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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Miriam, Yes, one of these alternatives is meant to "neutralise" the beam. Even under current situation (without a neutralsing agent); it is felt that one must be underneath the beam for more than 2hours per day per year to have any effects. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. Dear All, 1. Recently, I have encountered cases perhaps one may all it a coincidence, of bad luck especially moving into the house during the 7th month. 2. These new clients faced difficulties pr bad luck during this period. 3. For the Chinese, if you had encountered such situations, make sure that you may have to burn incense and `gold paper' and offer fruits before the 7th month ends. 4. Usually, during the 7th month, offerings such as mentioned above are offered on the 1st day of the 7th lunar month, the 15th day and the last day of the lunar month. But for those who have a spate of bad luck, should make an offering now and on the last day of the lunar month i.e. which is on the 6th September 2002. 5. Another common practise is to purchase: 5.1 flowers e.g. rose petals 5.2 lime Cut the `lime' into two and place the flowers and lime into a small receptacle or small basin. After you had finished bathing, hold the basin with your hands and pour the water with the flowers and rose petals over (on top of) your head. Just pick up them up and throw them away into the dustbin. This is suppose to break away bad luck. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. Dear Anon, 1. Basically, a loupan should not be placed outside of a house or hung on the external wall. This is because if it is a real loupan, it may not withstand the prolonged weather condition. So far, I do not see anyone placing a real one let alone a replica piece. 2. Perhaps, maybe, the person advised you found that the First Heaven Sequence formation is found on it. This is why, you may have been advised to use it. Alternatively, perhaps, the person had heard that it can be used to `ward off evil'. Reference on the First Heaven Sequence formation:- http://www.geomancy.net/resources/art/art-pakua.htm 3. For whatever reasons, a Ba Gua mirror would do the job more effectively. Since, a luopan, a regular sized one can be quite heavy to hang up. And it's central circular dial can drop off, if the criss-cross string fails. 4. Some Feng Shui practitioners have advised their clients to keep a Ba Gua mirror. Some Chinese place it below (in a drawer) of their family altar. If your house is built under period 7, then do check out the #number for that sector. If this year's influence has #5, then, you can use water. But water has to be used under the following conditions:- 1. There must be an open window (ventilation). 2. Find a glass jar, the size of a jam jar. place 6 ancient coins into the jar. Add 1 teaspoon of salt and water. And stir it. 3. Place this glass jar close to a open window sill. Add water when it dries up. This is still a metal cure with water in it. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  4. Dear Linda, In my opinion, if the plum color looks more like bright orange or metal element, then, it is still acceptable given that your main door is at the South. Frankly, I am not too sure from your description whether plum color looks more like `gold color'. But if the color you mentioned represents gold color, then, gold or metal element is acceptable at the South (fire element sector). As metal (gold or white) is controlled by fire element. An acceptable combination under the 5 elements concept. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  5. Dear Anon, 1. If there is a straight path between the main door to the back e.g. window / balcony or door; then, it is best to use an `air-tight' screen/partition or divider. 2. The divider can be built e.g. bottom portion housing some cabinets and the top half can be e.g. a glass screen or display shelf. attached to each other, with 3. Yes, the above is acceptable, so long as it helps to divert qi or allows qi to meander around the screen into the house. Rather than directly flowing out or `leaking' out of the house. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  6. Dear Andrew, 1. Five metres is in a very close proximity. 2. Yes, currently I believe, from your second floor, there is an obstructed view or clear space. 3. But if a new condominium development, perhpas, you may not have clear space (at your frontage anymore). 4. However, you mentioned that there is suppose to be a water position at the front (after the development). If this is the case, then, you should usually have clear space. 5. What type of water fountain will there be? If it is a circular fountain, you can still benefit from it. But if it is a wall-type of fountain where the wall is facing you and water falls into this wall, then, this type of fountain may not be as favourable. 6. It is difficult for me to imagine what type, height it is. But overall, if there is still clear space this is acceptable. EXCEPT that it may not be auspicious if your second floor unit faces the road leading OUT of the condominium project. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  7. Dear Rosita, In my opinion, usually, there are more to it than just by coincidence that the bathroom is located at your romance sector. Do try to check for any `leaks' in your home. Applying first, Shapes and Forms and doing an Eight House chart to see what are the intangible forces. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  8. Dear Natalie, There must be a leak in your new home. Try to apply Shapes and Forms Feng Shui first. Looke out of your main door and windows to find any poision arrows (if any). In addition, check the poistion of your toilet and other Shapes and Forms of your home. You can also use the free Eight House report (sitting position and sleeping position) at www.geomancy.net to find out more about suitable rooms, first. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Dear Benjamin, We have this paid service. You can e-mail: cecil@geomancy.net for more information. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  10. Dear All, Enclosed please find the Feng Shui Ruler Program developed by Mr Wasis Sugiono. He would like to share it with you! Please provide your comments (if you have any). Warmest Regards, Cecil --- Dear Wasis, I have tried your program. Although, I have not fully tested it, but sampled some measurements based on the original inches. Looks good:) Warmest Regards, Cecil
  11. Dear Jeffery, Please see below:- Some Feng Shui practitioners feel that you may use crystal ball (close to the monitor of your PC). They believe that it can absorb some of the `harmful' radiation from it. In my opinion, there is no harm placing this or any other such single objects (anywhere). Nowadays, as we move to using LCD monitors, there is (in my opinion) really no radiation coming from LCD monitors. Thus no issue. Others may ask to place a small desk plant. Again there is no issue here. You can place the dragon tortise (to use as a solid support). It can be placed e.g. at the cabinet next to your work top - to provide a solid backing or support. In a small office room, it may not make much sense to place a real water position here. Attached please find a sample picture (rough sketch) of a common artwork used especially in Hong Kong. Some of these artwork is placed inside the lobby of a large building. Where the curved `S' shape is made of stainless steel or bronze coated with gold. Alternatively, some of these are small objects that can be placed e.g. on a side table of an office. Some even made the `triple-S' into moulded plastic and placed water in each tube. And added the bubble coming from below each of the tube. Such wavy design represents the water element. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  12. Cecil Lee


    Dear Jeffery, Yes, since there is no possibility of changing to different directions, you have no choice anymore in using this theory. Feng Shui is about improving luck. You should instead try to improve luck in your home. As home has a higher influence over you. Try to apply or look at any `leaks' in your home and fix them. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  13. Dear Madan, In my opinion, should use day Master as Yin Earth (the previous day). Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. Dear Max, Yes, Aloe Vera, although has gel inside it's limb's do look some what like cactus especially with its `trimmed' edges on the pointed leaves. If you must, so long as it does not face the main door directly. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  15. Dear Jeffery, Office Layout If you have based your office layout based on Eight House, the sketch that you had provided is acceptable. Under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, an acceptable table position is shown in the attached layout plan. This plan also shows marking `A'. Where possible, if you are still maintaining the exisiting layout of your table, try to make sure that the corner of the cabinet marked as `A' does not cause a poison arrow to you. You can tilt the table (if you have not done so already) to a good facing direction. The free report under the reports section of geomancy.net will provide the exact range of position of the office table compass range of directions. Please see below:- Will comment in a later message. Will comment in a later message. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  16. Dear Jeffery, Part I: Room Layout Thank you for a sketch of your bedroom layout. It is not favourable to have the head of the bed face the bedroom door. It is preferred (under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui) to have the bed placed under either one of the attached diagrams. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  17. Dear Miriam, Please refer to attached illustration on how to count the no. of steps. Usually, the landing is also included (as shown under the attachment). Please see below:- Please refer to attachment. All these should be looked at collectively under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui i.e. your building in relation to the surroundings. Thank you for your description. Usually, it is best that if you can provide a sketch. As often, descriptions can often be interpreted wrongly. And I would like to minimise it, if I can. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  18. Dear Anon, 1. I assume here is that there is an open window facing the sharp pointed roof of your neighbours'. 2. If the above is true, then the concept " if it cannot be seen, it no longer becomes a threat' can be applied. 3. You can use a day curtain to screen the house from the pointed sharp edge. 4. If this is a solid wall and even if there is a pointed edge, it has no impact on your master bedroom. 5. It is common for a Ba Gua, can be used to neutralise such Sha (poison arrow) Qi. 6. It is best to stand at the window to confirm by looking out to guage if the sharp edge really points to your bedroom. If it is on the side, this is usually not a threat. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  19. Dear Miriam, Please see below:- In fact, both the 9 rectangles or 9 grids and the pie chart are roughly the same. But from practical experience, it is much easier to use a pie chart radiating out from the centre. If one is new to Feng Shui, one should never in a hurry to apply it. You can compartmentalise Feng Shui. Feng Shui is all about luck. And the key success factor is to try to improve luck in all areas. For interior of the home, it is best to have good shapes and forms e.g. the good positioning of the bed based firstly on Shapes and Forms. After this, apply the Eight House. For those who want to go further can apply the Flying Star to look at any imbalances in a sector. For example, if one is frequently sick in a house, most likely, the bedroom is in a bad sector. It is like the `problem' of the overhead beam. If no one is sitting below it, there is really no harm. Even if one is under a beam, one must be under the beam for more than 2 hours, per day, per month, per year to have negative influence. By all means share the PC. More importantly, under the Eight House, do check on the intangible force affecting the bedroom area. This is more crucial. And that each room fits the Ba Zi of each family member or partner(s) Warmest Regards, Cecil
  20. Dear Max, 1. Usually, a business building would depend on the type of tenants / tenant mix. And other factors like type of business. 2. For soley an office premise, I believe this is not an issue. For retail shops, such business depends on any other business considerations e.g. pedestrian traffic etc.. 3. So long as the office location is not isolated or inaccessible, but instead, many of the tenants had taken up the office area, I believe this is no issue. 4. For homes, many would prefer (commonsense approach) to be further away from such noise. As well as away from `danger' from `falling planes'. 5. Otherwise, personally, I do not see an issue here unless as mentioned earlier, there is accessibility problems to your office. Or poor transportation/parking. 6. In Singapore, for example, which is a food haven. If your food is good, your business can be situated anywhere on the island and yet, you can see people, driving all the way to your outlet for it. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  21. Dear Guek Rian, Further to what I mentioned, try to check for any other leaks (if any) in your home. Common leaks are those where the main door opens directly to the e.g. balcony window etc... Another consideration is, if you have water position(s); you have to be careful as they can be good or bad. Bad especially if they are close to the centrepoint of the house. Or if one of the breadwinner is a weak fire or strong water person. Do you have mirrors in the living / dining area? Mirror(s) at the wrong location bounce back twice the bad luck! Warmest Regards, Cecil
  22. Dear Guek Rian, 1. Thank you for your sketch. 2. Looks like your main door is not as what you had mentioned below with a double 7. But rather, it has the influence of East 2,3 with base 5. And this year, it is multiplied with another #5. Yes, the advice given is true. 3. Here, having double 7's beside the main door is like a dream. Nice to have but as the saying goes... "a miss is as good as a mile". In say a 4 digit lottery draw, 1 number out is as good as missing it totally. Try to place a 6 rod hollow wind chime above the main door to neutralise this influence. Since there are x 2 #5 for the 20year Flying Star and for this horse year. After the horse year, you can change to a 6 piece coins above the main door. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  23. Dear Ajay, 1. What you mentioned is a simplistic view of Feng Shui. 2. Unfortunately, this type of Feng Shui is can best be described as `Kindergarten Feng Shui'. 3.These statements are too generalised. As it seems to be a model mass produced for the entire world. 4. For example, there is no basis to say that all NE directions is the knowlege area for all people, all over the world. A similiar example is that some Feng Shui practitioners highlight that South-West is our romance sector. This is not possible for everyone in the entire world. Please see below:- The more appropriate way to look at the issue is:- 1. The sector evaluated under Flying Star Feng Shui. 2. If one stays in the room, it should be harmonised with a person's Ba Zi. For example, if that specific sector has bad Flying Star Feng Shui, it should be neutralised - the birth chart of the house and that sector needs to be balanced according to the Five elements concept. After this, it should be harmonised to the person living in that room. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  24. Dear Julie, Frankly, there are lots of consideration in Feng Shui: 1. Shapes and Forms Feng Shui. This is the most important consideration when picking a future house. For example, even if a direction is good to a breadwinner but if the Shapes and Forms is `lousy', it is as good as not finding a good home. 2. For homes that are more suited to you, you can try to use the Eight House Theory or find out more on how to use it:- http://www.geomancy.net/fs/house1.htm 3. For a plot of land, it is detrimental to make the house suit one e.g. by having the main door facing e.g. a hill - even if this is the most suitable door direction. This may bring calamity to the family. The house should be in its natural order of facing and sitting. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  25. Dear Anon, It is not ideal to have such a situation. On a commonsense approach to Feng Shui, this is because of the fear of leakage e.g. leaking sewerage pipe etc.. However, if the pipes are in good condition and well maintained, this is still OK. Since, there is not much you can really reverse the process. More importantly, it is best to avoid placement of e.g. the dining table directly underneath the toilet bowl. Warmest Regards, Cecil
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