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Are Box bed considered bad


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Dear Anon,
Based on symbolism in Feng Shui, in my opinion, boxed beds are not considered `inauspicious':
1. It is still considered a `whole' bed i.e. it is not spilt up ned together (two single bed). Not "split up" even if it has two layers.
2. There should not be an issue on whether the bed should have a gap below it. This is because in many countires e.g. Japan, usually sleep even on tatami mats on the floor.
3. It is good to have paqua flooring or "wooden" flooring. This is because ceramic tiles or marble etc.. is `cold' to the feet.
4. Some worry that because of springs in the box beds, this is considered inauspicious. But, I personally believe that there should not be a problem here.
Warmest Regards,

On 11/16/99 2:57:50 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
Are box bed considered
inauspicious since they are
joined together in the
middle(two wooden planks are
glued in the middle to make
one large bed). Are box bad
considered bad for marriage.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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