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Robert Lee

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Everything posted by Robert Lee

  1. Dear Mariam, Please read below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Thursday, February 11, 1999 4:03 AM Subject: My husband and I are in diffrent houese, what should we do? You are welcome:) What you can do is:- For example and NW is your bedroom:- your husband (NE): NW - Health, N - Spook. yourself (N): NW - Irritation, N - Excellent. What you can do is try to arrange the layout so that your husband is sleeping on nearer to the North-West direction which is his health direction. And for yourself, try to sleep nearer to the North direction which is your Excellent direction. This way, you will use each other as a shield against the bad influences (sha) as well as obtain the good influence (chi) which should solve your problem. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  2. Dear Cecilia, Could you provide a sketch which will make it easier for us to answer your queries? Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  3. Don't worry, remember that the period is determined from the year the house was built or last had the major renovation? This means that even if you are in Period 8 but you did not make any major renovation to your house (say the year it was built was in 1990 - Period 7), your chart will still be for period 7 and not 8, thus, you will still get a very good double 7 chart. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  4. Dear Waldo, Thank you for clarifying. Please give me some time to look into your analysis. Currently I am a little busy with several hardware upgrades to the site to improve the overall response of the Report Management and ensuring that users are able to access the tools. I will get back to you as soon as I can. Warmest Regards Robert Lee -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed> Date: Sunday, February 07, 1999 1:04 PM Subject: Unfortunate chart?
  5. Dear Luann, What you can do is to perform an Eight House or Flying Star which can check to see if there are any bad direction or conflicts of stars. If there are you can then apply the appropriate cures. Maybe that should give you some idea on what is causing the problems at the direction. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  6. Dear Waldo, Before I perform an analysis of your data can I confirm that:- If it is not, could you just confirm which is the base star, which is the mountain star(zhuo xin / chor sin) and which is the water star (xiang xin / siang sin)? Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  7. Dear Jez, You should take the direction of the main door which you frequently use. In this case your garage. However, what you can also do is to perform a check on both direction and see which is better for you and continue to make use of the better direction. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  8. Dear Edward, I am so sorry for the misunderstanding. The description web page is still under construction but the actual program is already available at http://www.geomancy-online.com. Simply create an account and you can have access to the various Reports (Pillars of Destiny, Flying Star, Five Element Cures, Personal Stars and Eight House). Warmest Regards Robert Lee -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'pillars-of-destiny' suppressed 'pillars-of-destiny' suppressed> Date: Saturday, February 06, 1999 3:53 AM Subject: Pillars of Destiny Reports
  9. Dear Ceceilia, Do you mean the link from the Geomancy Forum messages? The only bug I find with this forum is that when the sentences end with a "." the url eg. http://www.geomancy.net/on/discover.htm will have an additional "." behind which will lead to a wrong directory. You can try the above url. If you still face problem, then cut and paste the url to your browser. It should work properly. There will be some information which you are looking for in that section. Warmest Regards Robert Lee -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'pillars-of-destiny' suppressed 'pillars-of-destiny' suppressed> Date: Thursday, February 04, 1999 12:03 AM Subject: pillars of distiny
  10. Dear Waldo, As the saying goes, a little knowlege is a dangerous thing. When we follo=w an advice e.g. on say a Feng Shui procedure, follow the advice in total n=ot piecemeal i.e. a bit of this add to abit of that and then come to a conclusion. Here, if you follow the advice in total, and if you feel that something i=s " not right " feel free to ask the person giving the advice. This is a bett=er approach as if you need more information and if the party can be contacte=d, do check with him / her the rationale for doing it. -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed> Date: Wednesday, February 03, 1999 10:37 PM Subject: Making Charts Frankly, this is a traditional way practised by many FS Masters. This met=hod of using the centre of the house can be verified by many books from vario=us Feng Shui authors. There are many FS Masters plus you can confirm this information from so many Feng Shui books available in the book stores. Th=ese books range from authors schooled in traditional feng shui practise, expe=rts in shapes and form school to English practioners of 9 star ki. Some authors even come up with a novel way of photocopying an A4 sized layout, paste it on a cardboard and then use e.g. a pin to balance it. Th=e reason is to find the centre of gravity and thus consider this the centre= of the house. It is particularly for a house with many `indents'. As what you mentioned are `short statements' it is difficult for me to co=me up with an overall view of what these practioners are trying to do. I hope you understand that without knowing the total picture but rather a short comment, I am unable to comment on the methods. They may be correct= if they are evaluating the building. For example, some FS Masters advise to place two lamps on each side of the entrance of a building to encourage beneificial ch'i to the building. For example, Harrolds of England, alway=s lighted up their building and one consideration is to improve on the building's ch'i. This is similiar to what you have mentioned about light=ing up the building. Hope the above helps.
  11. Dear Jody, Please read below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Tuesday, February 02, 1999 10:04 PM Subject: How does one apply the 8-house theory? Step 1: Generate the Eight House Template for each person you want to analyse. All template is displayed as a Top being North and Bottom being South. Step 2: Get a layout of your house. Find out where the north and south is. Step 3: a. Superimpose the Eight House Template (if is it on a transparency). b. Or mark it out on the layout of your house. c. Or simply look at it side by side. Step 4: You can see that the Template is divided into 8 directions. Check to see which direction falls under your door and the bedroom of the person being analysed. (Each Eight House has 4 good and 4 bad directions.) If the direction under your door or bedroom is good, then it is good for the person, otherwise, you may have to make some changes. The direction of the door is more important for the breadwinner. The rest of the person should concentrate on the bedroom, as there is where you will spent most of your time in. Also you should check for the areas which the person is often using to see if it is good for them. For the house, it is generally taken as the breadwinner's Eight House. However, for more details you have to use the Flying Star Chart. This is because generally Eight House tells you each person's personal directions that you can use for your study, work, etc. The Flying Star tells you the various stars which affects different location of your house. As such, even though a Eight House shows that your house is suitable for that person, the Flying Star may tell you otherwise. And in this case you have to take the Flying Star Analysis as it takes into consideration the various time elements which the Eight House does not. Maybe you like to look through your Eight House and then if you still have queries feel free to post it here. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  12. Dear Jez, Read Below -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed> Date: Tuesday, February 02, 1999 2:19 AM Subject: Mountain and Water Star Yes, there are different names for it, we prefer to call it Mountain and Water as it is easiler to apply the cures. Once you see the Mountain, you know just have to use an object with mass. When you seen Water, you need to have a fountain, fish tank or open area. Before I go any further, can you clarify whether you are using your Garage (South) as the main door or your front door as the main door (East). This makes a great difference when you perform a Flying Star of your house. Whether or not to have a fountain, will depend on what kind of Water Star you have in that direction. Only certain number and combinations of rules. (Eg. if Water Star number is 1, and the it is the main door or living room then you can activate the Water Star Enhancers.) And regarding fisk tank or fountain, please read another message by Cecil about the fisk tank. Perform a search on the forum about aquarium. You will find an answer with full details about this matter. Since you seldom use it, just treat it as a decoration ornament in your home. Actually, you don't have to take everything so literally. Not sure if you have read some portion of the messages which I had written regarding the Five Element. You see although it is said that Fire destroy Metal. But then in real life every object has some elements of Fire and even Metal. So a little of each does not really matter. For example take your body as an example, if you have too much salt and sugar, your body will not like it right? But if you have too little salt and sugar, your body will also not take it. So it goes the same for the Five Elements. Everything is there for some purpose. If you say there is too much fire, then have some water element nearby to control it. Or increase the Metal by having more Metal element objects. What if you completely do not have Fire? Then who will assist Earth to grow as Fire produces Earth? So you can see, sometimes you don't have to be so worried about this. More importantly is to strike an acceptable balance. Which is what Feng Shui is all about. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  13. Dear Audrey, Please read below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'pillars-of-destiny' suppressed 'pillars-of-destiny' suppressed> Date: Tuesday, February 02, 1999 3:29 AM Subject: Re: Welcome to Pillar of Destiny Discussion I have seen very little books written in English that actually explains to you about every aspect of Pillars of Destiny. Evelyn Lip's was one of the few which actually has some explanation about it, another one which you might like to take a look is Raymond Lo's book. However, most of the good Pillar of Destiny books which I have seen are written in Chinese. Glad to know that your father is doing well. Just for your information. For business, the Feng Shui of the Office is important in terms of the business prosperity. For Home, it has more to do with your health. However, it will also has some implications to the personal wealth.These can be easily determined with the Flying Star plus the Eight House of the owner. Yes, there are lots of other factors involved when you apply feng shui to business. Actually, the uses of the Pillars is more for the Birth Element and the Luck Period. I believe at current stage your luck period is a ten-year reading right? This provides a huge gap of ten years for an auspicious year and a non-auspicious year. There is actually a 5 year reading + a directional luck reading which will affect your luck period in a great way. Furthermore, it is not so simple that just because the luck period says that it is a good period, you will definately be in a good period. Sometimes you need to activate some personal cures in order for it to work. Also, you may sometime have to check the feng shui of the office (especially since you mentioned that your father has his own business), the activate the enhancers and cures for this area so that this will enhance both your business luck as well as personal luck. (Out of Feng Shui) Actually, for a house, besides using the Flying Star, there is some kind of "gut" feeling which you can trust. Do you ever noticed that sometimes you go a place, you just don't feel comfortable? Well if you do, it can tell you that something is just not right. So you may be right in this area, but it not a Feng Shui theory. Just your own personal feeling. (which I might add can sometimes be quite accurate) The best way to see if a house it good or not is to use either the Eight House or an accurate reading using the Flying Star Chart. These are tools meant for house evaluation. Pillars is more for personal evaluation, but the usefulness of it is the determining of the True Brith Element, and the Luck Periods. (which I might added, suprisingly for many users who had tried it, was able to tell the good and bad periods rather accurately) Maybe you like to check at this site Feng shui Institute of America. Sorry, forgot the url, so you might like to search for it on yahoo search engine. You are welcome. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  14. Dear Glyn, Sorry for the late reply, I was going through the list of messages and found this still unanswered. It should be ok, but just remember don't need to excessively activate cures. Most of the cures which Cecil has help you should be sufficient. We do not want to over do it as too much may cause some cures or enhancers to clash with each other. Just apply moderately. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  15. As more and more topics are being posted. It may be troublesome to click on Next after 25 topics are listed. So a good tip would be to configure your Profile under MORE... | Edit your Profile | Reverse Topic Order. Set this to Yes. Once you do this, the latest topic will be displayed first. The would be make it easily to identify new messages for those regular users as well as new users. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  16. Dear Glyn, See below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'feng-shui-business' suppressed 'feng-shui-business' suppressed> Date: Sunday, January 31, 1999 6:45 AM Subject: Cash Flow in Business Thank you. Glad you see that this would make an interesting subject, and it will certainly do. When looking to business aspect there are several new concepts (or at least one must know know to break down say yin and yang to the various components of the business areas). Thus, this can be a rather complex but interesting areas. We will try to answer all the question to the best that we can. Unforunatelly, there is no 100% way for this case to get clients to make the payment:( This is something everyone will face, because something this are beyond the Feng Shui application to do so. What Feng Shui can do is to help improve and enhance business prospects, etc. You know like encourage more business etc. The enhancers for it also may vary, as you know some locations may require having fish tanks, fountain, etc. So there is no really one single most powerful enhancer. However, what I feel is most important is to correct the problems, plus enhance the areas when possible with the appropriate enhancements. Just like what you have done for your husband's business. By curing and adding enhancers, you will actually reduce the bad influences and enhance the good areas. This will be better then just finding one most single enhancers, I believe you have already seen that for yourself, right? According to some Masters, that is what they believe in. Especially for Business, as there are so many different businesses. I also believe that the cures should be catered to different businesses for the best outcome. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  17. Dear Sara, According to the workings of the Chi, this would mean that the Chi will flow right through your home from the front door to the back door, without, circulating into the house. You may like to consider using a screen to block the main entrance, so the Chi will have a chance to circulate into the house as the screen placed slightly in front of the door will redirect the chi to turn left or right. Allowing it to circulate around the room, rather then exiting directly to the back door. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  18. Dear Jez, In the flying star theory, there are two stars the Mountain Star and Water Star. - Mountain Star is also known as Sitting Star (zhou xing). - Water Star is also known as Facing Star (xiang xing) or Directional Star. For every house, there must be a Mountain Star or where the house is sitting on (eg. sitting West facing East). There must also be a Water Star or where the house is facing (eg. facing East). Mountain Star as you can see, means that a house should have some kind of backing or support or anything that has large mass. Which is why when you want to activate the Moutain Star it has to be in the direction where there is a wall. And in order to activate it you need an object with mass. Water Star as you can see, means that the areas should be a large open space. Which is why when you want to activate the Water Star, you need to be in an open space. And it is also said that in order to activate it, a pool of water is need (eg pond, fish tank etc). In any one time whether you are calculating 20 year, yearly, monthly flying star. The positions of the star changes according to the luo shu square, and this changes causes different combination of the Mountain Star and Water Star. It is the clashes of the two stars which often causes problems for the occupants of the house. However, in any scenario, there are both clashes as well as good combinations. When you encounter good combinations, they will bring you luck, wealth etc. As this theory takes in account the movement of the star, using this in combination with each person eight house direction, can allow you to find the most suitable house or office. Also with the various enhancements, cures and activation of stars, you can greately improve the feng shui of your home or office. Warmest Regards Robert Lee -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed> Date: Sunday, January 31, 1999 12:52 PM Subject: Mountain and Water Star
  19. Dear Jeffrey, If I am not wrong all the variations you may have heard should be correct. This is because in the Chinese Culture, we have different types of dialects, (eg. hokkien, cantonese, teo chew, har kar etc), These dialects pronounce the words slightly differently creating the variations. For example, lets take a surname Chen in Chinese. In Hokkien it is refered to as Tan. Etc. Both are correct, just that they are pronounced differently. If you want to be sure you can use the simplified Chinese pronouncation used in han yu ping yin, eg Feng1 Shui3 (not any dialect form of it.). Warmest Regards Robert Lee -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Monday, February 01, 1999 3:37 AM Subject: Proper Pronunciation
  20. To all mailing list subscribers, We have setup a new Feng Shui for Business Topic to cater for the increasing request about Feng Shui in Office and Business areas. If you are interested in discussing about this topic you have to login and subscribe to "feng-shui-business" in order to receive mails from Feng Shui for Business. Thank you for your time. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  21. Welcome to Feng Shui for Business Discussion, Feel free to post any queries you have about regarding this topic. Knowing that there are queries about office or business Feng Shui, we have setup this topic. Feel Free to participate in this topic. Warmest Regards Robert Lee PS: As this is a new conference, you will have to subscribe to this conference in order to receive mails sent from this topic.
  22. Dear Claire, Sorry there isn't much information about Mole on Palm available under Chinese Astrology. Most of the moles are for the face and if there are any moles on the body it normally signifies burden. However, I have yet to come across any thing regarding Mole on palm. So if I do happen to come across such information, will mail to you. Warmest Regards Robert Lee -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Thursday, January 28, 1999 6:58 PM Subject: Moles on the Palm of the Hand
  23. The flying star chart that is generated for is a 20-year char which last from 1984 to 2003. However, if the house is not renovated in anyway after 2003, the chart is still valid. When the stars move around, the feng shui will change. Thus, there is such a thing a yearly chart and even monthly chart. These report will be available at a later time. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  24. This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_00A6_01BE4ABA.AF6755B0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear Glyn, -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed> Date: Thursday, January 28, 1999 11:09 AM Subject: Mountain Star You can activitate the areas that has a Mountain Star location. Mountain Star activation is an enhancer, so activiating will be good:) That looks ok to me. No harm done as the Metal windchime will enhance your husband, thus reducing any influence of Earth on Water. I believe why she said to activate this is not because of 2 but the 6. However, it depend if the 6 is the Water or Mountain Star before you can determine it is good or bad. Whether or not you should cure a location will actually depend on the combinations of the Mountain Star and Water Star. Take 2 and 5 for example, when you have such a combination, you need to cure it as it is bad. Otherwise, not really necessary. Just enhance the location will do. Well, Feng Shui is like that, there are so many complexity to it. which was why I always stress only to cure when necessary. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  25. Dear Glyn, -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'flying-star' suppressed suppressed> Date: Thursday, January 28, 1999 6:43 AM Subject: Mountain star The rule of actually activating the Mountain Star, is that there must be a wall in that direction where you are placing the mass in order to activate the Mountain Star. Otherwise, the Mountain Star will not be activated even if it is in the room (especially the living room with lots of open space) or whatsoever. As we are not there, we are unable to see your location so may not be aware of this open space. But in any case, there are enhancers so it will not do any harm except that the luck will not be activated. Simply follow the above rule and it will be alright. The Auspicious numbers are usually 1, 4 6 8 and for this period 7, 7 is also a auspicious number as it is the number of the reigning year. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
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