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  1. Dear Glyn, Please see below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Tuesday, February 23, 1999 7:30 AM Subject: Devil's Gate There is an interesting short article I wrote on the Devil's main gate at: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/gate.htm It is not necessary as you have a large house and the trees are `proportionate' to the house. You can also check the type of leaves. Where best the trees at this area should preferably have `pointed' leaves rather than rounded leaves. I am more concerned with too many plants at the West or South West location as these are primarily YIN locations and too many plants here can `harbour' spirits which during the Chinese 7th month can be a hideout for wandering spirits. The rationale is that if they are closeby, they may inadvertenly draw into a close by home. I had written earlier about the Toaist and buddhist practice of banging cymbals during funerals. This is infact to call the dead. The worrysome thing about Windchimes placed at the SouthWest and West corner is that if the sound waves made by the windchime may inadvertenly `attract' such wondering ghosts to drop by a house. Instead of attracting luck, we may end up having more `trouble'. Therefore, I do caution about using windchimes at NE, SW and West unless a proper Flying Star birth chart is done to anlayse the numerlogy of these locations. I did mention in one of the artilces I wrote that besides the Luopan which is a ghost detector, the Flying Star numerlogy method can easily detect or find out if a location is `bad'. This is by looking at the numbers. (I will dwell in this at a later stage). The rationale is that the numerlogy can `find' out if a location is too YIN plus if this location is at the NE or SW, this spells serious trouble. I had a few of such experiences at the NE in a few FS audits. In one case, the Luopan needle goes haywire especially at the NE or the devil's gate. Yes, Chinese like to grow chrysanthenum with its bright yellow colour. Because it's flowers are (I hope I described it correctly) `pointed' they are considered more of a `yang' plant. What is the difference between a Yin or a Yang plant? In Feng Shui, yin plans are useful to be placed at corners e.g. to absorb sha chi. Too many yin plants e.g. in the South Yang plants e.g. chrysanthenum are normally not placed inside the home. But some FS Masters / practioners especially from the " Taiwanese School " of Feng Shui love to use them. One should consult a Geomancer for placing such things as a cactus or any plants with sharp torns. (or pointed leaves). A NASA experiment has shown that plants are indeed good environment enhancers but I caution not to place them in bedrooms. This is because plants are growing and bedrooms are suppose to be more `yin' than yang for adults. Frankly, this `one' has more to do with Chinese supertitions than Feng Shui and there is no Feng shui explanation for this. Cecil Lee
  2. Dear Bless, In general, plants can be divided into two categories:- 1. Plants that are considered `yang' e.g. the characteristic is that their leaves are `pointed' shape or have thorns eg. cactus and chrysanthenum. 2. Plants that are `yin' eg. leaves that are rounded. In a recent US NASA study on the effects of plants (natural plants) on the environment, it was found that plants (infact most plants but they ranked the plants) are found to be good to be placed indoors and good on the internal environment. It is also considered particularly good if the pot is made of clay. The caution under feng shui is to avoid having too many plants concentrated particularly at the West side of the house. This includes the South-West (Devil's backdoor) and North-East (the Devil's main gate). I mentioned earlier, that plants are `favourite' cures or enhancers of Taiwanese Feng Shui Masters/Practioners. They consider it auspicous to place a plant at the `elusive' "wealth" corner some of us are so eager to `believe'. `Moderate' use of plants are thus good in the home not just Bird Nest Ferns (provided ideally the leaves are of `rounded shape). Therefore, natural plants like what you mentioned are acceptable. Do avoid having plants with thorns in the house especially if it is at an auspicous location. (Ideally, this should coincide with the areas done after using the Flying Star theory if one has done it). It is still an acceptable practise to place e.g. a cactus at an `inauspicous' location provided it is not a bedroom. -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager
  3. Dear Barbara, A cemetry is considered a `Yin' environment. What you can do is to create a Yang environment. Yes, you should plut a Pakua mirror above your patio. Another way to counteract this is to paint the side of your wall `bright colours' such as Pink. This is to create a Yang environment. Can you let me know which direction of this side of the house before I recommend the colour for the door? Yes, you can also use curtains. Make sure that they are bright coloured. Again, I need the information on the direction inorder to recommend u the appropriate colour for the curtains. It is not good to plant large bushes as it would harbour `spirits' especially large trees. What you could do is to keep the backyard trimmed and tidy. -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager
  4. Dear Linda, What you had mentioned is correct. Although the picture is of your engagement, my advise is not to hang it facing your desk as it is inauspicous to place a picture of a Catheral facing you. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager
  5. Dear Jackie, Under traditional Feng Shui, there are a few sets of theories and this includes 9 Star Ki, an equivalent of Feng Shui numerology. Briefly, the main theories (Ranked) in importance are:- 1. Pillars of Destiny (to determine your true element) e.g. your true element and it's strength. This is ranked 1st (jointly ) with the Flying Star Theory (which looks at your house's birth chart). 2. Next, comes the Eight House theory which is used to determine the "Best house " for a person i.e. 4 good and 4 bad directions. Under the Eight House theory, you get a general reading of what is known as the Eight Associations or Eight Aspirations or Life Aspirations. Where this theory states that e.g. North sector is considered e.g. your " Carrer sector "; South-West is your Marriage/Romance/Relationship corner. Please note that this is only a very GENERAL theory used ONLY after you had properly analsysed your house using the Flying Star Theory. Why is this so? If you have read earlier articles written, the Flying Star Theory is dynamic and you can even analyse a house ranging from a 20 year period to yearly to monthly and if you have the time... daily... The Flying Star theory therefore takes into account the time factor. Therefore, if you have a mountain star to activate or a water star which can be activated, you should `activate' these. In addition, there are lots more of the Flying Star Theory e.g. very auspicious location etc... I will not go on about it as you can easily read what are the features of the Flying star at www.geomancy-online.com (under Flying Star and click on " Features " ) In traditional Feng Shui, whatever you have done under the Flying Star is frankly enough for Harmony and prosperity for your home or office. (Of course, this is provided the house / office suits the owner. Else, you will not prosper but ... average `living' if cures are enhanced. ) The ideal situation is of course to have both you and your house `suit' each other as mentioned under the Eight House Theory. Only after proper analysis is completed e.g. if there are no implications of activating a Eight Associate Direction or Eight Aspirations or Life Aspiration e.g. Career sector is in the North and if there are no bad "flying stars" where activiating it may incur consequences. This lesson is particulary important for Do it yourself Feng Shui as opposed to consulting a reliable Feng Shui Master first. Similiarly if the South West corner of your house is inauspicous and if you wrongly activiate it, this may again bring dire consequences. One good thing about the Eight Associate Direction is you can activate it at a micro level. If say it is inauspicious to do so at the SW of the house, you may (again if there no inauspicious stars) activate e.g. the SW corner of your table. As to your query as to " the "wealth" corner is always on the far left corner of your house from the main front door." This statement is simply not true. What is true though is the general statement of the Eight Associate Direction or Eight Aspirations but I have already mentioned not to follow it `blindly'. As for your front glass window which has a little crack, where possible, try to replace it as soon as possible as it is considered inauspicous to have a cracked window on your main entrance door. Hope that helps. Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager
  6. Dear Donna, I try not to be "pessimistic" because one of the most important Feng Shui criteria is that a house should ideally suit the breadwinner. The "more serious" case of a clash (i.e. a person not matching a house is) when the `death' or `disaster' intangible flows thru the main entrance door. The current known `cure' based on available information under the Eight House Theory is to keep the main entrance area bright and avoid leaving the main entrance door open unless in use. If you are still living in this home, (Not compulsory) but good to do a Pillars of destiny analysis to find your true element and it's strenght and a Flying star birth chart but this would greatly help in further analysis: 1. To look at your true element and it's strength in relation to the house element e.g. if your element is a weak water and the house (main entrance is south facing) has the fire element, the fire element would further weaken you. 2. A flying star chart to check your main entrance and it can be used to activiate e.g. the mountain and water stars (if they are available) and locate the best location for your home. In general, under the Eight Associations or commonly called the Eight Aspirations, you can at a micro level, activate the South-West corner of a room or a home by placing something `romatic' e.g. a red valentine's card to name an example. Please see below for more replies:- -----Original Message----- To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Friday, February 19, 1999 11:48 AM Subject: Any cure? front door is in my 'Disaster' direction? A total of 14 steps is good. (Other good numbers for steps are: 1, 2, 5, 10, 13, 14, 17 and 22). It is `unfortunate' to learn that the seventh step lay in the centre of the house as normally, a stair case should be at the side wall instead of in the centre of the house. The only `remedy' here is to keep it bright. Here there are two considerations:- 1. Shape of the fish tank:- At the North West location which is the metal element, the ideal shape of the fish tank is round. 2. Under the five elements concept, and traditional Feng Shui practise, the number of fish would depend on your (breadwinner's) element:- For Water element - 1 or 6 fishes Fire element - 2 or 7 fishes Wood - 3 or 8 fishes Earth - 5 or 10 fishes Metal - 4 to 9 fishes Yes, a mirror can be considered an alternative to a Pakua (less offensive but less powerful) but not effective against strong sha or strong poision arrows e.g. neighbour's pointed roof. It seems that your house do have quite a bit of problem. As mentioned earlier, try to activitate the South West which is the Romance, relationship corner.
  7. Dear Jackie, Since you are a Southwest person, more importanly, you should try to sleep with your head facing either one of the following:- West - Health SW - Excellent NW - Longevity NE - Prosperity Yes, it is not auspcious for the bedroom door to face the kitchen sink. This is akin to `water' flushing down the sink. The best option here is not to close the door when not `in use'. Alternatively, (not compulsory) but an option only: install a beaded curtain or a curtain on the door. -----Original Message-----
  8. Dear Jessica, Please see below:- -----Original Message----- In traditional Feng Shui practise, the door you use often can be considered to be your main entrance door. No this information is not true. A door in an apartment e.g. inner building can be considered as the main entrance. No, going out into the open balcony cannot be considered as the Main entrance door. In real life, a Feng Shui Master needs to know two important things: 1. Finding the centre of the house i.e. finding the centrepoint This is considered necessary for every Feng Shui analysis. 2. Determine the exact direction of your main entrance door. However, if you have two or more entrances, you can do an analysis to see which door(s) are favourable and after that decide on what you want to do e.g. - Use the `more favourable' entrance - Do not `side step' the issue but apply `cures'. Some of which I have mentioned earlier e.g. using a convex door, tilting a door, using a specially designed semi circle carpet etc... Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Dear Marci, Please see below:- -----Original Message----- Frankly, the rationale for finding the main entrance door is then to `calculate' the birth chart of the house. For this purpose, if we are not certain which door to use, a Feng Shui Master can do a calculation to find out which door is more suitable. In your case, for the `front' of the apartment, you could `soften' the wall by e.g. hanging a decorative painting to soften the wall e.g. a scenery painting or hanging a scroll. As for your back door, you can't do much here other than to `hide' the toilet e.g. close the door when not in use. Cecil
  10. Dear Chris, Please see below:- -----Original Message----- I like to clarify that you should still hang the ba gua above the main entrance door and at the mid-point. You should be using a ba gua (The first Heaven Sequence one: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/pakua.htm Sorry, I like to clarify what sort of improvement you expect to find as it is meant as a `cure' or neutraliser and other than that, there is not much it can help i.e. in luck or otherwise.
  11. Dear James, Sorry, hope you can elaborate further on the details as I receive quite alot of mails and need to know more inorder to help look at your case. Thanks. -----Original Message-----
  12. Dear Nare, There is a short write-up on size at http://www.geomancy.net/fs/ruler.htm But the main consideration under Feng Shui for a new rectangular cabin are:- 1. Do not locate the toilet in the centre of the house. 2. Where possible, keep the cabin " rectangular " i.e. try not to have protrusion or a missing corner. You can find out more about this at http://www.geomancy.net/fs/building.htm. 3. One best way is to use the Free Feng Shui tool " Eight House Theory " to find you and your family's template. Here you can then look at which is your best door direction(s), bedroom and living room and where feasible, plan your house layout to suit your family members. This step is more important in Feng Shui than say the measurement of house. Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager
  13. Dear Titch, Frankly, there are no `cures' available other than either to physically remove the mirror or the only other option you may want to consider is purchasing an `opaque film' to paste on to the mirror. Cecil -----Original Message-----
  14. Dear Chris, Please see below:- -----Original Message----- No, there is no one-for-all solution to counteract all kinds of Sha Ch'i. This will depend on how `damaging' the Sha ch'i is. I have covered quite a lot of techniques for couteract Sha Ch'i:- 1. Mild forms that will not affect a close-by neighbour includes:- a. tilting the front door from an inauspicious to an auspicious direction. b. using a specially made semi-circle carpet outside the main entrance. c. Using a convex door (if your Building Management permits). d. If the main entrance has steps, then use semi-circular steps. 2. More offensive forms to counteract Sha Ch'i include:- a. Pakua (some pakua also comes with a picture of a door god below it). This is acceptable. b. Using a kitchen fork (usually aimed from a window) c. Cannon (usually aimed from a window) d. Placing a fish tank at the window to counteract e.g. a lone lamp post etc... For Sha ch'i never use a concave `pakua or ba gua' as your home will absorb even more bad influence!
  15. Dear Chris, Please see below. -----Original Message----- Yes, this is considered sha ch'i . You can either:- a. Use a curtain or a window blind. For the curtain, it should `block' the sight of the sha ch'i. b. If the sha ch'i is close by, u can place a Pakua (in the mid-point below the window). This is the last resort. The true test whether it is Sha ch'i is to sit on your bed and look at the makeup desk. Do you see the mirror? If no, then it is not considered sha ch'i. Mirrors should not face the bed. How was the `Chai wei' determined? Using which theory? Normally, if it is in the living room, you can place it diagonal to the actual "chai wei" location. This depends. If you have a large bedroom, then you can take the centrepoint of room and look at the room. But if your bedroom is `small' e.g. less than 1000 sq feet, you should instead take the centrepoint of the house and then analyse the room. However, under the Eight Aspirations or Eight Associations e.g. where North is considered the career location, South-West, the romance location, you can activate these `corners' at a micro level in your room. The revised FREE Eight House Chart available on www.geomancy-online.com has included the Eight Associated Directions for such a purpose. Do take note that priority should be given to No. 1 Analysis done by Flying Star, second, Analysis done by Pillars of Destiny and Eight House / 4 good and 4 bad directions. After having done this analysis, then you may want to activate the Eight Associate Directions. Warmest Regards Cecil Lee
  16. Dear Chris, To clarify, what rooms are these? Are these 2 rooms the bedrooms? The only other way at present is to close the door when not in use. Yes, if the main door is facing a road lamp, it is best to place a Pakua above the main entrance door. The following are other alternatives:- 1. Placing a semi circle carpet outside the door. Best to have a diagram of a sun's rays or spokes radiating from the centre of the carpet. 2. If your friend's house is a private apartment, one can replace the door with a convex door. A convex door is to dispell sha ch'i. 3. If there are steps leading to the home, one can use semi-circle steps. 4. Tilt the main entrance door to a direction favourable to your friend. As your friend is already using a Pakua, he need not use any of the above alternatives. Usually, the price for a Feng Shui audit in Singapore (Qualified FS) starts around $488 for say a 3 room HDB flat. This amount is reasonable considering the `expert' advice that one get. Kong Xi Fa Chai! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Cecil Lee
  17. Dear Anthony What you have mentioned is the correct method i.e. , if your good intangible force is North, then your head should be pointing north and your feet pointing south. Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Monday, February 15, 1999 10:29 AM Subject: Re: How do I counteract spook and irritation?
  18. Dear Mark, Firstly, East (Green Dragon) domain Logically East is the location of the rising sun and thus a Yang location. The Green Dragon is considered the most Yang of all Feng Shui animals. It is encouraged that plants can be grown here. West (White Tiger) domain The White is considered the most Yin of all Feng Shui animals. It is considered courageous and noble animal. It is also seen by many FS practioners as a fierce and determined animal. How can it be noble and yet `fierce.' One reason is that it is located at a Yin location and Yin refers to the `dead' and is considered not as favourable as the EAST or `rising sun' location. 3. Under the Landscape School of Feng Shui you will usually hear that for a house, on the East (the Green Dragon) should be higher than the West (White tiger) and the two should `embrace' each other. In this `natural order' it is preferred by FS Masters that the Green Dragon should be higher than the West tiger. Eg. a building on the left side (dragon) of your building should be higher than the right (tiger's side). This is said to bring more fortune to the owner. What happens when this natural order is reversed? i.e. The West Tiger side is higher than the Green Dragon side. For the owner of the middle house for example, will become "dominated." For example, if he has a son, his son would dominate the house or if he has a mistress, he will be dominated by his mistress and she will be more the fortunate than the owner. As mentioned above, the White tiger is courageous and noble and if the door happens to be your good location (e.g. under the 8 House theory it is one of your 4 good locations), my advice is that there is no need for a `cure' for this. A pair of Fu dogs are particularly good to be placed on the two pillars of the entrance gate even if a `cure' is not needed. Hope that helps. -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Friday, February 12, 1999 5:12 AM Subject: White tiger 'entrance'
  19. Can you elaborate further what you mean by `missing section' -- are you referring to your rectangular shaped house? At which direction is the missing corner? As for a triangular lot, where possible, you should do some landscaping to `remedy the situation. Do let me know the above.. thanks in advance! -----Original Message-----
  20. Dear Mariam, 1. It is very common to have partners with `totally opposite' good and bad directions. 2. When you look for a house, compare the layout plan with both partner's 8 house template. What you need to look out for is:- - Where possible, look out for the `Death / Disaster ' intangible forces. Try not to buy a house with these two intangible forces flowing into the Main door entrance or your bedrooms. For the main door entrance, this is particularly more important for the breadwinner. - In addition to this, areas where family members spent most time should preferably be under the influence of a good intangible force e.g. Health, Prosperity.... 3. In the worst case senario, you can also use the other partner as a `shield'. For example, the partner who's intangible force is spook can sleep `further' away and use the other partner as a shield i.e. he/she sleeps closer to the intangble force. Hope that helps. -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Thursday, February 11, 1999 3:53 AM Subject: My husband and I are in diffrent houese, what should we do?
  21. Dear Odie, Dear Odie, Thank you for your words of encouragments. Please see comments below:- Dear Odie, Under the Eight House Theory, there are two things that can be done:- 1. Since you are having the excellent and health intangible forces in the room, you could use yourself as a `shield' for your wife for one side e.g. the Spook side which between the two bad directions is `worse' than the irritation intangible force area. 2. If it allows, your wife should sleep facing the `direction' of her good intangible force. E.g. if her good intangible force is the North, she should sleep with her head facing the good direction i.e. North direction. (In addition to this do remember to check that e.g. the bed should not be facing the toilet etc..) A more accurate analysis is to do a Flying Star chart as I suspect that the sickness star could be at your bedroom and cause such a problem. You need to confirm further. -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Thursday, February 11, 1999 2:12 AM Subject: How do I counteract spook and irritation? parts of my feng shui orientation.
  22. Dear Tracy, The true test of which is your main door is the frequency in which you use the door. In this case, you mentioned that you mainly use the inter leading door from the garage into the kitchen. You should consider this as your main door. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message-----
  23. Dear Tracy, A few traditional Feng Shui Masters have stated their views that there should not be any changes with respect for people living in the Southern Hemisphere. You can read this article written by Master Yu of astro-fengshui.com : http://www.astro-fengshui.com/south-h.htm I agree with his opinion that there should not be any changes made as the calendar system of finding a person's `true' element and overall strength of the element e.g. strong water, neutral water and weak water. For other viewpoints, you can read links from this page: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/addsites.com -----Original Message-----
  24. Dear Pedro, If you are using the 8 house theory and match this with the 9 Star Ki (which is popular in Japan and some practioners in the West) both are similiar as they use numerology to interpret the readings. As for the " 8 aspirations ", it is a general analysis of our life aspirations. For example as the South West is said to be our Marriage and relationship corner, one could activate this location by e.g. placing a rose or a photoframe. However, do take note that: 1. Flying Star, 2. Pillars of Destiny and 3. Eight House theory takes precedence over this set of `theory'. (Ranked in order 1, 2 and 3). Thanks. Cecil
  25. Dear Karen, 1. To the Chinese, a white tiger is particularly `inauspicious' or considered unlucky to see a white tiger especially one is gambling. In one legend, after 500 years, a certain tiger changed it's coat of fur and turned white. This is how we now call the West side of a buidling or house the " White Tiger ". If you have read the Four Symbolic Animals or Four Cosmic Animals concept at url: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/four.htm, you will notice that on the East is the " Green Dragon ". 2. Both the East (Green Dragon) and West (White Tiger) are often used by Feng Shui Masters to relate to Feng Shui enhancements of ch'i or for feng shui cures. East (Green Dragon) domain Logically East is the location of the rising sun and thus a Yang location. The Green Dragon is considered the most Yang of all Feng Shui animals. It is encouraged that plants can be grown here. West (White Tiger) domain The White is considered the most Yin of all Feng Shui animals. It is considered courageous and noble animal. It is also seen by many FS practioners as a fierce and determined animal. 3. Under the Landscape School of Feng Shui you will usually hear that for a house, on the East (the Green Dragon) should be higher than the West (White tiger) and the two should `embrace' each other. In this `natural order' it is preferred by FS Masters that the Green Dragon should be higher than the West tiger. Eg. a building on the left side (dragon) of your building should be higher than the right (tiger's side). This is said to bring more fortune to the owner. What happens when this natural order is reversed? i.e. The West Tiger side is higher than the Green Dragon side. For the owner of the middle house for example, will become "dominated." For example, if he has a son, his son would dominate the house or if he has a mistress, he will be dominated by his mistress or even and she will be more the fortunate than the owner. Hope the above helps:) -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Friday, February 05, 1999 10:26 AM Subject: What is the white tiger?
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