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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Hope you are not referring to those "fixed ba gua template - thing". If one is trying to practise the fixed template bagua. Please do take note that it originated from Black Sect Tantric Buddhist (BTB) appears to have been a modern "invention" fabricated in the mind of one person: Thomas Lin Yun. It has no no basis in or connected to Traditional Chinese Feng Shui. BTB is not recognised by many practitioners of Traditional Chinese Feng Shui. Traditional practitioners also consider BTB to be Psuedo-Feng Shui. It is based primarily on a marketing scheme derived from superstition and profit. In fact,the founder of Black Sect - Thomas Lin Yun's had personally confessed on it. Many western practitioners apply this because it has near zero entry level. Thus just imagine, you can pick up a book on BTB and next day be a practitioner:- For example: Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: North = Career Chapter 3: SW = Romance sector etc... a no brainer, here In order to activate, one has to do a Feng Shui triage and carry out what is relevant in the attached chart. But do not apply what is the the right-side of the attached chart....
  2. These are some considerations: 1. In the past and even in the 1980's, many geomancers have limited knowledge or rather "skills". 2. Many geomancers got to learn basic skills. And I do remember visiting one of my reservist clerks at that time. 2.1. In his house warming; he mentioned that he sought Feng Shui advice. And then (1980+) the geomancer told him he lacks "earth" element. 2.2. And at that time, he told us he spent over $50K. And this went into costly granite tiles and lots of "stone" were placed in the home e.g. a marble dining table and lots more marble here, marble there. 2.3. Today, this is different. And many get to learn or understand that Feng Shui is not so simplistic that one has strong earth element thus have to avoid earth. Like this, might as well not stay in a concrete home. Buy a "wooden" home seems more relevant. Does this make sense today? 3. Drawing a parallel; when there was only X-rays. The idea of "I am a very strong earth element" person therefore, I should stay clear of earth.... is like the X-ray techology. 4. After MRI machine was invented; this brought a new level of peering into any tissue within a body. And today's Feng Shui is more sophisticated and even if one is a very strong earth element... ... 5.In the past, a geomancer will cluster your ba zi element and use this universal approach in a home Feng Shui. 6. But do remember this: 6.1. Humans have our own birth-date and thus our birth-chart i.e. ba zi. 6.2. A home also has it's own birth-date and it's own "ba zi" in the name of Flying Stars. 7. Thus, if a sector in a home perhaps need earth element; this is or will be distinct from your personal ba zi. Thus for eg. if a location in a home has a very auspicious mountain star #8 = current prosperity; activating a solid object with mass such as a "brick" etc... would be advantages - even if you are a very strong earth person = no issue at all!
  3. Like any other disciplines; Feng Shui is equally about the Art & Science. Often, there are several alternatives to a problem. The "Art" ensures success.... Brainstorming, past experience, think through best solutions
  4. How about four steps? Auspicious or Inauspicious? What do you think?
  5. Do you agree with these two statements:- 1. Save for that rainy day... Erh? How to? I don't earn a million bucks like politicians... 2. Charity begins at home.... How to? When we bring in so many foreigners...
  6. Oops! There is a tiger roaming around little India
  7. I believe, they are about to be set-up as no sign-board, yet...Quite unique as there are two large urns in the middle of their store
  8. These are some considerations:- 1. Flying Star Feng Shui: 1.1. Flying Star Feng Shui can be classified under "Horizontal" Flying Star Feng Shui and "Vertical" Flying Star Feng Shui. 1.2. Horizontal Flying Star Feng Shui is to find where is the frontage and plot the 9 grid or the pie chart and analyse a home or office or building or plot of land. 1.3. Vertical Flying star: assumes that each level or storey of a home has different qi influence. Thus that is why flats/apartments can use this Flying Star Feng Shui as in #01-32 is different from the qi of #12-32 etc... 2. If you are looking at landed properties and number; then this has more to do with the hundreds and or thousands of concepts of Numerology. 2.1. Firstly, such numerology has nothing directly or indirectly to do with FLYING STAR Feng Shui. 2.2. Since there are so many or numerous Numerology methods and techniques... there can be different outcomes. If you choose a certain numerology method; it may turn out good. While another technique may turn out that the number is inauspicious. 3. Therefore, Feng Shui cannot answer number 861 is good or not. Go and use one of those Numerology methods and ... perhaps cross your fingers that it is auspicious......
  9. Eight Courtyards just TOP. Some photos of the development. Together with a photo of One Canberra and surroundings
  10. In my opinion, this link shows more resources on the limitations of the Eight House concept:- The Three-Step-Approach
  11. This chart shows "where you are" and in order to identify and propose remedies... there are more to it ....
  12. Frankly, in order to apply so called cures or remedies or even consider enhancements; this Gua thing or theory is not adequate enough. This gua thing has more to do with say; which sector is better for that person or which work/study direction is best and/or best bed-head direction etc... Even this thing about Kitchen with island. Even with gua analysis; usually it has more to do with whether who is the "queen" of the kitchen and whether the stove is sitting and facing a good direction (if possible) that suits the "queen" of the house. Thus a statement like "KITCHEN with Island in >SE location facing NW, >is this ok? " Is like, scratching one's head to see if one could cook up a story to pacify that person or something like that. Generally, a kitchen is not good at NW - for the male breadwinner. In order to apply cures; one has to map out one's Flying Star chart for each sector apply this. The thing about 4 pendants lights than 3: has more to do with Yin and Yang concept of Yin = even numbers and Yang = odd numbers. And often, based on location and how Yang or yin it could be. For example, if a sector is particularly dark or yin; then it makes sense under the Yin and Yang concept to consider odd number of lights (preferred) over yin (even) number of lights. In conclusion, Feng Shui is a holistic approach. And not about someone posting : "Gua 2 and a few lines of text and where some parts of the home is location... and presto! Available cures and remedies are on hand..... Have you done a proper Triage? If not, might as well flip a coin: Heads or tails for a remedy. There are no short-cuts in Feng Shui. The term "garbage-in; garbage-out" applies in this case.
  13. Please see sample extract from Geomancy.net's report:- It shows an extract of a person who belongs to the East group. And from the extract; one can see that the person's best working directions are those of his/her "Excellent" and/or "Prosperity". While "Longevity" and "Health" are usually meant more for the person's preferred best bed-head direction. If given no choice; it is even considered better to face "Longevity" and or "Health" as opposed to facing say the person's other "West" directions like West, SW, NW or NE.
  14. These are some considerations: 1. In the past and even today, in theory one of the definition of "excellent"; implies that this is ideal as the main door (or frontage) direction. 2. Today and as in now; both Excellent and Prosperity are good work / or study directions. Thus, it is acceptable to face both directions - if possible. Unless, it does not conform properly to shapes and forms Feng Shui. 2.1. Here, even if one's good direction is "Prosperity" or "Excellent"; but one's back is facing e.g. a manager's room door; then this is not ideal. 3. A range of good directions. 3.1. For example for an East group person; if one's Excellent or Prosperity is North. Then, ideally, one could face say "north". But just turning to one's NE or NW; is considered as inauspicious. 3.2. For an east group person; Even if one's Excellent is East or SE or South; for example; if one's Excellent or Prosperity direction is SE or North or vice-versa; then it is good to consider SE if possible; as often, some of us work at a desk that we can turn our body to work on a PC or a workspace. And while facing say SE; one could still face East (health) and/or South (another one of the health directions). 4. In theory, it is better to face "Prosperity" (1st choice) and "Excellent" (next best choice) if one follows the "stand-alone" ranking - in an ideal utopian situation.
  15. We humans if given room on the bed would often toss and turn and even sleep with head facing different directions. In theory, this baby's best bed-head direction should/could/may face North. But do you really want to implement it to make sure that the baby "faces" north for sure?
  16. According to Cesar Millan; we can now tell who is the REAL boss & who is but only a follower....
  17. Feng Shui cannot make-up for bad business decisions nor poor quality of leaders. Thus, Feng Shui is not a cure-all for everything under-the sun: more PMETs getting retrenched? Blame who or what?
  18. Under symbolism in Feng Shui, it is equally important to "visualise" a painting and where to put it. Especially if a painting has a river flowing "somewhere". Where possible, it should not be hung on a wall where it looks as if; the water flows out of the house e.g. out of the main door.
  19. In my opinion, plot 14 may be more "vulnerable" to risks such as sha qi from the cul-de-sac etc...
  20. In general, in my opinion, plot 19 is a safer plot than plot 14. As plot 14 is at the side of the cul-de sac and must avoid having areas of the home that may be sliced partially by the cul-de sac. Furthermore, for plot 14, if there is an open drainage on the side of the house, it may not be good.
  21. Sorry, to hear about it. Hope she took your advice-
  22. An electric tramp in the 1920's, Singapore. Just imagine, how I wish, I was on the above tram, in a slow pace life... back then...
  23. Singapore in the 1920's was quite advanced with a network of electric trams. The founder of Singapore: Sir Stamford Raffles - his statute was originally at this location then in 1920's. In the 1950's, his statute was shifted at Raffles Place, just a short distance away where now between the UOB-Standard Chartered Building.
  24. This is a common Chinese junk found in Singapore and Hong Kong waters in the 1920's.
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