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Robert Lee

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Everything posted by Robert Lee

  1. Hi, 1A both are treated as 1, if you house is in period 7 then it is considered as a 7 - 7 combination. Pretty good for period 7. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  2. Dear Glyn, Thanks for your open support. Not sure whether to " cry " or to " laugh " because I have no intention of buying the `offending ' book. But really had no choice because I need to give it to my lawyer. Can I get a refund from the offending author? *JOKE* Yes, I need to take some action. If not, this author may get bolder and bolder. What next? Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 10:49 AM Subject: Intellectual Property Rights Notice
  3. Dear Users, We are pleased to inform you that we will be launching the much awaited Flying Star (Xuan Kong Fei Xing) Certificate Course by the end of this month. Please look out for our promotional offers sometime next week. You will enjoy a early bird discount for this course. You learn the secrets of the authentic Flying Star (Xuan Kong Fei Xing) not found in current books available:) Sneak Preview of some Contents ============================== - Learn when NOT to use the Luo Pan otherwise disaster will befall you. - Learn how you can calculate the Flying Star easily. - Simple to follow animated gifs for easy understanding. - Learn how each numbers of the stars are interpreted. - Table of 81 Unique Interpretation (for quick reference) - Several calculation methods and reasons behind them. - Learn the inter-relationship between the Stars, Five Element, Eight Trigram, etc. - Learn to apply Flying Star in relation to Shapes & forms, Eight House and others for a complete analysis! - Learn about the various Triple Killing and Grand Duke influences. - & lots more! The most comprehensive Flying Star (Xuan Kong Fei Xing) Course available! So look out for it ...... Launching SOON! Warmest Regards Robert Lee Copyright Robert & Cecil Lee
  4. Dear Bill, Apologise for the late reply. I just got back. -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Sunday, June 06, 1999 3:37 PM Subject: Flying Stars and my house built in period 6 Yes, Flying Star requires a clear understanding of the various foundation, otherwise you will not be able to apply them. For this portion. It depends on which theory you want to employ them. Currently, there are 3 different theories for this. If you take the default theory (being each period is 20-years), then 5 is being assigned to the base star. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  5. Dear Bill, Please read below:- Yes, that is ONLY ONE part of the calculation. If that is the only portion which you have learnt or if the practitioners had only told you that portion, then I am afraid you will never be able to get the proper stars. The process is actually very simple when you know how to view the chart as a compass and what is the +-- or -++ is for. As mentioned to you, so far you will not be able to understand the flying star calculation simply from the current books available on Flying Star. These only teaches you some portion or did not tell you why the calculation are done so. Currently, even for the even and odd (so call method), do you really know why they are termed as +-- or -++. I am currently not available for at least another week, so I will not be going into details here as I can see that you do not know very much of the basics of Flying Star to be able to understand what I would be putting forth. Without the basic foundations to understanding the Flying Star, you will get confused and will make mistakes in doing your own calculations. In any case, please take the calculations done my me manually for you (in the last email) or use the Flying Star Report as the software have the FULL calculation of PART ONE and PART TWO of determining the movement of the stars. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  6. Dear Rose, Please read below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'pillars-of-destiny' suppressed 'pillars-of-destiny' suppressed> Date: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 5:13 PM Subject: Ten Deities Competitor means that you will have to face some challenges. As for Emotional Intelligence, it is more a characteristic trait. Which could mean that you are a sensitve type person, which can be emotionally swayed etc. If have have a friend deity in a particular year, it could mean that someone would likely help you during that period. Otherwise, you simply have to work your way through by yourself. In any case, the best is to have a little of everything, this brings balance to your life. It depends on the heavenly luck of that person, I have seen some pillars which is so blessed that there is pratically a star every other year. i also seen many who do not have much stars in their lives. These are like bonus stars. If you have then it means that you are a very fortunate person with lots of luck on your side. If you do not have simply you are just like any other average person with a average life. You have to work extra hard on your own for your own romance, career etc. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  7. Dear Emilio, Please read below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed> Date: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 12:40 PM Subject: Renovations No major renovation includes, entire painting of the house including ceiling, or knocking down some wall, partitioning, etc. Rearranging of funiture is considered minor renovations. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  8. This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0031_01BEAC28.34DBC540 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear Rose, Thank you for your feedback and testing. I will have to debug the module. Will post new updates here once it is done. Warmest Regards Robert Lee -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Sunday, May 30, 1999 9:19 PM Subject: Re: New! Pillars of Destiny Comparision v0.50 beta ------=_NextPart_000_0031_01BEAC28.34DBC540--
  9. Dear Mecury, Please read below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Monday, May 31, 1999 5:07 PM Subject: bedroom in between the wall & the headerboard, is that ok? This is not good in anyway, because there is no support for the bed. The bed should be "anchored" to the wall, and not left as an island in the room. sound ridiculous, but it really makes me wonder). I do know of these affecting the Mountain and Water Star. The magentic and sound disturbance does create such influence normally with the inauspicious stars especially. However, without the details it is pretty difficult to tell exactly what caused this problem. In Feng Shui what you can see is often may dangerous. In this case an X sounds or look like a sha. Maybe you like to investigate what cases it and maybe block it or do something so that you do not see it. Let the one with the good position act as a shield to the other with the bad influences. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  10. Dear Jason, Please read below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Monday, May 31, 1999 5:22 PM Subject: Re: Main Door The first precedence of activation of elements should be done in accordance to the Flying Star stars, then followed by relating the suitability of the cure to the person there. This way, the cures used to activate the sector will not adversely harm the owner staying there. There are often more then one way to cure a location and you can only enjoy the best benefit when the cures or activation for the sector does not harm the person staying there. This is why in order to take full benefit of Feng Shui and to enjoy the maximium benefit using the reports from the Flying Star, Eight House and Pillars of Destiny can greatly enhance a person's or family health and prosperity. However, please be cautioned also, that wrongly activating cures or enhancers may have adverse effects. Which is why you need to get your details correct before attempting to apply cures or enhancers. We normally do not like to give half - complete advices or general advices because we know the danger about it. Please note that the directional element is less important then the stars found in that direction. And normally we do not cure such influence because, it is too general. It is normally used only when the house is in a bad shape and that there are no other alternatives. Only then do we apply such cures. We have encountered many incidences from users who have asked us for advice. Where either a Feng Shui practioner or a self applied cure where they only take general information, which caused more harm then good. May I enquire what is the purpose of activiting the main door? Is there a reason for it? Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  11. Dear Simon, Please read below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Monday, May 31, 1999 7:35 PM Subject: Two Homes !! The house which you are staying will have Feng Shui influence over you. The house which is rented will give the tenants the Feng Shui influence. You can only activate or bring the influence to you if you are staying in the house. Feng Shui is not by remote control, where you can enjoy feng shui from somewhere else. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  12. Dear Users, We have made some revision to the Pillars of Destiny module, regarding some errors in the description. Here are the general guidelines to better use or understanding of the stars found in your charts. 1. Flower of Romance. ===================== Description : This stars represents romance, social meeting or any social life. This information is particularly useful when it is found in your Luck Pillars:- Favourable Stars:- This could mean a chance to meet your suitable partner (not necessarily leading to a marriage). Unfavourable Stars:- This could mean that a romance which you have during that year could mean a disaster for you, eg. break up, or unhappiness etc. 2. Movement Star. ================= Description: This star symbolises travel or movement. This information is particularly useful when it is found in your Luck Pillars:- Favourable Stars:- If your element is represented by the ten deities is your main funds, it could mean that you have a change in your house or car etc. If your element is represented by the ten deities as your authority, it could mean that you have a change of job. The example of the above are good changes in your life. Unfavourable Stars:- If your element is represented by the ten deities is your main funds, it could mean that you have a change in your house or car etc. If your element is represented by the ten deities as your authority, it could mean that you have a change of job. The example of the above means that you face more problems with this change due to unsuitable elements etc. So not advisable to have any changes during this unfavourable stars. 3. Nobleman Stars. ================== Description : This means a very helpful person or you will meet with someone who helps you. When found in your Birth Chart:- Favourable:- This means that you are a very helpful person, and you often get rewarded with the helpful deeds. Unfavourable:- This means that you are helpful, but sometimes you may be taken advantage. When found in your Luck Pillars:- Favourable:- This means that you will meet up with someone who helps you a lot in that year. Unfavourable:- This means that you are taken advantage of by others. 4. Academic Stars. ================== Description : This normally symbolises excellence in your studies. This is especially useful when found in your Birth Chart. Normally only favourable elements are most important. This means that you are often guided by this star so you will do extremely well in your studies. Otherwise, if unfavourable, you may be distracted by other influence causing you to lose concentration in your studies. 5. Arts Stars. ============== Description : This often refers to interest in arts or a lonely person. When found in your birth charts, it normally refers to your excellent in the field of arts. You will generally so great interest in arts and craft. When found in your Luck Pillars:- Favourable:- It normally means that you will do extremely well in the field of arts during that period. Unfavourable:- It normally means that you will feel lonely during that period. --------------------------------------------- Hope that helps you make use of these information with the current version of this report. Most of these analysis will be added into the v7.00. Until then it will have to be manually interpreted. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  13. Dear Rose, I like to relate this story:- Once upon a time, this little innocent girl went into a cyber cafe. She found geomancy-forum.com and logged in. She saw the message you wrote:- She read it out aloud and replied to your mail. Innocent Girl: Typed... " Dear Rose, Since you say that glass is made from silicon and it comes from earth, it must be an Earth element " Derek Walter's fan Mr X: Over heard her and said...." Dear Girl, NO, NO, my Master, Derek Walters is a foremost authority on Five Elements. In his book, the Feng Shui Handbook, he said that Glass is considered a Water element. " Innocent Girl: " Correct! I agree! My Uncle, Derek Walters yesterday drove past a building made of glass. You should see the fluid lines of the building and the reflection it made. It really looks like it is made of glass! " Derek Walter's fan Mr X: Pleased with what the girl said and walked away... A Very Happy Man." Actor Bruce Willis: " Dear Girl, No, I was hit over the head with a sugar glass bottle in one of my shows and the "glass" broke easily like grains of sand " Innocent Girl: " Yes, I remembered seeing the show ... Ah Yes, grains of sand... which is eqivalent of the Earth element! " As usual, after Bruce Willis heard what he wanted to hear, walked away a very Happy man. Next door, was Simon Brown (Her father). By the way, Simon Brown is a 9 Star Ki author of Feng Shui for Business. In his book he wrote that Glass is made of the element Metal ". Simon Brown: " Dear daughter, No, No, glass is made of Metal! Remember? " Innocent Girl: " Yes! I remembered now! So.... Sorrrrrry!!!! (SO AS NOT TO HURT HER FATHER) You did point out to me the show we saw last Saturday... The person was trying to rob a Bank. He shot a bullet through the armour plated glass and the bullet did not penetrate the glass. I agree with you that anything as strong as metal such as the armour plated glass must be made of Metal. " Simon Brown: Was so happy and proud of his daughter. (He forgot about the earlier comments she made). He muttered... she is really smart to remember what he said.) THE MORALE OF THE STORY? 1. This is a subjective question and there are NO right or wrong answers. 2. The best approach when asked to comment on the above question is: " WHAT DO YOU PERSONALLY THINK IT IS? " I believe what you say or feel must be correct! 3. In the past, Feng Shui is used mainly to assess or locate a major site e.g. a city, a building and a house. I personally feel that if it is a " large " object e.g. such as a building, Derek Walter's interpretation of Glass = Water is acceptable. Nowadays, glass has `different' density. For example, tempered glass as those found in a dining room, this is where Simon Brown referred to glass = metal element also because, most glass tables are `rounded'. And round implies Metal element. Plus tempered glass is a hard substance. Furthermore, some crystals e.g. have a high content of lead (Metal). I leave you to imagine further.... I leave you to `guess' what genuine leather or artificial leather 'element' is:) Frankly, these items are secondary to Feng Shui and because it is SO subjective, there are No right and wrong answers. Two persons who strongly disagree can argue over this `small matter' for days on end. Is it really worth spending such time over it. (Note: The above story is fictional and any remarks relating to Derek Walters, Simon Brown and Bruce Willis are purely MAKE Believe ONLY to "stress a point"). Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: www.Geomancy-Forum.Com To: AppliedFengShui@onelist.com ; appliedfengshui@eGroups.com Date: Sunday, May 30, 1999 9:21 PM Subject: Re: Plastic Products
  14. Dear Rose, Please read below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Sunday, May 30, 1999 4:16 PM Subject: New! Pillars of Destiny Comparision v0.50 beta Do you have the details of the person used for comparision, so that I can duplicate the result? I think there might be some bug with the description for this result. This five element analysis for two different pillars is very complex (close to several hundred lines of source coding for this module), I may have type in the wrong data field for used for expressing the result. Which is why the module is still in "beta". Thanks for pointing it out. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  15. Dear Users, We are pleased to announced that a further enhancement to the Pillars of Destiny v6.16 is now available:) Pillars of Destiny v6.50 ======================== Older version of the Pillars of Destiny has been catered more towards the practical "Feng Shui Aspects" of analysis. This new and future report aims to complete the report by providing the remaining components of the Pillars of Destiny Fortune Telling portion. 1. Symbolic Stars has been incorporated into the Pillars of Destiny Five different Stars of analysis are now available:- a. Flower of Romance - When this star is available in a particular year, and it is guided by an auspicious star, it means that you are likely to have some romance, or social gathering. This means that your chances of getting finding a suitable partner (not necessary marriage is increased) Otherwise, it means an adverse effect. That means that you may find that the romance which you meet may cause trouble for you. b. Movement Star - This means travel or change of location. If it is auspicious for you, it means that you may have say a change of job or house which is good for you. Otherwise, you it is not advisable for you to have any changes. c. Nobleman Star - If you have this star and it is auspicious for you, it normally means that you are very helpful and is always willing to help others. Otherwise, it may mean that others will take advantage of you. d. Academic Star - This stars symbolises good academic ability. Means that you are likely to be very good in any study. e. Arts - This star symbolises a good creative and artistic ability in a person. 2. Element analysis of these Symbolic Stars. You will be able to see at a glance if your stars are auspicious or inauspicious. These tells you if you will meet up with good fortune or bad fortune. 3. Yearly Anlaysis of Symoblic Stars. This module has been also incorporated into the Yearly Pillars Analysis, so that you not only see the stars present in your 10-yearly luck period, but more importantly in your yearly analysis. ============================================ Meanwhile, feel free to re-generate the latest pillars from your account:) More details and enhancements will be made available in the up and coming v7.00 of the Pillars of Destiny Report. Once again we like to thank all users for your support and will continue to improve our site for your benefit:) Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  16. Dear Rose, Please read below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed> Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 10:24 PM Subject: Flying Stars Book/Course Actually, that is one of the rule set. However, many other books like myself finds that the two stars interaction is very important. It oftens tells you the type of problem that would occur from the interactions. The two stars, one being mountain star and the other being water star, are the essence of the flying star. They are the stars which moves around creating a different influence each time they come together. That is why it is more important to look at the two stars, then relate it with the main star for (Triple Combination). This often results in the stars either neutralising each other creating a balance. However, the analysis the each star to the main star is another area of looking at the flying star, it does give another type of explanation, which I have yet to include in the current version of the Flying Star. Thus, you can see, Flying Star is a powerful theory, but there are lots to it, and it is pretty complex. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  17. Dear Rose, Please read below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'pillars-of-destiny' suppressed 'pillars-of-destiny' suppressed> Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 11:02 AM Subject: Funds These are resources such as like a mother which provides you the basic things that you need, house etc. Wealth are related more to personal wealth, money etc. Warmest Regards Robert Le
  18. Dear Rose, Please read below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed> Date: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 3:07 PM Subject: Re: Which is the correct cure? Personally, I don't see why you should use water, I think that Metal will again be the best solution. Because both stars are inauspicious so the priority is to reduce all inauspicious influence. Where did you obtain this information? ------> Source of Info: pg 62 of Lillian Too's Flying Star Feng Shui. I believe she was concentrating on only the base 2 mountain 3 combination. Isn't thar dangerous to analyze the situation only partially? Yes, books are like that, they tend to be catered more towards explaining the analysis. It is actually, and most of the Flying Star teaching also mentions that the major influences are often the interaction between the Mountain and Water star. These two stars often changes which brings along different influences when they meet. However, the base star is still important for the explanation without the even the two stars flying star is supposed to represent the sector's general influence for the 20-year, yearly, monthly etc. When looking at Flying Star charts, it is important to see the overall interactions because, eventually what you want to know is what are the influences of the sector. Well, I am not surprised. Flying Star is indeed a very complex theory, which is why it is taking us some time to come up with the course (and maybe book) as there are many things and areas to look at. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  19. Dear Rose, Please read below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed> Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 2:43 PM Subject: Meanings of the Base Star Numerals The problem with this lies in the fact there is a rule set that the current period number say (7) takes preceedence in which it controls the star 7. That means that say in period 3, 3 controls star 3, therefore any inauspicious period is removed. Period 3 becomes the current prosperity. However, the rest of the stars remains unchanged. This is because, the fixed default in the San Yuan Di Li Theory (60 Cycles), states that normally for the initial part of the period period 1,2, 3, these are the growing period for the year, this means that there are often difficulties, which is why 1 is not inauspicious because its preceeding year is period 9 the future prosperity. 2, 3 are difficult periods as it is the start of a new beginning. Same goes for 3, 5, 6. However during th 6 period, the period is better, thus, when period 7,8, 9 comes in, it is where the future generation benefits from it. Thus 7, 8, 9 are normally considered as future prosperity. These are finding which I have uncovered from my research. Thus, it seems that the "basic representation" does not change. The only changes which will occur is which number is treated as the current prosperity. For say period 3 then Period 3 is current prosperity. While 7 becomes Future prosperity as deduced from the basic interpretation. So far I have yet, to see any masters mentioning that the periods shifts, as I understand that 2,3,4,5 explanation does not change, so the others should not be affected at all. Otherwise, the rule set for the Flying Star will no longer work. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  20. This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0244_01BEA768.705441C0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear Rose, Please read below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed> Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 8:22 PM Subject: Which is the correct cure? Yes, we do, but even for weak wood it does help to control earth in some way. The reason for Metal is that Metal will exhaust the 2 strong Earth this weakens the (inauspicious 2 star). Then while exhausting Metal, metal gains strength from Earth, thus, it is able to destroy the weak Wood (inauspicious 4 star). So this way do you notice that Metal does two cures with one element? It draw strength from the strong Earth to destroy Wood. What so contradictory about it? Water destroy Fire, but Fire destroy Metal. It does not destroy each other. You see when say Water, Wood, Fire comes in this sequence, what happens is that a balance is nearly created. Water produce Wood - (Wood becomes stronger, Water is weaken) Wood produces Fire - (Fire becomes stronger, Wood is weaken) Fire produces Earth - (Earth becomes stronger, Fire is weaken) Do you see the sequence. Thus, when they are weaken, their destruction effect is weaken, so it will not affect the cycle instead promotes harmony. The order should go as:- 1. Mountain vs Water Star 2. Both (Mountain vs Water Star) in relation with Base Star These two combination determines the influences of the entire sector for the entire 20 year. 1. 20-year vs yearly 2. yearly vs monthly 3. monthly vs daily 4. daily vs hourly 5. hourly vs minute 6. minute vs second However, mostly for house evaluation, up to monthly is sufficient, any more is very very complex! These will help to determine during the 20-year what kind of influence has entered the sector. It can be good or can be bad. All determined by how the elements, auspicious/inauspicious, element strength interact with each other. Then applying that to the relationship objects represented by the Five Element and the Trigrams gives you the explanation. I believe you can obtain the details of the Five Elements from Cecil's Applied Feng Shui Course or the Applied Feng Shui Made Easy Book. There is a long list of relationship of Five elements, objects, human parts, etc. Warmest Regards Robert Lee ------=_NextPart_000_0244_01BEA768.705441C0--
  21. Dear Rose, Please read below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed> Date: Monday, May 24, 1999 10:38 PM Subject: Wealth Sector in Flying Star Yes, these are generally true. However, if you are talking about wealth, I find that what you should do is to enhance your personal wealth. What I find that you should do is:- weak person:- 1. Atrengthen yourself so that you are strong enough to control your wealth deities. 2. Then try work with elements which you destroy as these are your wealth element. strong person:- 1. Control yourself a little so that you do not go overboard. 2. Work with elements which you destoy as these are your wealth element. If you can do this, it will improve your wealth. This is because, only when you are strong enough (but not overly strong), can you take advantage of your wealth deities. This way, then you can take advantage of your personal wealth. Flying Star Wealth etc, creates a better harmony with your home to you. However, because for home, the wealth star is always changing about, which is why Cecil mentioned that it is very difficult to really locate the wealth star. If you can accomplish the first portion with your own personal self, the enhancements you make to your home will follow suit. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  22. Dear Users, We are pleased to inform to you that a new module for the Online Computerized Report has been added. Pillars of Destiny Comparision v0.50 beta ========================================= 1. It takes two pillars of destiny chart and analyse the two element providing a suitable element for two persons. 2. It analyses every clashes which is found between the two pillars. This means that all clashes found in any of the Eight Pillars are shown to you. 3. Important clashes are highlighted to you. When there are clashes found in the pillars (which everyone should). Any elements which helps to reduce the other's unfavourable elements are considered favourable. This new module is found at http://www.geomancy-online.com -------------------------------------------- This report analyses both free and paid reports. If the profile is a paid profile, anlaysis takes into account the actual strength of the pillar, otherwise the element in comparision is "weak" by default. -------------------------------------------- Feel free to try it out:) Once again, we like to thank all users for their support:) Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  23. Dear Marla, Please read below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Sunday, May 23, 1999 8:20 AM Subject: Re: Depression/Confusion According to this, am I correct to say that your head is in NE direction? Basically his Eight House seems alright. However, without the Flying Star reports, it is difficult to tell if there are any unfavourable stars such as star 2, 5 (Sickness / Misfortune Star) in that sector of your house. Or any stars which actually further strengthen or weaken your husband's elements. These influences often are the cause of any adverse effects experienced by many people. Based on his Pillars of Destiny, I recommend that if you do have any wood or water related items, please removed them, especially for his personal stuff. Suggested element is "Fire" type object. Is there any sharp objects in the room which you can visually see? If there are try to block it. Other then that, I can only help this much with the information I can gather from you. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  24. Dear Rose, Please read below:- So long as the backing of the Mountain Star is a solid wall, it is ok. You cannot activate the Mountain Star if there is a windows below or very near the wall which you are trying to put the obtain with mass. Nope. So long as there is a wall, because what that wall itself is like a mountain. Solid foundation. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  25. For Feng Shui BALANCE is the most important. However, it is not possible to achieve TRUE balance, so at best you want some influence of each element to bring you in balance. So far, I have yet to encounter all the various combinations in real life, so unable to give you much comments here, especially relating to the 10 combination. However, in my research, I did come across many FS master providing this similar combination which produces good influences. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
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