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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. In Feng Shui, this may even imply that a certain home is not suitable to the pig (erh... person)
  2. In the photos, the trellis at pool side of Ripple Bay condo does not seem threatening due to it's "soft, fluid (non-threatening-look) design. Unlike some trellis were they look like "spikes".
  3. The shaded area in YELLOW in one of the photos is not considered a "load bearing" beam that does not cause a problem even if one stands or sleep below it. As the load is distributed along the side wall area. This type of layout only occurs with apartments with a bay window or bay area.
  4. The iconic Connaught Drive. One of the oldest roads in SGP
  5. A bustling river, the Singapore River in 1912.
  6. Tank Road Railway Station in the 1920's
  7. A good resource on what type of herbal drink ...
  8. These are some considerations: 1. In general, kitchen is located at NW = "Fire at Heaven's gate". One way to reduce the incidence is to introduce "earth and water" in the kitchen. 1.1. Try to check where is the true cardinal point of NW. And closest to this area, can introduce : pottery / glass-ware or any thing that is made from earth e.g. mugs in cabinets, near to this area. And another method is to introduce e.g. 2 x 1.5 clear water containers e.g. on the table top especially if the stove is at NW.
  9. Does this person fit the description of the boss of a Feng Shui emporium?
  10. What makes you delicious to mosquitoes? New research lists factors such as blood type, bacteria and sweat. WASHINGTON - Mosquitoes abound in the hot season. New research explains the insects' apparent are selectivity. Mosquitoes particularly like black, blue and red colours.
  11. A weak wood person may complaint that he needs more? WOOD!
  12. THE TRACKLESS TROLLEY OF SINGAPORE The early history of Singapore is shrouded in mystery. It seems to be established that the Malays settled there 1360 A.D., followed in 1377 A.D. by the Javanese who had invaded the island. Marco Polo does not mention it though he wintered in Sumatra on his way backin Europe. It was supposed to have been an important trading center in the early centuries, but when Great Britain acquired it, it was wholly uninhabited save by a few families of wild Malay fisher folk andl was a rendezvous of pirates. Today it is one of the world's chief distributing points for the commerce of all nations, truly a "crossroads of the world." Under British rule. Singapore has developed into one of the most prosperous and modern cities of the East, with broad, well-paved streets. It has a population of over 500.000 inhabitants and. though not old, isa city that providesal the travel interests of age-old places in the Orient. In Singapore, as in so many other Eastern ports, the coming of the motor car has changed much the aspect of life and to help solve its transportation problems. Singapore has also adopted the trackless tram car, that hybrid of the automobile and the electric street car. The ricksha, you will note, however, still holds an important putt as a means of transportation and more than 10,000 jinrikisha coolies swam-the port of Singapore. From early morning until the late at night, they trot their six miles an hour through its crowded streets. The streets of Singapore are a never-ending procession of carts, automobiles and jinrikishas. By Keystone View Company. The above implies that Singapore was already well developed prior to the claim by our elder statesman that Singapore was not so... when he took over ...
  13. 1. Frankly, of course, this is not ideal: both in terms of Feng Shui and personal feel (especially if one is fully aware of this). 2. From the illustration, one good thing is that all the sewerage pipes are not sharing the same wall as your work-station. Which is a plus point. 3. Most likely the wall separating your work-station is made of concrete; this is again another plus point. 4. Traditionally, one can buy a hulu (around 2 inches to 3 inches) high and place it on one's table. If it is not hung, then metal (brass/copper) hulu can be used, here. Alternatively one of those wooden hulu can also be used.
  14. In my opinion, generally higher floors (above 4th) .....
  15. Birds used to the secret weapons ofFeng Shui until all sorts of bird flu came-by.
  16. Is the Feng Shui of the entire earth good? Or should one narrow down from The External environment, The Site, The Block (or Home) and finally:The unit.
  17. Please note that for most sites; most apartments will fall into a bell curve:- http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=6&mid=32648&new=%3Cbr
  18. If you can understand English and follow instructions, then why still pastel them? Location: Just TOP HDB flat / lift @ Punggol Walk = Punggol Wave
  19. It is acceptable for an LRT or MRT track to curve outwards of a block of flats. Not ideal Shapes and Forms but a "Safe situation".
  20. In general, if a road curves into a stack (within a block of flats); often the lower unit(s) especially 1st or 2nd storey may be affected by sha qi. Depending on the type of curve and how fast cars "flows" or moves at that spot. In addition, it also depends on the country. Some countries are R-hand drive. In this photo; the yellow lines shows the movement direction of the vehicles. (A R-hand drive country like SGP).
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