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Theory of Neutrility


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Could anyone explain this to me? Or post a web site that explains it? I am
very new to Feng Shui, and I haven't found anything about this Theory
on the internet, which is my main source of information. Thanks,

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Feng Shui is a wide topic, with many different western translators providing many different terms for a same topic.
I believe if you are referring to balance, it should be more towards the Five Elements or at least Yin or Yang.
Basically, for Five Elements, when you have one of each of the five elements you are supposed to be in a stated of balance which is "neutral".
Five Element is very special, on the under the production principle:-
Metal -> Water -> Wood -> Fire -> Earth -> Metal
At the same time, when you have all Five Elements the destruction principle:-
Metal -> Wood -> Earth -> Water -> Fire -> Metal
It is a very special relationship that helps, destroys and control another. When you have all the elements you are normally in a state of balance which the elements will help each other to keep them in balance.
For example:-
Wood produces Fire, which in turns produces Earth.
In this three element relationship.
Fire helps to control wood by weakening it.
Thus, Wood is a little weak to destroy Earth. Also, Earth gains further strengths from Fire, to help produce the next element which is Metal.
If you are referring to the Yin and Yang, yin and yang is always present in any object.
However, it is difficult to strike a balance because, often there is either more yin and less yang or more yang and less yin.
However, there is a very special relationship because when there is all yang, it is also considered as yin because the Yin and Yang is a special relationship which goes from Less Yang to More Yang, then to Less Yin to More Yin.
When you are in balance or neutral is when you have equal Yang and equal Yin working together in harmony.
In general neutral is always about balance, and in Feng Shui everything we normally talk about is about bringing the two different forces of Yin and Yang or the Five Elements into a state of balance. When you can do that you will often benefit from it because that is the point where you get the best from all elements.
I am not sure if that is what you are referring to the theory of neutrality, but since you mentioned that it is about balance. Yin & Yang and Five Elements are two most frequently related to this topic.
If it is not, please provide us with more details on the source or where you heard of this theory, as mentioned there are many "different" names for basic theories to make it sounds complicated.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

On 7/17/99 7:48:50 AM, Anonymous wrote:
It has to do with geomancy,
and balance. Thats all I
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