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Comprehensive Home Package Options: [A.] On-site or [B.] Off-site, suitable for HDB, Condo, EC, and Landed Properties, whether it's a New or Re-Sale House or if you're encountering financial, marriage, relationship, or health challenges.

ENHANCE YOUR HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS TODAY Comprehensive On-Site Arrived! Are you here? PART 1 OF 4 - OVERVIEW Singapore On-site Home Consultation for HDB / Condo / EC / Terrace / Semi-D / Bungalow 1. When should I engage your service?      I'm excited to begin planning for my new home.      The Interior Designer suggests consulting with a Feng Shui Master before proceeding.      Having sold the existing home, there is an

Cecil Lee

Cecil Lee in Geomancy.Net FAQ

Is my existing house or potential new (re-sale) home still lucky today?

I want to Optimize Auspicious Qi in my home Improve my Health, Wealth and Happiness? Improve my career prospects? Improve children's  academic success? Activate Peach Blossom Romance luck for singles? Help improve the chances of pregnancy? Introduction  This service is designed for those with an existing home or those considering purchasing a resale home during the transition from Period 8 to 9 in Feng Shui. During this time, wealth luck sectors are shifting. Many may have

Cecil Lee

Cecil Lee in Geomancy.Net FAQ

Ready to start your International Feng Shui Audit? What information is required?

ENHANCE YOUR HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS TODAY What information is required for an International Feng Shui Audit [1.] Please fill the International Home Audit form:- haform.doc  or  haform.pdf    [2.] The 1st Profile is the details of the breadwinner:- Note: Hour of birth CAN be Optional.  [3.] Past and Future Renovations is required:- [4.] Screen capture a google satellite map similar to the following illustration:- 4.1 For example,

Do you offer a 1 visit On-site audit? How much?

ENHANCE YOUR HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS TODAY   On-site 1 Visit / Fees Transparent Pricing & No Hidden Costs. No Purchase of Products.   Note: Especially for rental unit, floor plan is not compulsory. (Nice-to-have only) 3. Whatsapp or  If via Email to: support@geomancy.net Let me know once u emailed so that I can monitor it. Thank You. 謝謝 Cecil Lee, Geomancy.net And Time of birth can be given between: 1 to 2.59; am or pm 3 to 4.59;

Cecil Lee

Cecil Lee in Geomancy.Net FAQ

Do-It-Yourself (D.I.Y.) House Hunting / Can or Cannot Buy: Finding a Good Home Kit

ENHANCE YOUR HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS TODAY Do-it-Yourself (D.I.Y) Finding a Good Home Kit @ SGD $88 / USD $68. This kit is designed to help you identify your optimal directions and refine the Feng Shui of your residence. For instance, you may direct your Agent to concentrate on a particular direction of a resale home, or opt to delve into a completely new development. It includes a PDF booklet detailing a three-pronged method for obtaining precise compass readings using a standa

Cecil Lee

Cecil Lee in Geomancy.Net FAQ

On-site Built from Scratch Comprehensive Home Feng Shui for Landed Properties

Singapore On-site Home Build from Scratch Terrace / Semi-D / Bungalow ENHANCE HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS TODAY Get a Quick Quote The cost fluctuates based on the extent of work needed. Please provide the following information: [ 1. ] Type of home: Terrace, Semi-Detached, or Bungalow, and the number of storeys. [ 2. ] A general description of the scope of work required.    Cecil Lee, +65 9785-3171 /  support@geomancy.net This is an

Off-site house hunting can be a strategic approach, where the ability to purchase is often determined by the ranking of bedroom types and one's queue or ballot number. Allow me to discern the good, the bad, and the ugly for you!

ENHANCE YOUR HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS TODAY! Allow me to delineate the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly for you. 1. Recall your school days not so long ago? 1.1. Your class consisted of students with varying abilities and grades. 1.2. A few students consistently ranked at the top, from 1st to 3rd in your class. 1.3. Meanwhile, many other classmates scored above average to average in their subjects. 1.4. Regrettably, there were a few who often scored below ave

On-site House Hunting / Can or Cannot Buy: Review of a Re-sale home

ENHANCE & IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS TODAY Is your prospective new residence a concealed treasure, or a rough diamond?   HDB / Condos & ECs Fee is $288/- Landed is $338/- This service functions on a Pay-Per-Use model. You will only be billed for the items you decide to have reviewed today. Unused credits do not roll over to the next day. How to proceed? 1. Decide on my role: Am I coming as a family member/friend, a contractor, o

Cecil Lee

Cecil Lee in Geomancy.Net FAQ

Off-site Local & International House Hunting / Can or Cannot Buy: Eyeing a few homes - Which home is better for me?

GET EXPERT HELP TO IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS by finding a hidden GEM SELECT ONE When can I receive my report? Most reviews are typically finished within 24 hours, particularly if they are submitted before 2pm from Mondays to Thursdays. Please be aware that despite any unforeseen circumstances, our guarantee for Package A remains at Three (3) Days. +++++++++++ +++++ +++       Preparing these reports demands a considerable amount of

On-site Office Feng Shui: An affordable 1 visit audit for a few of us in our office

Success starts with good Feng Shui. ENHANCE YOUR HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS TODAY Do you offer a 1 visit audit for a few of us in our office? How much? Transparent Pricing. No Hidden Costs Indeed, this office on-site service has gained popularity!  A. For Three Friends/Colleagues: There are numerous instances where each person pays just $88. (The minimum fee is $264) = 3 persons @ $88 per individual. B. For four to six friends or colleagues, t

Cecil Lee

Cecil Lee in Geomancy.Net FAQ

On-site or Off-site House Hunting / Can or Cannot Buy Overview: [1.] Off-site Eyeing a Few Homes [2.] On-site 1 Visit Re-sale Home [3.] Off-site by Ranking Brand New Development

GET EXPERT HELP: ENHANCE YOUR HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS TODAY     Overview of the Three (3) Options     Click Link for More Info: IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS by finding a hidden GEM SELECT ONE   +++++++++++ +++++ +++ These reports need much time & effort to prepare and limited to maximum of THREE (3) units per review. PACKAGE A Sample Report(s): Sample 1 : Latest Format w.

Cecil Lee

Cecil Lee in Geomancy.Net FAQ

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