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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Clue: The geomancer's name is Harry. People call him Master Harry. Guess who Master Harry is? in this picture?
  2. 1. The Chinese invented the chopsticks. 2. The chopstick is a great tool for those who are dieting or intending to have a good figure! 3. When we use the chop sticks; we can only grap hold of morsels or bite sized food at one go. And by eating bite sized and slowly; this is one of the secrets to having a good figure! 4. How often, we don't use this tool and just imagine; holding onto a large hamburger and swallowing it in just a few minutes!
  3. 1. The trouble with Feng Shui advice is : " You stay there, we dont". 2. It is so easy for a Geomancer who visits your home for one or two hours to give advice. BUT, it is not so easy to live with "weird" or uncommon advice " I am so sorry, from now onwards, please don't use the master toilet!".
  4. 1. Many Chinese Kung Fu films have this story line: " He became an orphan as his parents were murdered by the villian. When he grows up, he is usually an apprentice of a Kung Fu Master. And he gets beat up (sometimes badly); In turn, he picks up more skillssomehow from experts who took a pity for him. Hegoes to revenge his parents. Got beaten up again. He made several discoveries e.g. like observing how a praying mantis hunt's it's prey or how a cockle (chicken) kills the centrepeded... And he practise theskills and ... finally, he ventures out to seek his enemy and kills (overpowers) the enemy! Most often, he lives happily ever-after... "
  5. Finally, we are moving to a new home... and washing our hands with detergent.... from this troublesome home...
  6. Under the Chinese zodiac signs, for the Dragon:Dogs are considered the worst pairing. Dude! The dog is my worst enemy!
  7. I testing out which material can be used to activate the mountain star!
  8. 1. My parents made a mistake! Instead of fixing the leaks on our Ship; they turned a blind eye to it! 2. Instead, they continue to add more and more commercial products: Three-legged toad; laughing buddha figurines, kirin figurines and more! 3. By now, both my parents are most probably in the deep six! And the only one life-boat I am in now... is slowly sinking! 4. More bad news? I am now in Ice-land! If this life-boat sinks; I will not last more than 6 minutes in this frozen water! 5. By the way; this will be the end of our family tree! I am the last and only male in my family! 6. GOSH! We should have fixed-the-leaks!, first! 7. When the buying STOPS!; the selling can!
  9. Can I buy this property? 1. Bring along family members to find out how they feel about this house. 2. Those who have some understanding of Feng Shui can either check whether the home is suitable and if possible; apply Flying Star Feng Shui. 3. Or seek expert help from a Geomancer.
  10. I am trying to kill two birds with one stone: Move to an auspicious Flying Star direction and on-time at an auspicious hour!
  11. Anonymous wrote: Dear Master Lee, 1. In some postings you recommended not to have large plants in NE/SW directions since it can be hiding place for spirits. How large? Did you mean "larger than building, where one lives"? 2. About Main Door at NE: a. if the flying numbers of NE sector of a house (its main door) is too YIN, is it OK to have small plant with SHARP leaves near Main Door (outside), since such plants are considered as YANG? b. Are fir trees / christmas trees considered as YANG plants, because they have leaves like needles? These are some considerations for your question under Para 1 and 2; above:- 1. In the 1970's many landed property homes in Singapore especially Semi-detached and terraces; often have a mango tree a the corner of the home. 2.In ten years time; when the mango tree matures; i.e. when it "blossoms" such that it has lots of leaves and a canopy. Just standing below such a tree or anything below this tree or beside it can be quite "dark" or YIN. 3. Thus literally; because of this huge tree; it casts a large shadow below thus making the entrance and compound area dark or yin. 4. While things like a bush that is not so high is often nota major concern. As it does not cast such a wide shadow. 5. Another type of Yin has to do with Flying Star numbers. For example Flying star numbers 1, 3, 5, 7 are yin stars and a high concentration of such stars on it's own is no issue. But if coupled by too yina sector or Anonymous wrote: 3. In your old postings I read that Bagua mirror can deflect sha-qi. a. Is the YIN energy from NE/SW considered as SHA-QI as well and can be deflected by Convex Bagua mirror? b. If one lives in an apartment building with building main entrance at NE, is it enough to place Bagua mirror outside on the NE/SW window of apartment instead of main entrance of building?Cecil Lee wrote (Gui Men? Placing Altar?)? Today, often, such a bagua mirror is not often used to "cure" ....
  12. Which painting is considered more suitable if someone wants to place this type of Buddhist painting? If possible, it would be better if the face of the buddha .. looks out of e.g. the window or the balcony, instead of looking inwards into the home....
  13. Someone told me that one must constantly use metal to destroy #5. Is this true? If so, can I vent my frustration by frequently poking #5 with such a metal (ROD) or am I crazy?
  14. 1. One hasto first determine whetherespecially the Male breadwinner is an East or West Group person:- 1.1. The mainfree report link is as follows:- http://www.geomancy.net/reports/reports.htm 1.2 Use this report to find out whether one is an East or West Group person. http://www.geomancy.net/reports/reports-list/perlist-eight-house.htm 2. For example, if the male breadwinner is an East Group person; then based on the sitemap (facing direction of each stack), the better unit is where the stack is south facing e.g. South1 (157.5-172.4 degrees) , South2 (172.5-187.4 degrees) , South3 (187.5-202.4 degrees) i.e Nuovo stack 04. 2. Units by ranking at the Nuovo EC (developer CDLproperties)- based on the facing direction of the various stacks. See attachment More:- 3. How to determine the facing direction? Part 1: Facing direction of a home or apartment:- http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=6&mid=15672&new= Part 2: Facing direction of a home or apartment:- http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=6&mid=15673&new=
  15. Once, I was asked this question: How come Geomancy.net does not advertise in any print media such as newspapers or magazine? "Geomancy.net enjoys lots of referrals and is highly visible on the web!" If one has to advertise on the print media to showcase one's website; this is really bad!...... In order to be successful; people Search thru the web rather than vice-versa! I remembered clearly... 8 years ago; every year; someone from the Yellow Pages would call me up and "desperately" ask me to advertise in the Yellow pages. I said NO! Even at that time; I never even bother to collect my Yellow pages Directory. And suprise; there were around two years that they hand delivered the Yellow Pages to my premises. In all these instances, many of these new Yellow Pages got thrown away in the rubbish bin.
  16. Yueh T. wrote: Hi Master Cecil, i have been reading about feng shui and water feature location, could you advise me is the position of my water feature in the correct place in my living room? from my research in the net, i know is in the northwest area is where the wealth spot is but i'm still confused. These are some considerations:- 1. If your approach is thru the Compass School of Feng Shui; then it is best to draw up a 20 Year Flying Star Chart and find out exactly what are the Flying Star numbers at the northwest area (sector):- 1.1. If that sector has the Water Star #8; and depending on the Mountain # and Base # stars; etc... 2. Otherwise, what you had written is only as making a guess or practising "Trial and Error" type of Feng Shui. Else with the information provided; honestly, might as well as flip a coin: tails = proceed; heads = don't place that water feature. 3. Some resource on "What makes a good water feature":-http://fountain.geomancy.net
  17. 1. Some Geomancers start off their careers focused on the facts and/or writing well "researched" information on Feng Shui. 2. However, many end up being greedy either when they were approached by business promoting "in-the name of " Feng Shui products. And even expanding to the sale of decorations to "beautify" the body.... such as jewelleries. 3. When the buying stops, the selling can! 4. Help please spread the word around! Feng Shui is scientific and no need to support those unscrupulous sellers.
  18. 1. In the past, many of the earlier temples within the city area; most share a common denominator i.e. many of these temples face the "sea". 2. Thus following the outline of streets; many temples especially in the city area faces South-East= where the sea (used to be). 3. For example, inWaterloo Street; 3.1thepopularKwanIm Temple (Goddess of Mercy) faces SE. 3.2 the Phoo Thor Jee templealso faces SE. 3.3. One of the oldest Thian Hock Keng temple at Telok Ayer Street also faces SE. 3.4. the Yueh Hai Ching temple at Philip street also faces SE. there are more temples... 4. Basically, some of these temples do not immediately see the sea; but as I had mentioned earlier; the veins of many roads run NE to SW and thus the sea is facing "SE". 5. Some temples do manage to face North to South but these are fewer in the Singapore city area.
  19. Anonymous wrote: Hi Master Lee, I have read following: "in Taoism, chinese customs and Geomancy Theory the NE and SW are considered as Gui Men (ghost door / negative direction)." I read also "in Geomancy Theory and chinese customs it is always recommended placing home deities altar facing N or S and never facing NE or SW". Since you are an expert in Geomancy I have 3 questions: 1. are they true or not? (from geomancy's view) 2. can talisman of chinese deity (fu) block the negative energy from those directions entering the house if one places the talisman on the door? Or is there other geomancy/fengshui method? 3. if a house sits in subdirection (e.g. NW thus facing SE), the house will have N or S direction at corner. Is it ok to place home deities altar at corner N or S? Usually the chinese people place their deities altar with a plain wall behind it and not a corner. Thank you in advance. Best regards, FULL MESSAGE QUOTE Anonymous wrote: Hi Master Lee, I have read following: "in Taoism, chinese customs and Geomancy Theory the NE and SW are considered as Gui Men (ghost door / negative direction)." I read also "in Geomancy Theory and chinese customs it is always recommended placing home deities altar facing N or S and never facing NE or SW". Since you are an expert in Geomancy I have 3 questions: 1. are they true or not? (from geomancy's view) 1. My earlier resources written around 1997 on Devil's gate can be found under this link:- http://www.geomancy.net/resources/art/art-gate.htm 2. Do a SEARCH under this forum for devil's gate or north-east and you will also find many questions and replies on this subject. 3. A specifically design and built home should if possible avoid the altar at the NE and SW "facing or sitting" direction. Many churches are aligned North-to-South. And in the past, some temples and even many other religious buildings not necessarily temples face North or South or vice-versa. 4. Under the Indian Vastu (Indian form of Feng Shui): 4.1. A Puja or Pooja In the past, many Indian homes have a room specific for containing lots of Indian figurines and religious items. Under Vastu principles: it states that it is best to avoid the Indian religious puja located at NE and/or SW. Nowadays, some Indians don't use a Puja or room anymore, they simply have an open altar. 5. In modern times, where many e.g. Singaporeans can only afford to buy an apartment. And there are not many "real-estate" e.g. a "clean area" to place an altar. And in many instances, some of the altars HAVE no choice but to face NE or SW because as I mentioned, not much "real-estate" as in "clean" walls to place the altar. Unless one is rich enough or is particular about it before purchasing such and such a home. 6. In some of the past forum messages; one can consult a Geomancer skilled in many of such things.. and one of the methods is "hiding" a Chinese luopan horizontal and/or vertical at the altar ... as an example. 7. There are already many limitations to consider for the placement of an altar and I had listed many conditions in the past. For example: the altar cannot share the same wall as the toilet; it should not be facing a toilet or a bedroom etc.. etc.. etc... 8. If one is filthy rich; build your own home; or lookout for such things as a priority before buying such a home.. then.. go ahead... if not; if the location really has to be a NE or SW how?
  20. Anonymous wrote: Dear Master Lee, Trying again to get your help/advice. To keep the questions simple: 1) I would like to find out how to determine the direction of the unit facing. I read your earlier posts that older 5-room HDB flats tend to have multiple facings, if so how can we resolve it? I read other articles that the house facing is usually one that: - noisy - traffic - windy - most sunlight etc. Balcony 1 meets about half of the criteria and Balcony 2 (full-length window) meets the other half, so what is the best way to determine facing, especially it is a high-floor unit? In essence what you had written above equals one sentence: " the most yang qi - or brightest) -- especially horizontal area(s). Anonymous wrote: Dear Master Lee, 2) According to our gua numbers, the East/Southeast/South sections are bad for all of us (Spook/Disaster/Death/Irritat ion), What you mentioned belongs only to ONE-half of the compass school of Feng Shui. The key success factor is based on a three-step-approach:-http://wiki.geomancy.net/wiki/The_Three-Step-Approach Frankly, in an overview; what has the gua numbers of a person related to say placing a water fountain and/or plants near such and such a sector? Anonymous wrote: Dear Master Lee, 2)...... to put a water fountain and/or plants near East/Southeast sector, is that ok and sufficient? This part has more to do with: 1. Plotting out the Flying Star numbers of that SPECIFIC unit. 2. Analyse and study the Flying Star numbers to see if a water fountain and/or plants can be placed at that location. If one skips para 1 and 2; might as well, honestly, throw a dice or flip a coin (50-50) type of decision making. Under this senario - it is anyone's guess.
  21. 1. Nowadays, paintings cater to "different" directions. 2. In this picture; two buddha figurines - painting are on sale. Which would you buy? 3. It depends!
  22. Stephen W. wrote: Hi Master Lee, thanks for your advice on the size of mirror to place just outside the window as marked by you in the diagram. That direction is facing the lift / lift lobby area, I hope there are no conflicts. 1. It is always good to share more information. As my earlier advice was simply based purely on a 2D layout plan and "best placement". Since that direction is facing the lift/lift lobby area, then there is indeed a conflict i.e. in this instance, may not be appropriate to place it there. Stephen W. wrote: Mykitchen is partially located in north west sector and partially located in south west sector, does this mean that this kitchen still has issue as long as part of it is located in north west sector? Or is there any further explanation to kitchen with partial location in north west sector? Besides placing more stainless steel pots/woks on the stove or placing of plants (not sure where is best place to put in kitchen, opposite the stove?), are there any other remedies? Stephen W. wrote: Come to think of it, there are so many different "water" or "fire"kitchen appliances (ie. basin, freezer, washing machine, stove, microwave oven),and given the limitations of size and shape (ie. rectangular) ofmy kitchen, it's a challenge to think of a way where the water and fire element appliance are not directly adjacent to each other or opposite each other. I understand that ideally a fire/water applicance should be in L shape located to each other, but there are only 2 L shape corners to my kitchen. Or does it mean that as long as the water/fire appliances are a certain distance from each other, it's fine also?Or is there any other rule of thumb to follow? Frankly, quick one glance at the above... and that's it!Imagine, try to apply a job with the same technique......
  23. 1. Some Geomancers consider "water" in the bedroom as:- 1.1. Some defined water as a Yin element : thus to them water is not suitable to be used in a "yin" location e.g. such as a bedroom. Here, it is a "static" painting, and not real moving water. 1.2. There are some who consider a painting of a water fall, as "moving" water ... so to them their interpretation is that since a bedroom should be for rest "yin"; then moving water = Yang is not suitable in a bedroom environment. 2. Frankly, these are the two most common interpretations by different Geomancers. Again, there is no right or wrong answers. See which or both appeal to best to the lay person. 3. What is really the definition of Yin Water and What is Yang Water? The proper definition is as follows:- http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=1&mid=15024&new=
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