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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Seletar Park Residence Under/Construction seems like one of those regular construction sites. But wait till you see who build's it? In one of the photos: wait.. you can see "advertisements" shouting out... "TYCOON...." and two more shouting out "RICH- "! How not to become rich? Unfortunately, I found this development to be over-priced; miserable 99 year lease. And above all; all the better units at ground floor with greater than 4.x metre high ceilings sold.... Otherwise, it is flanked by a Singtel exchange building & the Greenwich....
  2. Circle rings represent the metal element. Under the Five element concept: THREE 3 (rings) represent wood. And since circle represents metal; the symbolism here is "Metal destroys (3) wood to create wealth...
  3. 1. Please see attachments. 2. In one of the attachments "in red": A, B, X and Y. 2.1. Originally, the recommended altar 1st choice position was in position A. Or at worst position B. 2.2. Client asked whether she could position the altar at location Y. In the illustration; one can see that if the bedroom door is in an open position; the pillar at marking X would become a poison arrow (sha qi) aimed towards the proposed altar location. Which is not ideal.
  4. 150sq metre HDB maisonettes that are 32 year old at Blocks 190 and 194 Bishan St 13 selling over a $1M dollars....
  5. Check out this latest instrument! A converted fuel meter that tells LUCK! Yes! Luck!
  6. Sometimes it is not about ebony or ivory. Or hot or cold. Or Yes or No? Often, "It depends". Another concept is to visualize the flow of qi.
  7. Is your Master selling products in the name of Feng Shui? Learn more from their website. When the buying stops, the killing (I mean selling) can! Many Feng Shui practitioners are actually Feng Shui emporium operators...
  8. Feng Shui Emporium has several contradictions: 1. All goods are sold as-it-is. For example, when you buy their three-legged toad; there are no warranties to say that after buying it; you will win lottery within 6 months time. 2. Although Feng Shui Emporium has a Complaint Department... it is very difficult to make use of it... Hmm... I wonder... why?
  9. On one hand, some say that they will make you look good. On the other hand, some say: " If I tell you..... I have to KILL YOU!"
  10. Frankly, it is all in your English. In your sketch you wrote and I quote: "This has a SLIGHTLY bigger step....." Check your English. What does SLIGHTLY mean. In my opinion; based on what you wrote above; I replied based on your judgement.
  11. Thanks for the sketch. Based on what you wrote; it does seem that the staircase in question does have............ ..... ..... ..... ..... 17 steps
  12. Further to what I had mentioned: 1. The concept of "more the better". 1.1. Here, the more the inputs the better it is. 1.2. What this means is that as mentioned previously, the most authentic Ba Zi chart, today is to analyse: Year, Month, Day, Hour, House of Life and House of Conception. 1.3. House of life is important as some chart may be affected. For example, a geomancer who does not analyse the House of Life could interpret that the person is a "WEAK earth" person. 1.3.1. But if the House of life was considered; this person could eventually instead be a "STRONG earth person. 1.4. House of Conception is another area of consideration.. which.. I shall not dwell in this thread.. 2. Therefore, if one wants to "Do it"; try to do it properly and not using "superficial" ba zi that does not consider especially these two "Houses - Life and Conception". 2.1. The word "Ba Zi" may sound the same but done by different people; they can be totally different. So, insist that a full chart is done for you.
  13. So sorry! This is not Feng Shui. But based on facts. In the past, when cars do not have a third brake lights and the brake light lamps are not very bright.. there were higher incidences of red cars having more accidents. In the past or today, what ever the period; Insurance companies in the west seems to want to charge more if a car is grey in color... I wonder why?
  14. If my salary is SGP$1,000/-. And I have two babies to feed. Each baby consumes around 4 tins a month x $50/-. Each baby needs $200/- per month x 2 babies = $400/-. And child nursery fees will go up 20 percent next year.... Hmmm.....
  15. "A table lamp acts as a partition betweenthe toilet door & my bed" On 7/27/2011 10:47:48 PM, Cecil Lee wrote:
  16. Learn how to turn a $1 item into $688 from the boss of the Feng Shui Emporium! When the buying, stops!; the killing (I mean selling) STOPS!
  17. This caricature shows the "merits" of applying Fixed Template Ba Gua Fung Sway....
  18. These are some considerations: 1. The good news is that: "No even in the Southern Hemisphere". 2. The bad news is: the rest of what you had written is not authentic Feng Shui. If a geomancer in the Far East: Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and today, China and Taiwan were to practise such "nonsense"; he or she barely make a living from "bogus" Feng Shui. 3. Since you mentioned: children/creativity gua ; top right corner love/marriage - unfortunately, and sorry to say such things has no place in this forum. 4. A chart of the practical approach to Feng Shui is attached, here. And nothing close to the above... 4.1. For example, a chart can take as long as 4 to 5 hours to work on. Contrast this to the ba gua. How can something be so simple as super-imposing a ba gua chart and presto; get the "answers" in just a few minutes?
  19. 1. If one is interested to find out more on bogus FS as what you had mentioned; 2. One can do a search for e.g. " Black Hat Sect " or "fixed template" 3. Here is one of the links:- (may need to cut-paste) http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=1&mid=33733&new=%3EHouse%20Hunting%20:%20A%20Lot%20PositiOn%20-%20%3Cem%3EFeng%20Shui%3C/em 4. Most of the time; if one were to visit a "Feng Shui" website and encounter this fixed template bagua chart; most likely, it is a western site or run by a western person. 4.1. This is because, if one were to operate such a business in the Far East (Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong) and China & Taiwan... unfortunately it is considered a "laughing stock"... 4.2. Thus, such practitioners of the "bagua" thing is very common in the US, Europe and even down under. 5. As I always mentioned in my previous postings on this subject. 5.1. Any creative person or any "Tom, Dick or Harry" can start a Feng Shui business or write a book on it with the following:- 5.2. The so called book:- 5.2.1 Introduction 5.2.2 North (Career) 5.2.3 SW (Romance) etc... Courage etc.. etc.... Just within a day or a month; such "fly-by-night" shops would be formed. Truly "what rubbish".
  20. Always remind ourselves that during our grand parents time; there were no mass commercial products like the Three legged toad, crystal etc.... Spread the word to your family members and friends that the buying MUST Stop! So that the selling, CAN!" There are too many instances where some geomancers found commercial products too attractive to be missed... And they end up endorsing so called Feng Shui products at high mark-ups. There are also some who also sell jewelry in the name of Feng Shui.
  21. These are some considerations: 1. Generally an authentic Ba Zi chart in the past consists of Eight pillars. Please see attachment where there are a total of 8 pillars consisting of : 1.1. Year, Month, Day, Hour, House of Life and House of Conception 2. Please note that not only is the Year and Day are important; in a true Ba Zi analysis: in the attachment, each Heavenly Stem (HS) has to interact with each Earthly Branch (EB): 2.1. For example: the relationship is shown in the RED "web" in the attachment. 3. In the past, traditionally, a proper chart such as above that has all the "pillars" could take as much as a few weeks to work out to examine the "harms, punishments, clashes etc..." 3.1. Nowadays, in modern times; if programmed properly; a computer will be able to do all the groundwork and leave us with quality time to analyse the results. 3.2. In addition the House of Life is equally important as it can determine whether one is a "weak" or "strong" element.... 4. Further to what I mentioned: although one can use the same term: "Four Pillars or Ba Zi" but some are just too basic while few would bother to do a ba zi with additional fields : House of Life and House of Conception. 4.1. In a full chart: it is like analysing 6 variables under Heavenly Stem YYYY / MM / DD / HH / Life / Conception with another 6 variables under Earthly Branch. 5. In order to find out the impact if any of not only the day and year clash; you have to do your "homework" and work out a ba zi report. It is not so simple as posting a few lines of text.... and presto... the next login... the answers will appear..... someone has to work out the ba zi report.. first.. before... analysing it.. - this is the fact.
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