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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. This report is generated for: Sample illustration 20-Year Reigning Period: 8 (2004-2023)House Direction: NE1 (30)Owner: SampleGender: MaleDate of Birth: Sample Illustration Flying Star Chart, Period 8 (2004-2023):-North-West (Metal)4 9 1Year 2014 5JanFebMarAprMayJun198765JulAugSepOctNovDec4321(1)9North (Water)9 4 6Year 2014 9JanFebMarAprMayJun543219JulAugSepOctNovDec8765(5)4North-East (Earth)2 2 (Main Door)8Year 2014 7JanFebMarAprMayJun321987JulAugSepOctNovDec6543(3)2West (Metal)3 1 9Year 2014 6JanFebMarAprMayJun219876JulAugSepOctNovDec5432(2)1Center (Earth)5 8 2Year 2014 4JanFebMarAprMayJun987654JulAugSepOctNovDec3219(9)8East (Wood)7 6 4Year 2014 2JanFebMarAprMayJun765432JulAugSepOctNovDec1987(7)6South-West (Earth)#8 current prosperity 5 5Year 2014 1JanFebMarAprMayJun654321JulAugSepOctNovDec9876(6)5South (Fire)1 3 7Year 2014 8JanFebMarAprMayJun432198JulAugSepOctNovDec7654(4)3South-East (Wood)6 7 3Year 2014 3JanFebMarAprMayJun876543JulAugSepOctNovDec2198(8)7 In the above illustration; assuming that this is a Period 8, NE1: the first choice is to have a back door at SW. Not ideal to have it at West. The 2nd alternative choice is at NW PS. Please ignore the Year and monthly flying stars for this illustration.
  2. The Fullerton Hotel. Once upon a time - the General Post Office and even the office of Dr Goh Keng Swee our former Finance Minister. At the Hotel's lobby is an inspirational bronze statute of the late Mr Ng Teng Fong - Far East Organisation and Sino Group.
  3. Under Symbolism in Feng Shui; it is not ideal for kitchen appliances like e.g. a toaster oven or an oven or kitchen knifes directly face an open bedroom door. Here, based on symbolism; there is a "health" related concern. For example, if a toaster oven faces the bedroom door; then the concern of "having a fever etc"...
  4. Next door to The Vision is Seahill. The expected completion date is by end of (next year) 2016
  5. Another condo that has just TOP: The Vision at West Coast Crescent The two central blocks of The Vision at West Coast Crescent has stacks that face various directions... Seen in the photo : one of the two central blocks: BLOCK 79.
  6. Under symbolism in Feng Shui; it is best not to have a "split" directly in the middle of just any "decorative" piece. If one looks carefully in this painting, one can see that it was made up of two paintings. And the line in the middle can directly be seen. (This is considered less than ideal)... Fortunately, this is very rare...
  7. Blossom Residences has recently just TOP. One thing is for sure, all three sides are literally surrounded by HDB sites... with the exception of one side facing Kranji Expressway (KJE)... This last fringe of Sega looks like it is fully developed.. no more pockets of developments unless The Zenghua Park makes way for one...
  8. Unfortunately... looks like the property cooling is not about to ease.... Yesterday, at the 2nd appointment in another new TOP development: Waterscape@Cavenagh; When I pulled up to the condo; walk towards the basement lift.. a well dressed lady ... entered the corridor.... When the lift door was about to close...she hurriedly went in (with me)... and started to strike a conversation: "Are you a owner, here?" Deep in my heart...it mumbled... "Poor thing! - most likely trying to drum business for her company...".... (The tell-tale signs are that she carried samples of carpet tiles....hmmmm....) Times are indeed bad for Property Agents and also Renovation contractors....
  9. This is one of the various tools used as a guide to see which of the many unit's space allocation best fits the person
  10. These three letters: 2, 3 and 5 are the most "feared" numbers in the Flying Star vocab...
  11. A "5" pian cai is very high. Pian Cai does not automatically only means "lottery" luck. It could also mean bonus, promotion and profit - luck!
  12. Reference:http://forum.geomancy.net/resources/art/art-under.htm Yes, it is not ideal to have the ceptic tank's pipe underneath a bedroom especially if it is DIRECTLY below a bed.
  13. 1. Majority of the stacks/units in Coco Palms face either Period 8 N3 or S3. 2. While only some of Block's 19 and 33 either faces E3 or W3. 3. In modern times, we now have digital maps and sites like : onemap.sg that uses govern data survey maps to draw an outline of the completed buildings. Another useful site is: streetdirectory.com. 3.1. Here, I have found using both onemap.sg and streetdirectory.com to confirm that both sites have identical orientation of the blocks and compass bearings. (Please see attachment). 4. Once a while, we do get inaccurate North marking on sales brochures of some developments. For example, when I used a protractor on the sitemap provided by the developer, it varies by 10 degrees and show a different facing direction from Para 3, above. 5. In my opinion, I would prefer to rely on Para 3 - as both onemap.sg and streetdirectory.com have shown the same or exact compass directions particularly the line reference of 290 degrees towards 110 degrees. 6. Thus, if you are trying to plot out the Flying Star chart of a home, it is best not to blindly depend on just the sales brochure! Imagine, a facing of S3 is so different from a NE1 etc...
  14. Other of some of the stacks in HDB Punngol Bayview the "bay-view" stacks facing the dreaded afternoon sun; overall, I like what I see in the Shapes and Forms of this HDB development site. It is one of the better ones I have seen, so far. This reminds me of the East Coast park chalets; but on the different side (North-eastern part) of Singapore.
  15. In my opinion, in general, HDB Waterway Cascadia is another of - one of the better sites in crammed grid-like Punggol estate. What I like about it is that it is close to the "mouth" of Mywaterway@Punggol. Where this waterway flows towards Sungei (River) Punggol. Other than the afternoon sun and what would be built at locations marked in purple "A, B and C". It would be an added bonus if the plot marked in purple as "B" is just greenery and park-land. That would be just great! North facing stacks especially of blocks 316C, 316B and 315B looks serene and would be less affected by more developments coming up in Punggol. Just imagine, just a few years ago; there were few HDB blocks that were close to the Tampines Expressway such as 111, 106 etc... But I was told some said that these blocks get lesser breeze and warmer wind conditions - thus, use more air-con energy.. than in the past.
  16. 1. The 2 bedder... interior layout.... not that fantastic. 2. The 3 bedder... also not that ideal.... 3. Just when I thought that everything looks fine for the 4 bedder... Oops, oops and more oops! (See attachment) 4. Condo better than HDB? Hmm.. I don't ever recall a single HDB flat having it's toilet sharing / next to the main entrance door... This developer (and their architect) should take a cue from Public housing.... This sucks!
  17. 1. For those who intend to purchase a 2 bedroom unit in The Panorama. Try to reflect on one's current lifestyle: 1.1. How's your current home dining table? If the current dining table is "full of crab" or has loads and piles of "rubbish"; then it is best not to purchase that "dream" 2 bedroom unit. 1.2. Just imagine, if one continues to bring over the same habit; the dining table of the 2 bedrooms, here is in full view of the main entrance! So the first impression of someone entering this house is "full of rubbish" lying on the dining table. 2. Don't want to scare you. But again, please reflect... on what your current kitchen is like? Again if it is full of "crab" then "let the buyer beware!" As your means of entering that home is through that scruffy kitchen and towards that crummy dining table area... Sucks right? Then don't buy this unit... Hijacked! The many confessions of a 2-bedder @ The Panorama.... 3. "Hey! Where do I hang the clothes?" As the mgmt says... not allowed at the common balcony" 4. "What are you doing!!! Don't pour that detergent powder in the washing machine - while I am cooking!' Always remember: detergent powder don't make the soup sweeter...! " 5. "Watch the dial! Avoid turning the "heat" on the washing machine! The detergent vapours may just deposit on all the utensils and food in our erh.. damn lousy kitchen!"
  18. 1. The "mouth" of the house is like sewing one's backside to the face. Take a look at the illustration. Can you recall how many homes or apartments that have a "backside" glued to it's face? Not that many right? 2. Less than ideal that the WC (wc pipes) share the same wall as the stove. But a consolation is that - at least, it is not directly opposite each other.... 3. Para 1 is considered as ONE major "leak" in the home. And in order not to get into further "trouble"; hopefully, the home does not have more "leaks". (Leaks here, refer to wealth-health leaks)
  19. 20-Year Reigning Period: 8 (2004-2023)House Direction: NE1 (30)Applies to Block 12:Stacks: #15, #16 & #17 The Panorama Flying Star Chart, Period 8 (2004-2023):-North-West (Metal)4 9 1Year 2014 5JanFebMarAprMayJun198765JulAugSepOctNovDec432(1)19North (Water)9 4 6Year 2014 9JanFebMarAprMayJun543219JulAugSepOctNovDec876(5)54North-East (Earth)2 2 Facing Direction8Year 2014 7JanFebMarAprMayJun321987JulAugSepOctNovDec654(3)32West (Metal)3 1 9Year 2014 6JanFebMarAprMayJun219876JulAugSepOctNovDec543(2)21Center (Earth)5 8 2Year 2014 4JanFebMarAprMayJun987654JulAugSepOctNovDec321(9)98East (Wood)7 6 4Year 2014 2JanFebMarAprMayJun765432JulAugSepOctNovDec198(7)76South-West (Earth)8 5 5Year 2014 1JanFebMarAprMayJun654321JulAugSepOctNovDec987(6)65South (Fire)1 3 7Year 2014 8JanFebMarAprMayJun432198JulAugSepOctNovDec765(4)43South-East (Wood)6 7 3Year 2014 3JanFebMarAprMayJun876543JulAugSepOctNovDec219(8)87 The facing direction NE enjoys an auspicious "Combination of 10 Water Star Formation". And the sitting direction has an auspicious Mountain star #8. The facing direction, generally has the "virtual water" position - as it is facing Anderson Primary Schools school field. If one does not mind the morning hours and afternoon school "sounds"; this facing is considered very auspicious till 2023. (Morning sun = OK. And is not affected by the afternoon sun)
  20. The 6 blocks in the development and their facing direction(s) under Flying Star Feng Shui:- 1. BLKs 8 & 10 : Stacks either NW1 or SE1. This block has facing directions that suit both an East SE1 and West group (NW1) person. 2. BLK 12: Stacks either NE1 or SW1. West group. 3. Blk 16: Stacks either NW2 (West) or SE2 (East group) 4. Blks 18 & 20: Stacks either N3 or S3 (East group).
  21. HDB Waterway Banks with Blocks 671, 672, 673 and 674. This development also has the water course : Mywaterway@punggol curving towards it. Please see attachment. Here, it is good that Blocks 675, 673C, 673B and 673A is a distance away from the waterway course (curve). However, take care when purchasing a unit with stacks looking towards Mywaterway@pungol in Blocks 671B and 671.
  22. Extra care needed if/when purchasing a unit in any of the following stacks circled in red. (See attachment)
  23. Please see attachment:- 1. Marking in red "C" - HDB Sundew especially Blks 661B, 661C and 662D. 2. Compared to markings in blue A, B and D; this development known as HDB Sundew has a watercourse that "curves" towards it. And is considered the most inauspicious within this four development sites. 2.1It also depends on the "strength" of the current that flows in the water course - curving towards this development. The stacks highlighted in "purple" have to be properly evaluated if one is selecting a flat within these stacks. Fortunately, for stacks A, B and D, they are least affected by the curve (if any) from the water course and subject to how the water flows e.g. right to left or left to right of the frontage of each stack/unit:- A - HDB Waterway Woodcress Blks 666 to 667 B - HDB Waterview Blks 682 & 684 D HDB Waterway Sunbeam Blks 663 to 664
  24. A case of those in an ivory tower... lacking 20/20 vision?
  25. You can check out more Feng Shui resources o the stove:- Kitchen Stove & More:-1 Orientation In The Kitchen2 Kitchen is the domain of the lady of the home3 Does the size of the kitchen matter?4 Fire At Heaven's Gate & General Compass Directions5 Size Of Kitchen And Zheng Guan (Authority)6 Meet The REAL Minister Of Finance @ HOME!7 Can A Bed Share The Same Wall As The Stove?8 Oven Or Stove Facing Windows9 Height of Stove & Sink10 CommentsAnd also:- Recommended colors for the Kitchen
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