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Journey direction & Grand Duke


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Dear Cecil,
My KUA number is 7 and I am wood rabbit, born at tiger hour (3-5 AM). I'm
going to California in August to study. Since I live in Indonesia, is the
direction of my future journey facing the Grand Duke? If so, how can I
neutralize the bad effect (if any)?
This is my second question. My house frontage used to be a garden. The soil
was fertile. Since there were many termites in the soil, the soil was
replaced with pavement stones. It is like a parking lot than a garden now.
Since then, we have many financial problems such as lost income. I just
guess it is the cause of those problems but not sure, so that I think my
house needs a feng-shui audit. Do you know any feng shui experts I should
contact in Surabaya, Indonesia? And how a feng shui auditor usually charge
their clients (if you don't mind answer this question)? I mean how she/he
determines the amount of fee.
Thanks in advance.
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Dear Wasis,
For flights, it would depend on the direction of travel and transit through countries.
As the flight usually lasts not more than 15 hours, nowadays, in modern times, less concerned of many people of the travel from and to a particular destination with the advent for `heavy' globalisation and travel. Which is frequent.
Please see below:-

On 2/20/01 10:39:49 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
My KUA number is 7 and I am
wood rabbit, born at tiger
hour (3-5 AM). I'm
going to California in August
to study. Since I live in
Indonesia, is the
direction of my future journey
facing the Grand Duke? If so,
how can I
neutralize the bad effect (if
This is my second question. My
house frontage used to be a
garden. The soil
was fertile. Since there were
many termites in the soil, the
soil was
replaced with pavement stones.
It is like a parking lot than
a garden now.

Usually, if the house has brought in `luck' the advise is not to `change' it including the frontage if we can.
I believe, the change from a garden to pavement stones would have affected the Feng Shui of your home.

Since then, we have many
financial problems such as
lost income. I just
guess it is the cause of those
problems but not sure, so that
I think my
house needs a feng-shui audit.
Do you know any feng shui
experts I should
contact in Surabaya,
As you are aware, Indonesia especially in the past is highly suspicious of communist influence.

Many Chinese who stay in Indonesia were not allowed to use Chinese/Mandarin names but instead to take on such names.
For many years, Chinese culture or the Chinese community in Indonesia were for example not allowed to celebrate Chinese new year or associated with Chinese culture or belief.
In my opinion, this would explain why we have never heard of practising Feng Shui practitioners (a practise associated with the Chinese) in Indonesia.

And how a feng shui
auditor usually charge
their clients (if you don't
mind answer this question)? I
mean how she/he
determines the amount of fee.

In my country, the fee depends on the nature of work carried out and the type of building or house that is analysed.
For houses, especially in my country FS charges are based on say the number of rooms of a house.
For example; different charges for a bungalow house; semi-detached; terrace house and for apartment buildings; it can be classified as: `Five room flat'; `Four room flat' and condominium buildings.
For commercial buildings it can be based on negotiation for the entire building or by per square feet area of the site analysed.
Depending on the extend of services required; if it requires many follow-up sessions, this can range from say a package audit of approximately US$3,000 to as little as US$288. It varies with the reputation of the FS practitioner.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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