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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Sharon, To be truly honest, there are already lots of messages as mentioned that was posted between 1 December 2003 and 1 March 2004. For example, I replicate this message:- Posted in: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui) Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2003, 09:51 AM, Quote & Reply "Dear Anon, Ideally, the favoured change is to have a "major renovation". For example, hacking away the entire flooring or some walls and/or change of main door, or windows is a sure way of `flying' to the new period. Other short cuts but these are subject to opinions by various practitioners: 1. Have major "yang" activity in a home. Here, what it means is that humanly, we have some yang activity such as celebration of birthdays or house warming where we invite lots of friends and relatives into the home. But this alone, often may not on it's own guarantee that the house fly into the new period. 2. Activity under Para 1 with repainting the entire ceiling of the home Here, if one does not live in a landed property, one cannot simply hack away the ceiling structure. In such a situation, one can take the chance of changing the home to period 8 by repainting the entire ceiling. But again, it is safer to do Para 2 with (inclusive) of Para 1 (above) 3. What happens if one owns a landed property For sure, if one fully removes the roof of this house, and do some renovations inside the home e.g. changing the living room tiles or change of main door, then, it is for sure that the house will fly to Period 8. 4. What happens if one removes (and replace) a few roof tiles and wash the tiles Here, this is more of a symbolic nature. Replacing a few roof tiles plus cleaning or washing the entire roof tiles is a good bet to fly into the new period for the home. And again have some "yang activity" as mentioned under Para 1 (above) - as an added, safe-guard to fly the home to new period. 5. For sure, if one does renovation equal or exceeding 33.3 precent of the entire layout of the home, then, it is considered as a major renovation. Even better if 50 percent of the entire floor area is undergoing renovations. " Truly appreciate, users should take more effort to use the SEARCH feature. For ease of use, one can simpy do an ADVANCE SEARCH by keying in the parameters such as "1 Dec 2003 to 1 Mar 2004. As you can see, I just did one search and found one of the many responses to Period 8. Therefore, try to spent more effort to do so. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. Dear Cindy, Frankly, I hope u don't mind me saying; but it would be better for you to get expert help instead of grasping with so many "puzzles." Often, the major consideration is to check the layout plan of the home to see if it is better (or not) to fly to the new period. For example, for a Period 7 SW 2 apartment, the current prosperity water star is located at South compass direction while the mountain star is located at West. While under Period 8, the water wealth location flies to the NE sector. And the mountain star remains at SW sector.Does this match your layout plan i.e. is your living room at NE? or as a result of flying to P8,the water star 8 could be drowned in areas like a toilet?bedroom? etc... Besides this consideration, although distinctively P7 SW2 homes should changeto new period 8, each room should also be looked into in relation to the flying star numbers. Generally, a P7 SW2 (or very generally)such a home could benefit from flying to P8 as you had mentioned because of the parent string formation. In addition, it would not be possible or more difficult to fly to Period 8 directly if there is no major renovations. Other activities should be considered. Which have been documented in this forum in theearly part of 2004. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. Dear All, Geomancy.net being the oldest and largest Traditional Geomancy Internationalwebsite ispleased to announce that we are also nowalso known as Geomancy.sg Thus Singaporeans can simply remember us easily by our generic name: Geomancy.sg or continue with our international name: Geomancy.net This is particularly significant and symbolic as we are always the 1st in everything we do.This new1st tier local domain namealso serves to anchor and reinforce our unique generic trademark in Singapore and Top-brand. Geomancy is not just anystart-up name such as abcgeomancy-online.com.sg or geomancy88.com.sg etc... but a well established name Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee Geomancy.net Truly Global but Local!
  4. Dear BR, This is an interesting question. In another not so related issue, we have the signage of "live" companies that had changed their signage. Here, there are some companies that change their signage(s) because of new corporate image or the existing signage has been torn or in bad condition. Many of these companies, often get the signage maker to half-way remove their company sign. Place it on a secondary landing such as another ladder, first. And only after they installed the new signage do they then remove the old signage and place it on the floor. Well, a red banner is not equivalent of the above (a company signage). Most of the time, due to ultraviolet light or direct sunlight often a red banner may fade and turn light red or pink. If so, it is time to replace the banner. But if the banner is very new but dusty, there is no harm in removing it to wash. However, some of the colouring used or dyes may stain or come out after washing and turn it to light red. If there is so much hassle, here, then, it would be best to simply discard the old one and buy a new one. Traditionally, some people, would suggest buying a new red banner simply because it is not that expensive and also, like the tradition of many who are suppose to buy and wear new clothes, no harm to do so for a banner. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  5. Dear Alex, Although you are a strong water person, this relates to your personal Ba Zi. However, since you are (also) applying Flying Star Feng Shui: Period 7, West 1, Yes the sector in question i.e. NW: has #6 MS with #1 WS with base #8 Given this senario, #1 = future prosperity and furthermore, since this is also the water star for NW sector; water can be activated here. Since MS #6 also supports water. Under Flying Star Feng Shui : Yes, 6 fishes (gold or carp etc) would be OK since it represents strong metal element. An alternative is to add 7 fishes i.e. 6 gold fishes with 1 black fish. Here, black represents water and 6 represents strong metal. Metal (6 gold fishes) with 1 black (fish) water is particularly useful. You may also consider metal stand for this sector or a stand painted in metallic colour e.g. gold or silver. However, the current water wealth location for a Period 7, W1 home is currently at South-East sector. Depending on where this location is, this is considered a more effective location for water since under the current Period 8, #8 WS represents the current wealth location and if activated can improve on wealth and relationship luck. Again this depends on what is at this sector in the home. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  6. Dear Mir Rodis, The most sensible thing to do is not to display it anymore. Try to wrap it up in a "clean" newspaper and keep-it away in a cabinet since this was a gift. Try to do it ASAP. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  7. Dear Anon, Thank you for the link to the sitemap. However, there is no compass marking on the map thus cannot see the perspective from the Compass School. From (only) a Shapes and Forms perspective, without considering where is the afternoon or morning sun, the smaller units #07, #11 and especially #12 and #17 or #14 and #15 looks more promising as #08 seems to have majority of windows facing the opposite #05. Yes, although construction began in 2001-02, but because since no one has yet stayed in the home, it should be considered as a Period 8 home. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  8. Dear Anon, There is some truth in this. The rationale is because usually, at (high or higher levels) the statues will not "clash" with our normal living. A. "Salivating at what we eat or drink!" Most often many of us have limited wall space in a home. And it is very common to find the statues facing e.g. the dining table or the living room coffee-table. In such examples, placing the statues at low levels would imply that they could literally be "eyeing" what we eat or drink! And thus considered disrestpectful. In the above, two examples, thus placing the statues at a higher level would mean that they are usually above this line of sight, thus is a better choice given these two examples. B. "Hey Earthly creatures; erh.. Don't look down on us!" Another possible senario is that if the buddha statues are placed at low levels, we are literally "looking down" on the Buddhas! Thus, often, in a temple, we can see buddha statues (or large ones) towering over us. They should instead be looking down on us and not the other way around. In addition, these other rulesets often apply not only to the placement of buddha statues but also the Chinese altar (which may have the Goddess or Mercy on them, Guan Kong or ancestar's tablet): 1. Avoid placing the altar on the opposite wall of a toilet 2. Avoid placing the altar facing a toilet 3. Avoid placing the altar facing into a bedroom 4. Best not to place the altar "guarding the main entrance". Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Dear May, It is good that you provide a simple sketch. A bedroom is said to be usually a place of rest (yin). And a potted plant is "growing" e.g. leaves : thus considered yang and not suitable. 2. Commonsense approach Effort has to be made to constantly look after the plant. Some plants may not survive well inside a home; thus may need constant "attention" such as bringing it out to sun once-in-a-while. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  10. Dear Anon, All over the world, many of us work either in an open office and use system furniture and are not able to or (have the luxury) of placing our table to our good directions. So this is indeed a consolation to you. Based on the holy trinity of luck:- 1. Heaven luck - what is given to us (Ba zi) 2. Earth luck - the office environment is only of the other factors. Other factors include our home. 3. Human or man luck - given that currently one is quite constrained on the earth luck i.e. unable to face a good direction for work, then, we should make use of our man or human luck to good use i.e. be a good team player and work smart ...not necessarily hard Warmest Regards, Cecil
  11. Dear Sophia, From many of the current cases, usually the most common (neutral) element for the main entrance door is natural wood or wood stained in various colours e.g. pine, walnut, rosewood etc... In addition, doors that are also: white or off-white or cream or pastel shades of colours are considered acceptable and often a non-issue at all. For those who want to consider door colours such as "primary" colours (BRIGHT) i.e. Red, Blue, Green or Yellow could perhaps check the suitability, first. Otherwise, if natural / laminated wood or wood tone colours are used, do go ahead with it. In addition, if one is constructing a new home, could perhaps, use the Feng Shui ruler to get good width, height dimensions. For Singaporeans, in some past forum message, I had indicated that all HDB entrance doors (had been Feng Shuied before such that they are of good Feng Shui dimensions. Because of the race sensitivity, this fact is not know to everyone!) As a test, if you do have a Feng Shui ruler, go ahead to check the door measurements of such apartments. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  12. Dear Anon, Symbolically, it is good not to display broken objects. Since the Fu Dogs are decorative items, one can dispose off-them the usual way e.g. either dispose it by ourselves or pay others to get rid of it for us. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  13. Dear Anon, In Singapore, a frog is quite rare sight. But not sure, how prevalent they are in your country. But alternatively, could be instead be a toad? A frog is known as a celestial cock and a symbol of a frog is common on a charm to act as protection. Both a toad and frog are known as "moon" creatures or creatures that are associated with the moon. For a toad, it symbolises longevity. No harm "chasing it" away so long as not harming them. In the past, the educated in China really hate the frogs / toad croaking as this affects their concentration in learning or work. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. Dear Sophia, Not many know that in the past, elephants had roamed China and they were very common within the North and South of China. A set of elephants actually represent a "source" of strength. And often, the elephant is decorated with motifs and thus considered as bringing fortune to the family. The elephant is both revered in Thailand (especially the white elephant) as well as is one of the gods of the Indians. It is Ok to have a pairfacing or looking outwards. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  15. Dear Edwin, 1. Vertical Flying star or house numbers. I think you did not use the freehouse number analysis tool. This is perfectly OK, since the house number analysis tool at http://www.geomancy-online.com has to do with apartments. Actually house numbers is subject to so many different interpretation i.e. numerology is diverse and used differently by many people. Such that in some cases, it can be interpreted as good while in other instances, it can be interpreted as bad. In Feng Shui, house number is not a major consideration since, both Shapes and Forms Feng Shui and Compass School Feng Shui does not relate to house number(s) at all. 3. Numerology As mentioned above, there are so many diverse interpretations based on numerology. And can easily come to a 50:50 good or bad situation! 4. Phonetic sound-like To the Chinese, not so much of Feng Shui, numbers have a "vocal" significance. For example, 4 sounds like "die" in Cantonese dialect etc... 5. Under Flying Star Feng Shui Since we are under Period 8, some practitioners would say that 8 is very auspicious. Thus anything with 8 during the period is said to be auspicious. However, 9 is also acceptable, since it is also considered as future prosperity. Therefore, from a Feng Shui point of view, numerology is thus considered totally unrelated to FS. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  16. Dear Sharon, You can do a SEARCH in this forum especially the forum messages in the early part of 2004. It has been discussed and I had also elaborated point-by-point the type of "change" needed to fly over to Period 8. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  17. Dear Jason, For a bedroom, we should look at it from the perspective of: "nice-to-have" or "must-(should)-have". Often, many of our bedrooms are small, and furthermore, there are "restrictions" such as having windows and there is also the bedroom door. Because of all these constraints, there are few if any best positions to place the bed. More importantly, between the two schools: Shapes and Forms or Compass School (Eight house), the most important consideration is based on Shapes and Forms Feng Shui. Here, Shapes and Forms Feng Shui should be considred as "must-should-have". While the eight house concept would have to be considered as "nice-to-have". Often, realistically, once we have already stayed in a specific home, there is not much one can do - since a bedroom is small with some of the above constrains. Thus, it is most important to go for good Shapes and Forms. As the advantage, here is that furniture arranged in this format is often the "most-comfortable" or logical for the bedroom. Other contraints include: avoid having the bed-or-our-legs pointing towards the bedroom door. As this is the "dreaded" coffin position. Thus inauspicious. In Singapore, it is often, not good placing the bed leaning across the windows especially in high rise - especially if some inconsiderate smoker should let go their cigarette butts or ash. and this may fall on-to flammable cotton /pillows or bed sheets. A universal concern is that a child may inadvertently climb onto the bed and if there are no grilles, could fallout of the window(s). Thus, nice-to-have is not necessarily the end-of-the-world. There are always other areas in the home where one could improve on. From a Feng Shui perspective, another area is to harmonise the bedroom to the bazi or eight-characters of the person sleeping, there. For example the most common is the use of colours that harmonise to the person i.e. the wall colour, bedsheet or the curtains. Shift the bed if one must, but not to the extend that any logical person looking into the bed would laugh at the arrangement! Warmest Regards, Cecil
  18. Dear Amy, Fire element careers are often associated with:- Marketing and sales Law (prosecution) Public relations, fashion Chemical process or any other liquids e.g. fuels - oils Fashion or Livestock Homemaker Metal careers are often associated with: Accountancy, banking, coin mintage, enterainment, finance, hardware, investment, jewelry , loans, Management consultancy,mechanical engineering, money, perfume, politics, rail, trains Warmest Regards, Cecil
  19. Dear Tim, Please see below:- In another example, if base = #1, this is acceptable since 1 = water and can partially drown earth elements (#2 or #5). Warmest Regards, Cecil
  20. If one is applying Flying star Feng Shui, (without being at location to access the qi); but from your description, looks more like the "mouth" of the home comes from the facing of the pool/club-house rather than the lift landing area. Therefore, based on the preliminary information, tapping the Flying Star numbers based on the facing of the pool/club-house would be the best choice. However, are there any other facing besides the pool or the main entrance door? Usually, most condos have three "openings" or locations where either there is the main door, windows facing one side and another side. So far, the only buildings that have two sides with windows/doors are terrace homes that are sandwiched together (other than the corner unit of a terrace house). Warmest Regards, Cecil
  21. Dear Timothy, Please see below:- If however, the mirror does not face the door directly, this is still OK. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  22. Dear Anon, In my opinion both cases you had mentioned below are non-issues especially for the fire hydrant. As often, it is quite low and does not pose any "poison-arrow" issues. In fact, from a non-Feng Shui point of view, this is often a blessing in disguise as it is right in-front of one's home As for the electricity sub-station, there is also no issue since it is quite a distance away. And often, even if one lives close to one, there is no known bad effects from it. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  23. Dear Emily, Given that the mountain star is #8, water is not a good idea here, since firstly water at an auspicious MS#8 can drown or "drop the mountain into a hole(water)" thus making it inauspicious. If you have a landed property or if your is a landed property, then landscaping with rock garden would be favourable to further enhance the mountain star #8. In addition, neutralise the #6 - strong metal water star. This is provided the base star is also considered. Here, you have not mentioned what is the base star number. As it should be considered together with the MS and WS. Warmest Regards, Cecil
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