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Windchimesare said to have enhancing or suppressing "powers" depending on the material,design and location.Can you please elaborate?

Is there a difference if I hang a purely ornamental windchime made of seashells or glass,instead of a traditional one made of brass rods.Do the number of rods have any significance?

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Dear Anon,

I have personally encountered cases where clients told me that they had placed (TOO) many windchimes in their homes and perhaps due to the wave-length of the chime, have attracted unwanted spirits into their home.

Usually, traditionally, the number 6 represents "big metal". And big metal element is often used as a "cure" for bad #'s especially #5. This moving metal is suppose to "destroy" or neutralise sectors with bad influence.

However, some people, do use 5 rod etc... And there are no known bad effects with these as they also serve to chime.

However, it should not be used so widely in a home - since also asthetically, it does not make any sense.

The worst type of wind chimes used "for cures" are the multi-coloured wind chimes.

Wind chimes made of sea shells or glass as you had mentioned often are ornamental ones and often, it is not like the owner of the home overwhelms the entire house with them. In my opinion, placing one or two is ok - more as a decorative / personal "liking" sort of thing.

Warmest Regards,

On 5/5/2004 10:43:22 PM, Anonymous wrote:

Windchimesare said to

have enhancing or suppressing

"powers" depending on the

material,design and

location.Can you please


Is there a difference if I

hang a purely ornamental

windchime made of seashells or

glass,instead of a traditional

one made of brass rods.Do the

number of rods have any


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 10 months later...

Cecil Lee wrote:

Dear Anon,
I have personally encountered cases where clients told me that they had
placed (TOO) many windchimes in their homes and perhaps due to the
wave-length of the chime, have attracted unwanted spirits into their home.
Usually, traditionally, the number 6 represents "big metal". And big
metal element is often used as a "cure" for bad #'s especially #5. This
moving metal is suppose to "destroy" or neutralise sectors with bad
However, some people, do use 5 rod etc... And there are no known bad
effects with these as they also serve to chime.
However, it should not be used so widely in a home - since also
asthetically, it does not make any sense.
The worst type of wind chimes used "for cures" are the multi-coloured
wind chimes.
Wind chimes made of sea shells or glass as you had mentioned often are
ornamental ones and often, it is not like the owner of the home
overwhelms the entire house with them. In my opinion, placing one or two
is ok - more as a decorative / personal "liking" sort of thing.
Warmest Regards,
On 5/5/2004 10:43:22 PM, Anonymous wrote:
>Windchimes are said to
>have enhancing or suppressing
>"powers" depending on the
>material,design and
>location.Can you please
>Is there a difference if I
>hang a purely ornamental
>windchime made of seashells or
>glass,instead of a traditional
>one made of brass rods.Do the
>number of rods have any

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I have my house 'fengshui' in 2000 and was advised to hang a 6-rod
windchime in the centre of the house. 2 years later I was asked to
remove it and throw away the windchime.
Is it true that all these cure only works for 2 years?

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  • Staff

Hi Anthony,

Flying star luck changes for every 20-year, year, month, and even day and hour. So if the consultation was done for yearly type of analysis, and cures being suggested is to fix up only yearly cure, then yes the cure might not be appropriate anymore.

Usually, a good analysis should focus on fixing the larger picture ie problems in the 20-year sector which wholes true for a long people. And some minor fine tuning for the yearly stars. This way even if you do not make changes to the yearly stars, it will not matter too much.

Anyway, all depends on the person doing your consultation. It seems your consultant applies yearly cure only. Meaning every year you review, it will be different again.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

On 3/17/2005 9:02:25 AM, Anonymous wrote:

I have my house 'fengshui' in 2000 and

was advised to hang a 6-rod

windchime in the centre of the house. 2

years later I was asked to

remove it and throw away the windchime.

Is it true that all these cure only

works for 2 years?

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