the Metal element. (If you only consider the material NOT the form or
    The reason is because plastic is considered " hard " material e.g
    polycarbyte. This includes the wood laminate found on cupboards.
    (My definition of plastic is not the flexible type but those you commonly
    see i.e. seats or stools.
    Warmest Regards,
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'five-element-cures' suppressed 'five-element-cures' suppressed>
    Date: Friday, May 28, 1999 12:52 PM
    Subject: Plastic Products

    From: "Rose Say"
    This message is sent from "five-element-cures" Mailing List.
    Under which element should we classified plastic products? Or the only way
    is through their shapes and colours?
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  12. Dear Luna,
    I sympathise with you. Amongst the books written by Lillian Too, the is one
    of the " hardest " to understand.
    In my personal opinion, she is a better writer of " Shapes and Form School "
    as I believe, she is more a "Right Brain person" or YIN and does better with
    illustrations combined with words. As mentioned, this is based on my
    personal opinion only.
    Warmest Regards,
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed>
    Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 10:05 PM
    Subject: Flying Stars Book/Course

    From: "Luna Ghobar"
    This message is sent from "flying-star" Mailing List.
    Dear Robert & Cecil,
    I am reading Lillian Too's Flying Star FS. I've been do so for the past
    three days and I am still stuck on the first chapter. With all due respect
    to Lillian too, either this book is too advanced for me or my brains are not
    functioning well these days.
    My question is does your course cover the flying star method in details.
    Will I be able to analyze a site based on this theory after I take the



    Thank you
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  13. Dear Eve,
    I am very glad that you are very observation:)
    Please see below:-
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
    Date: Friday, May 28, 1999 1:06 AM
    Subject: Re: Placement (Objects of Respect)

    From: "eve"
    This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
    Dear Cecil/Robert/Forumers:
    -- Quoting Cecil --
    Do not let it:-
    1. face the bed,
    2. share the same wall as a toilet
    3. face a toilet
    4. face you ie. study table.

    -- Quoting Eve --

    I can understand points 1-3. As for point 4, is there an underlying reason?
    Can one not interpret 'the facing you' as 'protecting/guiding'?

    Yes, point 1 to 3 are `standard' Feng Shui points.
    Point 4 is based on an opinion. The rationale is that normally, when a
    person studies, his work space should not be `cluttered' with display items
    especially those of " Dieties ". I can understand if a small picture frame
    or some other decorative displays are placed on the table. Otherwise, a
    study table should be `clear of such things'.
    Normally, common in most homes, the seats face e.g. a T. V. set. So far,
    correct me if I am wrong, we do not have " Dieties " directly facing us when
    we sit. More commonly, these " Dieties " are placed facing the side of the
    seats (as an example).
    Some of us are more conscious of our surroundings and would prefer not
    sitting `facing us' directly. Therefore, my interpretation of `the facing
    you' implies `Facing Directly' a person. This is different from sitting at
    a position where the Buddhist decor is at one corner (facing us) or facing
    our side.
    As you have mentioned correctly, this is only an opinion.

    BTW, I place my Object of Respect(Buddha decor, not for worship purposes),
    on top of a 'waist-high' cabinet, right outside the small corrider where two
    bedroom doors face each other. The Object of Respect is placed such that the
    two bedroom doors are each on its left and right side, but where the work
    table is in full view of the Object of Respect. To be clear, this Object of
    Respect does not 'look into the bedrooms'.

    Yes, I believe, the position is acceptable ie. OK to place it there.
    I am very happy, you pointed out the above. In fact, I always believe that
    one should question another person for the " rationale " of why they
    mentioned such a sentence:) It shows your Maturity in Applied Feng Shui:)
    Warmest Regards,
  14. Dear Jason,
    Please see below:-
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
    Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 10:39 AM
    Subject: Fengshui Of a un-occupied new house.

    From: "Jason Ng"
    This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
    Hi Cecil,
    Can I look into the feng shui of my new house if I have not actually move
    in yet? The house have been renovated but I will only move in after Oct 99.
    Occasionally, I will stay there for a few days in a week(weekend/holidays).

    Yes. As long as the building has four walls and a roof up, a Feng Shui
    assessment can be done:-
    1. Shapes and Form School to look at the exterior and interior can be used
    anytime even before the building is ready (particularly the exterior) or the
    2. Under the compass School of Feng Shui once the house is up, you can do a
    survey i.e. using a normal compass.

    Will enhancing the feng shui of my house benefit to me if it is "vacant"

    In Feng Shui, you should be staying `there' in order to enjoy the " good "
    Feng Shui. This applies to Yang Feng Shui i.e. us human beings as well as
    Yin Feng Shui or Feng Shui for the dead. Even in Yin Feng Shui, the decease
    has to occupy the burial site. Here, if it is a good resting place, it is
    said that the decendants can benefit from this.
    Therefore, if you look at the two " situations " both the Living (Yang
    Homes) and the Dead (Yin Burial sites): Both, the `occupants' must live in.
    There is no such thing as " Remote " control in Feng Shui. We do up an
    excellent Feng Shui house and not stay there. If the house is excellent but
    if you are staying in an unsuitable house, the `excellent' luck cannot be
    passed to a person staying in the unsuitable house. If one rents out the
    house e.g. most likely the tentant gets lucky.
    Warmest Regards,
  15. Dear Fred,
    Ideally, my advise is that you should not display it in your dormitory. This
    is because, the pewter plague of Dieties where possible should not be
    displayed in a bedroom. If you really must, you should let it face the
    dormitory door.
    Do not let it:-
    1. face the bed,
    2. share the same wall as a toilet
    3. face a toilet
    4. face you ie. study table.
    Warmest Regards,
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
    Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 7:29 AM
    Subject: Grand Duke placement

    From: "Fred Lo"
    This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
    I have recently received a nice pewter plaque of Kwan Kung as a gift. It
    shows the Grand Duke on one side, and on the back side are several tenets of
    good business practice.
    I don't plan to offer incense, but merely want to display it. Which
    direction should I be facing it? Where should I put it? I am male, born in
    the year of the Tiger, 1974. I am currently living in a small dormitory
    room. My friend also has a plaque and is a male, born in 1965, year of the
    Could you please answer my questions and also provide a bit of general
    information about placing Kwan Kung as well?
    Thank you for your time,

  16. Dear Glyn,
    There are no known written documentation on the use of water beds. However,
    I remembered one or two FS Practioners/Masters are not infavour of the use
    of the water bed. Perhaps, this is a general comment by them.
    In my opinion, I am not infavour of a water bed. Not sure why... maybe I
    have not slept on one before. However, do take note that a circular bed is
    considered not auspicious or two single beds joined together.
    Warmest Regards,
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed>
    Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 6:54 AM
    Subject: WaterBeds

    From: "Glyn Foster"
    This message is sent from "flying-star" Mailing List.
    Good morning all
    What if any, are the negative consequences of using a water bed.
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  17. Dear Emilio,
    No, re-hanging some pictures or moving some plants is considered
    `renovations' in assessing the Flying Star date of birth of a house.
    Where possible, for this year (Chinese calendar year) avoid:-
    1. Distrubing or (renovations)
    2. Touching (painting)
    the Grand Duke of Jupiter or Tai Su on the East compass director or sector
    of a house or office.
    Warmest Regards,
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed>
    Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 8:01 AM
    Subject: Renovations

    From: "Emilio Castellanos"
    This message is sent from "flying-star" Mailing List.
    Dear Robert and Cecil,
    I am unsure about the word renovations as in regard to The Grand Duque. Is
    re-hanging some pictures or moving some plants understood by the word
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  18. Dear Glyn,
    Either the chimney be left alone or at the most cover the top and the ground
    level. Avoid filling the chimney fully as this will involving adding more
    `earth' element in the house i.e. if you are using earth element e.g. sand
    Warmest Regards,
    Cecil Lee
    P.S. Congratulations Glyn!
    I believe, you are the first to incorporate Chinese Numerlogy as an
    additional tool combined with other tools such as Earth Luck: Feng Shui,
    Heaven Luck: Pillars of Destiny. Furthermore, you had `predicted' in two
    instances using Chinese Numerology very accurately:))
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
    Date: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 6:47 AM
    Subject: Fire Place

    From: "Glyn Foster"
    This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
    In a house with a no longer used fire place, must the chimney be filled in
    to stop the qi from escaping.
    Thanks Cecil/Robert
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  19. Hi,
    It is best to have the airconditioning blow from the side of the bed rather from either above the head or blowing towards the legs to the head.
    It is considered not inauspicious to have the air conditioning vent immediately on top of the bed. The rationale for this has more to do with sleep as cold air does not immediately blow against our face.
    What you can do is to deflect the aircon to the side and not blow towards your face. Here, you will find sleep more relaxing.
    Warmest Regards,

    On 5/24/99 12:50:43 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Would you please advise what
    are the fixes
    when I have the air
    conditioning vent
    immediate on top of the bed
    (on the head
    section of the bed).
    Thank you!!

  20. Dear Rose,
    Please see below:-
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed>
    Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 7:57 PM
    Subject: Re: Meanings of the Base Star Numerals

    From: "Rose Say"
    This message is sent from "flying-star" Mailing List.
    Dear Cecil,
    Yes, I understand what the "birth chart" of a house is about. My questions
    were directed more towards houses built in the next period. For these
    houses, the reigning number used is then #8. So, does #8 continue to mean
    Future Prosperity in those charts? or should it mean Current Prosperity
    instead at that time?
    In short, I was asking do the numerals have different meanings for birth
    charts of different periods? e.g. Does #7 always mean Current Prosperity for
    all houses built/renovated in all periods?
    I apologize if my questions seems confusing. Actually, the more I read,
    the more I myself become confused, as sometimes I find so many different
    answers to the same questions :( (Different masters teach their students
    differently I think) And it is hard to judge which is the correct one.

    Frankly, the computation of the base numeral is a standard format. You can
    ask anyone who has taken at least a course in Flying Star. You can even ask
    any of the students who had taken any course
    Contrary to what you had mentioned that different Masters teach their
    students differently. I like to clarify that if the Master is teaching
    Traditional `Authentic' Feng Shui, the calcuation of the base numeral is the
    same for all Feng Shui Schools both the Traditional Western (English
    teaching) Feng Shui or Eastern (Mandarin speaking) Schools. All Feng Shui
    Schools teach the same method.
    Therefore, if you have not taken a course, it is definitely hard to make a
    judgement. Even students who had taken the Applied Feng Shui Course at
    geomancy-u.com can confirm that the base calcuation is a standard method.
    The only thing that may `vary' is the way, the North to South or South to
    North template is placed.
    At Geomancy.net, we prefer to use the North to South template, to make it
    easy for users to use the reports.
    Therefore, the saying goes " a little knowlege is a dangerous " thing.
    Warmest Regards,

    Thank you and best regards.
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  21. Dear Michelle,
    Feng Shui although is not a religion has to be understood in a `holistic'
    way. This encompass two main Schools: 1. The Shapes and Form School and 2.
    The Compass School.
    Since you are new to Feng Shui, you can tour the website especially this
    url: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/theory.htm or start a tour at
    http://www.geomancy.net/fs/map.htm and at the same time, you can explore
    the many tools available at www.geomancy-online.com particulary the Free
    Eight House Chart.
    As you are aware Feng Shui cannot be `digested' in a day and you can if you
    want to, read the various messages in this forum.
    For selling a house, it may take time and other factors include the price
    Warmest Regards,
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'feng-shui-tips' suppressed 'feng-shui-tips' suppressed>
    Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 3:44 PM
    Subject: House on the market...help!

    From: "Michelle Delgadillo"
    This message is sent from "feng-shui-tips" Mailing List.
    My house has been on the market for about 2 months now and we have had many
    lookers but no offers yet. I am just getting started with the understanding
    of feng shui and would like to put some of it to use in my home to possibly
    get it to sell. As well to purchase a new home. What kind of info. do I
    need to provide to help me out? Or better yet where do I start???
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  22. Dear Rose,
    As the Flying Star Theory implies, it is based on the `birth chart' of a
    house. For example, we know that the current period 1984 to 2003 is under
    Period 7.
    If lets say you purchase a house e.g. built in 1999, and during this time,
    did renovations and move in. this house will be considered a Period 7 house.
    Here under the Flying Star Theory, the base star 7 occupies the centre
    position of the numerals.
    What happens if we move into Period 8? in 2004?
    Well, if you do not do anything to a house built in 1999, it will always
    remain under the influence of Period 7 calculations. But, if you had done
    major renovations, then this house no longer retains Period 7 influence but
    period 8 influence. The birth chart of the house now comes under Period 8.
    Similiarly, a house built before 1984, lets say this house was built in
    1980, Period 6. If no renovations had been done since 1980 to today, it is
    still called a Period 6 house and the Flying Star calculations would be
    based on Period 6.
    Hope that helps.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed>
    Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 2:42 PM
    Subject: Meanings of the Base Star Numerals

    From: "Rose Say"
    This message is sent from "flying-star" Mailing List.
    Hi Cecil / Robert,
    I read that 7 is considered auspicious in period #7 but not other periods.
    Does that mean the base stars will have different meanings for different
    e.g. for period 7,
    6 means Fading Prosperity
    7 means Current Prosperity
    8 means Future Prosperity
    9 means Distant Prosperity
    by the same token, for period 8,
    7 will mean Fading Prosperity
    8 will mean Current Prosperity....
    and double-8 for period 8 is as auspicious as the double-7 for period
    What does 7 means for period 8 houses?
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  23. Dear Evelyn,
    Please see below:-
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
    Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 1:18 PM
    Subject: Balcony

    From: "Evelyn Ong"
    This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
    Hi Cecil/Robert,
    I recently bought a house and my Interior designer has suggested the
    following for functionality purposes:
    1. Extending my kitchen to the backyard and
    For the kitchen, try to pay emphasis on the location of the stove. It should
    be `protected' and not left in the open. Since the frontage of the house is
    South, I would assume that the kitchen is in the `North location' or
    somewhere around this location. If your kitchen (stove) is in the North
    location, it should be `kept' warm. Best location is to the the stove
    `surrounded' by the back with a wall. It should also not face a water
    position so as not to `put' out the fire from the stove.

    Otherwise, the rest should be acceptable.

    2. instead of building a roof, I could utilise the space on the second
    floor, to extend out as a balcony for use as a washing/drying clothes area
    and use a clear awning to shield from rain.

    This is acceptable.

    This means the balcony would be directly above the kitchen. The access door
    to the balcony would be through the 2nd room upstairs.
    Can you please advice me if this is OK. The house main door faces South.

    This is acceptable.
    Warmest Regards,
  24. Dear Joe,
    A staircase facing the bedroom door is considered inauspicious because of
    Sha Qi. This is because of the negative flow of Qi of the staircase that
    flows directly into the bedroom (if the door is not closed). No matter if
    the stairs is facing the bedroom i.e. upwards movement or at the main
    entrance door, you see the staircase, both are considered inauspicious.
    A staircase should not go straight up but have a turn or landing is better
    to reduce Sha Qi. Placing a mirror at the landing or turn is not compulsory.
    Normally if space permits, a plant at one side of the steps (at ground
    level) is useful.
    Warmest Regards,
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Listmanager
    To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
    Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 10:15 AM
    Subject: Re: What if the staicase faces a bedroom?

    From: "Joe Sehl"
    This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
    Dear Cecil,
    Why is the staircase facing the bedroom considered inauspicious?
    I have the same situation as the person who asked the question about
    stairs. Is it because chi will "run down" the stairs and out of the bedroom?
    Besides the mirror you suggested, could I place a small round-leafed plant

    on or near where the staircase "turns"-- thereby catching the chi?

    Thanks for indulging my curiosity. :o)
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