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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. == FAKE OR BOGUS FENG SHUI == 1. Fake Feng Shui websites features and sells commercial products in the name of Feng Shui. 2. "Many people always asks this question: Where is my Cai Wei (Wealth Sector)." Why disappointment them! "Tell them what they want to HEAR! Then SELL IT TO THEM! "
  2. In my opinion, this type of situation is like: Ebony or Ivory. This or That i.e. either there or not there. So, if it is there, full-stop. Reference resource: The "Dangers of underground water". http://www.geomancy.net/fs/under.htm
  3. Hi, don't be mistaken, I am no Nazi! Hi Hitler!
  4. Even beside this sloping building, the Furama Hotel and Shopping Complex; see attachment has sloping roofs; here the roofs are made to symbolise the fingers of the hand....
  5. This Office Complex along Eu Tong Sen Road has units that slope towards the right side. Please see attached photos...
  6. Nowadays, as you can see, many people approach Feng Shui, even before they select their flats. This is a smart choice and this is an uprising trend especially from 3 years ago. The most efficient method is, in my opinion, for a Geomancer to use a BLANK canvas such as the entire sitemap and start "painting" information onto the sitemap. Seriously, if you take a glance at the attachment... it takes many hours to plot the facing direction of each individual stacks, analyse and work out comments.... But don't you think it is worth it? At a glance, especially at a time critical situation, where your turn comes, someone else sitting at the next booth is also selecting a flat; you don't want to miss that "great" UNIT of yours!
  7. Young kindergarten children, whose school uses the Swastica sign. As mentioned, previously, Swastica sign goes further then the bad name associated with Nazi Germany...
  8. This year, is the year of "sky bridges". And this "sky" bridge at HDB Casa Clementi should be considered the Mother of all sky bridges... Look at the two photos, it must costs quite alot of money to build an oval elderly friendly link bridge. BUT, we do pity the person pushing say a wheel chair from the ground up onto this ramp very elaborate rap. For heaven's sake, all blocks have lift and they also stop at this "garden" area. In my opinion, no wonder, why the price of new government or rather PUBLICH housing home priceshave shot-up! SOME ONE MUST have been made to subsidise such elaborate structures... GUESS WHO?
  9. Well, in Singapore, if you are living at the newly TOP Trivista condo at Toa Payoh Lor 3; but may have disharmony at home; then look no further! For this situation, you have to solve it on your OWN!. However, if you have problems with your other races neighbours; then, maybe, there is some hope.. yes.. maybe... as you could approach the people shown in the attached sign?
  10. Some photos around the newly TOP Casa Clementi. A popular choice as good schools are nearby...
  11. Did you managed to get your best unit? Can or Cannot Buy by ranking of ALL HDB 4 Room Flats in the newly TOP HDB Casa Clementi located at Clementi Avenue 1.
  12. This is the back-yard (backside) of the house. The back of the house has a small door leading towards the main road: Yio Chu Kang Road. (Near-by to the new Greenwich Shopping Mall).
  13. Futher to what I had mentioned: In my opinion, the people who can immediately tell you where your wealth position is; can be found in the attachment. Most likely, they will tell you that your wind chime will not be effective. Instead, you should buy their "wealth producing" product "X". Very cheap, only $888.88 only!
  14. 1. Colourful wind chimes are never used for Feng Shui purposes. 2. In order to apply Feng Shui; someone must study a layout and then recommend the best location (if any) for a wind chime. 3. In the current state; you should treat your wind chime adventure: towards your personal feel.
  15. Appreciate, if you can make the effort to re-read my previous posting(s). Clue: It is not about buying an exact or "an eye for an eye" similar water feature. What happens if you had taken the sample of the Suntec City's water feature? Do you expect to find one of these for sale for the home? YES / NO? Again, I appeal to you RE_READ what I wrote, please.
  16. 1. As I mentioned in my first message thread... 2. Make sure that the EXTERNAL outline of the water feature e.g. such as the "container" or "vessel should not be round. 3. The link is to illustrate that a proper water feature : IRREGUARDLESS of the location should have all five elements.
  17. For Feng Shui, why do this or why do that, often it is based purely on common sense.
  18. Further to what I had mentioned, 1. If one drives on the German autoban, there is a saying something like cars in the order should give way as follows: 1 Mercedes, 2 BMW, 3 Audi and VW (others) 2. In Fung Sway, there is also the same type of saying:- 2.1. I am a HORSE 2.2. Eight House 2.3. Ba Zi 3. If one knows how to apply Eight House theory, then the 1st based on "I am a horse" fly kite or Eight House takes precedence over Para 2.1. 4. However, if one applies Ba zi Feng Shui; then, the Eight House concept should give way to priority based on Ba zi. Again, it is based on Common Sense: 5. Ba zi uses DD MM YYYY and (optional) HH 6. While Eight House and shares YYYY with I am Horse, but it is specifically belonging one of the two schools of Feng Shui i.e. it belongs to the Compass School where it has another additonal variable input Compass direction. 7. Again, it is based purely on common sense deduction...
  19. 1. Frankly, it boils down to common sense. 2. For example: 2.1. Born in the YEAR of the Horse. 2.2. Individual ba zi. 3. Can you tell me what is the difference between the two? 4. How can you compare an apple (Para 2.1) with Para 2.2? 5. Please not as it implies YEAR of the horse only consider your YYYY data. 6. While Ba zi, can range from: DD MM YY and even HH? 7. There are many people EVEN born in the year of the HORSE yet, have diverse ba zi e.g. weak this, strong that... BUT YEAR is year. 8. Go think about it. You are trying to compare a tricycle (Year of Birth) with more advanced or fine tuned info. 9. For example: as mentioned in various past info: YOUR YEAR of birth or HORSE YEAR can be compared to info taken from an X-Ray machine. 10. While your Ba Zi info is akin to the MRI scanning. 11. For someone who needs to go for e.g. a brain surgery, which would YOU rely? An simple X-ray scan of the grey matter or coloured slices of the MRI. 12. In my opinion, this is only pure common sense. And if possible, try to make sense of common sense. 13. Frankly, if one were to try to figure out things with COMMON SENSE, everyone can do it; then there is less ambiguity. 14. Like a recent user posting... of some sites saying that the wealth position is something like diagonal ..... 15. With abit of common sense, one would know that the faster a joker identified the wealth position; the faster that joker can start pushing his sales of Fung Sway products.. Here: Your wealth corner is at this location. Buy this product to enhance it! Got it, Get it?
  20. The additional resources to this thread:- https://www.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=1&mid=31076&new=
  21. In my opinion, having been to many new home launches, this year; frankly, I don't really have a good feel for one development: Riversound Residences at Sengkang.. My grouse is mainly on stepping onto the land and it's Shapes and Forms... I believe, the development which is surrounded by three major roads, have very few units that are "acceptable". In my opinion, the units that may be considered are those facing "inside" e.g. pool facing otherwise... hmmm...
  22. As always, the key success factor is : THE FORMS DETERMINE THE STARS, THE STARS DETERMINE THE FATE OF THE PEOPLE LIVING IN A HOME. A worked example of the combination of the application of both FORMS (Shapes and Forms) and Stars (Flying Star facing direction analysis)... Nowadays, this is the trend of the smart.... A thorough analysis includes many things: 1. Afternoon sun consideration 2. Pavilions where wakes (for the dead) are held 3. Any poison arrows (Sha qi) in the form of lamp posts; sharp edges of neighbouring blocks 4. Flying Star facing directions of each of the potential stacks or units 5. White Pollution from road noise, bus stops etc... 6. Potential missing corners or kitchen at the NW sector (dreaded Fire at Heaven's gate) Even at the Can or Cannot Buy Feng Shui stage, even a small development like this may take as long as 4 to 6 hours of pure analysis. In life, there are simply no short-cuts; unlike a recent posting that seems so convenient that says automatically the cai wei or wealth sector is "diagonal" ..... And conveniently may be asked to purchase commercial Feng Shui stuff..
  23. The newly launched Parc Rosewood condominum at Rosewood Drive have several layouts that are not up to par with good Shapes and Forms Feng Shui. It is considered as a major leak if the toilet is NEXT to the main entrance area. Let's hope that the unit has no further leaks... Predominately, the units are either facing North or South.... In each of the three sample layouts, the toilet is highlighted in YELLOW (next to the main door) In addition, in many instances, another flaw is that the stove is in direct view of the main door... You guess it!
  24. Nowadays, developers are hearing their clients. As many clients feed-back to the developer that under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, it is considered inauspicious to have the main entrance door directly facing a toilet in this SOHO project. Well, guess what! The developer has listened and will in fact, make minor changes; which in Shapes and Forms Feng Shui a world of difference, here....
  25. Appreciate if you have the time, spent time to read or re-read Para 5 of my last message.
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