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Robert Lee

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Posts posted by Robert Lee

  1. Hi Adrian,

    19 hours ago, Elros said:

    My situation may provide one such scenario. It seems that for "Follow-Wealth" charts, since the Day-Master is overly feeble, the recommendation is to overwhelm it with more Wealth elements (in my case, Wood). While this may help me end up with lots of potential wealth, it may cause a lot of imbalances in other parts of my life (spirituality, decision-making, etc.). Even if I could obtain the wealth, I may not necessarily be able to enjoy it since my Self is so weak. Would that be the right understanding?

    1. Yes, that's correct.

    2. That's why I kept saying that those type of chart is only focus on a portion of what you need to do. Without first strengthening your favourable weak element that you lack <20%, you won't be able to control your wealth. 


    19 hours ago, Elros said:

    I have another follow-up from my previous ask about future jobs/careers. Since my decade pillar changed, I've been feeling increasingly demotivated at my current job, and wanting to switch. I'm curious if you can tell from my chart what would be the next best course of action given my luck pillars. Would appreciate any words of advice from you.

    • Remain at current company, start a side-hustle
    • Join another large stable company, start a side-hustle
    • Join as an early employee in a startup with high potential (likely no side-hustle since it'll be busy)
    • Don't work for a company, start my own business or free-lancing work

    Best, Adrian

    3.1. Your earlier 10-yearly big luck (2009-2018) and 5-yearly medium luck (2014-2018) is not with you. Hence, you only had the yearly small luck from 2016-2018

    3.2. Your current 10-yearly big luck (2019-2028) have big luck changing in your favour. Even your 5-yearly medium luck (2019-2023) and next 5-yearly medium luck (2024-2028) are in your favour. However, you would lose your yearly small luck, except  until 2028-2030 when yearly small luck swings back in your favour. 

    3.3. Overall, that means you still gain more luck from big and medium luck influence. This upcoming luck period should generally have more luck on your side, so things are more likely to go in your favour no matter what you do.

    4. In your case, you currently have big luck with you for next 3 decade. However, you will either only have 5-yearly with you or yearly small luck with you but not both. So there is no period which you can enjoy all 3 big/medium/small luck for maximum luck boost. But it would still definitely be better than your earlier luck period where big luck was generally not in your favour. So generally, you should have better luck overall, just not the very best possible.

    5. Since more luck is generally on your side than in the earlier period, things should go well no matter which career option you go for. Usually, when luck is on your side, that is usually the better time to go all out in your career as that's likely when things will go well for you. Just watch out for some bad years or years that have clashes which would indicate more challenges in those years.

    5.1. So generally this would be a good time for option 2 and 3, ie join another company with good potential, as to whether you want to do side line job, that depends on how much spare time you can spare and the opportunity cost of doing so. If the side-line doesn't impact your existing job, then I don't see why not so as to earn extra income.

    6.1. As for option 4 of starting a business, well I can say that only a handful of people have a businessman type of chart. So for most people, they will find better prospects by working for others vs starting their own business. However, if you can find the right partners to complement your chart, possibly you can consider this. 

    6.2. This option 4 is not going to be easiest since your chart is more of a work for others type of chart and that your big luck isn't the very best. That's why you can't find a luck period with all three big/medium/luck with you despite being in a big luck. Which is also one factor that is needed for a successful businessman type of chart.


    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee


    • Like 1
  2. Hi Adrian,

    1. Actually, those concepts you mentioned are nothing but the results of certain charts conditions based on a certain five element percentage present.

    1.1 The key to this understanding is: the fundamental goal of trying to achieve 20% of each five element ( 20% x 5 = 100%).

    1.2. As my  initial post already covers this in detail: where the fundamental of applying favourable elements you lack most that are <20%, followed by unfavourable elements that you lack most <20%, while avoiding adding more of elements you have >20%.

    2. In addition, my initial post of deriving what you need actually is the most personalised to your individual chart based on your individual five element percentage.

    2.1 That is because each chart is unique with different five element percentage, hence even two weak metal charts may need different order of elements to balance it depending on which percentage it lacks most.

    3. Thus one should be focusing on what that individual really needs rather than based on these type of chart conditions. Which is ultimately what that type of chart condition is suppose to try to do when a chart is similar to that. However, you must remember that condition is for a particular chart with that kind of percentage and condition. 


    4. Only those who don't really understand the fundamental of how such type of chart types will need to base their analysis on such theoretical examples.

    4.1 Often than not, they don't cover all types of charts since each person's ba zi chart is different and unique.

    4.2  That type of concept is unique to a only covers certain portion of the condition that results in that type of chart only.

    4.3 Hence, one may not be actually fixing the entire problem.

    5. Sad to say a lot of people just blindly learn the concepts without truly understanding the fundamental reasoning behind it.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee


  3. 2 hours ago, jmn_0905 said:

    Dear Master,

    I am having hard time understanding the Bazi. My Day Master is Yin Wood and my Earthly Branch Month is Autumn which weaken the wood. But in my Free Personal Ba Zi / Feng Shui Element reported that I am a strong yin Wood Snake. I'm quite confuse. What are my favorable element? My date of birth is 05 Sep 1977. Time of birth is 2:50 PM. Please help. Thanks in advance.

    1. Frankly, our free report isn't limited in anyway. So if it determines you are as a Strong Wood, then you are a strong wood.

    2. Only difference, is the free report doesn't show you the details of your Chart such as clashes/harms/joins that affects the total number of elements present in the chart, that will ultimately affect the Balance of Five Element Chart which is extremely useful, as otherwise everyone will keep asking us for advise on it based on the percentage available.

    3. Yes, no doubt your Wood is extremely weak. In your case, to determine if you are a weak or strong wood. You have to determine the total elements making you strong is > total elements making your weak.

    4. In your case:-

    4 Water
    45.7 %
    1 Wood
    Extremely Weak
    2.9 %
    3 Fire
    17.1 %
    4 Earth
    34.3 %
    0 Metal
    0 %

    4.1. Elements making you strong = 4 Strong Water (45.7%) + 1 extremely weak wood (2.9%) = 48.6%

    4.2. Elements making you weak = 4 weak earth (34.3%) + 0 Strongest Metal (0%) = 34.3%

    4.3. Fire element will exhaust your wood and also strength the earth so it cancel itself out in the equation.

    4.4. Since Total Elements making you strong (48.6%) > Total Elements making you weak (34.3%), therefore you are a Strong Wood.

    4.5. Your Strong Wood is not because of having lots of wood, but having too much water at 45.7%. Hence, you are a Strong Wood.

    5. There are a more of things to consider when determining your weak or strong, so without a detailed calculation, you will not be able to determine the strength of birth accurately.


    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee


  4. Hi Elros,

    Happy Chinese New Year to you too! Glad that you found the report comprehensive. Please see my replies below:-

    5 hours ago, Elros said:

    1) Favorable elements. My report tells me that they are Earth and Metal, which makes sense since I'm weak Metal. However, there are some that say since my Metal is extremely weak, my favorable elements are actually Wood and Water. Why is that, and how should I resolve this?



    1. Honestly, I have no idea how other people analyse your bazi, but I can tell you that depending on the how comprehensive and detailed the analysis was done to determine your five element percentage. If they do not consider all the factors such as even combinations between some elements that result in changes of elements, the clashes/harms that occur. Often than not, they can get your element strength incorrectly and also the breakdown of the percentage incorrectly, resulting in different interpretations.


    2. Based on your current ba zi chart from our analysis, your percentage breakdown is as follows:-

    1 Water
    5.7 %
    8 Wood
    75.5 %
    2 Fire
    15.1 %
    0 Earth
    Extremely Weak
    0 %
    1 Metal
    3.8 %


    3. As a weak Metal person, the elements:-

    3.1 That would make you a Strong Metal would be Earth (0%) + Metal (3.8%) = Total 3.8%

    3.2. That would make you a Weak Metal would be Wood (75.5%) + Fire (15.1%) = Total 90.6%

    3.3. Water 5.7% element helps to strengthen the elements that make you weak, while exhausting away the Metal that makes you strong. Hence, this cancel itself out in the balancing equation. Hence, we don't consider it as part of the initial balancing equation when determining your initial element strength.


    4. Since total elements making you weak is 90.6% > than the total elements making you strong is 3.8%. Hence, you are a weak Metal person. As there is no way your 3.8% elements can overcome the overwhelming 90.6% elements that make you weak. As the ratio is like 1:30, too unbalanced.


    5. Hence, as a weak Metal:-

    5.1. Your favourable elements would then be Earth (0%) the element you lack most followed by Metal (3.8%).

    5.2. While Unfavourable elements would be Wood (75.5%) and Fire (15.1%).  Where Wood should be avoided as all cost as there is way too much, way beyond the ideal 20% range. Fire element while it is your unfavourable element, it is still below 20%, so you can still add some Fire when you have added sufficient Earth and Metal element first. This is because the goal is to bring each element percentage to 20%. However, you cannot add Fire without first adding Earth+Metal, as Fire while it will exhaust the Wood, it will also destroy your Metal. Hence, unless you boost your Earth+Metal first, adding Fire on it's own will only melt your already weak Metal, as the Fire will be further boosted by the 75.5% Wood. 

    5.3. As a weak Metal, Water by default will also exhaust your Metal and make Wood Stronger even though it will help to control some Fire. However, the production effect will already make your Wood much stronger and in turn the Wood will continue to make the Fire strong which negates the impact of the Water destroying your Fire element.


    6. So in order to balance your five element, you have to add in this order:-

    6.1. Add Elements you lack the most which is Earth, why? Earth will exhaust the Fire that weaken you while converting it into helping you produce Metal. Then it will in turn help you to produce more Metal, making you a Strong Metal. And finally, it will destroy the Water which will eventually weaken you. So in this case, Fire and Water percentage will be subsequently weaken while Earth and Metal element percentage will increase.

    6.2. Add the next Element you lack which is Metal, why? Metal will exhaust the the Earth while helping to strengthen the Metal. This will in turn help you to be strong enough to destroy the Wood element that you have too much off. Metal will also help to make the Water stronger and control some of your excessive Metal,  which in turn help to destroy the Fire that is also weakening you. So in this case, Fire and Wood percentage will subsequently weaken, while Wood and Water will increase. Although water is still your unfavourable but at 5.7%, there is still room to have a bit more as the percentage is still below the ideal 20%. But you cannot add Water by itself without Earth or Metal first. This is the same as you cannot add more Fire by itself without Earth and Metal first.

    6.3. Wood element you should completely avoid, as you have way too much. Generally, >50% is already very bad, but at 70%, that's way too much. Hence, adding the Earth+Metal will reduce this.

    6.4. Fire element while it is your unfavourable element, but as you only have 15.1%, it's still below 20%, so adding some Fire will still help exhaust the Fire element and convert the energy into producing Earth, while also helping to keep Metal in check. As the goal is to have 20%, you also don't want your Earth and Water element too be too much, as that will again bring everything out of balance. So in this case, by adding Fire, the Wood percentage will reduce, but the Earth percentage will increase. 

    Eventually, your five element percentage will start to be closer to the 20% range for each five elements.


    7. So back to the question, why would some people recommend Wood and Water as your favourable elements. This would be incorrect, because Wood will make your Wood percentage too strong, while water while it help to destroy the Fire element, but it would also make your Wood too strong. So I think they either didn't get your five element percentage breakdown correctly. I think it could be more likely because they didn't consider some of the combinations of elements which results in changes in your initial element.

    7.1 Because if you look at your initial ba zi chart. If I take the raw elements. You would probably have:-

    • 3 Water (But 2 of these water got converted to Wood, resulting in 1 Water)
    • 4 Wood (But got 4 additional one, resulting in 8 Wood) - This addition of 4+4 = 8 is why your Wood element percentage is so high.
    • 3 Fire (But 1 of these Fire got converted to Wood, resulting in 2 Fire)
    • 1 Earth (But 1 of this Earth got converted to Wood, resulting in 0 Earth)
    • 1 Metal  (No conversion, so 1 Metal)

    7.2. I think because these weren't considered, so the five element percentage calculated from the initial element would be very different. Hence, probably why the recommended elements were different.


    8. However, as you can see from the above explanation, we used a series of mathematical percentage, a clear understanding of Elements (Productive, Destructive, and Exhaustive cycle), and priority of most favourable elements to least unfavourable elements in order to balance the element. This would give you much clearer and understanding of why our recommended elements are in this order. This is fundamental of how our site applies various different concept by prioritizing which needs to be assess first and so forth.


    5 hours ago, Elros said:

    2) Career. My report says that this decade I'll have more Earth but I'm not sure if it's enough for me to focus on Wood and Fire careers (Wealth/Power). I'm currently working as management in software (Fire?) and was a strategy consultant (Wood?) but thinking of working for a real-estate software company (Earth/Fire?) and becoming a part-time loan signing agent (Metal?). What do you think?



    9. Based on your Balance of Five Elements for Age 32 - 41 (2019 - 2028)

    1 Water 8 Wood 3 Fire 3 Earth 2 Metal
    element_1.gif element_2.gif element_3.gif element_4.gif element_5.gif
    4.8 % 64.5 % 19.4 % 4.8 % 6.5 %

    9.1. While Earth (4.8%) and Metal (6.5%) percentage is now 11.5%, it is still against an overwhelming Wood+Fire at 83.9%. But of course, it is a bit better as the percentage is reduced from 90.6%.

    9.2. Don't forget that each year, your percentage will still change a bit. But even with the additional yearly influence, it is unlikely that there will be enough Earth and Metal as the percentage is just too much with a nearly 1:8 ratio of Favourable vs Unfavourable odds. But better than the initial 1:30 ratio. So I think to consider Wealth/Power element career is unlikely to be a good idea for a chart that is as unbalanced as yours.


    10. As for type of elements in career etc:-

    10.1. management in software (Fire?) - Programming and Project Management is generally more Wood element job scope, which Wood element is not the most favourable elements for you without Earth+Metal. Software is in IT technology which is Metal+Water element job industry. Metal element portion is good for you, but water element is not so good without Earth+Metal. Since there is some Metal element so the job industry is still considered suitable.

    10.2. strategy consultant (Wood?) - Consultant is Wood element, which again is not the most favourable type of job scope without Earth+Metal.

    10.3. Real-estate software company (Earth/Fire?) - Real Estate is property which is Earth element. Software company is more IT technology Metal+Water element. Since there is Metal, so the Water element while not your most favourable will still be okay.

    104. a part-time loan signing agent (Metal?).  - Loan should the Finance related so it is Metal element. Metal is one of your favourable element so it is suitable.


    5 hours ago, Elros said:

    3) Name tweak. Currently my chinese name is 林文汉 (Wood Water Water) but I'm thinking of tweaking it to 林珳汉 (Wood Metal Water). That way I'll add some Metal/Earth without having to change my name's pronunciation. Would you recommend against doing this?



    11. Chinese Name Analysis requires a fair bit of analysis to really be able to comment properly. As there is more than just the elements based on the character shape. The Name stroke group that your entire name falls under would also need to be considered. But yes picking a good name does help improve your five element percentage especially if done from birth. As the name is with you when you are born. Everything your name is called, you benefit from the name luck. But it only covers a small percentage of the overall luck.


    12. A person's luck is influenced by 3 forms of luck, of which each luck comprise of about 33.3% of your overall luck.:-

    • Heaven Luck - Luck you are born with and supposed to have (based on your Ba Zi etc)
    • Earth Luck - Luck from your home and surrounding (Feng Shui of your Home/Office etc)
    • Human Luck - Luck from your relationship with others and own hard work.


    13. So Chinese Name forms part of your Heaven Luck, which accounts for about 5-10% of your 33.3% of your Heaven Luck. So in reality, it will only forms about 1.6-3.3% of your overall Heaven+Earth+Human Luck. So while it is important, it usually only beneficial when done from birth. As the time you are likely to use the Chinese Name is when you are still in School, as your family and friends would be calling your name every day while you are in school. Once you are working, most of the time, because of the use of your Western name, it's likely that your full Chinese Name may not be even used. So even if you do change it, but no one knows or call it, it won't be effective. Hence, I normally won't recommend making any name changes once you are an adult. Unless of course, your career depends on it such as as an Actor/Actress who is known by their Name.


    14. So yes, while changing a name will certainly help improve it if your name is important for your work. Otherwise, you will find it more worth it to focus on improving your Earth Luck (ie your Home or Office Feng Shui) which influences 33.3% vs <3.3% (Changing Name).


    15. Anyway, back to your question. Based on my experience, if you plan to only change just the character to retain the same pinyin, the odds that the name change will result in a better Name Stroke Goup etc will be quite slim. Often than not, unless you are not restricted ie can change the entire name, it would give a better change of getting a better name stroke group. Most name depending on surname have the highest name stroke group at about 80-96%. Most name stroke group usually will fall between 40-60%, so odds of an matching an existing name  that will be better than the existing one is very slim if there is further restriction on the characters strokes etc. Chances are it may improve only by a bit of the combinations of the characters are good.


    16. But you got the correct idea that if you can change a character that sounds the same with one that have a better element, that may help. How much really depends. Without working out the details it's quite different to tell you for sure. But again, like I mentioned. I doubt you will really see much of a different since the impact on your overall luck is going to be very small especially once you have reach adulthood. 





  5. Hi Everyone,

    I am pleased to announce that with some core coding and template changes made in the lastest version of our Online.Geomancy.Net v15.50, the birth of the next generation of Ba Zi reports is finally here! These changes allow us to completely revamp and improve the layout of our reports (from scratch) to create even more complex report in a visually easy to view yet comprehensive and concise reports. 

    1) Ba Zi Premium Expert Review - Big Luck Forecast



    This summarizes the 10-Yearly Big Luck/5-Yearly Medium Luck/Yearly Small Luck/6-Monthly summary into a table similar to our popular Ba Zi Yearly Report (where we summarize the entire year/month/daily luck forecast). You can see the luck flow with the colour changes in the Big Luck forecast flow, along with possible problems that each period may bring about (ie 1 Clash in affecting problem in Career/Finance/Money Loss/Health/Accidents etc and/or possibility Opportunity in Romance/Changing Career/Change in Location/Nobleman/Academic/Make Friends etc). These are often the common things people want to know at a glance. So this report was designed to make sure these indicators can be easily identified as you view your forecast while looking your luck flow.


    2) Beta Testing - Current 10-Yearly Big Luck Forecast in our Free Ba Zi Reports 

    In order to let users enjoy a bit of our comprehensive Ba Zi Reports that previously only our clients enjoy, users will be able to view the current 10-yearly Ba Zi Luck Forecast History (upto the current year). This allows users to be able to see how knowing your ba zi luck forecast, can allow you to better take advantage of your Heavenly Given Luck.

    NOTE: Limitations of Free Report is some technical details and Future Forecast will not be available. So for example if the current year is 2019, then you will only be able to see your past history until 2018. We will also be tweaking the reports to improve and/or simplify it as we test it.

    URL: https://www.geomancy.net/content/personalised-reports/generate-free-feng-shui-reports/find-your-chinese-horoscope-sign-personal-ba-zi-element

    This is useful, as people often wondered whether issues that they face is it from the Heaven Luck, Earth Luck or Human Luck. A person's luck is made of of three forms of luck:-

    • Heaven Luck - Luck you are born with and supposed to have (from your Ba Zi Luck Forecast Reports).
    • Earth Luck - Luck from your home and surrounding (From your Home Office through Eight House/Flying Star Reports).
    • Human Luck - Luck from your relationship with others and own hard work.

    So Heaven Luck forms 33.3% of your overall luck. So luck can still change depending on your Earth and Human Luck influence. However, some major events will remain there. Hence, the Ba Zi luck Forecast should be able to detect most of the major events. Hence, knowing when your luck period is good or bad, allows you to better plan and take advantage of your reports. So this free report should allow you to determine if problems originate from your Heaven Luck or somewhere else.

    So this beta testing will allow us to showcase our comprehensive Ba Zi Reports so that everyone to enjoy! This is just a preview of many of the upcoming changes to our Ba Zi Premium reports which will be undergoing a major revamp :)


    3) Main Ba Zi Premium reports have been migrated from v12.x to v15.x

    This was one of the reports which we still used the old report and haven't yet been migrated over to the new v15.x report as this report is very complicated so I wanted to do more testing before migrating it over. Finally, as of today, a single link report is now available for all paid Ba Zi Premium/Standard clients and it will include the new luck flow summary into the report. 


    Hope you enjoy the changes!

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee




  6. Hi Everyone,

    1. Online.Geomancy.Net - My Feng Shui Report Management v15.20 is now live and active.

    2. Now nearly all the free (public & member area) have been migrated over to the new version with about 80% of the reports migrated over to the new version. 

    3. Only some of the 20% of paid reports (ie Ba Zi Reports, Flying Star, House Hunting) is still using the old report system. This is to ensure that we do more testing before we completely replace them.

    4. There is also integrated links for Admin to cross-check the New and Old Reports so that we can ensure UAT before the new reports are replaced and/or double check the reports.

    5. There is also a lot of back-end cleaning up of codings, cleaning up of templates, and removal of old codes/old templates/old url links/old scripts no longer in used. This will improve the coding structure as well as improve performance of report generation and prepare for more improvements in generating more complex reports. Hence, you will noticed the entire member area and report generate a lot faster than before.

    We are still actively monitoring, tweaking and improving the system. Thank you for your patience as we upgrade the system!

    Should you encounter any issues, feel free to contact support@geomancy.net 

  7. Hi Everyone,

    1. Our Existing Online.Geomancy.Net (Report Generation Server) which has been previously coded, tweaked & perfected, have served us well for nearly over 20+ years.

    1882201305_ItsFaster.thumb.png.243bd774e5933163f953696df087bc5c.png2. Migrating soon to a completely major re-coded version of the Online.Geomancy.Net - My Feng Shui Report Management v15.

    3. This was the final core section of the Geomancy.Net due for upgrading. And we want to coincide with our 20th Anniversary next year (2019)!

    3.1 This major upgrade is to bring everything up to date with the latest software technology which will provide for faster report generation and also provides more responsive and modern page functionality through the use of newer technology. 

    3.2 However, this is a very complicated system to replace. Given that in the past, it took us nearly 20+ years of fine-tuning the reports.

    3.3 Phase I: Seamless replacement of all the old scripts exact identical to the existing system except that it has been completely re-written and re-coded in the back-end.

    3.4 Once everything is completely replaced, we will then proceed with Phase II: Focus to improve the report layout and interface to utilize all the new responsive and modern page functionality.

    3.5 User Acceptance Test (UAT): We are doing a detailed UAT to make sure that the new report system works 100%.  

    3.6 Feel free to feedback to: support@geomancy.net if you like to give any suggestions.


    Status of the Phase I of the Migration

    A) Sections that have been successfully migrated

    I am happy to announce that following sections have been successfully migrated:-

    1) Free Public Accessible Reports (no login required, and can be upgraded without affecting the rest of the report sections)

    1.1) Ba Zi Element & Luck Forecast

    URL: https://www.geomancy.net/content/personalised-reports/generate-free-feng-shui-reports/find-your-chinese-horoscope-sign-personal-ba-zi-element

    1.2) Eight House Chart (4 Good and 4 Bad Direction)

    URL: https://www.geomancy.net/content/personalised-reports/generate-free-feng-shui-reports/eight-house-report

    1.3) 30 Days Auspicious Date Reports

    URL: https://www.geomancy.net/content/personalised-reports/generate-free-feng-shui-reports/30-days-auspicious-date-for-one-or-two-persons

    2) Popular Reports Sections (Sections of Report Coding that don't relate directly with each other and can function separately from the main report system)

    2.1) Daily Forecast Report & Forecast Scripts 

    URL: https://daily.geomancy.net/

    2.2) Auspicious Dates Reports

    Free & Paid Auspicious Dates links generated for our clients have all been seamlessly migrated over.

    2.3) Chinese Name Reports

    Our private Chinese Name Analysis System that aid in more accurate and faster name analysis.

    2.4) Core Report Management (Login & Report Profiles)

    The core report management that 147051727_bedofroses.png.4cc95ebfa56465b8aa8fc67c0948791d.pngpowers the entire login area has been replaced to seamlessly bridge and migrate all the individual reports and sub-sections within the login area.

    So far the UAT tests are working well :) 

    B) So what's left for the migration?

    Once all the individual reports in the Report Management (login area) are fully tested and debugged, I will replace the entire Report System. So meanwhile, the old Report System will continue to function until it is ready to be replaced. Some changes to the URL link have already been made in order to facilitate a smooth and seamless migration.

    This portion is currently being tested will soon fully replace the old Report Generation Server. No ETA on this, as I would rather make sure everything is 100% perfect before it is ready to be launch. But it won't be too long, as Report System is almost ready.

    Thank you for your patience and support all these years, as we continue to upgrade the site for your benefit! 

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

    Feel free to feedback to: support@geomancy.net if you like to give any suggestions.

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  8. Hi Paul,

    Not really. Generally, I would consider 3 factors in order to determine the overall  compatibility:-

    1) Ba Zi Element Compatibility - ie Strong Wood, Strong Fire = Good for you, as her strong Fire will help to exhaust the excess Wood, but your Strong Wood would make her stronger. So it does help one party but not complementary to both parties. Such as if Strong Wood and Weak Fire, it will be perfect helping each other. Hence, still need some binding element to improve the harmony. But still at least one party is able to directly benefit, so not too bad but not the best compatibility.

    2) Horoscope Compatibility - Whether your horoscope signs clashes / harms with each other. If there is no clashes, it will be better, if there are then it will be less compatible.

    3) Ba Zi Chart Compatibility - Generally, as you compare two ba zi charts, the changes of some clashes/harms/punishments/self punishment would be common. So we do have to determine whether they are major (ie day vs day, year vs year), or minor (day vs hour, hour vs year etc). So in your case, both clash seems to be minor. In general, >1 or major and/or >3-4 minor would be as bad as 1 major clash. So if there are too many major and minor clashes, then it would indicate a lot of frequent disagreements/conflicts between the chart, but if 1 or 2 minor ones, then it's not so bad. 1 or 2 minor ones would indicate some minor disagreements etc. 

    So only when we consider all three aspects, will we be able to better assess whether the compatibility is good or bad. If all 3 areas all are incompatible, of course the odds would be the compatibility is very bad or incompatible. 


  9. Besides Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, Compass School (Eight House and Flying Stars), Water Classics & Ba Zi Feng Shui another major Feng Shui consideration is 阳宅三要 or Yang Zhai San Yao

    The three major considerations in a home: Main Door / Frontage, the Kitchen & Bedroom.


  10. Hi Carol,

    Sorry, there is nothing wrong with the report. It's you who don't understand how ba zi is done, to understand how it works.

    Based on your birth information, and from your name, your date of birth should be based on this link:-

    URL: https://online.geomancy.net/public/code/html-fs-self-free?pay=0&amp;tpl=chart_true_element&amp;username=&amp;gender=2&amp;day=31&amp;month=05&amp;year=1961&amp;hour=10

    "Ba Zi of an individual is based on the DAY one is born. Not the YEAR of birth."


    Ba Zi considers the day of birth as the true birth element more important than just the year of birth element (which is a little general for everyone born in that year). 

    You are born in 1961, so if you look at the year pillar it is a Metal Ox. But more importantly, even for a Metal Ox year, depending on which day you are born, you can be a Metal/Water/Wood/Fire/Earth person born in a Metal Ox year. The element of the day determines a person's true birth element.

    So looking at your Day pillar (ie 31 May, = Jia-Zi /Wood Rat pillar). Hence, you are a Wood element person and the system has determined you are a Strong Wood person. So you are a Strong Wood Ox born in a Metal Ox Year. Since ba zi don't really just take the year of birth element as the main element (which otherwise is too general for everyone born in 1961), Hence, your true element is a Strong Wood Ox which is the more accurate day element to reflect the 10 different element strength of the day which is a person can be (ie weak/strong Metal Ox, weak/strong Water Ox, weak/strong Wood Ox, weak/strong Fire Ox, weak/strong Earth Ox).

    Under the ba zi, you can use the general element Metal Ox (based on the year), but that's not as accurate as the using the element of the day which in your case is a Strong Wood Ox born in a Metal Ox year.

    As some people will be born in a year where it favors your Strong Wood, like in your case, Metal year will help control your Strong Wood from being too strong. So the year element is considered complementary to your true birth element. On the other hand, if you are a say a weak Wood Ox, then the Metal year will weaken you, so your luck may not be as good as the Strong Wood Ox born in a Metal Ox year.

    So all these information, plays an important part in the ba zi review. 


    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

  11. The animal sign is usually your Year of birth. Which in your case is the Ox.

    The yearly animal sign also have an element which in your case 1997 is a Fire Ox year. So you are born in the Fire Ox year. However, depending on which day you are born, even for all the people born in a Fire Ox year, there can be a weak water/strong water, weak wood/strong wood, weak fire/strong fire, weak earth/strong earth & weak metal/strong metal (10 different combinations of element signs). So the most accurate classification for a person is always to use the day pillar.

    Hence, you are a weak Metal element born in the year of the Fire Ox. Or in short, weak Metal Ox, since the day influence takes precedence to the year element as it is the element most strongest to you based on that day that you are born in. Otherwise, everyone born in the 1997 is a Fire Ox, which is a little too general as it doesn't represent your daily influence which changes depending on which day you are born in.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee


  12. Hi Joshua,

    Sure, you can consider our Ba Zi Life Reading Services.

    URL: https://www.geomancy.net/forums/store/category/3-ba-zi-life-reading-services/


    If you want the luck forecast, and also have additional personalised review and/or specific area of focus (ie in mids of changing career and need advise), you can consider our Ba Zi with Expert Review:-



    If you don't need the expert review advise, you can get the self-help package but just want the report for some self-help assessment you can consider our Ba Zi Self-Help Bundles:-


    Hope that helps!



  13. Hi Joshua,

    You can make use of our free ba zi report to get your favourable and unfavourable elements:-

    URL: https://www.geomancy.net/content/personalised-reports/generate-free-feng-shui-reports/find-your-chinese-horoscope-sign-personal-ba-zi-element

    In your case, it should be a weak Metal Ox. So earth and metal elements would be your favourable elements while your unfavourable elements would be fire and water elements as per this link:-

    URL: https://online.geomancy.net/public/code/html-fs-self-free?pay=0&tpl=chart_true_element&username=&gender=1&day=8&month=06&year=1997&hour=0

    Please check that the dob information is correct. 


    Hope that helps.



  14. Hi Michael,

    Thank you for your interest in our services.

    Our e-books are available on our online store. So you can purchase it online at this link and download them in the Manage Purchases after the payment is successful. Our site accepts credit card (paypal.com/smoovpay.com) and in USD/SGD currency. Alternative payments options such as Cheque (for Singapore clients) or Bank Draft/Money order (for international clients) is also available:-

    URL: https://www.geomancy.net/forums/store/category/1-geomancynet-e-books/

    There are several free books. (Those that says $0.00 USD/SGD)

    Feel free to contact me should you have any further clarifications.





  15. Hi Everyone,


    1. Single Sign On using Forum Account (or Sign in with Facebook) 


    You now can log into your Report account once you have login to your Forum account.

    1.1. If your current Forum and Report account has the same exact e-mail address; the system will automatically detect it.

    1.2. Or if you have created a link to the forum account from your Report Account (those with username myfs_?????).

    1.3. If not, users just need to create a Report Account with the same e-mail as your Forum account, and subsequently the system will link you in. 

    This means, once you have successfully log in to your forum account, when you click on the Reports / Member Login / or visit short cut url (http://login.geomancy.net), the system will automatically log you in without having to re-enter your member login account.

    I believe, this will make it easier for users in the long run, to only remember one single login account.

    If users encounter issues with this, feel free to contact me via: support@geomancy.net to look into it.

    2. Existing Forum Login from Report Account 


    Presently, although there was a way to link the Forum account to the Report account. That was how I used to linked the old forum and the report system in the past. However the latest forum management is far more superior than the old forum, and it has excellent user management system which I have plans to make use for some new upcoming site features.

    Hence, in future, I want to let the new forum handle all the login authentication. I am already looking to implement this into the New Upcoming Report Area which I will be working on in the upcoming months. This Report Area is the last major revamp area that I am planning a massive overhaul. But as lots of re-coding is necessary, this will not be launched so quickly until it's 100% ready to replace it. 

    Meanwhile, the New Report Login from Forum Account bridge (Para 1 above) will improve the overall user experience on the site, while the report area is being updated. This feature will continue to be present until everything is being integrated into a Truly Single Sign On system when the New Upcoming Report Area is ready.

    3. Improvements to Geomancy.net's Main Page Layout


    3.1. Making the site more user friendly by improving the layout navigation of the Main page.

    3.2. Using and maximizing the Flip Box feature.

    3.2.1 What is this feature?

    3.2.2 When you move over to a box; the description will be shown. 

    3.2.3 This works very nicely on mobile and even amp pages especially with a rainbow colour tone for each important featured section.

    3.4. In addition, every time when there is a new layout change, it takes a bit of time to tweak the performance of the layout so that it will not only look good but also fast loading. I also heavily tested and optimized the layout over the past few days, I am also happy that the latest settings should work very well now.

    3.5. With this change, I also be planning to revamp some of the older content pages into new updated sections especially with the many new content management sections (Blog/Gallery etc) added with all the recent upgrades.

    4. Fixed some bugs in the system

    4.1. Over the past month some links to the fast Google AMP were redirected incorrectly. Now fixed.

    4.2. Free Ba Zi Reports and some modules in Report System had some unexpected issues over the past few days (since 3 Sep) when I implemented the initial Report Login from Forum Account modules for testing. Apologise for any inconvenience. This has also been resolved.

    Hope that you enjoy the changes!

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

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