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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. 1. In general, Flying star is about the "birth-chart" of your home. 2. Like everyone that has a birthday, the home is suppose also to have a birthday. Anonymous wrote: my secodn question is that in 2009 NW is good. But acc to my Kua number it is not a good direction for me. My kitchen is in NW. So what shoudl i do ? do i still need to activitate it or not? 3. For Flying Star(s) if a good sector is good, it depends on whether it is feasible or not to "activate" the good direction as you had mentioned above 2009 NW is good. 4. Thus activating a sector based on Flying star is distinct from your personal Gua (kua number). Anonymous wrote: I am confused about personal gua number and the flying star. My personal gua no is 4. I am a female. I live in rental apartment and my bedroom is in north sector. I cannot put bed in my good kua sector(s, se). My bed is either in north or ne sector of the room and there is beam on the top. 5. There are limitations to the Gua (Kua). In your current application of the Gua, do take note that it is nice-to-have and not a must-have situation. Thus we have to be realistic as there are often constrains for most of us to place a bed in a bedroom as there is the bedroom door, often windows, even attached bathroom and or even bulit in cabinet for some of us.
  2. In a survival situation, do we think of the basic necessities or "luxury" items?
  3. 1. Generally, an octagon pattern is acceptable or recessed - is also considered OK or acceptable. Only wavy patterns may not be advantages in some instances. 2. However, the following guidelines should be taken into consideration:- 2.1. As you had mentioned gypsum board false panels - are OK. 2.2. Avoid using the Eight trigrams hexagrams as a feature on the panels. 3. Yin and Yang Concept:- Where possible or nice to have, lights in all (each) bedrooms be odd number of lights. For example in many homes it is common to have just one centre lighting in the middle. Here, we don't care how many bulbs there are. This is considered as one light source or one single odd number of lights. In your layout plan, it would be preferred that all or each bedrooms have 5 or 7 lights vs the current 4. (In your example, I can see roughly 4 lighting points [4 lights] in the bedroom) For the kitchen area, it is preferred to have even number of lights. For the living or dining room usually no preference for even or odd numbers of lights (or light points).
  4. We have millions of baterial in our mouth. Most of them are bad ones....
  5. 1. Not sure, how you may have derived your best directions. You can check out from the free reports under this link:- http://www.geomancy.net/reports/reports.htm Under this url, one of the reports to find out your best (work directions) could be: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/reports-list/perlist-workposition.htm 2. Please note that even for what you called "lucky direction" it depends:- 2.1. Yin Feng Shui for the dead (burial - not cremation - as cremation is considered neutral). In general, the definition of his/her sitting and facing direction is different. 2.2. Yang Feng Shui. For you and me. Our face has a "moving" mouth and nose to breathe with. And we should be facing our "lucky direction". This is based on the compass school : Eight house / East/West Group or Ba Cai Feng Shui. 3. What you had mentioned that you are a wood person - is too general even in the relm of Ba zi. Even if you are applying ba zi, there is such thing asa strong or weak wood person. Steven L. wrote: I understand that my lucky direction for wood is green and in the east . So if i were to arrange my sitting arangement in my work area, should i sit facing east or back facing east?
  6. 1. She is a marketing executive for a Feng Shui Emporium. 2. She is highly motivated by all her bosses! In fact, she found out that all her bosses have paintings and mottos of : You & US behind each of their desks! 3. She has commissioned a famous artist to create a suitable "You & US" painting! 4. And this painting is now proudly displayed behind her seat! 5. In general, the painting is about YOU (like a waiter, be slaved into buying) her products! 6. She hoped that her boss would be very happy with this new additional painting! And one day, soon, she hopes to be promoted!
  7. 1. Insurance studies had shown that red and grey cars are more prone to accidents. 2. In addition, in some countries it is illegal to use the cell phone without handsfree aid!
  8. In the Chinese astrology, pigs are social animals. Like humans, they enjoy the companionship of their kind. In many countries, pigs are farm animals. But in muslim countries... they consider pigs "dirty!" No wonder... look how one, that was presented as a gift by China .... http://www.smh.com.au/world/science/afghanistans-only-pig-quarantined-in-flu-fear-20090506-aula.html
  9. Once upon a time, this organization had given approval for it's executive committee (EXCO) to spent not more than $20K each time. Now, an auditmay be considered to see if the EXCO had wrongly overspent their money on useless Feng Shui products!
  10. You mean I have to join A.W.A.R.E.? No! You DON'T have to! But you can like the A.W.A.R.E. saga send a NO-CONFIDENCE VOTE for the buying of commercial Feng Shui products! When the buying stops! The selling can!
  11. "We MUST respect our ELDERS!" Multiple choice question:- This is the famous words uttered by:- a. Confucious b. a Singaporean lady lawyer c. President Obama d. Castro of Cuba Answer? = b. a Singaporean lady lawyer (mentor)
  12. 1. You have to determine your Ba Zi element, first:- http://www.geomancy.net/reports/reports-list/perlist-personal-element.htm 2. As ultimately, your ba zi element will determine whether you are a weak or strong element. And your element could belong to either: metal, water, wood, fire or earth. As being a "water dog" is not enough information.
  13. Great to hear that you are going with your original feelings
  14. 1. Like the recent "AWARE" saga in Singapore, where a "new" team were successful in wrestling over the control of the organisation; the new committee was met with a no confidence vote and subsequently - voted out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHKZdFwcjDo&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ebmw%2Dsg%2Ecom%2Fforums%2Flounge%2F31852%2Dfollow%2Dawares%2Degm%2Dlive%2Ehtml%23post434749&feature=player_embedded 2. The saying goes " one man's meat is another man's poison!". 3. Human nature is also at play! Usually, things like having a tv set in a bed. We could be "happily" sleeping with a tv set all our lifes. Then suddenly, you pick up a book on Feng Shui and it says AVOID having a tv set in the bedroom. 4. In addition, a relative or friend comes into your home and tells you that it is considered inauspicious to have a tv set in your room. 5. Suddenly, perhaps, your face changed and you feel very uncomfortable with it. 6. In general, placing the coins - often wrapped up in a red coloured paper and placed in an urn is a common practise by many. To be exact with a head and tail of a coin so precisely placed .. is not a common thing. 7. I can understand if after sometime tells you or cautions you on their concern.. then let's look at it this way.. just don't place the coins if ever is in doubt. 8. Anyway, these coins are non-magical, and as mentioned above, such as the recent Singapore AWARE organisation saga; there are so many view-points. And it is just an urn. And there is frankly, no RIGHT or WRONG answers, here. 9. Since after hearing it you may feel uncomfortable than go for what I mentioned under Para 7. (full stop).
  15. 1. Many of us have varying view-points even on the same subject:- http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=29&mid=25105&new= 2. In addition, an elder e.g. a parent or grand parent had always had a red packet with several coins placed in an urn all the time. And with precedence, when one change an urn, by habbit, they continue to place the coins into the new urn. 3. However, for those who do not have a precedence of placing the coins and got bad "reviews" that it is no good, then, no harm - just leave it alone...
  16. Oh dear me! so many clocks facing my home! Is Osama rumoured dead? If not, ask him to help demolish the building for me! PLEASE HELP!!!
  17. 1. Please tell me about this new condo: specifically which block and stacks are good. 2. What you mentioned is not enough! I want to know what cure it is for the stack. 3. Can you also comment on the layout plan.... The landscape, the site, the block, the stack, the layout plan....
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