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Talented number and life number


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Thanks for guiding me to use the free software. Can you pls explain the talented and life number in detail?
Can you also comment on the following kwa number (what is the usage for the kwa number, what it represents and affect one's life?? etc)
(1) Kwa = 3
(2) Kwa = 4

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Dear Ber Cardor,
Apologise for the late response. Please read below:-

On 7/13/99 1:49:35 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Thanks for guiding me to use
the free software. Can you pls
explain the talented and life
number in detail?

The Talent number is supposed to represent at which stage of your life number will you be mature.
The Life number is supposed to represent your lucky number and your natal number based on your date of birth.
There are actually a lot of analysis that can be done with these numbers, however, give the time for my development, I only had time to prepare the basic analysis.
However, generally I recall putting in some brief description for what the numbers represents.

Can you also comment on the
following kwa number (what is
the usage for the kwa number,
what it represents and affect
one's life?? etc)
(1) Kwa = 3
(2) Kwa = 4
The Gua the proper name for the kwa number, is similar to what Eight House report which has the detailed breakdown of the report. Basically it is just like your Feng Shui personal natal number which tells you which type of facing house you belong to.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee


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Sorry Robert
What is the natal number as you mentioned? Does it means lucky number?
From your reply, the Gua number is also the lucky number. Does it mean that I had two lucky number , that is the life number and Gua number??
Is there any way feng shui related to gamble
(e.g. 4D, Big sweep, Toto etc)
Pls enlighten me

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