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Treasure at Tampines by Sim Lian Group @ former Tampines Court HUDC

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34766102-2AF9-4628-9ECE-B80C3DBC67C7.pngToday, this is the largest condo with a whoppingB1D672D9-FF41-481D-BD0F-3D19A52D4F50.jpeg.e3de818ab026472a8968621f568dadac.jpeg 2,203 units. (on average many large condos are around 1,000 plus units only)

A snapshot from an advert by PropNex, the agent handling the sales of this development... Looks like other agencies also are also selling this development .. a free for all agents share...

The former site...HUDC Tampines Court before it was torn down due to the enbloc:-





Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 1: Stigma of a Block, Stack & Unit close-by to both the Bin Centre (BC) + Electrical Sub-Station (ESS)

1087356338_Treasure-at-TampinesESSandBinCentre.thumb.png.2f46a1bfb498811b5bb89feec2c296c2.pngA. Bin Centre:

1. Block 1: Stacks #02 and #03 and Block 3: stack #11 are directly facing the Bin Centre. Usually, these stacks/units should be a last resort. Especially lower floor units are to be avoided "like the plague".

2. Although Stack 01 is not directly facing the Bin Centre, side glance will still see the Bin Centre.778407600_TreasureatTampinesESSandBinCentre1.png.83346c16595e7389a53b1b2386ba1a53.png

3. Low floors close to marking in pink "A" may be affected by both the noise from the rubbish collecting truck and smell from the truck as well during the unloading of the rubbish into the truck.

4. Surrounding locations at marking "B" is less likely.

4.1 Unless due to some circumstances that the rubbish truck(s) did not come to load up rubbish - such as maybe during Chinese New Year.

4.2 Or if there situtations where distinct odours such as the thrown away durian husks etc.. or even a rare "strike" by the rubbish collection persons?

4.3 This senario is very unlikely in SGP. As it is a crime to do so. LOL.

B. Electrical Sub-station (ESS)


3. Although there is no scientific proof of the ill effects from staying near-by to an ESS.

4. However, there is a well-known stigma attached to this.

4.1. Thus, even if technically there is no issue; why go against "the flow?"

4.2 Just follow the crowd and give these stacks / units a miss and avoid carrying a baggage in the future. Such as in the event of re-selling the unit.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 2: Kids' Pool and Rain Dance Kids' Spa

1. The first time that comes into an experience home owner's mind when they see the word kids is "noisy".

2. Under the Chinese Holy Trinity of Luck System:-

2. 1. Heaven Luck or born with. This can be analysed by the system of Ba Zi. Here, one can check the suitability of one's career choice.

2.2.  Earth Luck or Feng Shui of your home and workplace. This involves a host of things lke career luck, family luck, health and overall wealth of the place one stay and/work.

2.3. Human or man luck. This includes personal ability and relationships and personal abilities and able to pick up a skill etc..

3. Each of the above account for 33.33% of the total luck = 100%.

4. There are some who simply cannot tolerate noisy sounds coming from a kid's play area.

5. Given that many condo units have a balcony. This balcony actually helps to futher magnify or bounce "up" the noise from the play ground or kids' pool area.

6. This "white pollution" or noise pollution comes under the Human or man luck factor. And if one does not feel good with this, then it can affect one's luck also.

7. If one prefers a more quite external environment or guaranteed a quite environment, do remember not to choose units close to the "kiddy stuff" LOL

8. For example: try to avoid units facing the Kids' Pool or Rain Dance Kids' Spa:-25982781_Treasure-at-TampinesKidspoolandraindancekidsspa.thumb.png.af1583febdec3f2275f10ae5235e8220.png

9. Often I have heard "noisy" play even at very high floors of a unit facing such a facility.

1433720558_Treasure-at-TampinesKidspoolandraindancekidsspa1.thumb.png.d33c9add07d743a79a882b338e272dba.png10. Thus most affected by these two facilities are:-
Block 17: 66, 67 & 68
Block 19: 70 & 73
Block 53: 180, 181 & 182 and
Block 55: 188, 189, 190 & 195




Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 3: The PIE and Treasure at Tampines963313643_Treasure-at-TampinesandthePIE.thumb.png.b49f030fb91e2e78f5ef8ac98cf4d699.png

1. Major expressways like the PIE is another consideration.

2. This is just a sample.

3. Althought the architects have done a reasonable job placing both the Recreational Tennis Court and Sports Court as well as Rock Climbing wall and Garden playground. However, especially Block 57 stacks 196, 197 and 198 are most affected still by the traffic on the busy PIE.

4. Yes, in general, one can say that noisy situation can affect both the Feng Shui and also Human/man luck as explained under earlier  Para 2 (above).

5. Hopefully, the developer can consider installing sound proofing baffle boards at the balconies of such blocks. Many other developers had done this. The most recent is The Clementi Canopy for units facing the highway. Previously The Visionaire - units that were close to the raised MRT tracks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 4: High and Low Pressure = Wind Flow and Treasure at Tampines

To the North of Singapore is a huge land mass of Peninsula Malaysia.
But to the South of Singapore is the Sea:


Understanding High and Low pressures in relation to the land mass and the sea and the general direction of air-flow across Tampines area:


1. The wind direction for this development is either North to South or South to North depending on the time of day + high and low pressure zones.

2. A major part to play in this is the sea which is directly at the South of this development.

3. Here, often, at night the land mass located in land i.e. Treasure at Tampines usually has low pressure. And often at night, the wind will come from the sea with is the East Coast or South of the development.

4. During the day, (unless there are expected to be rainfall) often the sea has low pressure. Thus wind from the North will flow downwards towards the "sea".

5. In the event where winds try to flow South. In this development, especially at the area as shown in the illustration, it forms a bottleneck and forces it's way towards Blocks 25: 85, 86, 87 & 88 & Block 27 96.

6. What this means that on certain days / time of day there can be "forceful wind" blowing towards the frontage of some or all of these blocks.

7. If so, this is considered a Sha Qi or too much wind is literally no good for the occupants of the units.

8. Too much wind can affect both Health and wealth of those staying there.

9. Thus, depending on wind or windy conditions: the occupants can either have very good luck (constant gentle winds) or forceful winds.

10. Therefore, if the forceful winds are not controlled e.g. keeping certain windows closed etc.. it can be unlucky for these occupants.



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 5: Traffic noise from service road within Treasure at Tampines.


Pay more attention when looking at low floor units of the following stacks:

Block 15 with stacks #57, #58 & #59 = One of the two entry/exits into the basement car park.

Block 37 with stacks #117, #118 & #119 =  One of the two entry/exits into the basement car park.

Block 33 with stacks #107 & #108 & Block 35 stack #112 = Drop off point. Often the sound of diesel engine from transport vehicles


Treasure-at-Tampines and the PIE.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 6: Reading between the lines of Sales Brochure & Treasure at Tampines

1. Some of the key considerations is the location of the common bins.

2. Where possible, avoid the common bin next to the unit's main door or facing it's main door.

3. Get your respective Agent to help you obtain a copy of the common lobby layout. To find out the exact common bin and to ensure that it is away from the unit.

4. More...


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 7: Total of 29 towers or blocks are safe designs under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui

804560336_TreasureatTampines.png.ee33b8f05651c6693f5566ce9a8d6a4b.png1. For the developer it is also about packing as many units as possible into the development to speed up the building process and maximise profits + you get your dream home faster!  LOL

2. Under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui the plus is that all blocks are orderly aligned in a North-South direction.

3. Minimising as many poison arrows from the sharp corners of neighbouring blocks/stacks.

869328070_SpaOnsen.png.36e801ad2e3dea6ba848e3e9aae6b16e.pngDeveloper: "Jane, for your information, the Onsen Spa Pool is located between stacks #71 and #72..."

Jane: "Sir, Can I get my grand mother from Japan to check it's authenticity? For example, are you using New water or Sembawang spring water?"

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 8: Fire @ Heaven's Gate and Treasure at Tampines

1. Do a search in this forum for " Fire at Heaven's Gate ".

2. Generally, a kitchen especially if a stove is directly at the NW cardinal point will be inauspicious for the male-head of the house. Typically this can affect him.

3. This is because NW under the Ba Gua Trigram belongs to the Heaven (sign). And NW also represents the male-head elder of the house.

4. Thus in simple terms: turning on a stove at NW will burn one's Heaven luck = not lucky and also may affect the male-head elder's career.

1378919178_fireatheavensgate.png.5b5b383719c4de2a4a076f4acda399b2.png5. In this example of Block 31 stack 103 partially has the kitchen at NW sector:-

6. It is thus not difficult to visualise South facing stacks and try to locate stacks with kitchen at NW sector. Especially Flying Stars S2 facing ones.

7. Does Fire at Heaven's Gate affects everybody?
Check out this link:

An extract from the above link:-




Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 9: Shapes and Forms Feng Shui and a sample of a 5 bedroom type

1. Kudos for the developer in a near perfect "Shapes and Forms Feng Shui" of this sample of one type of 5 bedroom unit:


1.1. If the balcony is not considered while the Yard and utility are actually (in BLUE) protrusions, this layout is close to a perfect rectangular shape. 

1.2. I can assure you that many people would instead consider missing corners than protrusions for that area! I don't see it that way. LOL

2. In addition:

2.1. Good that the WC's, sink and plumbing are back to back in Baths 2 and 3. Minimising the drainage pipes for this one unit.

2.2. Bath 1 shares the same wall as the built in wardrope of Bedroom 5. So long as one does not remove this wardrope and sleep on the floor next to the shared wall of the WC is good.

3. Seems like the bigger unit has it's own rubbish chute. Still need to check whether the main entrance of the unit is close-by or facing any common bins (if any) since the smaller units shares a common bin.

5 Bedroom.png4. Another "nice-touch" is to have a separate yard especially for the placement of the washing machine. (And an optional top loading dryer - if any).

4.1. This is because often one needs to fill up the washing machine with washing detergent power. If power is used, be extra careful of wind blowing this substance to nearby cooking tables etc... 

4.2. Even if liquid detergent is used, and if one use high heat e.g. 60 degrees or more to wash and/or dry the clothes  .. there may be moisture from the washing machine depositing it's power onto areas around the kitchen.

4.2.1. Of course, the food will certainly taste "better". So does - if prolonged may (touch-wood) lead to cancer. As the powdery substance will be all over the open air plates, bowls, utensils etc.. in the kitchen. 

5. Another nice-touch is the "partition" made up of the DB box etc.. shielding the main entrance door from the kitchen.

6. Although the stove shares the same wall as Bath 3; fortunately, especially the WC/sink is not on the same wall with it.

7. Overall, this means that this specific layout can be considered as "Feng Shui Friendly". (Other than looking at personalised Feng Shui of the individual occupants. 

8. A rectangular shaped unit and not narrow is a good starting point for any premises be it a home or an office:-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 10: Case Study: Shapes and Forms Feng Shui and a sample of a 2 bedroom type

1. Shapes and Forms Feng Shui favours a rectangular home.


1.1. This specific 2 bedroom type layout is a near perfect rectangular shape. [Note: the Balcony is not counted.] 


2. Other developments should also try to emulate two toilets in a perfect mirror of each other: for the developer this means less materials costs and for the occupants means less in-flow and out-flow pipes plus less maintenance (in the future).

3. For a 2 bedroom, can understand or cannot be helped that there is space for a service yard to house the washing machine.

4. Before signing on the dotted line, do ask your respective Agent to show you the common corridor layout plan to properly ascertain that the common bin is not beside the unit or directly facing it.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 11: In the early 1966's Treasures at Tampines is suppose to be within the Changi estate. 

From the map one can see that Tampines estate used to be part of Changi

Thus if this was 1966: the condo would instead be named Treasures at Changi

1528126289_ONEMAP1966.png.884f1ecf4a73a77243fb17000bfad948.png1. Good news that in the 1966's Treasure at Tampines sits on an undeveloped part of Changi.

2. Back then, the more pronounced development is to the South of Treasure at Tampines; East Coast of Singapore and later Bedok.

3. Bedok estate took shape. And when it was fully built; the next area developed was Tampines.  Zoomed out map:-

138541242_onemapzoomout.png.6c8d232adcdabbd630959de87a2886e2.png4. Then in the early 1980's many at that time consider Tampines less convenient as it is "far". Today, we know or would have laughed at this. Given that there are the Woodlands/ Marsiling estates which are literally the furthest to the Central Business District in the South. If so, Tampines estate does not seem that far off today!



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 12: Flying Star Feng Shui and Treasure at Changi (Oops! = Tampines)951527118_TREASURETAMPINESTOP.png.45175956b72beebe23392bdedb30134f.png

1. Under Flying Star Feng Shui if the expected T.O.P. is 31 December 2023; then this development falls under Period 8:-

2. The only difference is that when 2024 arrives; one should still plot a Period 8 chart. But take into consideration the wealth stars under Period 9.

2.1 In the event that T.O.P. occurs on or after 2024 then in theory Period 9 chart should be considered. Other considerations may include when one moved-in. 

3. Car park lots (Note: This is not Feng Shui)

3.1 In the past each unit was entitled to 1 to 1 car park lots. 

3.2 However, in the 2012 period, condos like Treasure Trove was allowed to have around 70% car parks to the total number of units, there. As it was believed that this development was close to Punggol MRT / LRT station. Thus there will be those that do not need to own a vehicle. 

4. For Treasure at Tampines. This works to be 80% of car park lots for the total units, here.

5. More likely if the car park is full in the future; balloting may occur if all units each have one or more vehicles.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 13: Case Study: Shapes and Forms Feng Shui and a sample of a 3 bedroom type

1797890220_3bedroom1.png.a711e5a4e4b60ba60d34b3a6c9f6a9ae.png1. It is good that the developer has again separated the washing machine and placed it in the yard: away from the cooking/sink area.

2. Under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui and Symbolism in Feng Shui: Standing at the main door e.g. at marking in blue A not to be able to see into the kitchen area. As most don't always close the kitchen door all the time.

3. Thus it is considered favourable that the kitchen entrance is set-back further by placing the ELCB power switch allowing only to be at position: "B" then can see into the kitchen / sink area. 

4. No issue. Just that if one has a maid, avoid her head sharing the same wall as the stove.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 14: Sha Qi of Poison Arrows from sharp corners of neighbouring Blocks/stacks

Stand inside the unit's opening such as the balcony or a window and look directly outwards for any threat (if any)

1. (Below) This is just a sample illustrating a possible Sha Qi or poison arrow(s) aimed towards another unit's frontage:-

1554141632_Treasure-at-TampinesShaQiandpoisonarrows1.png.9ef9ca0fd26fa4249f3d984b00602f62.png2. In this sample illustration:
Stack #89 has two poison arrows: one aimed at opposite stack #164 and #173. Stack #92 has a poison arrow aimed towards #150.

3. Please note this is just a sampling exercise. And not a complete overview of all poison arrows in this development. 

4. At this moment it is hard to say whether the poison arrow is aimed towards any openings or not.

5. If the poison arrow(s) is aimed towards a bedroom window, then often a day curtain can be drawn most of the time. The premise: "If cannot see, no longer a threat, applies".

6. But if the poison arrow is aimed towards a unit's balcony; unless one always and fully draw an external day curtain or zip track blind; otherwise, harder to cure as it is not possible to close the balcony sliding panels everything.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 15: Sample bedroom 2 with Master Bedroom door facing Bedroom 2 door


1. This is not a major issue. As it can easily be remedied easiler. And the remedy is a simple no hassle "cure".

Resource: Bedroom Doors facing each other

2. However, do wait until one meets some Feng Shui practitioners. Who have asked their clients to place "funny" things above both bedroom doors. LOL!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 17: Case Study: A odd arrangement of Fridge, sink, washing machine then stove 2 Bedroom/Premium Type B3 and B4P.

A case of "No choice, lah!" it's close to a shoe-box sized home? LOL

Although the washing machine is hidden below the kitchen work-top. It is truly strange to find it between the sink and stove.

A case of poor Shapes and Forms Feng Shui.

See below:-

aTreasure-at-Tampines washer and stove.png

P.S. A buyer yells out: "Sir! You are barking at the wrong tree! "I don't cook, lah!" LOL"

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 18: Spice garden at Treasure at Tampines

aTreasure-at-Tampines Spice garden.pngA requirement of all condominiums is the weekly fumigation of the whole estate.

Truth be told that even if the spices (spice plants) are alive and well; don't every "put these into one's mouth!".

1157293076_grownthesespices.thumb.png.bab9cab011782ab8c2d11707fa0be6b7.pngWith the weekly fumigation, these spices may turn out to be "toxic" and cancerously.. Ouch!

In many of the condos I have been to... often just after three or four years later... their spice garden has turned into another "fern/weed garden" LOL

An example is Prive EC at Punggol. Spice garden became just a planter box for regular plants. Photos can be found under “Reading between the lines of the Sales brochure..

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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