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  1. Dear Karen, As a bathroom is a YIN location, the advise is that if the toilet is situated at an unfavourable location e.g. North-East, South-West (health problems), Centre of the house (wealth drained away) and next to the main entrance door (bad ch'i), it would be advisable to balance this " YIN " with YANG. To create a more `yang' environment in the bathroom (toilet) in a few ways such as keeping the toilet `bright'. Normally, blue colour is related to the North and based on the `intuitive' form of Feng Shui based on `feelings' such as the colours you feel you like. However, a neutral colour is white which is bright. As a reference, perhaps, you would like to review this page : http://www.geomancy.net/fs/colours.htm It has a list of colours for each location. If you are choosing colours for a bathroom, choose light coloured tiles one that is `bright'. It need not be blue but as I suggested, white or off-white is a neutral colour. You can also based on the direction of the toilet, choose a `Feng Shui colour' e.g. a toilet in the East you can use light green. Please note that colours are of secondary importance to Feng Shui. The most important thing is that if for example a house has a toilet next to the main entrance, if you can avoid living in such a house or buying one. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'feng-shui-tips' suppressed 'feng-shui-tips' suppressed> Date: Monday, March 08, 1999 1:36 AM Subject: Blue in bathroom
  2. Dear Eve, Overall, `disturbing' the Grand Duke would mean doing renovation (minor or major) but in this case, frankly, I don't see knocking a few holes on the East wall as one. It is ok to go ahead with this. But some overzealous FS practioner may say otherwise. As for the book, currently, I put it on hold for the moment.. but will continue this year. This is because I am currently working on the on-line course for www.geomancy-u.com and another reason is because currently, there are so many FS books out there and am still thinking of whether to come out with a `general' first book or looking into specialised areas to write on as I feel that it is no point coming out with something `different'. Any inputs on this will help:) Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'feng-shui-tips' suppressed 'feng-shui-tips' suppressed> Date: Saturday, March 06, 1999 8:19 PM Subject: Re: Avoid renovations in the EAST direction this Year!
  3. Dear Santhu, Thanks for your feedback and research on the North East. My comments are in lower-case Yes, the significance is due to a `result' of poor planning. This could be classified under `meeting' obstacles. This could be classified under `meeting' obstacles. -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Wednesday, March 03, 1999 6:42 PM Subject: north east corner missing
  4. Dear Ngo Tam, I am not sure if you have followed the steps shown under this URL: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/house1.htm if not, do use this link. For the garage, (protusion) you should `ignore' this from your layout plan. Next mark the centre of the house layout plan to find the centre of the house. After this, stand at the centre of the house and from here use your ordinary compass to find the direction of your main entrance door. For an `L' shaped house, one can even `split' the two L shaped into two rectangles. If you are still unclear about this, you can go to the above link under " Step 5 - Determine the Centre of your house to see graphic illustrations. The graphic illustrations also included a house with garage and an `L' shaped house. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'eight-house' suppressed suppressed> Date: Thursday, March 04, 1999 10:22 AM Subject: The directions of the house
  5. Dear Edward, To confirm, if your birthdate is between 27 Jan 1952 to 13 Feb 1953, yes you are considered an East person. As 210 degrees is between 202.5 degrees to 247.4 degrees, this is considered the South West Sector. (Under this URL: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/house1.htm at Step 6: Determine the direction of the main entrance door, you can make use of the table to determine the range also). Unfortunately, South West has the `disaster' intangible force for an East person. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Wednesday, March 03, 1999 11:54 PM Subject: Trying to determind, if 210 degrees is an auspicious direction for me.
  6. Dear Jackie, To be frank, based on the current information given by you on the Eight House + Eight Associations it is difficult to comment at this stage what has really `happened'. As it may or may not be true of the problem i.e. career sector lies in your `death' intangible force. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Thursday, March 04, 1999 3:26 AM Subject: How to activate career sector
  7. Dear Tony, You can get a Free and easy to understand report of your personal house direction (Eight House Theory) at www.geomancy-online.com " Sign-up " for a free account and use the computerised module. You simply need to type in once your details e.g. date of birth and also for any of your family members, Follow the instructions in the above website and you can get Free Eight House Theory + Eight Associations and view or print this report immediately at home. In addition to the above module, there are many more Free reports in the above website. Alternatively, if you want to use a html version of the Eight House Theory, then go to this link http://www.geomancy.net/fs/house1.htm Hope the above helps. Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Thursday, March 04, 1999 2:41 AM Subject: A 'TUI' living in a 'KEN' house.
  8. Dear Cecilia, Thanks to Glyn, she has found out what Baubiology is. Please see her quote:- Quoted from Glyn to Cecil:- Hi Cecil Refresh your memory - February 26, a forum user wanted to know about baubiology. I have found a short note as to what it is. It is a German theory about the effects of "black streams" which are supposed to cause illness in those who sleep or work in their vicinity. It is part of a new field called Biogeometry. Somthing similar to intangible lines I would say. Thought you may like this info. Yes, I did not know that Baubilogy refers to Biogeometry. In fact I had written a short article on `black streams'. The URL is at http://www.geomancy.net/fs/under.htm Thanks for pointing it out! If you have the time, this article is quite interesting! It shows that Feng Shui in relation to underground water is true. -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Friday, February 26, 1999 9:37 AM Subject: Re: What is Baubiology?
  9. Dear Bless, For the protusion at the North-East, the significance is that there is keen interests in research and development. Another significance of a missing corner in the North is to be `careful of urinary tract or kidney problems' and `failed business'. For missing corner at the East, the significance is that one may lose wealth. Yes, we would like to hear more from Srikanth on this. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Wednesday, March 03, 1999 11:22 AM Subject: north corner missing
  10. Dear Julie, It is not auspicious to move the main entrance door to the Kitchen area as this is another Feng Shui `taboo'. In Traditional Feng Shui practise, your main entrance door should not open to a kitchen, In addition to this, it is your disaster line. I have offered a few suggestions othe than to keep the place bright and close the door. You may like to review this url: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/bbs-oneall.htm These are some other alternatives offered in the above link:- 1. Mild forms that will not affect a close-by neighbour includes:- a. tilting the front door from an inauspicious to an auspicious direction. b. using a specially made semi-circle carpet outside the main entrance. c. Using a convex door (if your Building Management permits). d. If the main entrance has steps, then use semi-circular steps. 2. More offensive forms to counteract Sha Ch'i include:- a. Pakua (some pakua also comes with a picture of a door god below it). Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Tuesday, March 02, 1999 10:39 PM Subject: Front door on Death/Irritation lines
  11. Dear Stephanie, Frankly, there are `limited' Feng Shui theories that can be applied to a dorm room. Other than some of the following:- 1. Ideally, your dorm room should not be situated at the West or have your study desk on the West wall for two reasons:- - If there is no shade for the west wall, the room can be quite hot (Particularly, under a country with hot climate or no airconditioning). - West location under the bagua is considered a Yin location more for sleeping. If you do not need to study late in the evening in this room, this is acceptable. 2. Under Feng Shui, books act like `cutting' knives or blades so best is not to have books facing your body or face both during sleep or study. But if this is not possible, then limit this to the study area. As you usually spent more time sleeping. 3. For sharp corners e.g. study table pointing towards your bed, you can buy those `rounded' protectors or child protections. Here in Singapore, I can get it at Ikea, furniture store. 4. For `normal bedrooms' we prefer to create more of a `yin' environment, but in a dorm where you may spent time studying, depending on your studying technique, you can create more of a yang environment e.g. if you cannot paint the walls, you can place posters in this room or anything bright to enhance the room. It is good to place a photo of your loved ones on a shelf or table in the room. Keep away, scissors or any `sharp' objects or placing a display of e.g. double swords, in the dorm room as this is not auspicious. 5. Frankly, it is not practical to do a Eight House or a Flying Star chart simply because the room is too small. One point is because such theories take into account the centre of the house and the dorm is simply too small. Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'feng-shui-tips' suppressed 'feng-shui-tips' suppressed> Date: Wednesday, March 03, 1999 2:54 AM Subject: Feng Shui in a dorm room?
  12. Dear Jackie, Thanks for taking the time to share with us your Feng Shui encounter. I am very glad that you have benefited from information on this website In the Far East, (as I am more familiar with this area) Feng Shui Masters normally perform Feng Shui audits only. If a house is found to need certain `fixes', he/she would then recommend the householder on what to purchase. The reason for this is obvious, so that there is no conflict of interests (in him/her wanting to do a Feng Shui audit and selling you Feng Shui materials. So far, like you, personally I have reservations about this type of Feng Shui audit. But I am aware, this is widely practised in the West so not sure if this is the norm? Have any users here done a similiar Feng Shui audit of this nature? To share with you, for a FS audit, we normally do here is to first go to the home or office to do a survey. Then there is a second trip to visit the homeowner and provide him with detalied advice. Alternatively, if the location is far away, the survey can be carried out and the final analysis provided to the recipient through courier and a briefing would be conducted afterwards. The good news is that as more and more of Feng Shui is `opened' to the West, I think many Western FS practioners are beginning to understand and apply landscape Feng Shui especially on the Dragon (on the East) and Tiger (on the right) etc... Plus more are beginning to rely less on `intuitive' form of Feng Shui but rather traditional Feng Shui such as Pillars of Destiny and Flying Star:) Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Wednesday, March 03, 1999 9:17 AM Subject: An encounter with a wanna-be feng shui consultant
  13. Dear Bless, Thanks for your kind comments on geomancy.net and are very glad that you find the forum very useful. Equally, we encourage you to participate and make this website more interesting. I was so happy to read your advice to one of the users in the forum! What do we consider as a missing corner? If it is more than 1/3 of the corner or 33.3 percent of the corner is missing. Under Feng Shui, a missing corner at a specific location has a particular `meaning'. If you have the time you may like to review this short write-up at this URL : http://www.geomancy.net/fs/building.htm In this short write-up, a missing corner at the North signify " will meet with accident ". Can I confirm whether are you living in an apartment or a landed property? If it is a landed property, this can easily be corrected by any of the following:- 1. If the "cut-out or missing corner" is on the ground floor, do some landscaping by planting bushes to create an outline of the missing corner outside of the house. 2. It is also good if you can place a lamp post at the edge/corner of the garden. As for a flat or apartment, other than mirrors, unfortunately there are no known cures other than the use of mirrors. Frankly, there are no other `effective' cure against this. This is the limitation of `real' Feng Shui other than to keep the place `bright' The tortise:- Overall, I am not sure what you mean here. As there are two main areas with regards to the tortise:- 1. The Four Symbolic Animals Principle url: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/four.htm There is a detailed write-up on the four symbolic animals principle where the princple is very simple, for the tortise, it represents `rock steady' or a `solid backing' or support. The purpose of this principle is that for a home / office etc... there should be a `solid back' and it is inauspicious to have a water course / canal etc.. behind's one house. Artificial `tortise' behind one's house include a brick wall, a fence with creepers/ bushes/ plants or simply planting trees. Another important concept here is that the Phoenix or bird should be always `in front'. What this means is that a bird should be able to fly freely in an open space. Water is also good at the front (but not stagnant water). Since there is water at the front, nothing can be built over it so the space in-front has a good view... this promotes good ch'i. For more information, do go to the above url to read the article. 2. Tortise objects I am not sure if you have read an earlier article at this url : http://www.geomancy.net/fs/tortise.htm The title is " The Lo Shu Square : The legend of the Giant Tortise " If you have not read it, do find out more. In fact, the magic square written on the back of the Lo Shu Square is the basis of how both the Flying Star Theory (dynamic considers time dimension) and the Eight House Theory is applied using it. You can also find torises swimming in Chinese Temples as tortise represent longevity. But do becareful of rocks with undefined shapes in the garden which may represent `bad influences'. Particulary, if it is shaped with an open mouth aimed at your house. Similiarly, if one places rock tortises in the garden, do not have them with open mouths unless the open mouths have something in them e.g. a `gem stone' etc... such objects will bring calamity to the people living in the house. 3. Eight Associations or Eight Asspirations or Life Associations Under this general theory, the career section is considered to be at the North. If there are no inauspicious Feng Shui stars e.g. under the Flying Star theory, some people place living tortise or teripins at either the North (water element). If there is a `need' to enhance the wood element at South East or East (wood element). An aquarium or tortise is used at these locations. ( Note: Under the 5 elements concept, Water helps to produces Wood). Again, I like to caution that this is a very GENERAL theory of Feng Shui. Some do not want to rear tortise, so one can also buy paper weights of a tortise and if under the Flying Star Theory, there is a mountain star (the condition is that there must be a solid wall at this location) , one can place a tortise `paperweight' to represent a `mountain'. Remember the 4 symbolic animals theory? Hope the above helps. Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Tuesday, March 02, 1999 12:06 AM Subject: Career (North) Corner Missing
  14. Dear Karen, Please see below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'discussion-session' suppressed 'discussion-session' suppressed> Date: Sunday, February 28, 1999 6:03 PM Subject: a couple of questions... Here, like what you correctly mentioned that a window facing your front door is not auspicious as ch'i will flow from your main door straight out of the house without allowing it to circulate inside the house. Frankly, methods like placing a crystal on any location on the window, on a table infront of the window, hanging the crystal will not work. Such elements are suppose to enhance a location NOT to stop ch'i from quickly move in and out of the house. What you should do instead is to make sure that you have some means of not letting the ch'i flow out immediately. Here are some of the alternatives:- Either 1. a partition after your door to allow the ch'i to circulate into the house or if you stand from the main door entrance looking into the house, can you immediately see the window? Sometimes, you can use some shelving to `block' similiar to using a partition. 2. Close the portion of the window that is in the direct line of the main door. 3. Use `thicker' curtains on the window. 3. Use `blinds' at the windows which are not fully opened but at an angle which still allow allow air to come in. Thanks. Cecil
  15. Dear Karen, As a pyramid (its shape) represents the fire element, there are two methods of placing a pyramid at the `fire' location:- 1. By the `intuitive' method or by trial and error. Some may place the pyramid at the fire element location and say in a week or two, if there is nothing `wrong', then this is fine. 2. More accurately using the Pillars of Destiny where you first determine your `true' element and strength. For example, if under the Pillars of Destiny, your `true' element is Strong Fire, and at the same time, your house is facing South, which is also a Fire element, this additional fire adds further to fuel your `strong fire'. If you place a pyramid at the Fire element location. What happens then? The pyramid will further increase the intensity of the fire element. A person or the breadwinner with the " Strong Fire " element staying in such a house will face competition at work or fall sick e.g. high blood pressure. Further, under the Luck Eras of the persons report, for example, 1999 has the element of Fire, then... this may cause a calamity or death for the person. Where is my wealth sector? This question has been asked by users. One way to benefit from the wealth sector is to take the following example:- 1. Find out what is your true element. 2. Find out the North to South Direction of your home. (Note: you can refer to http://www.geomancy.net/fs/colours.htm ) to find out which direction has what element. For example, North = Water, East = Wood etc.... 3. Under the 5 elements concept ( http://www.geomancy.net/fs/5element.htm ) Here is a sample of how to find your wealth location:- If your true element (or main element) under the Pillars of Destiny is Water, when your main element Water destroys Fire, this sector e.g. Fire is thus considered your wealth location. -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Sunday, February 28, 1999 6:06 PM Subject: Re: The Pyramid Effect
  16. Dear Gina, There is a non-computerised module using html at http://www.geomancy.net/fs/house1.htm which teaches you how to establish directions for a home. To find out more, you can check this page. In brief, even if it is a studio apartment:- 1. Obtain an ordinary compass. 2. Stand at the centre of the studio apartment. 3. Use the ordinary compass and look at the direction of your main entrance door. (The mid-point of the door). Read the compass direction. The direction the compass is facing is considered the house's direction. For example if the compass points to South, 180 degrees, then the house is considered a " South House " under the Eight House Theory. To find out more on how to use a compass, it would be good if you could follow the advice provided under http://www.geomancy.net/fs/compass.htm Here, you should also take readings from an empty plot of land outside your home to `check' on the compass direction. Some apartments are above a electrical substation or other `magnetic' influences where the compass direction may differ by a few degrees or more. Regards, Cecil -----Original Message-----
  17. Dear Glyn, Thanks very much. Robert and myself do appreciate it. Your words of encouragments will further encourage us to work harder especially on the course. Just to let you know on the progress of the course, I am currently busy reviewing the syllabus and content of the various courses under www.geomancy-u.com We will have modules or building blocks where there is a specific purpose in learning and applying what we have learnt. An essential part of the foundation course is to impart to all students knowledge of what is and what is not Feng Shui (e.g. superstitious beliefs). We will try to make the courses as affordable as possible and useful to everyone. At the same time, later courses e.g. Diploma courses would `develop' members to be a well rounded students. Students, will also be provided with free `Paid' Pillars of Destiny and Flying Star Report as part of there course. By learning and applying to themselves, they will get a better picture and we hope to make the course enjoyable. Currently, I am worried about the type of results that some courses elsewhere are producing as some are simply centred on more lucrative subjects like Pillars of Destiny and Flying Star. (Mostly thru no fault of the teachers) students of such courses will have a tendency to focus e.g. on simply doing a Flying Star analysis and forget e.g. lots other Feng Shui pricinciples! I am not surprised that some may not even know of many secondary Feng Shui tools. This is not a good trend. Feng Shui can be very specialized and even a Feng Shui Master (depending on what he is doing ... daily) may only be well versed in certain areas. Therefore, we hope that thru the modular courses on www.geomancy-u.com come up with well rounded students who may not need to know all but are aware of many Feng Shui practises and keep updated with the latest trends. I think this is a tall order but this is achieveable. This is where www.geomancy-u.com hopely can be a centrre for excellence. For Feng Shui tools at www.geomancy-online.com we will continue to provide as many free analysis tools. Unfortuantely due to high costs of payments to the ISP and the need to maintain many servers, we cannot provide complex tools free of charge. The two tools will continue to be free (no calculations) and (paid for those who need accurate and powerful tools that come with analysis). Pillars of Destiny and Flying Star. Hope everyone can understand our situation. To add value to all paid reports, we will always continue to provide free upgrades and for many who are with us, do notice that upgrades are constant and the number of useful Feng Shui tools are simply growing and growing. The good thing about the tools on www.geomancy-online.com is that they will constanly develop useful Feng Shui tools. This takes `away the tedious' tasks of manual calculations plus errors. So that everyone using the reports can either get updated explanations or for free modules, concentrate more time on the analysis and coming up with good `answers' either for themselves or if you are practising Feng Shui, spent more time at analysing the results. The overall objective of www.geomancy-u.com is that for those who are interested in Feng Shui as a hobby or simply want to set up a practise in your own area. I have actually completed version one of the certificate course but revising it in light of the above developments. I hope to start the first course in two months time. Thanks for your continued support! Robert and myself also have lots to learn and we hope that as time goes by, there will be more participation especially from those who have been with this forum for some time. Frankly, I got lots to learn from everyone! Sorry about this lengthly message.. erh.. if u already fall asleep by now... a Thousand Apologies! Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Thursday, February 25, 1999 7:07 PM Subject: Congratulations Cecil and Robert
  18. Dear Karen, I had previously written a short write-up of how a traditional Feng Shui audit is conducted especially in the Far East. If you like to review the material, go to this URL: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/fsaudit.htm In this short review, I also highlighted that the review in this article is ONLY a guideline. As Feng Shui Home Audits may vary with individual Feng Shui practioners. Before engaging a Feng Shui Auditor, always ask them questions like which Feng Shui `technique' he/she is using. If the Feng Shui audit also provides you with a Pillars of Destiny report e.g. for the whole family, you should also check how `deep' is the analysis. This is because some Geomancers merely take the day of birth and then say that your `true' element is e.g. Fire. Some may look at the year, month and day elements to derive your `true element'. A most accurate Pillars of Destiny analysis takes into account two sets of your year, month, day and time elements) and then derive your `true element' plus the strength of the element. This may take some time to produce using manual methods and more importantly, the need for accuracy. Usually the FS practioner will not provide you with `crystals, mirrors' etc.. Under the Eight Associations or commonly called the Eight Aspirations or Life Aspirations, ( in general) under the Trigram/KUA method, the career sector is at the North. Bear in mind that this method is of secondary importance. For example, a true Feng Shui analysis would first " take care " of any issues under the most important FS theory called the Flying Star which takes account of time dimension. Next, you can use the Pillars of Destiny in relation to your home i.e. the relationship of your `true' element e.g. Strong Fire and in relation to the element of the house eg. South = Fire House. I will not cover the relationships as it has been covered adequately under other subjects in earlier messages or on the specific use of individual reports. Descriptions of the many online tools can be found on www.geomancy-online.com Once analysis using the above are completed i.e. either to enhance beneificial ch'i or for fixes, after this, the rest are considered `luxury'. For example, you can then, see that if there is no `clash' in placing a fountain at the North, which is suppose to be the Career sector, then go ahead with it. -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'eight-house' suppressed suppressed> Date: Thursday, February 25, 1999 7:14 PM Subject: Feng Shui consultants
  19. In addition to the message below, please note that many Feng Shui Masters feel that if you are installing mirrors please remember not to install too "short " a mirror such that it cut's off a person's head or when you view the mirror, part of your head is missing. This is inauspicious. Do I need a full length mirror? As for the lower part of the body, it is ok if the mirror covers say from the shoulder to the head of the body. For example like the bathroom mirror. You do not need to install a full length mirror. -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Thursday, February 25, 1999 2:27 PM Subject: Re: Two Bathrooms in entrance
  20. Dear Cecilia, Yesterday, I tried my best to look through all available resources that I can get hold of but unfortunately, I could not find any reference on " baubiology ". Alternatively, I did a search using yahoo.com and the search / links turned out negative. If anyone has any idea on this, please let us know:) Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Thursday, February 25, 1999 1:57 PM Subject: What is Baubiology?
  21. Dera Cecilia, Thanks for your clarifications. The current consensus amongst many Feng Shui authors is that a `normal mirror' can be used to reflect' ch'i. As for placing a mirror outside the bathroom door, this could be `invented' by someone who feels that the above `theory' would work to reflect ch'i. Personally, like you, I don't like the idea of hanging a mirror outside the bathroom next to the main entrance. For one, it is not auspicious to place a mirror in the main entrance area. However, it is acceptable to place mirrors in the dinning room but a Feng Shui Master would caution: Watch where you are placing it! As a Feng Shui Master will say if the location is inauspicous you will have `double' bad luck. To side track abit, Chinese dialect group: the Cantonese particularly like mirrors placed in their dining room. But do take note of this. In your case, it would be advisable to simply close the door - will do. Personally, in my years of doing Feng Shui audits or visiting new show flats, I do not recall anyone placing mirror outside the bathroom door.. and like you feel quite odd about doing so. Where possible, since the bathroom is next to the main entrance, do check : 1. How compatible is the house for you? Use the Eight House Theory. 2. If this is one of your auspicous sector, you should try to paint the entrance (walls) either neutral white or the colour of the location. This is to create a more `yang' environment to counter the `yin' (bathrooms are Yin). The rationale here is to let in more Yang to `conquerer' Yin. At the same time, for the toilet, keep it bright also. Can you confirm where is the bathroom door facing? Is it facing `out' to the living room? or it needs to be accessed from another location e.g. the kitchen. Ideally, the door should not face the living room. Does it face the dining room? If you can provide me more details, I see what I can think of ... and ponder over this. 3. Which direction is your main entrance facing? And is the toilet on the right or left of it and at which compass direction? Sorry again for asking so many questions! Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Thursday, February 25, 1999 1:21 PM Subject: Re: Two Bathrooms in entrance
  22. Dear Glyn Apologise for " scaring you " on the topic of Devil's gate. The point to note here is that:- From what I understand, your house is large by comparison. But the main important consideration is that the trees `orderly' planted and it should be well kept and and the space surrounding it tidy. This would be OK. For the West, you can still continue to place the windchime as this is your very auspcious location. But try to avoid at SW. Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Tuesday, February 23, 1999 7:59 PM Subject: Devils gate
  23. Dear Cecilia, Thanks for your words of encouragements. Hope you can elaborate where exactly is the two bathrooms "in the entrance". I do hope that it is not next to the main entrance as this is considered `inauspcious' in Feng Shui. You mentioned that you would not like to put a mirror on the door. Can you also elaborate on this as I am not sure what you mean. Oops! Sorry for asking too many questions! Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message-----
  24. Dear Karen, Question: have a set of antique furniture which was given by my mum. I measured the furniture and it fits the good measures of the Feng Shui Ruler. Is this good? Yes most Chinese antique furnitures do have a set of measurements that follows the Feng Shui ruler. In the past, there are highly skilled Feng Shui `practioners' who specialise in carpentry work. As the furniture was given by your mum (to confirm: from her home?) if so, it is OK. For other antique furniture that you want to purchase, where possible check it's origin. This is because it is said that furnitures do absorb the ch'i from its surroundings and for example when we purchase a home, a FS Master would normally also ask who were the previous owners especially if the house has been built for quite some time. This is the same rationale used to check on the antique furniture's origin. For the dining table, one of the best materials is still wood. New furniture needs sometime to absord ch'i from it's surrounding. Glass and marble are less favoured dining table material because of it it's "hard surface" (which is Yang). Do note that "plastic " or polycarbyte are also considered " hard " and Yang. Yin materials is considered to provide generally a more `cosy' especially for the home. Can you also elaborate more on the Feng Shui Ruler? Under Yin Feng Shui or Feng Shui for the dead, great importance is placed on measurements e.g. of the grave tombstone etc... Currently, not many Feng Shui Masters know this skill as Yang Feng Shui or Feng Shui for the Living is `more widely' used today. This is mainly because of land scarcity and the need to cremate the dead. Cremation is said to have a neutral effect on the decendants of the dead. Secondly, Feng Shui for the living is `more lucrative'. I understand that most users will ask this question: Is it important to follow Feng Shui measurements? Lets look at these points:- In the present day, there are many furniture designers and furniture makers. It is not possible to use the measurements on the Feng Shui ruler. Even if some furniture makers are aware of it, they may not believe in Feng Shui. Most of us are not able to custom design home furnitures. Even if we do, we may only custom design e.g. built in cupboards but not possible for every furniture in the home e.g. dining table, sitting room table and chairs etc... So what should we do? I like to point out there are two main practises on this:- (1). Some Feng Shui Masters/Practioners may say... use your sixth sense or the " Intuitive " form of Feng Shui and buy what you like that "meets" your needs. This is a sensible approach and the most practical in today's world. Simply go get what you like.The author agrees with this. (2). Some Feng Shui designers (through their learning of Feng Shui) have incorporated some Feng Shui friendly features e.g. furniture with `rounded' corners. Do note: not "wavy" furniture as in the water element but furnitures that are `suppose' not to give off poision arrows from it's edges. The author also agree with this. This is equally acceptable as most of us do read about poision arrows from nearly every FS website to nearly every FS books. You can consider the use of Feng Shui dimensions as `secondary' importance to Feng Shui. In fact, one sad thing about the commercialisation of Feng Shui is that, within Feng Shui discipline alone there are many specialization e.g. you will usually find Feng Shui practioners mastering only a few techniques namely Pillars of Destiny and Flying Star because they are `lucrative' to teach or apply. It would take " years " to Master one specialization of Feng Shui and only true Masters would have Mastered all areas and such Masters are indeed rare. Another factor is that many of these good Masters are not versed in English and you only get view points coming from mainly `English educated' Feng Shui practioners. Unfortunately, because the rest of the disciplines are not lucractive, you will most likely see these not practised at all. For example, theories like the Eight House Theory or the Eight Mansions or 4 good or 4 bad directions cannot "make money" but are valid e.g. to determine your suitable house. Some commercial practioners may consider these theories as either `secondary' disciplines.. or `non-exisistent' or discounted totally. This could also happen to other `secondary' Feng Shui tools like the Feng Shui dimensions/rulers. This is indeed a sad case for Feng Shui on the whole. However, many Feng Shui authors consider Feng Shui dimensions to warrant at least a chapter devoted to this topic. Creditable authors include Dr Evelyn Lip, who had included Feng Shui dimensions in every of her Feng Shui book. Derek Walters mentioned it in his book Feng Shui. Even Lillian Too, uses Feng Shui auspicious dimensions for all her Feng Shui books and if I am not mistaken, she believes this has `helped' her books to sell. When we do research at Geomancy.net, we first believe that each Feng Shui module has it's own specific use and secondly as far as possible to bring up two sides of the coin and let users judge for themselves. No hidden agenda on this. We will continue to provide you with view points from Chinese speaking Feng Shui Masters who do not have a strong presence in the predominantly English speaking Feng Shui community. One interesting point: Do you know that the Singapore Government got a Feng Shui consultant to advise on the measurement of the main entrance door of all Public Housing Board Flats? This is a little known `published' fact that all the main entrance doors of Housing Development Board Flats are of auspicous Feng Shui dimensions. Imagine, more than 90% of all Singaporeans live in such public flats! Most FS Masters do talk about the importance of the `mouth' of the house i.e. the main entrance door. As mentioned above, this is considered a `little known fact' because of the racial diversity in Singapore. The `worry' is that this may offend other races especially the e.g. Malays who are Muslims and may get the wrong idea that Feng Shui is a religion.
  25. Dear Moses Frankly there are two ways at looking at it. One way is under " Intuitive Feng Shui". Here, we use our sixth sense. For example when we first step into a place. We either feel happy or otherwise. Similiarly, this method is to place it at a place that you `like'. Currently, your crystal pyramid, is considered under `Symbolic Feng Shui' as a Fire element due to its shape rather then it's form i.e. crystal = earth element. On a more scientific level of Feng Shui:- =============================== 1. It would be good to know what is your own Feng Shui element and it's strength. For example, if your Feng Shui element is e.g. a weak Water person. 2. Your house's `personal' element. And your home (based on the direction of the main entrance) and if your main entrance faces South, this house is south = Fire element. Under the above example, it is no good to place the Pyramid crystal at the South location. This is because, you are adding more `fire' to the south direction and furthermore, if you are a weak Water person, under the destructive cycle of Feng Shui, Fire destroys water. Since in this example, he is a `weak water' person, the extra fire of the pyramid will further extinguish the person. Alternatively, lets take another case:- For example if this person's Feng Shui element is e.g. a weak Fire person and his house main door faces North. North = water element. In this case, since he is a weak Fire person, the pyramid crystal representing the Fire element would help his weak Fire element grow. These are the two of the many combinations that a true Feng Shui Master looks at under `scientific' method of Feng Shui. Under a more general method of Feng Shui, a pyramid crystal can be equated to a conice or a pagoda and be placed at the right corner of a table to `activate' learning especially for a student's table. In traditional Feng Shui, villages or communites like to errect a Pagoda as this is said to activate `penmanship' or academic studies. In one of the traditional Feng Shui theories, it is considered good if you are able to look out of your window and slightly to the right of the window, you see the shape of a `fire' element (narrow and pointed object) this signifies a scholar amongst your family member particularly for the occupant of this room. The fire element can even be a telecoms tower etc... Hope that helps. -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Monday, February 22, 1999 4:50 PM Subject: The Pyramid Effect
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