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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Hoa Luong, Yes, under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, it is really not a good idea to have a fireplace located in the centrepoint of the home. Where possible, a fire-place should often have one of it's walls next to an external wall. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. Dear Dinesh, What you had mentioned seems OK. Often for screens, it is important that it is placed parallel to your door as opposed to placing it 90 degrees "cutting into it". Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. Dear Cindy, 1. Since the current wealth sector is the water star #8, try to locate this sector in your home. This sector should be activated especially if it is in the living room or a clear space location. 2. Sometimes, it may not be all that best to simply locate the "wealth sector". As I mentioned that one of the key success factors is to "Fix-the-leaks, first". 3. Here, if you have sectors like a double #7 e.g. in the living room and if the current wealth location is not in this sector, perhaps, the water position can be used at this alternative spot, instead of activating your wealth sector. This is because, such leaks are considered more serious than enhancing a sector, first. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  4. Dear Anon, If all things remain constant:- Either 1: Your daughter's ba zi does not match your mother-in-law. But I would rather suspect the "jealous" syndrome or there is a better description for this. In fact, frankly, in my opinion, it is very common for children. For example, often, we hear of one having only one child. And for the child, he/she feels that he/she is the "centre" of his/her family's entire world i.e. in terms of love, affection and "pampering" for some. But, suddenly, we are expecting another 2nd child. Perhaps, after giving birth, "less" attention or rather the 1st child felt that less attention was spent on him/her etc.... Perhaps, your mother-in-law, could perhaps, feel that more importantly, she no longer takes centerstage in your home and with your new born daughter, maybe she felt jealous. Therefore, I sincerely believe that this could most likely be the cause of the friction of your mother-in-law with your daughter. Perhaps, you can discuss with your husband and see how best to "smoothen" the relationship. However, I can understand your situation: it takes two hands to clap. Most of all, it is not easy to take care of a child at this period, let alone, handle more issues. Try to have strength and most of all take care! Warmest Regards, Cecil
  5. Further to what I had mentioned, this is another sample of where best to place an altar for an "odd-shaped" living-dining room area....
  6. Dear Anon, 1. These are some general guidelines as to the placement of an altar:- 1.1 Where possible, an altar should have it's back against a solid object such as a wall. And if possible: "sitting on mountain facing water". For the Hokiens (Chinese dialect group) the saying is " CHAY SWAR KWAR HAI " or Sit on mountain looking at the sea. 1.2 Avoid placing the altar against the same wall as the toilet. 1.3 Avoid placing the altar facing a dining table. (Considered disrespectful - we eat while the "god(s)" look at us eating.... 1.4 Avoid placing the altar facing the bedroom(s). Looks like, your placement of an altar seems to be ok other than considering any of the above. 2. As for placement of water, there are in-fact, many messages on this in this forum area. Please try to do a search. I have attached a Case Study of a home where there is not much real-estate area in the living room area for an altar to face the balcony. In situations, such as this, an altar at the location mentioned is OK. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  7. Dear Anon, 1. Please refer to the attached illustration. 2. Often a house at-the-end of the road literally means just this. 3. Under the above illustration, you can see House 1 and House 2. Both houses are said to be at-the-end of the road or in this case, it can also be called a house at-a-T-junction. 4. Other senarios may include houses at a cul-de-sac and some of these houses can also be considred as at-the-end of the road. 5. Under the above illustration, one can notice that both House 1 and House 2 although are at-the-end of the road, they are "hidden" from view of the main gate. And often a car can simply drive directly into the house "car-park". If you look carefully, also, the main entrance of both homes are at the side. 6. This is one way, to protect the mouth or the home from direct sha - qi or poison arrow of a T-junction. The morale of the story is that buildinga home at-the-end of a T-junction or cul-de-sac may not necessarily be seen as "doomsday" or the end-of-the-world!. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  8. Dear Les Paul, In a home, these are some guidelines: 1. Under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, where possible, a water position is often or may / could / most likely can be placed in an open space area such as e.g. outside the frontage or in the living room area. 2. Under Flying star Feng Shui, try to check where is the water star #8 , in addition to Para 1 to see if a water position can be placed, there. For example, if the water star WS#8 is in the bedroom, then, one should not place a water feature, there. 3. While #8 is the current prosperity, one should take extra care not to drown locations such as MS #9 with water. Since #9 is considered in this age (Period 8) as the future prosperity. This sector should be increased instead with lighting or fire element. Thus as a summary:- Past prosperity = #7 say good bye to it. Present prosperity = #8 Future prosperity = #9 Hmm as a last resort, simply mark Yes on three sides of a dice and No on three other sides of a dice. Throw a dice and ....and if it turns out as YES.... hmm... then perhaps, one could place a water feature at East? What do you think.... Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Dear Hoa, Yes, what I mentioned is that "depends on where the house sits." Thus, if one look at the above statement carefully, it refers to "where the house sits" rather than "where the plot of land is". Perhaps, if you can incorporate an outline of the house, it's drive-way path up to the home and the house profile with the main door. And also, what type of fence/ concrete or any additional high low walls. Therefore, it is often again "where the house sits" rather than the actual plot of land on the cul-de-sac - takes on a major consideration. Thus, unfortunately, what you had provided has too little inform to make any further comments. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  10. Dear Kenneth, 1. Frankly, hopefully the abacus is not too large! Else imagine usually we have a desk-top PC and other work items on our work-table. 2. And such things may take up too much of the real-estate on our desktop. 3. Furthermore, it is much more difficult or not feasible to sub-divide a "tiny" area such as a worktable into eight sectors. 4. But, if you must insist, usually, the Sheng Qi (chi) sector is one's Prosperity or Excellent sector. 5. A more reasonable approach but even so, may not be achievable is to sit facing one's prosperity and/or excellent sector. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  11. Dear Alice, No, the colours does not matter nor the background. What is more important are; 1. The number of fishes. Often, it is 8 or 9 fishes. 2. What is most important is to look at the fishes. They should look graceful, not exactly plump but has a nice profile; (I hope you get what I mean) i.e. they should not look thin or skinny or undernourished. They should seem to swim and look "nice". Warmest Regards, Cecil
  12. Dear Anon, There are two practical remedies: 1. Check to see if your glass is reflective. If the facade or wide expanse of glass windows have a coating of sun-x (shiny),if so, or if it has a "mirror" finish, then, it issaid that the poison arrow is reflected back to the origin. 2.I am not too sure ifcertain condos permit sun-x film or a specific type since they always wanted to have a uniform facade or look for the entire condo. If not, sometimes a lighter coloured film can be used in the home, depending on your home. For example, if the home is bathed by the afternoon sun, then, such a film may be considered. But if your home is a north-south facing one, then, adding such film may make the entire home "darker". 3.Alternatively, the use of day curtains or the use of blinds in the home. These are perhaps the two alternatives, in such a situation. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  13. Dear George, No, it is meant for high-rise buildings - where it was felt that qi is different at different levels. Therefore this theory can besaid as "a vertical Flying star theory". While the regular Flying star takes into account "horizontal Flying star analysis. Warmest Regards Cecil
  14. SELLING PRODUCTS? PLEASE DON'T APPROACH US! " Geomancy.net will NEVER compromise standards or our professionalism with the notion of making money from selling products directly or thru so called referrals." If you are visting any Geomancy / Feng Shui websites, often try to check out what products they are selling to guage the authencity of a Geomancy website. " Many would ask: "Why not make extra money at user's expense. Our reply would be NEVER! " Cecil Lee (hmm.. unless over my dead body!) -- Extract of REPLY TO e-mail message -- Dear "name removed", Thank you for your interest in working with us. However, we have a strict policy of not selling any products on our website.This is so as to allow us to provide only professional consultation services without being influenced about selling additional products. Hope you understand. Warmest Regards Robert Lee --- FROM e-mail message -- "name-removed" wrote in message Dear Sir/Mdm, I am in the business of doing landscaping and water features. There have been a growing trend of people having a water feature to enhance their fengshui in their home. Do visit my site for more information : removed... I am interested to advertise my website in your site. I am also hopeful that we can co operate in other way. That is, I hope that you can refer clients that are interested to do a water feature to me. If the deal is clinched, commission will be paid to you. This will serve as an extra income to you. Please contact me at HP no. (removed) or reply to this email. I sincerely hope that we can explore this opportunity together. Regards, name removed 10 May 2004
  15. " Geomancy.net will NEVER compromise standards or our professionalism with the notion of making money from selling products directly or thru so called referrals." If you are visting any Geomancy / Feng Shui websites, often try to check out what products they are selling to guage the authencity of a Geomancy website. " Many would ask: "Why not make extra money at user's expense. Our reply would be NEVER! " Cecil Lee (hmm.. unless over my dead body!) -- Extract of a recent email message -- Dear "name removed", Thank you for your interest in working with us. However, we have a strict policy of not selling any products on our website.This is so as to allow us to provide only professional consultation services without being influenced about selling additional products. Hope you understand. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET: Center for Applied Feng Shui Research http://www.geomancy.net E-mail: support@geomancy.net, 24 Hours HOTLINE : +65 6100-9600 ONE-STOP 24 Hours International Hotline : +65 6100-9600 SMS / MMS: +65 9835-5734 Fax: +65 6482-0570 ======================================================= Information in this message is confidential. It is intended solely for the person or the entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not to disseminate,distribute or copy this communication. Please notify the sender and delete the message and any other record of it from your system immediately. ======================================================= "name-removed" wrote in message Dear Sir/Mdm, I am in the business of doing landscaping and water features. There have been a growing trend of people having a water feature to enhance their fengshui in their home. Do visit my site for more information : removed... I am interested to advertise my website in your site. I am also hopeful that we can co operate in other way. That is, I hope that you can refer clients that are interested to do a water feature to me. If the deal is clinched, commission will be paid to you. This will serve as an extra income to you. Please contact me at HP no. (removed) or reply to this email. I sincerely hope that we can explore this opportunity together. Regards, name removed
  16. Further to what I had mentioned, this attachment shows one of the best facing directions of the study/work table at North (Prosperity direction). And if one "drags" the layout plan into the actual layout, it fits into each of the bedrooms (Master bedroom for Mr X) and the second bedroom for Mr Y. And for the bed, one will notice that one of the best bed head facing direction is East and this is the better facing direction of the bed-head vs having the bed-head facing a bad West direction. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  17. Dear Anon, You can first, check out this link on how to find the centrepoint and draw a template over your home layout plan:- http://www.geomancy.net/fs/house1.htm I have provided a sample layout showing how best to place a bed (based on e.g. an East group person). Please see attachment. On the extreme left side of this attachment, you can see a schematic of the best directions e.g. for a study table and bed. And this information can be "pulled" and placed into the layout plan. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  18. Dear Janna, Perhaps, hope you can clarify further. Often, if you own a unit or stay in a unit. And if it happens that digging is done at the SW sector e.g. your bedroom is at the SW, one can be affected by the work. Therefore, in your unit, and if e.g. the master bedroom is at SW and outside this South-west sector, digging is done, than there are instances e.g. of one falling sick, frequently. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  19. Dear Anon, 1. In my opinion, you have correctly identified a situation where much of your problem lies with the "economics" of the location i.e. a new shopping centre - more likely with low pedestrian traffic. 2. Frankly, Feng Shui has limited scope in a retail business. This is because, there are far greater risks involved vs the idea that Feng Shui can help. 3. In fact, more practical, Singapore is such a small country and currently flooded with so many identical shops and there are now so many shopping malls. Therefore, unless one has a very strong staying power, cash burn - thru rental and staff salaries are indeed a real burden. Hello ? I as told by a Feng Shui Adviser that I had a gentle sunfor the area that my shop is in , but it also next to a largre movietheatre. Is this a bad location, we have four water falls facing the store in a circle. Plus we have four large pillars in front of the store, trees and poeple sit in this area waiting for the movies to start. business is slow. we are in a new shopping mall and all of the stores are not yet open. What do you think I can do to fix the problems I have here. So far 9 other shop have left the area. thank you
  20. Dear Elena, 1. Since Period 8 is "reign" by earth element, most likely the article, applys the Five elements concept to relate seasons (months/dates) to the element for the year. 2. Reference: http://www.geomancy.net/resources/theories/fs-5element.htm 3. Under the above link, please see the destructive cycle: where 4. Earth is exhausted by water 5. The article applies the idea that the water element is not favourable to Earth element e.g. Earth Period since under the destructive cycle, earth is exhausted by water. Thus, it would be inauspicious. 6. If we follow the same guideline, in the same token,the article should article perhaps indicate that wood months may not be favourable since wood destroys or crush earth. 7. However, in my personal opinion, such articles may not seem to be practical in application. 8. It is so easy to give such an advise. But since for example 23 Aug to 22 September or 19 April to 20 May would seem quite a long time! 9. The adage here or in my opinion, such advise can be damaging to some as it may hold up work or costs lots of money. This is because, no planning can be that perfect. 10. Here, I often pose this question especially for home owners: " YOU STAY HERE, WE DON"T ". 11. It is so easy to come up with a lengthly STOP WORK ORDER OR NO GO ORDER but, you are not the one bearing the costs or responsibility. 12. The rationale is because, even in a YEAR, there are MONTHS. Even in months, there are days. 13. Thus, even in a month, we also have " Earth element days " etc.. 14. In my opinion, it is much more feasible to find a day that does not have say a Water element or strong water element or even strong wood day. 15. What could be worse is an "Earth Element" month, but the day chosen is a e.g. "Water element day!". 16. Frankly, Feng Shui or even selection of auspicious dates have more to do with commonsense rather than "Ideals" that costs money. 17. In my opinion, the saying goes "talk is cheap". But something else,MUST give. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  21. Dear Cecil, Your website has been very educational and I am heartened especially after reading your advice to queries that you have indeed uphold the integrity and professionalism of your profession! Your practicaland down to earth advice posted on the web is very encouraging thus prompting me to sign up as a member (although i had previously been sceptical about such memberships). Chole Singapore 11 May 2004
  22. Oh! I forgot, many men like myself are non-romantics. Perhaps, it is in-born nature! So, if this is the case, erh.. again.. You are not alone! Well take care! Cecil
  23. Dear Chole, Please see below:- As for memberships, actually, the rationale why one has to "sign-into" a forum to participate or use the reports is frankly, not so much of being in a membership, but rather, this is because, creating an account (thus, equating to being a member) means that personal profiles can be created and used by "members". It is because of the ease for users to e.g. personalise the forum e.g. mark - read - messages; mark conferences, or participate via e-mail messages. Many of us have distinct characters and "worse-of-all" when we do get married, we are or seemed to be placed into a "jungle" or a concrete jungle e.g. a new home to survive in. This couple related to me that because of different up-bringing; for example, simple things like he (husband) squeezing the toothpaste and not neatly tugging the back port - ultimately created a "trigger" for quarrels. Thus, many of us are brought up differently and like the banks or banking, once we are of a certain age, our characters are already formed - difficult to change (or change immediately!) This is why banks allow signatures instead of thumb prints say after a specific age. In fact, many people start of a relationship - with some kind of "attraction" to the other party. Some may view beauty, while others seems to like the opposite(s) or opposites attract. But, often, once this "fantasy" or phase 1 is over, many of us begin to realise that our "partner" or would be partner is so totally different. And most of the time, seemingly, simple things or a collection of "irritation" gathers momentum and results in outbursts or anger with each other. Actually, this is quite normal. Quite normal if verbal "abuse" is used. But never physical "destruction" e.g. hitting each other etc... Therefore, if it is verbal abuse (or scolding), then perhaps, we should often, try to during this stage not to further inflame the situation. I understand this is very hard but, take it that is part and parcel of a relationship where two individuals are placed into a "jungle". Frankly, contrary to popular believe; in my parent's time and earlier, match-making may seem "unthinkable" now, seems to work especially for my parents. Here, it is not like now, where we have a freedom to choose. For them, (my parents), they were literally thrown together. And often, perhaps, (NO CHOICE), they seem to have to work it out. Many couples who often, grow with each other, grow in a way that in later years, many seem to have quite similar character or style. So, therefore, this is the reason why I say : " You are not alone ". One have to really work-on-a-relationship to succeed. And imagine if it throughly succeed, you and your partner, would have become a family nucleus - not so much of achieving the government's goal of stop at two but rather, much like what most people hope to go thru i.e. youth, marriage, children, grand children. (Of course "$$$$" and all the other `C's are equally wanting i.e. car, condo - you already have, credit card - sure to have already, hmm cash etc.. Well, by you wanting to make an effort to find out about ways of improving the relationship, means a very positive sign. Here, I might add that we should not take horoscopes too seriously, as man or individuals can often overcome any adversity. Reading too many of such things e.g. incompatiblity etc.. may lead to auto-suggestion or self-fulfilling prophecy! More importantly, since the way you have written asking on ways to improve on your relationship, implies that you are a very sound and sensible person - and I am very confident that with your maturity, you can easily (depending on the situation) be the guiding light in your relationship. In fact, to be truly honest, it also depends, many sons always look up to their mum i.e mummy's child etc... Some man perhaps do this... Best of all, keep the flame going. I believe, many of the best advise given by counsellors are: 1. Always have a listeningear 2. Where possible, seeeach other in better light or see the goodin each otherinstead of only focusing on each other's bad habbits 3. Communication andboth should give in at times. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  24. Dear Anon, Frankly, there are quite alot of variations of land forms. And often it is best to use the term "it depends" as often no two situations are unique. This is because, often, in a forum such as this, if I describe a specific land form, and to say that it is inauspcious may not be correct. As some users here, may feel that what was described does not match the current situation. More importantly, much of what you have mentioned has more to do with commonsense approach:- 1. The major clue is the foundation of the site or area. Often, if the entire foundation of the site ie. your plot of land, your neighbourshave a solid foundation, even if there is a slope behind yourhome orother homes slope towards your home, often, this does not matter as much. This is because, sometimes, due to a freak accident e.g. very heavy down pour, soil erosion etc... either a slope breaks down and slidesdown etc... So long as a site has solid foundation and can withstand such things, then some of these homes may not necessarily have bad Feng Shui. 2. The above is often the key or the first major consideration. 3. Next, is the shape of the plot of land and how a building builds on it i.e. the top-view profile is equally important. For a plot of land often, the front should often not be larger than the back of the home. 4. There are so many other factors and it is difficult to list all down. 5. for a plot of land, it is equally important to check to see that it ok to have water (visible) flowing towards the home. But at the back, at the point of exit, the water flowing out e.g towards a canal, should preferable be covered up. For a landed property, it is best to check the shapes and forms of water such as drains at the side etc... 6. Other factors like the Compass School: Eight House / Flying star also plays another factor. 7. For homes that are lower lying areas : there are always those that are advantages or some because of watercourse interection may become inauspicious. 8. For homes on a hill, some are also auspicious while others not. 9. Similarly homes on flat land can also be auspicious or inauspicious. 10. And the key is "it depends" on various look or audit. 11. What is a quantum leap in Feng Shui: 12. The key to this is that: not only must our home be auspicious or so, so, but one key ingredient of a "quantum leap in Feng Shui is" to suck wealth from other neighbours. Please go thru some of my writings on what is "quantum leap" and examples of these to have a better understanding. 13. In Feng Shui, in order to gain wealth, one cannot always be the nice-guy around. This is why even in the city area, Feng Shui pracititioners are often hired to do a scan of the neighbourhood at the point before construction to see what type of buildings are generally around. For example, if many of the buildings around are like the "earth shaped" profile e.g. DBS bank tower 1 or 2 - which is the earth shaped or OCBC Bank which is the earth shaped e.g. rectangular in shape, banks like UOB, constructed their building in the shape of at thin structure ie. a tree or wood element. Under the five elements concept, wood UOB (it's roots) go into the earth to crush the earth. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  25. Dear Anon, 1. In the past, a butcher is a butcher, a merchant is a merchant. And job analysis is pretty easy to define. 2. For example in the past, a Chinese book-keeper involving in the counting of money e.g. metal coins can be considered under the profession of an accounting career. Thus, since, he or she is involved in money (coins) then, his/her career is associated with metal. 3. Nowadays, many of us are involved in multi-skilling i.e. we may not necessarily do one job but have various job-skills. 4. In general, we can classify the industry that you are in (Finance) as in the Metal element. But, a planner be it a finance planner or other planners is involved in "growth" or co-ordination. 5. Thus, if your job description has more (major) area in planning, then your CORE career is assocated with wood element. Wood element suggests growth. 6. However, if your career has a high skew or has much association with say doing programming (computer) or doing a Financial programming, then, it has more to do with the water element. 7. Nowadays, the two most common core skills are: Fire element = Public relations, marketing and sales Wood element = Co-ordination, training, adopting new technology 8. Thus, if you are a financial planner but your true career is associated with a "report-card" then, more likely, one's main area is in the Fire element. 9. For example, although one is suppose to provide "financial planning advise" but, you and I know that every month, the management has a report card that is served to us telling us that your monthly budget for sales is $1 milliion and each month one has to get that amount of sales. 10. In such a situation, although it sounds so very nice to say that we do "finance planning " for others but instead, we are "forced" to do Marketing or sales (Fire). If we fail, here, sooner or later (usually sooner) we may have to pack our bags and get shown the door -out - i.e. retrechment. 11. However, if we have the credentials e.g. has a Masters of Finance, then, is asked to do training, travellingin the bank or finance company, then, our career is associated with growth ie Wood element. 12. Therefore, I often emphasise that there is no right or wrong answer, here. More importantly, try to focus more on what is suppose to be our CORE JOB FUNCTION. And from, here, we should be able to classify our job into a specific area. This is more accurate than just basing on the industry that we are in. The industry that we are in is a very broad term. For example, for those doing human resource or employee relations or are customer service officers, these group often belong to the "Earth element". For those doing building management even in a Finance or banking industry, belongs to the Earth element. Hope the above, helps. Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee
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