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Robert Lee

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Posts posted by Robert Lee

  1. Hi Everyone,

    1. Pictures.Geomancy.Net : Is now mobile friendly!

    URL: https://pictures.geomancy.net


    2. Successfully moved all the past slideshows and resources to this new gallery system. 

    3. Once major search engines like Google.com has redirected to the new links, we will retire / archive this older module which had previously served visitors well.

    URL: https://www.geomancy.net/mypictures/cgi-bin/mypictures.cgi

    Hope you enjoy the changes!

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

  2. Hi Everyone,

    With the launch of new layout design changes for our main website, forum community and store, there is a need to revamp our site navigation layout to improve the site navigation to our various resources. 


    1. Our old site navigation breaks down each section of our site such as Forecast / Feng Shui / Horoscope / Palmistry / Services / Books / Courses etc.


    This was great for managing the site content into various sub-section, especially in our old desktop based site design. However, as we move to more responsive navigation menu to support both desktop and mobile devices. This navigation structure proved to be a nightmare when trying to integrate into the site other than the mobile Vertical Menu layout, due to width restrictions. 


    2. Hence, I have completely re-structured the site navigation by breaking down the site into 4 main components:-


    2.1. Reports (Online.Geomancy.Net) will contain:-


    • Member Login link for users to login to the Member Area for the various online reports
    • Forecast Reports (ie Today's Forecast / Yearly Forecast).
    • Our Popular Free Reports (ie Ba Zi Luck Forecast / Free Auspicious Dates / 4 Good and 4 Bad Direction etc)


    2.2. Forums (Forum.Geomancy.Net) will contain:-


    • All our Forum Community Related (ie Forum / Blogs / Gallery / Clubs / Our Picks etc).


    2.3. Store (Shop.Geomancy.Net) will contain:-


    • Consultation Services / e-Books / Courses
    • Store Front, Order and Manage Management related.


    2.4. Resources (Resources.Geomancy.Net) will contain:-


    • Feng Shui / Horoscope / Palmistry Resources
    • Singapore Property Review / House Hunting Resources
    • Useful Guides etc


    2.5. The rest will be common site features such as Home/Latest Site Activity/Sitemap/Search/Support etc


    3. This site navigation is now updated throughout the entire site and all the major sub-sections. So there will be a common and unified navigation even though they might be managed by different CMS software the site with different template styles and look. However, the structure links will remain the same.


    This should make it a lot easier for users to find what they want from the appropriate sections. It will also make it easier for us to add and update new resources in the future. Hope you enjoy the changes!


  3. Hi Everyone,

    1. Welcome to http://Shop.Geomancy.Net

    Supports Facebook login:-


    2.  You can immediately download our ebooks once payment is made. Cecil's new book series is now available in our Store Front.

    2.1 2016: Flying Stars: Using an Ordinary Compass: Book 1


    3.2  2016: My Home: Mirrors: Book 1

    3. Getting our products and services is now a breeze.

    4. Our International Clients using PayPal.com can now choose to pay either in US Dollars (USD) or Singapore Dollars (SGD) equivalent currency. We have set USD as the default currency to better support our International clients.

    5. Can I still pay using any Credit Card but I don't want to use Paypal.com? Yes! Please note that pricing is only in Singapore (SGD) dollars. This is due to the limitations of our local vendor: SmoovPay.com.  

    6. You may still be directed to our existing store which still functions. Eventually, all links will be updated to the new Store.

    Serving you better!

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee


  4. Hi Everyone,

    1. You can now Sign in to your Forum Faster with Facebook! https://www.geomancy.net/forums/login/


    1.1.  You can now use your existing Facebook account to register/ login to the resources and paid services directly.

    2.  Improving on content management of our huge collection of resources

    i. Blogs (Journal)
    ii. Gallery (Photos)
    iii. Clubs

    2.1. Our forum has being in existence since 1996. And as we all know each system has it's advantages and disadvantages.

    2.2. Facebook is good for daily interactions. But a lousy method to organize large amounts of resources.

    2.3 Thus with new content management systems like Blog and Gallery may have it's advantages. If so, we may utilize one or both for your benefit.

    3. A modernized Store is currently under testing: Shop.Geomancy.Net (https://shop.geomancy.net)

    3.1. This new store is fully integrated to our Forum with a comprehensive discussion/private messaging/order management and support system.

    3.2. This new store also allows for better management of our digital e-books delivery and management.

    3.3. Look out for your new e-books soon.


    4. Your Personalized Feng Shui reports: Online.Geomancy.net

    4.1. In the near future, I hope to integrate the way you login to your Free/Paid Reports seamlessly.

    Hope to serve you better in the coming years!

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

  5. Hi Everyone!


    1) Lovesigns.Net is now Mobile Friendly

    Finally, our sister site Lovesigns.Net layout have been updated to the same responsive layout as the rest of the site! So our entire resource sections Geomancy.Net+Lovesigns.Net+Palmistry.Net and other resource section will now have a same uniform layout and navigation look.


    2) Our resource intensive Geomancy.Net+Lovesigns.Net+Palmistry.Net will now support Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) 

    Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page) is a fast and light weight version of the site that will load very fast for mobile devices as it removes a lot of unnecessary bloated contents that are required for normal webpages. These AMP corresponding pages will be shown by Google on their mobile search network, as they will prioritize AMP pages (if available) before normal Mobile Friendly pages on mobile search results. Users will have an option to switch to the normal Mobile version of the webpage if they are presented with the AMP pages. 

    Right now, most of our content resources is AMP ready. Only Forum.Geomancy.Net and Online.Geomancy.Net sections will not support this, as Google AMP does have limitation on FORMS especially password submissions. So there is no way to let users login with AMP version, hence we are not supporting the Google AMP on these sections. Which isn't necessary as well, since Google AMP is more for fast content browsing rather than content interaction (as in tablet/desktop browsing).


    3)  Secure Socket Layer (SSL) expanded from just www.geomancy.net to across all our domains and shortcut links.

    With the push to make the internet safer for all, there are lots of support for validating and making SSL certificate more easily available to secure multiple domains in order to enable the secure web browsing. Otherwise, in the past, it's costly to get a paid certificate just to enable ssl encryption on a domain.

    This means all our domains (Lovesigns.Net/Palmistry.Net) and shortcut links (login.geomancy.net/date.geomancy.net etc) have all been re-configured to support https browsing directly from those domain names instead of redirecting to a https:// link within www.geomancy.net content. 

    This is makes allows us to directly secure the shortcut domain link all the way from one link to another without needing a shortcut redirection from non-ssl (ie http://login.geomancy.net) to a specific ssl link page within the www.geomancy.net website. 

    I have also harden the SSL protocols so that it can achieve at least an A rating in Qualys SSL Labs (https://www.ssllabs.com) that is possible based on the depending on the server OS and SSL technology available. This is to ensure that all the vulnerable older SSL protocols are locked-down, especially since we are now fully enabling https through all our sites. 


    4) Further refinements on Geomancy.Net - Main Page

    I continued to further refine the main page so that it's less cluttered with description and yet still makes all the important link available right from the main page. Plus, some re-organizing of order of the contents, so that in mobile devices, they flow from one section to another when they are related.

    Navigation Menu links also have been updated with the new https shortcut links (rather than the http redirection shortcut links). I plan to continue to improve to re-organize the navigation menu so that they group related links similar to how the main page was re-organized. Such as new Forecast section which is popular, so it deserved to stand out as an important section. 


    With this updates completed, I can now focus on re-vamping and re-coding of the Online.Geomancy.net section. As it is, the existing reports still works well on the mobile devices. But I am still looking to see how best to improve and enhance it.


    Hope you enjoy the updates!


    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee



  6. Hi Everyone,


    1) Daily.Geomancy.Net - Free Comprehensive Daily Chinese Horoscope & Ba Zi Feng Shui Forecast is now Mobile Friendly

    I have revamp our popular daily forecast layout to a responsive template and will now be suitable for viewing with your mobile devices.  It should be easier to read and take up less space than the earlier layout. 

    This Today's Detailed Forecast link is now available on our main page at the 2017 Forecast area for users to enjoy on the mobile browsers. However, the daily forecast chart will not be shown on the main page on mobile browser as it will take up too much display space. Previously, this link and chart was only made available for Tablet and Desktop browsers only.

    URL: http://daily.geomancy.net

    With the new responsive templates ready in the Online.Geomancy.Net, we are also ready to update more of our reports to make it fully mobile friendly just as our Geomancy.Net or Forum.Geomancy.Net websites :)


    2) Palmistry.Net - Our Palmistry Resources is now Mobile Friendly

    Our palmistry site is also fully converted to a responsive template, and is now available for viewing on mobile devices.

    URL: http://www.palmistry.net


    3) Re-updated all our other sites with a latest revision of the Layout Template

    As there were some further optimization tweaks and bug fixes on the Latest Website Templates and the Navigation Menu, which I removed off the Navigation Menu title, giving more space for the navigation menu especially for mobile browsers. This latest version have been updated to Shop.Geomancy.Net, Pictures.Geomancy.Net and other sites. So there continue to be a consistent look and feel throughout the site.


    Hope you enjoy the changes!


    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee


  7. Hi Everyone,


    Thank everyone for their feedback and patience as we revamp our website! 


    I am pleased to announce a New and Improved Main Page launched. Our site has a wealth of resources and tools, however it was never easy designing a main page that can bring out the contents in an easy yet organized way. However, I believe this latest layout brings out our original "Learn and Apply Feng Shui navigation menu concept" in the old site design, better than ever before. At the same time, the new layout still allowed latest updates to be featured prominently in both Desktop and Mobile layout!


    1) New & Improved Main Page


    The new main page organizes and groups related sections together in the same visible area. Such as:-

    • Daily Forecast + 2017/2018 Forecast
    • Main Feature Content + Latest Site News
    • Learning Resource + Personalized Reports + Get Expert Advice
    • Home Consultation + SG. Property Reviews
    • House Hunting + Auspicious Dates + Other Related Resources

    Each section contains all the useful resources in a list, along with related sections placed side by side (on larger devices). This makes it easy to find all the useful resources on site in that section as well, as have related sections close or next to each other to continue browsing other sections of the site.

    This makes all the "key" site features available right from the main page with many tools that users may use every day available at a glance. For example, those looking for the daily forecast, can focus on the daily forecast section with everything related there. Or those looking for house Hunting Resources, can zoom in to the property reviews or House Hunting sections etc. So that just visiting out main page and you will be able to find everything you need.

    In addition, certain features like Daily Forecast / Main Feature Content are hidden away in mobile devices since they are a little small for such contents. This makes it better for mobile browsers as well.


    2) Improved Navigation Menu (Right Collapsible Sidebar)


    When we re-launched our brand new site, the sidebar was white which sometimes doesn't make the navigation easy to read vs the rest of the site content. And it initially I used used an accordion type layout which works nicely on desktop and tablet, but I noticed, that on some smaller mobile devices, the space was quite narrow to show the content properly.

    Since then, I have improved this and changed it to a more darker theme and adjusted a nice font size comfortable for both desktop/mobile devices. In addition, a floating menu is used on larger desktop, so that there is no need to scroll the sidebar just to find the next level of menu which is very suitable for browsing with the mouse. And in the mobile/tablet, a scrolling style navigation which allows for finger swiping support is used. 

    This makes the navigation menu a lot better to use in the respective devices.


    3) FengShui.Geomancy.Net & other shortcuts


    In order to keep a more recognizable site presence, instead of a longer "Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net", I created a new shortcut url "FengShui.Geomancy.Net", that will be the branded throughout our entire network. This is not only serve as a functional shortcut URL to "www.geomancy.net" or "geomancy.net", as well as, a shorter site branding for the entire network especially for search engines.

    There were also a few other shortcuts added/updated to make it easy to link to those useful sections of the sites, such as our these following useful shortcuts:-

    URL: http://daily.geomancy.net - Comprehensive Daily Forecast
    URL: http://dates.geomancy.net - Free Auspicious Dates Report


    4) Back-end Server Caching and Database Performance Tweaks


    Since the new site launch, I have been re-tweaking the various site CDN, database and Cache performance. I believe the current setting is now very highly optimized to ensure that users will have a fast and smooth loading site!


    Hope you enjoy the changes! There are still more changes coming, and we will announce it as they are available.


    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

  8. Hi Everyone!

    Firstly, Geomancy.Net would like to wish all users a Happy and Prosperous Year in the Year of the Rooster!


    On this joyous 2nd day of CNY, not only are we opened for business. But is now smart-phone/tablet friendly!

    We thank everyone for your feedback on site issues (if any) as well as patience as we tweaked and improve the site since the soft-launch!

    1) Site Wide SSL Implementation

    To allow users a secure and seamless browsing experience between all our resources: be it web pages, forum and report generation. 


    As of 30 Jan 2017. users visiting our normal http (non secure pages) will be automatically redirected to https (secure SSL pages) automatically. Including, our older related domains alias (3dglobe.com/infoserv.com.sg etc), will automatically redirect to our main secure geomancy.net site. This is to prevent any SSL warnings if https url isn't geomancy.net.

    2) Back-End Server Software Update on Online.Geomancy.Net

    Online.Geomancy.net is our engine for generating your reports and is transparent to you.

    However, in order to support SSL; we needed to make template changes in our Reports to support the latest version. I have checked all the reports and fixed all the necessary template that needed to be changed. This is also the first step for us to an upcoming Major Revamp our Reports template, later in the year.

    However, should there be any issues, feel free contact us at support@geomancy.net.

    3) Tweaking the New Website to optimize the pages for faster browsing

    Using data from our soft-launch, we tweaked the servers configuration to improve the performance of web pages utilizing server and browser caching to improve the site performance.

    As of 30 Jan 2017, we added two CDN resources for our www.geomancy.net/online.geomancy.net website. This allows us to load commonly used external files (like images etc), from our CDN servers located closest to you. This will improve the loading performance of the site.

    In addition, we tested numerous server optimization settings and caching settings and have now implemented the one that works the best for our site. And did a one-time re-optimization of all images on the server to further reduce the file size. So the site should load a lot faster now. 

    4) Redirection of older pages to the new pages and archiving of old website!

    As the new site is now working well and can fully replace the old site. The old website has been archived away (archive.geomancy.net) while most of the older pages have been automatically redirected to the new links to support older and existing links.

    5) Updated content pages that doesn't fit well on mobile devices

    As we were testing our site, we have fixed up pages that didn't work well on mobile such as our Yearly Chinese Horoscope & Feng Shui Forecast, broken links or report links that didn't work properly after the initial soft-launch.

    I am pretty sure most of the issues have been fixed now. However, should there still be any issues, again just let us know: support@geomancy.net

    6) Integration of Common Site look throughout most major sections of the site

    With a new responsive layout design, it's now possible to better integrate a common look throughout various sections of the site. However, as this site has hundreds of thousands of resource, it's impossible to change everything immediately. Hence; appreciate your kind understanding in this area as it has to be revamp section by section.


    Our next projects are for revamping in phases of our sister sites:-

    • Lovesigns.Net
    • Palmistry.Net
    • Online.Geomancy.Net - (Redesign and coding of a new report section, this will be hardest to change since it's not easy to reformat a report that was designed for Desktop and A4 Print into a mobile friendly layout) 

    Otherwise, most of the site is now revamp. We will still continue to improve it over the next few days!

    We like to once again thank everyone for your support and patience as we revamp our website. However, I am sure you will enjoy the site better with these changes!


  9. Hi Everyone,

    Our popular Comprehensive Chinese Horoscope and Yearly Feng Shui Forecast layout has been re-optimized to better support Mobile/Tablet browsers. 

    After we updated our latest revamped website layout, I noticed that the year forecast pages wasn't showing well on mobile devices (iphone/andriod). So this will make it more mobile friendly.

    Users who had issues viewing the 2017 forecast previously, can now view the updated link:-

    URL: http://www.geomancy.net/content/feng-shui-resources/yearly-forecast/rooster-2017-chinese-horoscope-feng-shui-yearly-forecast

    And our forecast is so comprehensive that we have added and published the upcoming years forecast 2018-2030. Just as we have published our 2017 forecast many many years ago! So have a sneak peak:-

    URL: http://www.geomancy.net/content/feng-shui-resources/yearly-forecast/chinese-horoscope-feng-shui-yearly-forecast

    It's indeed challenging reformatting desktop / printer friendly layouts into smaller devices. 

    Hope you enjoy the updates!


    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

  10. Hi Everyone,

    Welcome to soft-launch to test out our brand new website for the upcoming Chinese New Year!

    Our old website layout has served us well for many years since the last major revamp and was highly optimized for desktop browsing. However, it's time for another major revamp for our 20th Year Anniversary on the internet since the site was launched in 1996!

    Our new website layout has been completely redesigned to be more user-friendly and highly optimized responsive layout to support mobile/tablet browsing as well as desktop browsing. Content will also be more integrated so that a unified search can search through all the resources from various sections of the site.

    New Website Features

    • Integrated Content Management
      - Allows us to easily organize the thousands of resources on the site.
    • Live Search Bar
      - Search for any content easily and on the fly
    • New Collapsible Navigation Menu
      - A more standardize mobile friendly navigation menu which doesn't occupy a lot of space especially for mobile browsers
      - You can filter the menu you want just by typing for the key word (ie "Dates" etc)
    • Responsive Layout
      - The layout will optimize the content for depending on your browsing device resolution which will allow users to enjoy our site on moible/tablet devices

    This is our 2nd phase of our major site revamp, following the recently upgraded forum. There are still some sections of the site that will be updated and improved in later phases. Hence, the old website and links will continue to remain available until the entire site is completely revamp before it will be archived away and old links to be redirected to the new pages. 

    Meanwhile, should you have any problems with the new site, you can access our old site from this link:-

    URL: http://archive.geomancy.net

    Hope you enjoy the update!

  11. 16 hours ago, myfs_161825 said:

    I am going into a new luck pillar as of my birthday this year.  This pillar is an animal that is a 'friend', and the element is auspicious.  This is also my output element.  However, in my BAZI, birth-chart, I do not have any of this element.  none, not even hidden.


    What does this mean for the likelihood of favorable luck during this 10 years coming in this luck pillar pls?


    Honestly, this depends on the interaction of the luck pillar and your main pillars. You have to consider things like the 10-yearly big luck, 5-yearly medium, yearly small luck whether they are on your side. You also have to consider whether the year generally have any major conflict and whether it is favourable to your five element or not. Whether there are clashes/harms/punishment/self-punishments etc. All these have an impact whether the year is good or bad, and whether there are challenges or not.


    Without reviewing those in details, it is hard to tell you whether it is auspicious or not. For this, you may need the Ba Zi Premium report to be able to tell more.

    URL: http://www.geomancy.net/products/po-bazi/po-bazi.htm


    16 hours ago, myfs_161825 said:

    would it still benefit me to change my name, to bring in a name that is like the element?


    Of course, having a suitable name that helps improve your five element will help in some way. As the more well balance your five elements (ie 20% of each element), the better your overall luck.


    However, often this is more effective for a newborn or at least when he/she still haven't attended school. This is because the likelihood of the chinese name being used the most is during the school days. After that, it may not be used as much especially if you have western/christian names.


    Hence, once a person reaches adult age, a name change may not really have as much of an impact as when you are young.


    This is because a person has 3 forms of luck:-


    1) Heaven Luck - Luck you are born with and supposed to have.

    2) Earth Luck - Luck from your home and surrounding.

    3) Human Luck - Luck from your relationship with others and own hard work.


    So effectively, your heavenly given luck only covers 33.3% of your overall luck. And a name change will likely only affect about 10% of this 33.3%. So that means the name only covers probably about 3.3% of your overall luck. So the effectiveness of a name change when you are an adult is very low as compared to when young.


    Hence, unless there is some situation where a name change is absolutely necessary, I often won't recommend it. You may even find working on the home/office feng shui which covers about 33.3% of your overall earth luck is more effective.


    16 hours ago, myfs_161825 said:

    if I need to ask this in a different place or pay for a different membership, pls. let me know that, as this answer is important to me.


    If you really want to look into this, then probably the service that will best help you would be the ba zi with expert review. 

    URL: http://www.geomancy.net/products/po-bazi/po-bazi.htm


    Only when you analysed the full chart, will you know how it impacts you, whether a luck period is good and so forth. Without, it's hard to give any advice.


    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee


  12. Hi Everyone!


    I am pleased to announce that the entire website has been successfully upgraded and migrated over to the new server on the latest server OS and latest software. Should there be problems, feel free to contact me.


    This update was necessary as some software that was with the site since 1996 needed a major update to support the latest OS. This especially as our forum contains a wealth of knowledge and posts, finding a suitable replacement to migrate over was not an easy task. However, I am pleased that we have found suitable forum replacement that will support our site for many years to come.


    I have just updated all the integration link so that the login to the new forum will be as seemless as the old one. All the external forum links should automatically redirect to the new forum links. So everything should be quite seemless for the users.


    There will still be more tweaking and customization of the various updated sections so that we can implement more site updates to enhance the site even better :)


    Thank you for your patience. Hope you enjoy the new updates!



  13. Hi Everyone!


    If you can see this new forum and post, it means that you are now on a brand new forum software.


    Our old forum has served us well for many years since 1996, however it is outdated and obsolete. So I had to find a new replacement forum that will continue to serve our site's need for many years to come. All the data from the old forum has been converted and migrated over to this one. So our valuable forum posts and data will continue to be searchable here.


    This new forum is friendly to both web based and mobile based browsers, with many features such as private messaging and so forth. So it will enhance user's experience on the site.


    There are still many sections of the site that I need to upgrade, so once everything is fully migrated over the new server. I will then re-customize the forum template so that it will integrate well with other parts of the site. Meanwhile, I have already updated our online system to be able to link to this forum. So everything should continue to work seemlessly.




    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee



  14. Hi Everyone,

    I will be performing a major server migration on the our site, to have a major overhaul update to all the existing software to support the latest server OS.

    Our old forum especially have served us well since the site was launched in 1996. But it also needs to be updated to something even better that will continue to support the site for many years to come. Hence, our old forum will be migrated to another newer forum software.

    Hence, this will be the last post on this old forum database, after which data on this old forum will be archived and be replaced with a much more updated forum software.

    The rest of the site software will also need to be upgraded in order for it to support the latest server software. So this will be a pretty major update. The upgrade will be done in the background, and I will update different sections of the site at one time.

    Due to the nature of this update, I am using a temporary server to test configure and transfer the configuration before it is moved to a permanent new server. And some tweaking and integrations between the new modules may need to be tweaked later, including re-customising of the layout and templates of the software.

    However, I don't expect too much of a disruption. In fact, users should still be able to continue to access the site while it is being upgraded. However, I may need to disable sections of the site which is being upgraded or transferred. This will be done in sections so that not all the site will be unavailable at the same time.

    I am sure users will enjoy this update once the update is completed.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

  15. Hi Lanie,

    On 1/20/2014 9:58:36 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    I paid a personal bazi report

    for me and my husband ,it says
    after getting a receipt, i
    will get a response. Please
    check my order cause its been
    after 24 hrs after paying it
    and i did get a receipt
    already thank You.
    It seems that none of my e-mails or reply seems to be getting through to your yahoo account. Hence, I am posting a reply here. My guess is that the e-mail ended up in your spam/junk folder or something. Please contact us with a different e-mail so that we can re-send you the info.
    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

  16. Quote
    On 5/7/2013 9:57:18 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Hi Master Lee,I've seen my
    surname in different
    stroke counts of 7, 11 and 12.
    May I know which is the best
    to use in the name analysis?
    Thank you very much for your
    Prior to around 1968 even in Singapore, we use Traditional characters or "Big 5" instead of "Simplified Chinese" as found post 1968 schooling.
    Thus following past tradition,Traditional Character stroke counts are used.
    And usually use the kang xi dictionary stroke count as a default (if in doubt).
    Andin today'ssimplified form; the count is 7 stroke characters for this surname.
    As for traditional character stroke count sometimes can vary from dictionary and so forth.
    But usually this character you mentioned isa common Chinese surname character. Andthus is usually considered as 11 strokes.
    Therefore, following Tradition (Big 5); one should try touse 11 strokes for this surname instead of the simplified form which is 7 strokes.
    Hope that helps.
    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

  17. Hi ISylvia,
    Thanks for sharing the information.
    The site has 2 servers: the main one and a secondary backup & mail server.
    Sometimes, the main server for some reason or other needs to reset. When it does so; our secondary backup server kicks-in. The backup server forum messages and database is only updated at predetermined period. Thus, messages found on the backup server is seen to be not-updated at all.
    As such, you may have logged in when the main server is "down" for a short-while and thus, it may seem that the forum messages are not updated.
    Once the main server goes on-line again; it will "return" to the norm.
    Hence, it is not an issue.
    Appreciate very much! Thanks for letting us know. But, it should not be an issue. I am posting this so other users will know why this happens.
    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

    On 2/23/2011 10:44:54 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Would like to inform you that
    your "Free Advice" has been
    stuck at Install A Partition
    dated 13 Dec for those who are
    not members and who are unable
    to log in. This will
    give the impression that no
    one has asked any question of
    you since that date .
    You probably didnt know since
    you are probably on auto
    log-inso kindly be

  18. Dear Users,

    Over the past couple of weeks, have noticed very sluggish performance for the web server and requiring a reboot very frequently. This usually happens for windows server after numerous windows patches and re-patches.And it has been about 2 years since we last did a major server upgrade. So it was time to upgrade the server to refresh the server configuration and also to take advantage of latest server specs.

    Our website is now powered by Dual Processor Quad Core Westmere 2.4Ghz (16 x CPUs). This is a monster server. One of this monster server is equal to two of our old Harpertown servers. In addition, there will be another server upgraded to be our backup and fall back server. This will be worked on next month.

    Plus, I also plan to have some software upgrades for some of our key components forum and other sites.
    Hope you enjoy a faster and smoother
    website access

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  19. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    Am thinking of using your service for the
    chinese name analysis and change but just wondering if your report at
    the end will give me just 1 recommended name to adopt or a choice of a
    few names?

    Our name analysis will do a ba zi review, then analyse the top name strokes for your surname. We will attempt to work out at least 5 top name stroke groups that is suitable to your ba zi. Depending on the character strokes for each group, we will attempt to match out all the names (if possible have good meaning or at least sound nice). All in all we normally will produce about 20-30 names in total for you to see which ones you like.

    After you eliminate names you cannot use and find the one you like, we will advise you which of the names is most suitable by considering the character shape, character meaning and overall name stroke grouping.

    Anonymous wrote:
    Will you also be explaining the rationale behind the recommended name to be changed to in terms of my ba zi/favourable elements?

    You will see all the details in our analysis. Anything that you do not understand you can simply contact me to clarify your doubts.

    In general, we usually find choosing a good name is good for a child, since the child will use the name the most during his childhood and school days. Once a person reach adulthood or a certain again. A name change won't likely bring too much of a benefit, so often not recommended unless absolutely necessary.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  20. Dear Jen,

    Jen E. wrote:

    hello I am wondering on my analysis it states luck will not be on my
    side till I am 58 . my favourable elements are wood and fire...yet the
    period that turns into luck for me is water and metal ? so why is this
    lucky for me??

    Firstly, you need to know that the free report only determines your 10-year Big Luck Flow. 10-yearly big luck if with you means that things will tend to be smoother for you, if 10-yearly big luck is not with you it means you have to work even harder for success. In your case, it only shows me that you are an average person (not one of those born with silver spoon very fortunate type person). Your luck is such that you have to work hard early in your life and enjoy life later. That is about all.

    There is also a 5-yearly medium luck and yearly small luck. Even where 10-yearly big luck is not with you, you can still have 5-yearly or yearly small luck that may favour you from time to time. This is why your luck can swing up and down for every period. Even in good or bad luck period, you can still enjoy some good years depending on whether the year is good for you.

    This portion does not show which year you is actually good or bad.

    Secondly, the free report basically determines your basic element. Which in this case is Weak Fire. As a weak fire your favourable element is generally wood/fire element.

    But what kind of weak Fire are you? Are you weak because you lack both wood and fire. Or are you weak because you lack more wood than fire. Or are you weak because you simply have too much of your unfavourable earth/metal.

    This portion is determined by the Breakdown of Five Element which is only available in the ba zi premium, as this portion is extremely important in a ba zi analysis. If you lack more Wood, this means Wood is your most favourable followed by Fire element.

    If you are weak because there is too much Earth/Metal, that usually means your other elements like Water/Wood/Fire may be lacking in general. So even though Water which is an unfavourable to weak fire, may still be good for you if say Water element percentage is 0%.

    In your case, I checked that you are weak fire because of too much Earth and Metal. Water and Wood is actually quite lacking. So that means that Wood is your most favourable element followed by Fire element. Once you have sufficient of Wood and Fire element, some Water is good for you also even though it is by default your unfavourable element.

    The ideal is to have 20% of each element. Each element will help to balance out the other elements. So it you need the right proportion of each of the five element in order to balance up your chart. So even if an element is your unfavourable, but if you lack too much of it, it will still create unbalance.

    So if you do a detailed ba zi analysis, you will find that Wood and fire is your favourable element, but at the same time some Water even though is it your unfavourable element is also good for you. However, as water is still your unfavourable element, you still need to make sure you have sufficient of Wood and Fire before it benefits you. Otherwise, adding water without wood/fire will only weaken you further.

    So that is probably why some periods which is water actually benefits you as you simply lack it completely which is partially what created the unbalance in your ba zi chart.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  21. Dear users,

    Recently couple of users have feedback that the forum posting does not work properly for other non-Internet Explorer browsers (especially replying to an existing post). This was because the original forum posting was from the original forum software which mainly designed the editing feature just for Internet Explorer support, with limited support for other browsers.

    We understand that many users now use Firefox or other non-Internet Explorer browsers. So we had worked to find a compatible forum post editing component that will work in most major browsers. (i.e. Firefox/Netscape, Opera, Apple Safari, even Google Chrome.)

    I am glad to say for now that I the latest forum post, has been tested to work with most of the major browsers:-

    • Internet Explorer

    • Firefox or any mozilla compatible

    • Opera

    • Apple Safari Browser

    • Google Chrome
    The dynamic editing features for the current version may vary from browsers to browsers, but the most fundamental typing, editing and posting will 100% work fine. However, the two major browsers (Internet Explorer and Firefox) will be able to utilise the full editing features.

    I have gotten the more powerful license version which promises to be able to all the latest browsers. However, I found it a little slow especially for Internet Explorer and too heavily loaded with graphics. So for time being, am checking with the developer to see if he could fix it and get a it to be less graphic intensive so that it would load faster.

    The developer has told me that an even newer version that is much faster is on its way. So will be looking out for it. Once I tested it, will update it for all to use.

    Meanwhile, the current edition should work fine for now.

    I have also tweaked the posting page to be much more easier and to hide away unnecessary features (such as original post box will only show for replying or editing messages, some added help instructions to guide users etc).

    So now you no longer need to stick to Internet Explorer browser and still be able to enjoy participating in our forum Very Happy

    Hope you find the upgrade useful!

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  22. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    I've used your free auspicious dates report
    to find a suitable date for moving house. I've attached the report. I'm
    thinking of 3 Apr 09 which is auspicious for both my husband (1st
    person) & me (2nd person). However, under the column for clashes,
    the report shows "yin-shen" & "shen-yin" for my husband. I'm not
    sure what this means & how does it affect the "auspiciousness" of
    this day. Appreciate your advice, thanks in advance.

    The column for clashes will usually show most of the minor clashes or harms that is found between the day and your chart. Usually any major clashes will appear in the main date column.

    Generally, what is important is for the clash column are:-

    1st line represents clash (in red text),
    2nd line represents harm (in red text),
    3rd line represents punishment (in black text)
    4th line represents self punishment (in black text)

    So 3rd Apr, contains a minor clash (yin-shen) and a minor punishment (shen-yin) for the 1st person.

    As your ba zi pillars is checked against the day, it is very common to have some pillars that will contains clashes/harms etc. So we normally use this column to check against another auspicious date. Between the two which has the least clash or harm to determine which is the best.

    For example, if there are two dates that are considered auspicious and very auspicious range, the date that has as little clash/harm is deemed the better of the two.

    Dates that are classified as Auspicious/Very Auspicious will often be better than Average/Inauspicious/Very Inauspicious. So choose the dates by the Auspicious/Very Auspicious, then followed by the dates with as little clash/harm within the clash column.

    In any case, these are minor clashes / harms which won't impact the dates too much if the date is already considered suitable for you. As the report does a very detailed analysis, it is very hard to find a date that has absolutely no clashes at all.

    The more important one to avoid is for example 27 Mar 2009 (Fri) there is a Heavenly Stem (HS) Bad Element with 2nd person, and Earthly Branch Clash and a punishment with the Ox Year.

    So basically, that is how you should use it.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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