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8 mansion vs flying star - main door

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In eight mansion, is it the facing direction of the main door or location sector of main door that is important? My original main door is located at SE sector which is good for kua 4 and facing E direction. I was asked to relocate to the other side which is NE sector(bad for me) but the door still faces E.The reason for relocation is because in flying star the orignaldoor is at W2M5.

Is it wise to relocate?

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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
In eight mansion, is it the facing direction of the main door or location sector of main door that is important? My original main door is located at SE sector which is good for kua 4 and facing E direction. I was asked to relocate to the other side which is NE sector(bad for me) but the door still faces E.The reason for relocation is because in flying star the orignaldoor is at W2M5.

Firstly, you need to understand that both the eight house and flying star each has a purpose in the analysis:-

1. Flying Star assess the house to find out the luck of each part of the house. Similiar to where the ba zi assess the person's luck, the flying star is for assessing the house's luck. So it helps determine where are the problem stars and wealth stars for the owner to take advantage of.

2. Eight House gives you an understanding of whether a house is suitable to you or not.A house can have excellent flying star, but if it does not suit you, then you will not be able to benefit from the house. It also helps you determine which bedroom is the best room you can use that will bring you luck etc.

So both concepts are equally important.

Your existing location seems suitable to you, just that the flying star luck there is not so good. So just correct and neutralise the bad stars and you should be ok.

If you change to a good direction as suggested, but of the NE is your Death or Disaster sector, then you will actually bring more harm than good. If NE is your spook/irritation, then not so bad, but still probably won't be as good as a house that is suitable to you.


In addition, both Eight House and Flying Stars are used under the 阳宅三要 or Yang Zhai San Yao: The three major considerations in a home: Main Door or Frontage, the Kitchen & Bedroom.

Hope that helps.



Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research


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