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Ba Gua mirror


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Dear Wasis,
1. A simple circular mirror, is the least obstrusive of all " Ba Gua " mirrors.
2. Normally a concave Ba Gua mirror is used against " poison arrows " or Sha Qi e.g. street lamps, lone tree slicing the main entrance door.
3. On the other hand, a convex Ba Gua mirror is (like all other Ba Gua mirror) another form of protection. Here, it is mostly used to protect the home occupants by bad qi energies or perceived bad energies.
Usually, this type of Ba Gua mirror is based on the specific recommendation by a Feng Shui Master on the usage. Otherwise, one normally use either the " flat round mirror " i.e. the least offensive towards the neighbours to the more common First Heaven Sequence Ba Gua with either a flat mirror in the centre or with a concave mirror.
4. In Asia, it is also common to find a Ba Gua Mirror with the " Two Door Gods " similar to the door gods as shown on the temple door. Reference:
5. In my opinion, the majority of Ba Gua mirrors are really meant more for either:-
a. protect against Sha Qi and/or
b. used to protect against evil and/or
c. to protect against bad energies - usually on the advice of a FS Master (here).
Warmest Regards

On 12/23/2001 11:23:52 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
What is the usage of a concave
mirror? Someone says that
convex mirror is used
against sha qi but concave
mirror is used to catch good
luck. Thanks in advance.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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