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Dear cecil,
The word Yu means fish(water or sign of abundance) in chinese and Lee means fire as i the Li trig ram in the I-Ching. Does that mean these names were given to people to balance the missing element in their destiny chart or these are common chinese names. Thanks.

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Dear Anon,
I believe you brought up a very interesting point. In my earlier message or response to a question, I did not elaborate another point that you mentioned.
One of the most important reason why Pillars of Name is difficult to be applied to Christian names (for now) is because pronounciation is also taken into consideration under Pillars of Name.
The sound of a Chinese character has been categorised into each of the five elements.
Another reason why Pillars of Name is diffcult to be analysed for Western names is because, each Chinese characters is based on `the number' of strokes for the word.
Here, Yin and Yang is also equated with e.g. Plus or Minus, even or odd `strokes'.
For a christina name such as:
George (we cannot deduce the number of strokes for that character).
What about Ben, Ber, Bat etc...
Therefore, it is quite difficult to `covert' English names to Chinese names to determine whether it is Yin/Yang or one of the Five elements.
But, one day, or I am not sure whether anyone has done some conversion by listening to the English name and `converting' it to Chinese name. This is possible.
Maybe, try your luck at typing in your Christian name; use the www.altavista.com 's conversion module to convert your `English' name to a Chinese name. Hope it does not sound erh.. *silly* or wrongly converted:)
Warmest Regards,

On 11/3/99 1:49:22 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
The word Yu means fish(water
or sign of abundance) in
chinese and Lee means fire as
i the Li trig ram in the
I-Ching. Does that mean these
names were given to people to
balance the missing element in
their destiny chart or these
are common chinese names.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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