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5 Elements Cure Report

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Hi Robert,
Have tried the 5-elements cure online report... but unable to understand the cure suggested ? I've entered my element as weak earth, but the report indicate that my main element is weak water? Why is this so. Would appreciate if you could briefly explain on how to read the report?
PS: I've also attached the report for your reference.

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Dear Jason,
You many need to double check if you selected weak earth. And for that
module because the changes is very minor, sometimes you may be viewing the
cached version either at your ISPs proxy server or your browsers cache, just
refresh the page and you should be able to solve this problem.
Basically, the first portion of the report tells you the inter-relationship
between the other elements and your main element.
The next portion tells you the detailed elements which are favourable or
unfavourable to you.
The table at the bottom of the report will provide some examples, as this
portion is pretty complex, it will not provide every possible relationship
instead provide common items so that you can relate the report.
How to use them?
There are often several alternatives to a cure, for example weak wood, you
can use water to help your weak wood directly, or use earth to destroy the
metal which is destroying you.
Sometimes, you may find that especially when you have another family member
with you, certain cure say water may indirectly harm your member, so you may
want to consider using another cure such as Earth.
Once you know what element you want to use, then refer to the table for a
slightly better understanding of what objects are considered as that
elements. For Feng Shui, nearly any objects at home can be used as cures. It
does not necessary have to specially purchased or made.
Remember for cures, symbolic represents in terms of shape is quite
important, then followed by the color.
Hope that helps
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
----- Original Message -----
From: Listmanager
Sent: Monday, July 26, 1999 11:51 PM
Subject: 5 Elements Cure Report

From: "Jason CT"
This message is sent from "five-element-cures" Mailing List.
Hi Robert,
Have tried the 5-elements cure online report... but unable to understand
the cure suggested ? I've entered my element as weak earth, but the report
indicate that my main element is weak water? Why is this so. Would
appreciate if you could briefly explain on how to read the report?
PS: I've also attached the report for your reference.
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