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The enhanced Ba Zi Premium Reports in Online.Geomancy.Net v16.3 have been redesigned to be more accessible to users.

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Hi Everyone,

I am delighted to announce that our Ba Zi reports have been successfully transferred to the new system, including the completion of the Forecast module. As a result, all Ba Zi reports from our previous system (v12.x) are now inactive. This has enabled me to thoroughly update and improve the Ba Zi Reports templates.

1) Ba Zi Premium v16.3

In the past, older iterations required us to divide the report into multiple sections/sub-sections in order to lessen the server load when generating the reports. Nevertheless, this is now unnecessary due to the new system's ability to swiftly produce intricate reports. Consequently, we have merged all the reports into a single report, simplifying the process of saving and printing. There is the primary report and the forecast report for viewing any year's forecast.

Ba Zi Premium Full Reference Report - Demo

Demo URL: https://www.geomancy.net/demoreports/bazi_v16_demo/bazi_demo_bazi_full_reference.html

Ba Zi Premium Forecast Report (to view any 10-yearly period and yearly forecast) - Demo

Demo URL: https://www.geomancy.net/demoreports/bazi_v16_demo/bazi_demo_bazi_forecast.html


2) Ba Zi Premium Expert Review

Our main ba zi premium reports have recently undergone a revamp, and we have also enhanced the layout and formatting of our ba zi expert review reports. These improvements include a more detailed assessment, addressing common inquiries that individuals have when reviewing the ba zi.

  • Health Issues

  • Accident Issues

  • Wealth (Zheng Cai)

  • Unexpected Wealth (Pian Cai)

  • Inheritance Luck

  • Competitors

  • Business Luck

  • Nobleman (Gui Ren) Luck

  • Relationship Luck

  • Friendship Luck

  • Academic Luck

  • Migration / Change of Location Luck

  • Creative Luck

For example:-

LOW Probability

Major Health Issues

Especially in
[1965*] [1966**] [1967**]

LOW Probability

Minor Health Issues

[1975*] [1976*] [1977*]

LOW Probability

Minor Health Issues

(1985) [1986**] [1987*]


Minor Issues with Health

[1988*] [1995**] [1996**] (1997)


Major Issues with Health

Especially in
[2005] [2006*] [2007**]


Minor Issues with Health

[2015**] (2016) [2017]


This will allow you to easily identify the troublesome years, such as 1998-2007, with a particular focus on 2007, 2006, and 2005 (in terms of severity). Subsequently, you can implement additional safety measures.


Ba Zi Premium with Expert Review - Demo

Demo URL: https://www.geomancy.net/demoreports/bazi_v16_demo/bazi_demo_bazi_expert_review.html


3) What's new in the v16.3 reports?

  • Rearrange the sections for improved readability and accessibility. Place the most valuable analysis at the beginning, and organize the technical reference materials towards the end of the report for easy reference during personalized review.

  • The v15.5 Big Luck Forecast layout and format have received numerous positive reviews for the improvements made. The latest update includes additional beneficial indicators like Friendship / Power and Authority / Wealth / Unexpected Wealth, which are commonly sought after by many individuals. In addition to the Heavenly Stem / Earthly Branch Images, this feature allows users to easily identify the relevant period and elements. This enhancement ensures that the forecast is comprehensive without overwhelming users with excessive technical information.


  • Furthermore, users may encounter difficulty distinguishing between a Very Good / Good / Average Year with or without clashes or harm. The concept behind the Very Good / Good / Average Year is that depending on the alignment of elements, the year can be classified as Very Good / Good / Average / Bad / Very Bad. To address this, we introduced a new category called Challenging Year, which signifies the presence of clashes or harm. Therefore, Very Good / Good / Average Years with clashes will now be labeled as Challenging Year, making it easier to differentiate between a Very Good Year (without clashes or harm) and a Very Good Year (with clashes or harm) at a glance.

  • Moreover, the Executive Summary now provides more detailed assessments of Major / Minor Opportunities / Luck / Issues. This allows you to quickly identify the opportunities or issues present in each 10-year luck cycle and in which specific year. This information enables you to capitalize on opportunities or exercise caution when necessary.

  • Additionally, we have streamlined the coding and templates during the migration from v12.x reports, resulting in faster report generation without unnecessary processing of redundant coding or templates.

The majority of these modifications can be accessed by current Ba Zi Premium users upon logging into online.geomancy.net to generate the refreshed report.

Key areas of this Ba Zi Report by Master Cecil Lee;

We are currently enhancing various sections and introducing new features, which will be revealed once they are finalized. In the meantime, we trust you will appreciate the updates!


Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

Master Cecil Lee has detailed the key areas of this Ba Zi Report in this location.

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1) There is no more opportune moment than now to experience our thorough ba zi review services if you have not yet utilized them.


2) For our current clients, with the new year of 2020 approaching, now is the ideal moment to conduct a fresh Annual Personalized Ba Zi Expert Review in order to revise your reports for the upcoming fortunate period.



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