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Cecil Lee

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Posts posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Michelle,
    As a novice, you can feel your way around by doing what you have done... to do check the degree of suitability of your home with your personal `kua' using the Eight House Theory.
    I am not sure if you have read this url: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/house1.htm as it provides a step-by-step guide as how you can `quickly' do a Eight House Audit of your home.
    In this step-by-step guide the following are what you can do:-
    1. Firstly, find the centre of the house.
    2. Mark it down on a copy of your house layout plan.
    3. Stand in the centre of the house and from this position, use an ordinary compass and find out the direction of the main entrance door. If your door is facing South, then your house is considered a South House.
    4. Next, use the Eight House Template, you can sign-up at www.geomancy-online.com for a Free Report of this. Best you can use a transparency superimpose your personal Eight House Template on your layout plan (bearing in mind to match this to the North--South Direction of your layout plan.
    5. Check each sector and note carefully which sector has which particular intangible force. There is an interpretation at http://www.geomancy.net/fs/goodbad.htm
    6. Take your time to understand the 5 elements concept etc... You can read previous messages on this and other resources at http://www.geomancy.net/fs/theory.htm
    See you around!
    Warmest Regards,

    On 3/11/99 8:03:01 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Cecil, Thank you for your
    time.I guess what I meant to
    say was I am trying to take an
    eight ring reading of each
    room.I am very new at this but
    want to do this
    correctly.Where do I stand to
    take each reading? My front
    door faces West.The living
    room element is water. I am
    earth. Maybe I should do the
    Pillars instead? What are your
    thoughts on how a novice
    should start?
    Again thank you....

  2. Dear Airvrm,
    I have revised your layout plan to include the `Center' of the house. You should then check the direction from the Center to the Main entrance door.
    Usually if this is a new apartment, you can find out the North South orientation and then `plot' this North South to your layout plan.
    Next, `find' the main entrance. (Imagine that you are standing at the center of the house and looking at the main entrance (if it cannot be seen) plot it on the layout plan.
    Hope that helps.
    See Enclosed

    On 3/9/99 2:39:37 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    I live in an apartment, the
    plan is
    How do I determine the facing
    direction of my apartment ?
    As the main door faces south
    and outside the main door is
    the lift balcony which is
    enclosed. We close the main
    door all the time. My living
    room is facing
    North, facing a swimming pool
    and and open field.
    So do I consider my apartment
    as facing North or South ?
    If I belong to the west group
    people and my spouse belong to
    the East Group people, which
    type of apartment should I
    choose ?
    West group or East Group ?
    Or should I choose the
    apartment with the exterior
    facing direction that suits me
    and the
    interior location suitable for
    my wife ?
    I am a Chien person and my
    main door should face North
    East, but according to
    fengshui North East is for the
    ghosts, so should i still lace
    my main door to face North
    East ?
    Please kindly advise.
    Best Regards.

  3. Dear Debbie,
    In general or wider sense, there is little on the topic of how we can make use of Feng Shui to sell a house.
    However, under the Feng Shui/Chinese Astrology, a Geomancer can find a `good' date for a person to `sell' the house. Let me elaborate:-
    This is through the use of the 5 elements concept under the Pillars of Destiny. For example, if you are a person whose main element is " Weak Water ". Each particular day and even time, is governed by an element.
    Not to complicate matters, its assume that today is governed by the ` Water element ".
    Since today's element is Water, Water will improve your Weak Water and this is considered your favourable day. More complicated calculation is needed to find the time. For example, at 1.00pm to 2.00pm, the element of Fire is strong, this will further weaken your water element.
    The above is an example of how Pillars is used to find out your `auspicious day' or `time'.
    You will be pleased to know that Robert will soon be adding a new module to check on any `auspicious' date / time analysis for those who know their main element and their strength.
    Warmest Regards,

    On 3/5/99 11:20:32 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    We have lived in our home for
    14 years and before learning
    of feng shui and how the five
    elements are related to all
    that we do on planet earth,
    from eating to karma, we have
    gone thru much by the way of
    sickness, cancer, disease,
    money problems, inability to
    concentrate, etc.
    We have our home for sale,
    after several cures and
    remedies both feng shui
    coordinated and geo
    stress/electro magnetic
    We are wondering if there is
    any particular enhancement in
    selling one's home?
    Thanks, The Morrissey Family

  4. This is an interesting question sent in by Glyn:-
    " I notice that Lillian Too and you differ or am I wrong. On reviewing an eight house chart, your website states that for this particular person W= prosperity,NW = Excellent. However, she considers W = Excellent (Sheng Chi) and that the front door should be in that area and that Excellent (Fu Wei) is the least auspicious of the four good sectors. Interesting. "
    This is the reply from Robert:-
    Hmm. Do you know that traditional Eight House Theory (or in Chinese San Yuan Di Li - talking about Zai Yun), states that whichever is your front door direction is actually considered your Fu Wei, it is the basics of where the rest of the other directions are calculated. This Fu Wei is also called as bao xi zhi shen (or in english happiness deity). The Prosperity (sheng chi zhi shen) which represents Sheng Chi Wei.
    Yes, I do agree though that it is not necessary the best direction, but do you know why this is so? Remember, that the Eight House has 4 East Direction and 4 West direction? You noticed that most of the time the main door is always " alone " and usually opposite from the the other 3 good directions (which are mostly together?). Ever wondered why?
    [Key: Please note: B = Bad and G = Good]
    West House group
    B B G
    B G
    G B G
    or East House Group
    G G B
    G B
    B G B
    Take a common house, whichever is your main door will also mean that this room is usually the " living room ". YOu will usually not find a house which when you first enter, it will not be the bedroom? (Unless it is a studio apartment or very small single apartments).
    Most of the time if not always, the bedroom is at the opposite sector of the house (Or at least closed to that locaton).
    If we observe, that if a house suits us, this would normally mean that your bedroom should most likely have one of the Good locations such as Longevity, Prosperity and Excellent?
    Well, although it is good to have the main door falling under a good location, it is more important to have a good direction also fall in your bedroom. As we spent at least 6 or more hours sleeping.
    Another point, I would like to add is that according to the traditional practices, it doesn't really specify if a particular direction is better then the other or etc. Actually, any of the 4 good directions are good. However, what is important is that each direction has a specify purpose (guided by a certain deity).
    Eg. Sheng Chi Zhi Shen (Prosperity), it is stated that this direction is good for even health (jian kang), migration (yi ming), tour / holidays (lui xing), improve / better results (jin bu).
    Eg. Ming Xi Zhi Shen (Longevity), it is stated that this direction is good for health (jian kang), Authority and power (guan yun), test / examination (kao shi), propose marriage (qiu hun), promotion (shen ji).
    So there is no `ranking' on any of the good directions but rather, each good location has a specific `meaning' or significance attached to it. Also, the moment it is a good location, it brings good luck. Just that each functions as a different purpose for different needs. So like if you are student and you are studying for examinations or a test, you might like to face the Ming Xi Zhi Shen (Longevity) direction. In fact the Fu Wei states that this direction promotes clothings and food (yi shi), your location (di wei), and several others. Which if you notice brings the family clothings and food which is like food and shelter.
    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

  5. Hi,
    The base number is based on the Luo Shu Grid, i.e. on the Magic Tortise Formula : http://www.geomancy.net/fs/tortise.htm where the base number in the centre is the Period number i.e. for Period 7, 1984 to 2003, the base number in the centre remains at 7 while the rest of the base numbers `move' in relation to this number to form a `sigma'. This sign is the same as that of the sigma of the Jews...
    For the course, I am trying to revise the course materials and hopefully it will start in two months time:)
    Warmest Regards,

    On 3/1/99 9:38:31 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Cecil and Robert:
    I know that the numbers on the
    upper right and left hand
    corners represent mountain and
    water stars. But, what about
    the base number on the 20-year
    flying chart. What does it
    When is your paid online
    fengshui course going to
    start? I can't wait already.

  6. For the Year of the Rabbit, 1999 avoid any major renovations in the EAST. This includes digging the ground (or earth) in this Direction.
    You can refer to a short article I wrote a year or two back on which the specific direction of the East. The URL is: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/duke.htm
    This is called the Grand Duke or Grand Jupiter or some call it " Tai Su ".
    Do take note that it is NOT good to offend the Grand Duke and if so, it may last a few years after this.
    What about building a new house?
    Since you are building a new house, this is not considered RENOVATIONS and does not come under this Theory.
    If you are considering renovations in the EAST section of your house / office, why not save yourself / company some money and do it after the Rabbit Year!

  7. Dear Karen,
    It is good that you asked this question. A good book would normally mention something and provide a rationale as to why the author says to hang an object such as a crystal.
    Perhaps, you may like to re-read the paragraph where you had read this mentioned in the book.
    If the author does not provide a rationale explanation as to why he/she says this then, you should discount what he/she is telling you to do.
    Whenever we do things even under Feng Shui, there should always be some `rationale' explanation for us to judge for ourselves.
    For example, some Feng Shui Masters will recommend that you place 5 crystal hanging lights (does not matter if it is real or immitation) to represent the Five elements at an very auspcious determined after using the Flying Star theory. This is a good `move'.
    But if you hire a practioner and he/she ends up auditing your home and brings a suitcase load of Feng Shui wares e.g crystals, bamboo flutes etc... do be `concerned' because they may (I say may because not all FS Masters are like this ... but they can be genuine or want to make some extra money). They may then recommend you to hang this, hang that.
    What you should then do is ask him/her for teh rationale for hanging it there! If you know abit about Feng Shui, the FS practioner would be able to explain to you in a concise manner *particularly* using the 5 elements concept else, treat his cures with suspect!
    If you are lucky, nothing may go wrong but if not, something unfortunate may happen after this.
    Frankly, in Feng Shui books, after having known most of the available theories, a Feng Shui Author may then write repeated materials in a few books.
    In fact, we do not need to buy too many books on the `same' subject matter of the same author as either some materials as mentioned earlier are repeated or they may cover `Fast Food' Feng Shui and make it seem that cures and fixes are so easy and everyone can simply hang a crystal here or there; if need be buy a dozen of them and hang it in every room!
    For example, I have touched on the Eight Associations or Eight Associate Directions or Life Associations where a few authors who are not specialised in say Pillars of Destiny use magic words like `career' `wealth' to sell their books so easily.
    I mentioned in some of the messages that the Eight Associations are considered something we do `spare time'.. ie. after we have done everything necessary and after that, if you still want to enhance... check whether it is still auspicious to do so, and place this object here or there!
    Warmest Regards,

    On 3/1/99 12:59:01 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    why does it say to hang crystals from the ceiling in feng shui books?

  8. Dear Benedict and Elizabeth,
    You can actually, logon to www.geomancy-online.com and " Sign-up " for a Free account. There are many Feng Shui Tools available.
    One of the most useful free tool is the Eight House Template which both of you can create for yourselves and understand which locations / directions are best for each of you.
    Perhaps, you may like to stop by at http://www.geomancy.net/fs/house1.htm This page will show you the same model but with detailed explanations like what to do with the Eight House chart etc...
    As for whether it is a good year to build a house, this is not exactly ' Feng Shui ' but more related to Chinese Astrology where many want to find a good time and day (rather) to start e.g. laying the foundations. A good Geomancer will be able to advise you on this.
    Best Wishes!

    On 2/28/99 5:06:57 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Dear Robert Lee:
    My husband and I are building
    a new house in Ohio, USA. My
    husband is the breadwinner in
    the family. He was born in
    Manila, Phlippines (Southeast
    Asia) on February 4, 1964 at
    10:20 p.m. Please give us
    some advise on the positioning
    of the rooms. We have a floor
    plan available. We do not
    know where the front door
    should face. Also is it good
    to have a fish tank in the
    family room? Is it a good
    year to build a new house?
    Thank you!
    Benedict and Elizabeth Canare

  9. Dear Kevin,
    As what you have mentioned, go more for the cost effective approach or that even some of the enhancements do not cost that much e.g. rounded office furnitures. Other minor changes normally do not cost that much.
    Try to think of any improvements that does not cost a `dime' or a cent. Since this costs little or nothing... you can present your case and hopefully somewhat try to convince your boss.
    In fact there is a book on Feng Shui that can prove that Feng Shui is for real. You can read a short `extract' at http://www.3dgloble.com/fs/bbs-leylines.htm
    Good Luck!
    Anyone reading this has any bright ideas to share? Thanks in advance!

    On 2/26/99 8:49:16 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    My company are about to
    redesign the layout of our
    offices to accommodate a new
    colleague. We have an
    architect who has visited and
    when I mentioned Feng Shui was
    very positive and happy to
    involve a consultant. The
    problem is that my boss may
    have strong reservations about
    this (generally centered
    around cost/benefits).
    However if I had some
    'evidence' in the form of
    research or even anecdotal
    evidence she may be swayed.
    Any ideas ??

  10. Dear Karen,
    To make the Topic headings more meaningful, for web-forum users, sorry I had revised your simple heading "Feng Shui Consultant" to:
    "I like to find out more about what Feng Shui consultations are like? "
    This is to make the headings readable to web forum users. I hope you understand. This would save time for users who only want to read messages that are relevant to them.
    If you have logged into the website at www.geomancy-forum.com, you can view two messages under this conference: Eight House with the above Topic description.
    Tip: Do you know that you can participate by e-mail? Simply subscribe this conference as a mailing list and you are able to receive all replies this way.
    Please accept my sincere apologies.
    Cecil Lee
    P.S. As this is a `repeat' message, it will be deleted after a few days time.

    On 2/26/99 4:44:10 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Hi. I can't find my message,
    so I'm posting it again.
    I was wondering if anybody
    here is a feng shui consultant
    or has had one in your house.
    I was thinking about having
    How much did it cost you if
    you did have one?
    I would like to know more what
    they did. Besides
    suggesting ideas. Did they
    have a bag of goodies
    you could buy if you wanted
    to? I was also wondernig
    if I should read a feng shui
    book first. I really
    want to know where my wealth
    corner is at.

  11. Dear Vivian,
    First of all, sorry for the late reply as I was pondering over your problem.
    Bases on existing analysis under only the Eight House theory, both of you are S/W persons, and North = Death, South = Irritation and East = Death line.
    The next thing you need to know is that although your house runs from a North to South line, you should consider the centrepoint of the house also i.e. North line stops at the `centre' of the house.
    Please see below:-

    On 2/18/99 12:59:58 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    My husband and I are both S.W.
    people. He is a fire snake
    and I am a water horse. We
    live in a house where the
    N./S. line runs from (north)
    the kitchen sink, where I
    stand a lot cleaning up and
    cooking, through the center of
    the house into the main
    bedroom. This line cuts
    straight across our sleeping
    bodies through the corner of
    the bedroom to the entry door
    to the carport which is the
    main door my husband uses. I
    measured from the center of my
    house with my digital compass.
    Even though the head of the
    bed is on a west-northwest
    wall, there is no other place
    to move it. We both suffer
    health problems, also he is a
    grouch and I'm prone to
    migrains that occasionally
    result in emergency hospital

    Under the eight house theory, you should also determine whether the midpoint is before your bedroom. Next evaluate your bed position. I understand from the above that you mentioned your bed is at the North-West location.
    More importantly, when you sleep, your head should face a good direction. For example NW is your Longevity intangible force, sleep with your head facing it. Alternatively, if this is not possible try sleeping with your head facing the other 3 good directions.

    What if any cures are
    available for such a

    Overall, I do not have the complete picture since numerology (Flying Star) is further used to analyse what is happening at your house. Most likely, I think the sickness star is within either your main entrance or at your bedroom area.
    I read below that you have two other entry doors. It is no good to have too many entry doors. Where possible try to `narrow' this down to say 1 door or 1 door and another `less' frequently used door.
    What you can do here is to check say using the 8 house theory which of your `main doors' are auspicious and see if you could use these instead. Too many main doors are considered inauspicious and may result in sickness which you are currently facing as ch'i is lost.

    We have two other entry doors.
    The second door is a north
    facing door in the N.W.
    quadrant of the house, which
    is used less then the south
    door. The third door is in
    the laundry room at the N.E.
    corner of the house and also
    faces north but is blocked off
    and never used.
    The kitchen is on death and
    the bedroom is on irritation.
    The other bedroom which is to
    tiny to fit the bed is the
    spook area. All the good
    spots seem to be confined to a
    large livingroom and the
    laundry room.
    Thank you for any help you are
    able to offer regarding this
    house we are in.
    Vivian Espinosa

  12. Please see below:-

    I am a Boar belonging to East Group, Group >1. According to Lo Shu formula my Sheng Chi
    location appears to be my bedroom. I would >like to get married. I think I should
    sleep with my head pointing in my Nien Yen >(which is South).

    Yes, ideally, your head should face one of your 4 good directions. For example, if the South is your Nien Yen, your head should face this direction.

    However, owing to the layout of the >bedroom, I cannot seem to position my head >in an auspicious location. This is due to >fixed furniture and the fact that I cannot >re-align my bedroom door.
    The only possibility open to me is position >my bed in the centre of the bedroom and for
    my bed to point North and my head to be >pointing South (when I am asleep). This is > my >Nien Yen location (South) however it means that I am sleeping with the window
    behind. I have been told that this is inauspicious. However the other options open to me are either pointing my feet to
    a room which is the toilet/bathroom (which >I know is very bad) or to point my
    head to this toilet and bathroom and that >is also not an auspicious direction for me
    as it poitns West and is the Hoi Hai. What >do you suggest I do?
    It is ok to point your feet towards the toilet/bathroom but not your head as it should be `pointing' to an auspicious direction (where possible).
    I have a tiny box room
    upstairs in the North which I could sleep in. Would this be better for me?

    It is still best to sleep in your present room especially if this is only a `make shift' room and also if it is small.
    One point to note is that this room should have a window as it is not auspicious to sleep in a room without a window.
    Under the Eight Association or Eight Aspirations or Life Aspirations, you can activate the South West corner of your room and (overall) in your South West corner of your house any `romantic' items e.g. a vase of rose; a valentine card, a photo frame of you and your friends. These are some of the examples. You can also place a table lamp or a standing lamp at this location.

  13. Hi Everyone!
    " GONG XI FA CAI "
    Wishing you a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
    15 Feb'99 - Chinese Family Reunion dinner
    16 Feb'99 - First Day of Chinese New Year
    (Two days of Official Holidays in Singapore 16th and 17th Feb '99)
    Traditionally, married family members give out `Red Packets' (Money) or `Ang Pows' to family members and friends.
    Warmest Regards,
    Cecil Lee and everyone at Geomancy.net

  14. Dear Jez,
    For your situation, where possible you should use the main garage door often. It is also good to see if you can keep the second entrance area clean and tidy. This will certainly improve the ch'i in the area.

    On 2/7/99 8:34:49 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Hi Cecil,
    My understanding of feng shui
    is that the Water star should
    open out to an open space. If
    by using the door leading to
    my garage, it would not be an
    open space because it's a
    two-car garage and also where
    we place our washer and dryer
    and all the other garden
    equipments (more like a store
    room condition). But once we
    open the main garage door
    which is facing south then we
    have an open driveway to the
    street. How do I incorporate
    the flying star into my
    dwelling? Do I take into
    consideration the garage as

  15. Dear Vincent,
    Yes, I confirm that what Lillian Too says is correct. A Feng Shui foot is = to an imperial foot. If we use this exact length which is 43 cm or approximately 17 inches long, as the diagonal of a square, it is what Mathematicians call the `Magic or golden square'.
    The Feng Shui foot repeats itself every 43 cm. I had written a short article on this in the past at this url: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/ruler.htm
    Hope that helps.


    On 2/5/99 3:27:08 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Yesterday I found a book - I
    think by Lillian Too - that
    said that all multiples of the
    standard imperial foot plus
    auspicious lengths of the
    ruler where auspicious.
    Still - one has to wonder -
    one book is not enough.

  16. Dear Eric,
    South-West sector is suppose to be a location that "encourages" harmony of interpersonal relationships and if at work i.e. teamwork.
    I am not sure if it can improve or attract love into your life by placing something there e.g. plants (but you can try) -- "no harm".

    On 2/3/99 7:37:47 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Dear Cecil.

    Just wondering

    anything I can do to improve
    or attract love into my life.
    I have heard that the
    relatioship corner is located
    in the south west corner of
    House/room. Is that right.
    Also putting plants in that
    corner or pictures of couples
    also help. Is that right.
    thanks for the help

  17. The rationale for not placing a bed below a window is actually more for privacy than in Feng Shui.
    So long as the window is " matted " or uses opaque glass or a thin film that prevents someone from peering into the room.
    Another point is that if the whole area has a low ceiling but uniform, then this is not considered as a `column' or `beam' above one's head.
    Hope that helps.

    On 2/2/99 7:43:02 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Hi cecil
    Being in the West group, my
    bed is facing in its most
    favorable position. However,
    due to the layout of the room,
    I can only position the bed in
    this position. The problem is
    the bed doesn't have any
    headboard and is under a
    wide,low window that takes up
    the whole west wall. According
    to feng shui readings, one is
    not suppose to place a bed
    under a window.
    Any suggestions?

  18. Dear Carol,
    It is understandable to find computers in the bedroom. Personally, I also have 7 PCs connected in a network in my room. (No kidding!) Not including a TV set and two hi fi set... maybe this is how I create a more YANG environment so that I can stay glued to answering the constant `flood' of e-mails both in this forum and personal e-mails without the need for drinking coffee. *JOKE*
    The main points to note are:-
    1. Try to make sure that the edge of the computer table does not point at the bed especially the head or body. This is considered adverse sha. (poison arrow)
    2. Most new computer monitors have `matt' finish or `anti-glare' screens. This relates to the `problem' of having mirrors face a person while he/she is asleep. According to many Feng Shui Masters to be bad. If the screen is `non-reflective', this is a plus point.
    Currently, I see no other `harm' in placing PCs in the bedroom. However, there are some overly concerned Feng Shui practioners who would advise their clients to place e.g. a lily or a cactus plant behind their work area to `absorb' `bad' shar from PCs.
    Personally, I don't think you need to do so as we have had TVs for quite some time and the main interface is of the PC is also the VDU screen (an equivalent or near equivalent of the TV set). There are so far no known `ill effects' of TVs on us as yet.
    You have asked whether it is ok to place the computer at the East area. This is because, electrical items are considered a water element. Under the 5 elements concept of the productive cycle (reference: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/5element.htm ) you will notice that WATER supports Wood and is favourable to Wood element which is at the EAST location.
    Hope that helps.
    For those who have subscribed to the mailing list, just to let all of you know that I will be overseas on a Feng Shui audit for a Commercial premises on this coming Saturday and Sunday (6th and 7th Feb). During this time, Robert Lee will be around to assist anyone needing help.
    Warmest Regards,
    Cecil Lee

    On 2/1/99 7:07:32 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Because of severe space
    limitations, I have to have my
    desk and computer in my
    bedroom. I have placed the
    computer in the east corner
    and my bed in the
    west...there's really no other
    way I can arrange them. Is
    this placement OK, or are
    there any cures I can use for
    the room as a whole?
  19. Sorry, I hope you can clarify further what you mean by " we can only position the bed
    without headboard- directly under a window. "
    Do you mean to say that it is something similiar to a low ceiling or resembling a pillar.
    Thanks in advance!

    On 2/1/99 11:09:49 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Have a dilemma with our bed
    position. The bed is facing in
    our best direction. However
    due to the layout of the room,
    we can only position the bed
    -without headboard- directly
    under a wide, large, low
    window. In the evening, we do
    draw the heavy drapes across
    the window. Any suggestions?

  20. In such a situation, where possible close the main entrance door after use. At the same time, keep the area `bright' to maintain more `yang' or `vibrant' location. If this is the south area, the wall could be painted `neutral white' or pale pink.

    On 1/25/99 11:06:32 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    I am a Northwest person, that
    is, my main entrance door
    should be facing the NE. But
    it is not: it faces the South,
    which is my disaster

    What can I do to

    circumvent this problem? There
    is no other door to my

  21. Dear Glyn,
    It is hard to provide a detailed set of `cures' without more details of:
    1. Pillars of Destiny
    2. Flying Star Chart
    As your friends are facing problems, I would like to help them as much as I can. If you could assist them in the Flying Star.
    Together, we hope to help your friends. Please confirm if the following is correct:-
    1. 2 credits for Pillars of destiny.
    2. 1 Flying Star report.
    Please e-mail me to my " private " e-mail address: cecil@3dmail.com
    Warmest Regards,

    On 1/25/99 6:10:32 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Two inauspicious lines run
    from north - south in a house.
    Death and Irritation for wife
    north to south and the same
    for husband south to north.
    This no doubt explains the
    absolute tragedies that have
    befallen these people over the
    past four years. The front
    door unfortunately is also in
    this sector. I've told them
    not to use this door but come
    through the west which is
    auspicious for both.
    The home office forms part of
    this death/irritation sector
    which is not at all possible
    to move and much time is spent
    there attending to finance
    etc. What cures can you
    suggest please Cecil/Robert.
    Thanks in anticipation.

  22. Two " Fu Dogs " are normally placed on top of the pillars of the entrance gate more for `luck' and to guard the house.
    It is still advisable to use other Feng Shui cures e.g. using a semi-circle carpet or pakua or even changing the direction of the door (for those who want to).
    Fu Dogs are used to `guard' the house and thus not really `cure' adverse sha.

  23. Please see below:-

    On 1/22/99 3:21:59 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Our split level house (Period
    7) and my husband (the
    breadwinner) are both NE -our
    house being NE1(30). His
    Flying Star report, the Eight
    House Theory and the Five
    Element-Cures are the
    1.South (master
    bedroom above and business
    office below) is under the
    Fire element and a Disaster

    For the master bedroom, let the other partner who does not have the disaster or the death line sleep closer to this line.
    As you have not mentioned both partner's Pillar's of Destiny information: e.g. husband = strong fire or wife, it is difficult to analyse further. For example if the husband = strong fire and the bedroom is at the south i.e. a " fire" room, being a strong fire,+ the room is also a fire element, this may lead to keen competition and work pressure etc.. Worse still if the bedroom is painted `pink'. In such an example, after anlaysing the wife's element and if it does not affect her, it may be good to even paint the room light blue to cool the husband down. This is one example.
    2. Southeast (part

    master bedroom/ my son's
    bedroom above and business
    office below) is under the
    wood element and a Death
    location. The office door is
    located here. Most of my time
    is spent here.

    Hope you can clarify? Do you mean it is a Death location for him?
    3. East (partly

    my son's bedroom and
    daughter's bedroom above
    and partly business office and
    den below) is under the metal
    element and an Irritation

    For each family member's room, it is best to look at their personal intangible force in relation to the room rather than the breadwinner or the husband or wife.
    4.North (living room) is

    under the Water element and a
    spook area.

    Can you clarify who the spook area refers to which member of the family. Preferby for rooms other than bedrooms, it is best to look at the breadwinner's.
    5. On top of it

    all, our house falls under the
    Earth element and the
    breadwinner's birth element is
    Strong Earth.

    Here, do take a look at the breadwinner's luck pillar. For example if in the chart it says that between 1998 to 2003, the period is governed by Earth then, indeed this would be too `tense' a period for him and we could try to reduce the Earth element. However, if the period is a period of Wood element, then as Wood destroys Earth, this period, his Strong Earth is thus `neutralised' and there is no problem in having a house of the Earth element and even, getting a dinning table e.g. square or rectangle to enhance his Earth element.
    Therefore, the `trick' in using the Pillars of Destiny is that:
    (1.) It is used to find the " true element " of the person. Here, as you have correctly done, compared it with the element of the house.
    (2.) The second `trick' is to look at the period where we are now and look at what element is `affecting' that particular person. Eg. the report will say.. this period is "governed by" the Wood element of ABC. Please note that this will differ for each person.
    6. Acc. to

    Ba-Gua, the magic money point
    is on the far left from the
    entrance door. This area is
    South-Disaster to us. Aside
    from applying the color code
    on this location and on each
    other areas, how can I achieve
    a positive chi' here?

    There are many good ch'i enhancers. This range from a fountain to use of crystals (suitable for some).
    Therefore, as the breadwinner's element is strong earth, do first try to determine which element is affecting him and check out the Productive and destructive sequence first and see if the element affects him or can help to enhance him during the period of 5 year intervals.
    To do so, go to http://www.geomancy.net/fs/5element.htm
    * Can

    you please explain and
    interpret the relationship of
    each of the above and how our
    house would be able to help us
    gain harmony,prosperity, and
    All the designated
    rooms have to stay as they are
    since our house isn't very big
    that's why i just have to rely
    on the cures for these bad
    Since most houses are not very big, it is ideal to keep inauspicious areas `bright' e.g. netural colours like white or let light into the area. Alternatively, nowadays it is popular to use a 5 element `fix' e.g. placing symbolically each of the five elements in a particular location. E.g. one easy method is the use of a hanging lamp with 5 bulbs. Each bulb supose to represent each of the 5 element. Some feng shui shops also sell `crystals' in the 5 elements or a plate of beads + ribbons + a candle etc...
    * I have a
    Pakua. Where can I use it? If
    in case your advise would be
    on top of the main door,
    should it be inside or

    Please note that it is very inauspicous to use a Pakua inside the house. A pakua must always be hung outside the house preferably above the main entrance door.
    * The NE,our front

    door/living room, is aligned
    with the SW, our back
    door/kitchen area. Both are
    divided in the middle by an
    entrance space to the kitchen.
    Since the good chi' goes away
    easily, can I hang a metal
    wind chime on top wall of the
    kitchen entrance?
    * Where
    else can I hang my wind
    (1 metal type and 1
    ceramic type)?

  24. In an article I wrote much earlier at http://www.geomancy.net/fs/photo1.htm there is a picture (Picture 3) where this house has it's back at the junction of a major traffic light junction.
    The owner went to the extent of erecting a high brick wall and he even placed two Chinese warrior statues and recently he even place a sign between the two Chinese warrior with the words " Fort Meyer " (Meyer refering to the side road to his house).
    At the foot of the two statues, he placed a wide variety of cactus. On the top of the walls he placed at roughly 2 feet intervals Chinese lamp to represent `lighting' up the place.
    Imagine, this person went to so much extent to protect his back yard.
    I am not asking you to do so. But to point out the it is equally important to `secure' the back of the house. The easiest remedy is thus to place a barrier at the back of the house. This can include: bushes, shrubs, creepers, trees lined up in an orderly fashion. Alternatively a brick wall with alternate spaces for ventilation.
    Please see below for other answers:-



    On 1/23/99 5:01:09 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    It seems that my bed room is facing the
    spook. Is that bad ? Do I need to
    rearrange the bed etc. ? There is no
    suitable place to put the bed. Please


    Should you arrange the bed, you have also to make sure that the bed is not directly facing the bedroom door. Between the two, if you can try to avoid placing the bed in direct view of the bedroom door. Alternatively, if you do so, you can place a side table and place a table lamp between the bed and the door or use a screen or a small linen cupboard between them.





    My house is South West, is that mean
    that I need to rearrange the Flying Star
    Chart to face South West director at the
    middle or still using it as South ?
    Meaning that should the Lo Shu square be
    change since the example is away having
    the chart either North on top and South
    at the bottom.


    No, you should first get hold of a layout plan. Next, determine the North to South alignment of the house. Find the centre of the house.
    You should also correctly determine the direction of the main door. E.g. North 15 degrees. Once you do that and after completing the Flying Star chart and template; match the North to South alignment of the Flying Star chart and superimpose this on the North to South grid of the house.
    For more details please go to the topic on The Flying Star at geomancy-online.com





    As I mention, the entrance door is the
    garage door. Thus, should I consider the
    garage door as the main entrance or the
    door coming in from the garage as the
    main door ? Is having a door 5 feet away
    from the entrance door consider a Screen
    The main entrance is the door coming in from the garage door. Yes it can be consiered a full screen. But may not necessay be good as it does not let in ch'i to circulate properly.


    A screen should by right need not be so tall and the purpose of a `good' screen is to allow good ch'i to meander or circulate in the house. Your door is infact `stopping' ch'i to flow in properly.





    Should I be concern with the ^ roof top
    in front of the house ? It's about 25 to
    30 feet away. I would need to look up to
    see the pointing roof top.


    You need to stand immediately at the entrance of your main door and look at the pointed roof top. Is it directly pointed towards the house i.e. infront of your main entrance. Just imagine shooting an arrow from your neighour's roof, does it seem to point at your entrance door? If no, then it is not a threat to your main entrance door.
    Do the same for the windows. Does the pointed arrow point directly towards the window, if so, you may need some feng shui remedy. E.g. using `heavy' curtains etc..





    Extra :
    Should I be concern :
    1. Family room with garage below ? Is
    this mean the foundation is no good ?


    The question to ask is how long do you spent your time there? If it is a bedroom e.g. we usually need at least 8 hours of sleep, yes, it is damaging. Therefore, to answer your question, you need to ask whether what is the duration spent there. if you spent little time there, then the effect is not that great.





    2. Since the family room is on my
    "Spook" location, should I spend less
    time here ? Or can I use something to
    change it an "auspicious" location ?


    It is still acceptable to spent time at the "Spook" area because there are more damaging intangible forces such as " death or disaster lines " to avoid.





    3. Do I use the Flying Star Chart on
    every floor ?


    No, you need not do one for every floor so long as each floor does not have a main entrance door.





    4. Is there anything I can do to "block"
    any of the inauspicious location ?
    There are many methods and techniques used. Currently there is a debate as to whether electrical items can be placed at inauspicious locations. One school of thought is that electrical items do have magnetic field and may alter the intangible force `field'. The other school of thought is that electrical items belong to the " Water element ". While another school of thought says no such thing as using electrical items to `negate' inauspicious location. For me, I still feel that electrical items can be used in a way to negate inauspicious location. One example is the use of a washing machine. As it rotates `violently' during spinning, you can place such items in say the back of the house to "shake off" the inauspicoius intangible force.
    5. Does having a bath room above the
    entrance consider "inauspicious" ?


    Yes, in Feng Shui, it is best not to have the bathroom above the entrance. This is particularly true if the waste pipes are not covered up and when your gets walk in he/she sees the pipes. Worse still if it leaks it leaks on them and you!

  25. Dear Pedro,
    Currently, there are quite alot books on Feng Shui. I have not heard of Richard Webster. It is great to hear that you found his books good reading for beginners. This would be of help to users in this forum wanting to buy one for the beginners.
    Generally, Feng Shui books can be classified as under:-
    1. A Feng Shui Master or his student writting books on " Traditional Feng Shui practise " especially those whose Master had originated from Taiwan or HongKong, and the Asia Pacific and even from Canada (where HongKong residents migrated there).
    2. Books written not by Chinese Masters but overseas e.g. not of Chinese origin:
    a. Some of these authors who are influenced by the traditional feng shui practise as in Para 1 will continue to write based on what they learned " traditionally."
    E.g. Derek Walters.
    b. Some of these authors under the influence of the Japanese model of Feng Shui called " 9 Star Ki " writes books based on this " method ".
    3. Books written by authors who are under the " influence " of the Black Hat Sect School of Feng Shui. Many traditional Feng Shui Masters are `up in arms' and do not recognise the practise of the Black Hat Sect School of Feng Shui.
    Feng Shui sites are forever growing in the internet. You may like to explore sites under the Wind and Water Ring or go to websites like Feng Shui Society of UK where they keep a link of many Feng Shui websites.
    You can also check out " The Feng Shui Award " page at http://www.geomancy.net/fs/award.htm

    On 1/27/99 1:39:24 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    I'm writing from Portugal.
    Feng Shui is not very
    developed in my country. you
    can find some books in
    specialized bookstores, but
    you don't have much to choose
    from, and that is why i ask
    you if you have heard of a
    book by Richard Webster called
    "Feng Shui for Beginners", by
    Llewellyn Publications. It
    seemed to me that it could be
    a good guide for a beginner,
    like me.
    In case you know it, I would
    appreciate some advise.
    Plus, I would like to know if
    there are any reliable web
    sites (besides yours) from
    which I can extract more
    information on Feng Shui.
    Thank you very much.

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