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  1. Dear Karen, Yes you are correct. Rocks belong to the earth element. Crystals e.g. glass belongs to the water element. -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Friday, February 05, 1999 10:26 AM Subject: An author said all rocks are of the metal element.
  2. Dear Vincent, Thanks for bring up this interesting topic. At the "micro level" of Feng Shui, in the past, where Chinese burial was very important to the rich and royalty: They (officials) spare no expense in getting the proper measurements correct and they use the Chinese ruler to measure everything " correctly " i.e. the curved frontage of the burial site, the tombstones have good Feng Shui measurements. Even recent Feng Shui authors such as Lillian Too do mention that she `purposely' got the correct dimensions for her books. For those interested in antique Chinese furniture, you can learn about proper feng shui dimensions e.g. if you have the opportunity to measure antique Chinese altar tables, these have " perfect " Feng Shui dimensions. For those who have the opportunity to be `near' to any furniture shops selling geniune Chinese furniture e.g. chairs, table, cabinets, you can at your free time, measure these. I am sure, most of them will meet the height / width / dept of Feng Shui good dimensions. Here in Singapore, we have many races and the " undocumented " fact was that all Housing Board Flat entrance doors are " Feng Shui correct. This fact is not made known because of the various religious beliefs (but Feng Shui is definitely not a religion thou). Anyway, I know that if I mention this, no one will cause a *riot* sparked from this forum as everyone would want "Prosperity". Sorry about this long diversion. There is another situation, where one of my engineer friends, got a table made exactly to his "direction". He feels really comfortable `using' it. But if someone else were to `use' the table, it would be `awful'. Therefore the truth of the matter is akin to the saying " one man's meat is another man's poison ". I will certainly do more research into this area and when I know more, will certainly share it with everyone here:) -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Thursday, February 04, 1999 10:21 AM Subject: Auspicious roomdimensions
  3. Dear Carol, Please see my reply below:- Thanks for bring up this interesting subject. Let me elaborate about Yin. Yin refers to softer materials e.g. "sof"t wood, light colours. "Soft" wood are e.g. pine even teak but not laminated wood decor. For colours, the use of light colours. Flooring made of wood pieces will enhance the yin in a room. This is why you notice that most bedrooms use parquet (wooden flooring) to enhance yin ... state of rest. Yang refers to `hard' materials e.g. glass table, metallic objects/table and even plastic and laminates on wood. Colours are vibrant e.g. bright colors. Flooring made of cold slabs of e.g. marble, homogenous tiles and other ceramic materials especially if they are bright coloured enhance yang in a room. Do note that white, or simply off-white and light pale white mixed with other colours are `neutral' to either yin or yang. Here you can `play' with Yin and Yang by `controlling' the use of:- 1. Furniture 2. Colours in the room ie. walls, ceiling and appropriate floor tiles. 3. Lighting. For example in a business environment, e.g. a restaurant, where you want the customers to be cosy, the furniture usually are made of wood, plus the seats are either fabric + wood ... to allow the customers to `stay longer' for their meals. Contrast this to a cafe, where they want high turnover... let you eat and `encourage' you to move on.... You will notice that usually the tables are either laminate e.g. Fast Food restaurants like MacDonnels, have plastic chairs... and bright lights ... this will make it more of a Yang environment and... the ultimate aim is `fast' pace... The above is a good example of how furniture and colours are used in food outlets. We already `touched' roughly on furniture and colours. For lighting, e.g. in a room, if you want more Yang, then have a bit more of light or use a table lamp. As there are so much to share in this area, I will continue.. with it later on... Ideally, you should use a table with a rounded corner. One alternative is to go to Toy-R-Us or e.g. Ikea or any shops that sell child protectors. What I mean is that you can buy those `rounded plastic edges' where it is sticked on to a table. So that if a child bumps into the corner, it is rounded and will not hurt anyone. This is the `cheapest' solution than changing your `sharp' corned table or (taking the trouble to saw it! *Joke*) For me, I went to Ikea (furniture shop) and purchased quite a lot of these ` rounded plastic edges ' and place them in my rooms. Some friends wondered... if I had so many small kids in my home.... Phew! I don't know what to tell them. Hope this info helps. Cecil Lee Centre for Feng Shui Research, Singapore
  4. Dear Luann Currently, I am unable to comment on this as there are no documented Feng Shui practice on this. However, if I do come across any help on this, will let you know. Presently, it is still best to place such items, where possible) insight of store owners or install a convex mirror at this `corner'.
  5. Dear Glyn, Thanks for your comments. As applying Feng Shui is `holistic', it is most effective when applied in `total' rather than piecemeal e.g. first, we need to get the "basics correct" and then add on and improve our Feng Shui. Thus there is no one single powerful method of Feng Shui. Where best, we should combine each of the Feng Shui `modules' and `sub-modules' + related fields of Chinese Astrology and Divinity methods to overall improve our lifes. Currently, there are no quick fix solutions nor solutions on how to collect `bad debts'. Thou, Chinese Astrology do have some interesting information on the type of `luck' one has and even the year in which we are in. As collecting `bad debts' is all year round and depending on your business experience to `grant' credit, prudence is the word:) There is so much, I would like to share on this topic " Feng Shui for business ", and hope to hear feedback from everyone to create a healthy exchange of information. Cecil
  6. Dear Alvin, It is no problem as we are corrresponding by e-mail and not on-site:) Please see reply below:- Yes, if you confirm that when you stand directly at your main entrance and there is a poison arrow `cutting' your main entrance, then, there is sha (poison arrow). Yes, my advice will be effective for your case. Alternatively, if the Management of your building could say install a `blind' on the window, then you do not need the `cure' as it will not affect you. Alternatively, if howeever, if " sun-x " or a `relective film' (on the side of the window facing the poison arrow (to reflect it `back') is used, you do not need the cure. If that particular location faces the west sun, maybe you could convince your building management to install it:) Cecil Lee
  7. Dear Jez, The ancient coins `tied together' to represent a `symbolic' sword should not be placed at the entrance especially one where it faces the main entrance door. This is bad feng shui. This situation is also very similar to someone hanging a painting of a hungry animal e.g. a tiger. This is symbolic of it's mouth being `open' and will cause problems for the household. Similiarly, one should NEVER hang a pakua in the house as it is equally bad. As the sword represents a `cutting' edge, it is suppose to `cut' away all your luck and bad. Hope that helps. Cecil Lee
  8. Dear John, The best cure for your situation is to keep your house `bright'. This is to encourage more Yang energy to flow into the house. Some of the `remedies' you can do:- 1. Depending on the direction of the wall facing the neighbours house, e.g. if it is a East wall, you could paint the wall neutral white (bright) or green. If the wall is facing South, then pink wall. Of course, white is still an acceptable neutral colour. 2. The fence between your house: make sure that it is in good condition and have plants growing on the fence. 3. Have a well trimmed garden e.g. trim the grass on your compound 4. If you can afford, have a spot light turned on at night on the side facing the vacant house. 4. For the interior of the house, make sure that it is bright.
  9. Dear Vivian If you want to find out more about ley lines in relation to Feng Shui, you will be pleased to know that there is a book called:- " Amazing Scientific Basis of Feng Shui by Dr. Ong Hean-Tatt Ph. D, Malaysia " I also have a picture of the cover of the book under this url: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/books.htm To summarise, his books talks about water dowzing, the stongehenge etc... and the effects of undergound currents affecting homes that has the currents running under them. The members of these households have been studied and found to have higher incidences of cancer! Hope the above helps! P.S. A note of " warning ". If you think of buying this book to apply Feng Shui practises, then sorry, this book is not what you want. But if you want to read more on the relationship of Feng Shui to other culture's similarities. You will amaze to find out about sun spots, UFOs and Feng Shui........ Please run (not walk) to the book store to get it...... Cecil Lee Centre for Feng Shui Research -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Monday, February 01, 1999 4:12 AM Subject: Ley Lines
  10. Dear Alvin, I need to clarify with you. Earlier, I was not aware that your unit is located on the 13th floor. You mentioned that there is a neighbour's poison arrow. When we consider a `posion arrow' for an apartment block, the sharp point should be the same level as your apartment. Can you clarify the above? I need to find out more before going in depth or advising you whether it is or not necessary to implement a `cure' for the situation. Generally, the pakua is used as an `offensive' tool in Feng Shui to cure a poision arrow. A " milder " but equally effective method is to use a semi-circle carpet or even specially designed floor tiles designed in a semi-cirlce on the floor. Plus you still need to add designs e.g. the rays of the sun `pointing' outwards or like spoke wheels, pointing outwards on the design of the carpet or floor tiles. The semi-cirlce carpet for example need not be at the eye level or " above the door " to be effective. Once it is placed on the floor it is the equivalent of or offers the same `protection' as a pakua hung above the door. Hope this helps.
  11. Dear Janet, Thank you for your e-mail. Please see below:- In traditional Feng Shui, powerlines are considered the " water element ". (Which is equivalent to watercourses or streams). As you had mentioned that the powerlines are 1000 metres away, it should thus be considered as " water " flowing along your North East/ North West. To clarify:- 1. Aas you mentioned that your house faces south, does it mean that the main entrance door is at the South? 2. Is the back of your house at the North? At the " micro " level, do try to get an ordinary compass and take a compass reading of your house. What you need to do here is to go a plot of empty land and take a compass bearing of the North to South line. (Take this reading far away from the powerlines). Next, take a compass reading of the North to South line in your home. Do remember to steer at least 1 metre away from concrete pillars and take a reading. The North to South line reading or deflection should not be more 5 to 10 degrees. Do let me know what is the degree of deflection e.g. is it 10 degrees, 15 degrees, 22 degrees etc.. The purpose of this exercise to check if there is any magnetic influence on your house from the powerlines. Let me share with you a case, I done a while back. This flat/condominum is on the 2nd level and just immediately below the flat is the power room of the entire condominum. When I took a reading on an empty plot of land, the North to South and reference it to the reading to the house, there is a deflection or variance of 22 degrees. Currently, there is not much study under Feng Shui on whether it is good or bad to have `enhanced' magnetic field in a house and the effects on the household for a long period. Maybe there are other studies in this area. There is a study of underground water (which is the equivalent of " powerlines ") done in Germany but this relates to underground watercourses which are DIRECTLY under a home. For more details on it please read this article: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/under.htm
  12. Dear Jez, Thanks for your reply. I like to share with you what is the rationale for not having a fish tank in the bedrooms. The main reason is that a bedroom is suppose to be a YIN location (or for `peaceful' rest). A fish tank is considered to produce `yang' energy e.g. the fishes swimming in the tank and the air bubbles etc... Similiarly, many Feng Shui Masters also say that plants should not be placed in a bedroom as plants grow and thus produce `yang' energy. For children's room however, it should instead be more `yang' but also should not have fish tank or plants but rather, bright coloured walls, musical instruments, hi-fi etc... You asked the question whether is it OK to still have the fish tank there if someone is sleeping in that room. Well, it should not be a permanent solution i.e. it is ok to have it in a guest room where guest occassional stay but avoid `permanently' sleeping in this room. It is quite common for houses to have a swimming pool at the back of the house. This is still acceptable. What is more important is that preferably, there should be a protective barrier at the back of the house (after the swimming pool). You can plant creepers or use brick walls etc.... to create the `tortise' effect. Cecil Yes, Cecil, you were right about rearing fishes. It is a hustle to clean it too. I was told some time ago to place 6 black fish in a fish tank in my kitchen window and another one in a spare bedroom. From my understanding after reading your site is that fish tank should not be placed in the bedroom. I am going to convert the spare bedroom into a guest room. Is it Ok to still have the fish tank there if someone is sleeping in that room? Also, I forgot to mention that outside the North area of my house is my backyard with a swimming pool. Is that good or back. My front door faces East.
  13. Dear Luann, We are glad that you found the forum useful and look forward to your active participation. Everyone of us are always eager to learn and share our experiences with each other. Thus making it FUN to learn Feng Shui! You can continue to explore http://www.geomancy.net which has many articles and topics and at the same time use many of the useful tools at http://www.geomancy-online.com for " D.I.Y. " Feng Shui audits. Based on your feedback, you will be pleased to know that we will soon be creating a new topic called " Feng Shui for Business ". In this area, on Feng Shui for office and retail outlets. At my end, I have lots to share with you on my experiences on FS for office and retail. Enjoy! Cecil Lee I am thankful that my wandering took me to this site today. I spend most of the day catching up with this great group, reading all the posting and I am very impressed and excited. I am interested in everything and have much to learn ,but I am very interested in feng shui and how it can enhance a retail store environment. If anyone else is interested in this as a topic, I would love some advise. Mostly I'll be reading and trying to get up to speed. thank you very much. luann
  14. This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_00B3_01BE4B8E.83F58EE0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear Jez, Traditionally, the North of the house `belongs' to the Water Element and placing a "water element" at the North wall is favourable. You can continue to place the fish tank in that area. In addition to this:- 1. Do take note that this area should not be a bedroom but instead the living room or other utility room. 2. The fish tank MUST not be at the centre of the house. As Water in the middle of the house means that one will be `burned' with problems as water in the ancient book of I-ching (or Book of Changes) means " difficulty. " 3. Between a fish tank or a fountain or water fall, a fountain is preferred than say a fish tank. This is because a fish tank is usually used more as a `cure' for sha or `poison arrow'. While a fountain is considered to provide favourable "beneifical ch'i." Another point considered unfavourable by many Feng Shui Masters is that:- (a). What happens when the fish or tortise dies? (b). The need to do maintenance of the fish tank. For example, these Masters say when you pour " water " away from the fish tank, you are actually pouring away wealth. 4. I mentioned earlier in a few messages in the forum that in general, Hong Kong Feng Shui Masters/practioners usually advise the placement of fish tanks to counteract `bad sha'. For example, outside the main entrance window, there is a lone lamp post. As a lone lamp post is symbolic of the fire element; under the " http://www.geomancy.net/fs/5element.htm " The Destructive Cycle of the 5 elements, Water element destroys Fire. Therefore, you can now know why the FS Master ask the house owner to place a fish tank (Water element) at that particular location and usually of " black coloured " goldfish. I do not intend to `scare' you or discourage you from rearing fishes but the above are `real' issues that many Feng Shui Masters. From my own personal experience, I did once own a fish tank. Had bought alot of goldfish and many varieties of them. (More as a hobby than as a Feng Shui cure). I found that most of the goldfishes do not last more than 9 months.. maybe I am lousy at rearing the fishes but I found they have " shorter " lifespan. Currently, I do have a pond of koi fishes and they are not only `loving' i.e. when it is time for food, they will come up to you to feed from your hands... OK enough of this! In fact, I had written a short article on " Fountains / waterfalls and fish tank ". For those who have not read it here is the URL: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/fountain.htm ------=_NextPart_000_00B3_01BE4B8E.83F58EE0 Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-signature; name="smime.p7s" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7s" MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAqCAMIACAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAQAAoIIKJjCCAjww ggGlAhAyUDPPUNFW81yBrWVcT8glMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAgUAMF8xCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRcwFQYD VQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjE3MDUGA1UECxMuQ2xhc3MgMSBQdWJsaWMgUHJpbWFyeSBDZXJ0 aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eTAeFw05NjAxMjkwMDAwMDBaFw0yMDAxMDcyMzU5NTlaMF8xCzAJ BgNVBAYTAlVTMRcwFQYDVQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjE3MDUGA1UECxMuQ2xhc3MgMSBQdWJs aWMgUHJpbWFyeSBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eTCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAw gYkCgYEA5Rm/baNWYS2ZSHH2Z965jeu3noaACpEO+jglr0aIguVzqKCbJF0NH8xlbgyw0FaEGIea BpsQoXPftFg5a27B9hXVqKg/qhIGjTGsf7A01480Z4gJzRQR4k5FVmkfeAKA2txHkSm7NsljXMXg 1y2He6G3MrB7MLoqLzGq7qNn2tsCAwEAATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQIFAAOBgQBLRGZgaGTkmBvzsHLm lYl83XuzlcAdLtjYGdAtND3GUJoQhoyqPzuoBPw3UpXD2cnbzfKGBsSxG/CCiDBCjhdQHGR6uD6Z SXSX/KwCQ/uWDFYEJQx8fIedJKfY8DIptaTfXaJMxRYyqEL2Raa2Nrngv2U2k8LS12vc3lnWojX4 RTCCAy4wggKXoAMCAQICEQDSdi6NFAw9fbKoJV2v7g11MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAgUAMF8xCzAJBgNV BAYTAlVTMRcwFQYDVQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjE3MDUGA1UECxMuQ2xhc3MgMSBQdWJsaWMg UHJpbWFyeSBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eTAeFw05ODA1MTIwMDAwMDBaFw0wODA1MTIy MzU5NTlaMIHMMRcwFQYDVQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjEfMB0GA1UECxMWVmVyaVNpZ24gVHJ1 c3QgTmV0d29yazFGMEQGA1UECxM9d3d3LnZlcmlzaWduLmNvbS9yZXBvc2l0b3J5L1JQQSBJbmNv cnAuIEJ5IFJlZi4sTElBQi5MVEQoYyk5ODFIMEYGA1UEAxM/VmVyaVNpZ24gQ2xhc3MgMSBDQSBJ bmRpdmlkdWFsIFN1YnNjcmliZXItUGVyc29uYSBOb3QgVmFsaWRhdGVkMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB AQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC7WkSKBBa7Vf0DeootlE8VeDa4DUqyb5xUv7zodyqdufBou5XZMUFweoFL uUgTVi3HCOGEQqvAopKrRFyqQvCCDgLpL/vCO7u+yScKXbawNkIztW5UiE+HSr8Z2vkV6A+Hthzj zMaajn9qJJLj/OBluqexfu/J2zdqyErICQbkmQIDAQABo3wwejARBglghkgBhvhCAQEEBAMCAQYw RwYDVR0gBEAwPjA8BgtghkgBhvhFAQcBATAtMCsGCCsGAQUFBwIBFh93d3cudmVyaXNpZ24uY29t L3JlcG9zaXRvcnkvUlBBMA8GA1UdEwQIMAYBAf8CAQAwCwYDVR0PBAQDAgEGMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB AgUAA4GBAIi4Nzvd2pQ3AK2qn+GBAXEekmptL/bxndPKZDjcG5gMB4ZbhRVqD7lJhaSV8Rd9Z7R/ LSzdmkKewz60jqrlCwbe8lYq+jPHvhnXU0zDvcjjF7WkSUJj7MKmFw9dWBpJPJBcVaNlIAD9GCDl X4KmsaiSxVhqwY0DPOvDzQWikK5uMIIEsDCCBBmgAwIBAgIQaGKzt9PoOJ/qiXr0QNCuyTANBgkq hkiG9w0BAQQFADCBzDEXMBUGA1UEChMOVmVyaVNpZ24sIEluYy4xHzAdBgNVBAsTFlZlcmlTaWdu IFRydXN0IE5ldHdvcmsxRjBEBgNVBAsTPXd3dy52ZXJpc2lnbi5jb20vcmVwb3NpdG9yeS9SUEEg SW5jb3JwLiBCeSBSZWYuLExJQUIuTFREKGMpOTgxSDBGBgNVBAMTP1ZlcmlTaWduIENsYXNzIDEg Q0EgSW5kaXZpZHVhbCBTdWJzY3JpYmVyLVBlcnNvbmEgTm90IFZhbGlkYXRlZDAeFw05OTAxMjgw MDAwMDBaFw0wMDAxMjgyMzU5NTlaMIIBDTEXMBUGA1UEChMOVmVyaVNpZ24sIEluYy4xHzAdBgNV BAsTFlZlcmlTaWduIFRydXN0IE5ldHdvcmsxRjBEBgNVBAsTPXd3dy52ZXJpc2lnbi5jb20vcmVw b3NpdG9yeS9SUEEgSW5jb3JwLiBieSBSZWYuLExJQUIuTFREKGMpOTgxHjAcBgNVBAsTFVBlcnNv bmEgTm90IFZhbGlkYXRlZDE0MDIGA1UECxMrRGlnaXRhbCBJRCBDbGFzcyAxIC0gTWljcm9zb2Z0 IEZ1bGwgU2VydmljZTESMBAGA1UEAxQJQ2VjaWwgTGVlMR8wHQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhBjZWNpbEAz ZG1haWwuY29tMFswDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSgAwRwJAXcOErHfEha3a+ubbZm9ug7aNXIF6Nbvz ZFVcMJlLfI5cBn8EfqxPlw5aojvH536QT3aiROlRiQbqSm/RiHWxywIDAQABo4IBkjCCAY4wCQYD VR0TBAIwADCBrwYDVR0gBIGnMIAwgAYLYIZIAYb4RQEHAQEwgDAoBggrBgEFBQcCARYcaHR0cHM6 Ly93d3cudmVyaXNpZ24uY29tL0NQUzBiBggrBgEFBQcCAjBWMBUWDlZlcmlTaWduLCBJbmMuMAMC AQEaPVZlcmlTaWduJ3MgQ1BTIGluY29ycC4gYnkgcmVmZXJlbmNlIGxpYWIuIGx0ZC4gKGMpOTcg VmVyaVNpZ24AAAAAAAAwEQYJYIZIAYb4QgEBBAQDAgeAMIGGBgpghkgBhvhFAQYDBHgWdmQ0NjUy YmQ2M2YyMDQ3MDI5Mjk4NzYzYzlkMmYyNzUwNjljNzM1OWJlZDFiMDU5ZGE3NWJjNGJjOTcwMTc0 N2RhNWQzZjQxNDFiZWFkYjJiZDJlODg2MTVhYTYyZjhkMjExNDk5OGEzYmQ0NGZkZjNlYTQ1YjMw MwYDVR0fBCwwKjAooCagJIYiaHR0cDovL2NybC52ZXJpc2lnbi5jb20vY2xhc3MxLmNybDANBgkq hkiG9w0BAQQFAAOBgQAb8S4L4r916XekJmyKDnXypnKAQRxtpSaf+E8CAwPNuv2xSxLDJ2OZbu3h CXfRnlHidrZoR8YRR6Dnp+iw+PZ3i3YDws+W812h8+4GiPdSJlzn3C1JKunWjoSrNqyoWgTwZ4Om okg/wcdHeMzWz8OsLtC1kcQcODrPM6wHZaaxXTGCAaYwggGiAgEBMIHhMIHMMRcwFQYDVQQKEw5W ZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjEfMB0GA1UECxMWVmVyaVNpZ24gVHJ1c3QgTmV0d29yazFGMEQGA1UECxM9 d3d3LnZlcmlzaWduLmNvbS9yZXBvc2l0b3J5L1JQQSBJbmNvcnAuIEJ5IFJlZi4sTElBQi5MVEQo Yyk5ODFIMEYGA1UEAxM/VmVyaVNpZ24gQ2xhc3MgMSBDQSBJbmRpdmlkdWFsIFN1YnNjcmliZXIt UGVyc29uYSBOb3QgVmFsaWRhdGVkAhBoYrO30+g4n+qJevRA0K7JMAkGBSsOAwIaBQCgXTAYBgkq hkiG9w0BCQMxCwYJKoZIhvcNAQcBMBwGCSqGSIb3DQEJBTEPFw05OTAxMjkxMzUxNDdaMCMGCSqG SIb3DQEJBDEWBBS11KZ5gfjSczXAPMrdKA6M1lgqeTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAARAIUACyGRe4k2b fx8rUna5DbLkWGZX6z0LGdliB7pJuUq2Sovl7Wm4/DVd+qPHe81nvFXxsgvmB2f6BaoZG+hZKgAA AAAAAA== ------=_NextPart_000_00B3_01BE4B8E.83F58EE0--
  15. Sorry to clarify the message below, it should instead read " Moles on the back of the body normally signifies burden. Thanks! Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Friday, January 29, 1999 11:50 AM Subject: Re: Moles on the Palm of the Hand
  16. Dear Alvin, In your situation, there are a THREE other alternatives other than using the pakua:- 1. If your main entrance is `ground level' with the exterior, you can use either (a). a semi-circle carpet i.e. have it `radiate' outwards or (b). permanently tile it on the ground. In addition to this, it should have `spokes' radiating out of the carpet e.g. like the rays of the sun. This is symbolic of a Chinese curved knife (without the handle). 2. If there are a few steps that you need to climb inorder to get to the main entrance. Here, you can also use semi-circular steps which act as shown in para 1 above. 3. Tilt the main door to a position that is favourable to your 8 house template. This kills `two birds with one stone' but if you do so, please seek the assistance from a Feng Shui Master to do so. Regarding your question on the Pakua:- You should hang it in the middle above the main entrance door. Yes, you can mount a bracket to the top door-frame. Hope that helps. Cecil Please see my comments below:- -----Original Message-----
  17. Dear Martin Thanks for bring this `problem' up. Actually, the situation you face is very common amongst couples and the family. Many husbands and wife have `houses' that are `opposite' to one another. In the bedroom, what you should do here is to use one partner as a `shield. For example, lets say the husband's intangible force is `irritation'; while the wife's is `prosperity', where possible, let the wife sleep closest to the intangible line flowing thru the bedroom. The wife sleeping closes to the intangible force/line is used as a `shield' while the husband sleeps furthest away from the intangible lines. Therefore, having `opposite' types of intangible force does not mean that the husband or wife has to sleep in a different room. Hope that helps! Cecil
  18. Welcome to Five Element Cures, Feel free to post any queries you have about regarding this topic. To start the discussion going, I am posting a brief introduction of what is Five Element Cures and its uses. Brief Introduction about Five Element Cures:- 1. Five Element is also known as wu xing, or better known in Chinese as jin-shui-mu-huo-tu, Metal-Water-Wood-Fire-Earth. 2. Interpreting the relationship between other elements to the main element can be a very tedious task, as it can get pretty complex when comparing more then one elements. 3. In order to assist users to easily know what cures to apply, we have come up with the 1st version which currently compares 1 element only. 4. What is Five Element Cures used for? a. After knowing your True Birth Element, you need to know what kind of cures you can apply to a particular situation. Here is where the module will come in handy. b. For Flying Star Theories, you might find this useful in determining the best cures to apply for a direction which has conflicting stars. You can try out a Free Report version of the Five Element Cure under the Report Management at http://www.geomancy-online.com. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  19. Dear Mark, Thanks for your many suggestions. I will print it out and look through all your lovely suggestions:) Cecil
  20. Dear Sharon, You can apply the eight house theory and study facing your best direction. On the other hand, make sure that your table is near to good lighting. Under Feng Shui, if you can obtain a pagoda or a conical object place it on the top right hand corner of the table. This is acceptable as it allows you convenience to browse thru your work. An open shelf is `more' in the situation where it faces your bed rather than the study table.
  21. Welcome to Geomancy Forum! Feel free to post new messages here. Tip! Creating a New Topic When you create a new Topic; try to create a short but meaningful description. This will benefit all users. Warmest Regards Cecil Lee
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