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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. This factory unit owner placed a wooden qi lin with a small convex mirror above it's head. Frankly, any convex mirror will do. As most know, convex mirror is used to "deflect" sha qi. In this example, this industrial unit's main entrance door is facing an open passage way...
  2. Location: Bedok Reservoir Village, Block 744 Bedok Reservoir Road in August of 2012 1. Key: filth; disgustingly dirty 2. Today, I was at a coffee-shop in Bedok Reservoir Road. 3. In order to enter the toilet area, one had to literally pass through a set of curtain screens. 4. I looked at the two curtain screens. And visually, they are pretty dirty. Just by the looks alone. 5. Such curtain screens are a depository of some of the nasties germs around. 6. And to know, that parts of one's body has to come into contact with it is scary! Imagine one's face contact it; our protective layer of oil on our face will be breached.. 6.1. Just look at the cloth screen.. so dirty.. Yucks! 7. Our computer keyboard is pretty dirty; just imagine unwashed hands or those who use the toilet did not wash their hands after using the WC etc.. 8. Germs multiply very fast. And it is not like these curtains are washed daily or even weekly at all. Appended by Cecil in 2017: Good news! I last visited this coffeeshop 5 years later.. and the entire coffeeshop was renovated.. and no more such nasty curtain screens. Simple opening leading in/out of the toilet. K.I.S.S. = Keep it simple stupid Update: In 2020 and onwards, this coffee shop has had extensive renovations. And all these are long gone. LOL
  3. As a general rule of thumb: if in doubt (why take unnecessary risks - if any); and if there are alternatives; do choose the OTHER alternative instead of what you wrote, below.
  4. If you are applying Flying Star:- 1. the Mountain Star #9 with Water Star #7 in general is not a major issue. Unless one further takes into consideration base or palace star #2. 2. Since you are looking at the "stars"; you should also check where #2 and #5 are in relation to your home. 3. For example, are annual #2 and #5's found in your dad's bedroom and/or frontage or any other sectors.....
  5. Again, another pair of Qi Lin (chi lin) hung on entrance pillars. Notice, below one of the Qi Lin, the owner had placed a "car rear view mirror" blind spot mirror (conVEX) facing a sha qi across the road.
  6. Often, one has an odd wall or a focal point (space) but do not know how to decorate it? Well, Chinese painting(s) of flowers will brighten that wall; without having need to change real flowers on a daily basis nor have the headache of how to clean those articifical flowers or throw them away?
  7. A painting of the 8 immortals (deities) crossing the sea... Option the 8 immortals are also deplicted on Chinese vases...
  8. Hey! They are two different paintings... BUT what is your interpretation of each of the paintings? Mine are......
  9. Hey! I am just as bad.. just that I am READY TO POUNCE ON YOU! Which is more deadlier... my other cousin who shows his back-side to you or ME???
  10. Under symbolism in Feng Shui; what is worse are:- 1. A tiger growling, seems hungry; all it's fangs wide open... and worse off all... 2. Showing it's back-side to you! Do you think that this is an auspicious or inauspicious painting? Suitable for MY HOME?
  11. Erh... no one swimming during Chinese 7th month..?
  12. Yesterday, when I was at the Caspian. What is so special about yesterday? It is the 2nd day of the Chinese 7th month. In stark contrast to the earlier photo.... even at 10am... not even a single SOUL collected their keys to their apartment in Caspian condo. (Refer to earlier photo and this one)...
  13. These are some considerations: 1. One question that is relevant here is : "Can I rewind time or go back to the past to change things?" 2. As at today, it is impossible to go back to the past. 3. Same, thing, here. You can't 4. The concept: The Three-Step-Approach 4.1. This concept of house number belongs to the branch of Feng Shui called : Compass School of Feng Shui. 4.2. This sub-branch is based on Flying Star Feng Shui. But because each different levels are considered to have different qi; it is literally known as VERTICAL Flying Star Feng Shui. 5. It is more useful for someone who is looking at a new development and where the units are just launched. And one can try to select a unit from such and such a stack. 5.1. Thus, this concept becomes useful if say: #11-88 vs #12-88 vs #6-88 are available. Which is better. 6. But if you have already bought the home, it is like what I had mentioned under Para 1 to 3 above. 6.1. Even if you point a gun at a geomancer and give you solutions; he/she can't. Other than to advise you to apply common sense and one approach is: The Concept of Maximizing Marks 7. Thus under Feng Shui there are available tools: Compass School: Eight House and Flying Star of the interior (plotting the stars, analyse them and providing cures or enhancements. 8. "Don't give me that look!" Even if one were to so stupid as to bang one's head against the wall; good luck to YOU! What can I do? Refer to Para 6.1!
  14. Yeah! You should print us ... out... THREE is better than ONE!
  15. During the Chinese 7th month; some people are superstitious... And often, in modern times.. during a conversation... one may jokingly asked another to "PRINT THIS AND PASTE IT ON ONE'S BACK"
  16. Aloe Vera originates from North Africa. And some even call it "The Mother of all Miracle Plants!" Aloe vera is very popular as it is called the Elastoplast or a First Aid buddy. Thus it is used if one has cuts or even insect bites or even as a sun-block (sun-screen). It is also popularly used in skin care, shampoos and even as a refreshing drink that holds chunks of aloe vera. In ancient times, in Egypt, it is one of the ingredients or items used for embalming! Do be careful, if you walk along Kovan Road... as the owner of the home has planted a whole garden full of Aloe Vera plants both in his garden as well as this field of five-foot-way grass verge!
  17. Location: Highland Road, private apartment complex main gate An intricate main gate with the rose (floral) theme...
  18. To the left of the earlier bungalow is now a private apartment building. The only thing left of the bungalow is the pillar and benches outside of the property..
  19. This iconic 1950's bungalow will soon be torn down. (Upper Serangoon Road / Kovan area) The bungalow is sitting on around 10,000 sq ft of land. And the land will be developed into a small private condo/private estate. The only think that I can't truly figure out are the two iconic figurines on each of the pillars. The iconic figurines are: 1. Green in colour 2. Maybe highly eroded... 3. From a glance it looks like a well endowed (blow) fish or at certain angles look like a chubby pig... 4. Or some sort of a petal design of a fruit or sorts : or even look like a variant of a mangoosten with a papaya body... You figure it out....
  20. This shop's business is still striving. Despite a large column directly at the middle of the unit's frontage. This unit owner / tenant place a ba gua mirror directly facing the mirror. And he uses the external pillar to his advantage by placing his wares around it. This is a good "gimmick" as it helps to drum up business. No other shops have a pillar facing it. Somehome the goods scattered around the pillar is attracting walking pedestrians AND HELPING HIS FENG SHUI.
  22. There are strange signs. In some places.. there are even stranger signs.... How about "No begging" please?
  23. In my opinion, from a Feng Shui point of view; the general consensus is that: 1. If the main entrance door is either neutral (pastel as in light colours) and another neutral colour is wood or wood tone or brown. 2. If your main door colours are of the above; then generally, it is no major issue.Also no issue are grilles that are : black + gold and silver or again light colours like cream orwhite or silver. 3. But if you door or grille have any of the primary colours: e.g. BRIGHT YELLOW, BRIGHT RED ORBLUE;then best to check out the Flying star chart numbers at that sector(main door).
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