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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Students, We have mailed out your course certificate(s) by air-mail in sealed postal tubes on Monday 11 November 2002. (The `cut-off' date for mailing was 9 November 2002.) From past experience, you should be receiving your certificates depending on your country ranging from 6 to 14 working days or earlier. (Australia approximately 3 to 6 days.) Local students (Singapore) should receive your certificates by now (1 to 2 days delivery). If you have not received your certificates by 26 November 2002, please drop us a note. Congratulations on completing your course! Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. Dear Gwen Bui, Thank you for your layout plan. Please see below:- Please see attached illustration with the Shape of your house. So far, the Shape looks rectangular. The main concern is the toilet at the frontage of the house. And this is where, you should not make the garage door as your symbolic main entrance door. In my opinion, your two-sided stairway does not seem to pose any major problems since there is a lift landing upstairs. A two-sided stairway is in my opinion, very inauspicious if it is at the frontage of the house. Where, the two sets of steps join /meet together to the main entrance door. Also, from the layout plan, the front side of the stairway, seems safely tucked away at a side rather than fully exposed towards the main door. Under your current situation, the main caution is to be careful not to allow qi to flow directly from marking A to marking B in a direct path. If there is an open window at location marked B then, try to close them. We do not want beneficial qi to leak out of the house. But try to allow it to meander in the house. Warmest Regards Cecil
  3. Dear Anon, 1. You can use the Free report " Comparison " to generate the informatin of the binding element for a strong fire and strong wood person. 2. For a partnership (husband and wife); the binding element can be used / introduced in say the master bedroom and especially the living room and dining room areas. 3. The binding element can either be ONE element or TWO element. If the binding element is only ONE element, in Traditional Astrology analysis, this implies that both parties are said to be compatible. While if the couple need TWO binding elements, it is said that they are considered `incomptable'. Using this method or Ba Zi analysis is considered more accurate than using Chinese Astrology. Since, many of the animal signs under Chinese astrology are included under the Ba Zi. The rationale is simple: A truly thorough Ba Zi analysis, takes in many variables and permutations: Basic Ba Zi includes your Year, Month, Day and TIme of birth and it becomes more accurate with additional House of Life/ House of Conception... Contrast this with the regular Chinese Astrology, which takes into account usually only the Year of birth. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  4. Dear Anon, Honestly, since this is already in the past i.e. the move-in date, in my opinion, there is not much one can undo or go back to the start. However, if you do have a religion or an altar, then, offer some prayers. If you do not have this but, can instead:- a. purchase a few lime (or last resort lemon), cut the lime into two pieces. b. Purchase also flowers e.g. rose, c.then pour tap water into a clean wash basin container (3 quarters or nearly full) d. place the cut half-lime and flowers into the bowl. e. bath first. And once completed bathing, pour the water with lime/flower onto your head. Moving your hands from the front to the top of your head. f. Afterwards, collect the `used' lime / flower and throw them away. Try not to go into the toilet for the next 2 or 3 hours. Warmest Regards, Cecil PS. Note: This is NOT Feng Shui. But is traditional method used to ward off bad luck or break a spell of bad luck in my culture. Erh... I am also not a witch doctor. And since, the ingredients are harmless, do give a try!
  5. Dear Anon, It is best for a toilet to have some qualities of `Yang'. For example, it should be (if can be bright - especially use tiles / porcelain bowl/accessories that are not too dark colored.) Where possible, it should be dry. Thus more Yang than yin. In the toilet, there is frankly, not much one can engergise it. Under the eight aspirations or life aspirations, SW = romance. This theory is too general to be of use to most of us. Reference material for yin and yang concept: http://www.geomancy.net/resources/theories/fs-yinyang.htm Under Feng Shui, other than applying Yin and Yang concept, the next proper way of applying enhancements or cures is thru the Five Elements concept. For the toilet, usually and generally, the following concepts or theories can be used: 1. Shapes and Forms 2. Yin and Yang 3. Flying Star For e.g. master beroom and other bedrooms:- 1. Shapes and Forms 2. Yin and Yang (For example, it is best to use odd number lighting in the bedroom. Since the bedroom is more yin, odd number lights e.g. 1, 3, 5 etc... is considered Yang). Note: odd numbers is yang. While even numbers e.g. 2, 4, 6 is yin. 3. Compass School Feng Shui: Eight House and Flying Star 4. Ba Zi of each family member - the room e.g. such as colour(s) to suit each family member. For a married couple, the binding element of the couples are used. Warmest Regards Cecil
  6. Dear Alejandra, Thank you for your question. It has to do with the concept of wealth collection. In general, an elevated land (on one side) is not as favourable as a depression. In many instances, the word elevation / or depression may be exaggerated. In many cases, they are gentle to the eye. Only on closer evaluation, does one notice the elevation or depression. A depression is preferred over an elevation. Under Shapes and Forms, a depression would suggest `wealth' retention. This is not the same as a physical building that is taller than the other. A building can be taller or lower than another building but, in such situations, there is no mention of how it sits on a land i.e. lower or higher than it's neighbour's land. When looking at the landscape, looking at a tree is like merely looking at it's trunk and branches. But under 10.3 we are looking at the interaction of the roots with the ground. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  7. This paranomic picture was taken at Merville Park condominium; overlooking it's neighbour under construction: Changi Rise condominium.... There is also another paranomic picture of one of the blocks in Merville Park condo...
  8. Dear Rick, Usually, in an office environment, enhancements are made following two considerations:- 1. Self 2. The business 1. Self 1.1 For self, usually, it has to be looked into in consideration of that person's Ba Zi. 1.2 First of all determine one's favourable, unfavourable elements. 1.3 For example, if you are a weak wood person, water element is favourable. Since water helps weak wood to grow. 1.4 But if say, one is a "weak fire" person, then, adding a water feature may inadvertently extinguish your flame. - Inauspicious. More often a water feature, especially if it makes a lound sound may not be appropriate in a room. Unless, it is small and non-intrusive (distracting in a closed room for business activity). 2. The business In Feng Shui, it may not necessaril mean that North = water and therefore, water. And therefore, water must be placed there. Feng Shui uses much of the Five elements concept:- http://www.geomancy.net/resources/theories/fs-5element.htm It is not so important that water = water. This is where EVEN IF, water has been detected, adding water to water is not as good as ADDING metal to water. But rather, much like geology exploration, if there is oil found, one usually uses metal implements e.g. drilling rigs, metal piping to extract the source of wealth. Therefore, usually, for a business, both Shapes and Forms and Flying Star audit are looked into to find clear space (or water stars and mountain stars). Other, authentic Feng Shui symbols include the use of e.g. horse(s) picture facing the door. This is where, the horse(s) suppose to gallop and try to get business etc... In business, more importantly, the CEO, may decide to have his/her office Feng Shuied. But in many occassions, the deputy or others, have, also secretly employed Feng Shui i.e. accessing the best direction of that person's table direction etc... Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Dear Lynda, Yes, given your situation, it is best to maximize the Feng Shui of your home based on Shapes and Forms Feng Shui. Please see below:- However, white even for furniture is considered a neutral element. And since white also represent metal, it is one of the safest colours. Under the Eight House, if the sector is better for you, then, it is best that you sleep closer to the sector while your husband, sleeps further away. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  10. Dear Anthony, I agree with you. For a small one room flat, there is not much one can do in the structural re-arrangements. In fact, for your apartment, the greatest influence is based on your block where your one room flat resides in. This block therefore, has the bigest impact on your home Feng Shui. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  11. Dear Janice, 1. The idea of a mirror is not so of Feng Shui but rather a belief. 2. Here, the belief is that when one sleeps, a person's spirit (is said) to wonder out of the body. And it could `face' a shock if it sees itself in a mirror. 3. However, from poll results as found under this URL: http://sg.geomancy.net/poll/poll.pl The two interesting results for these two polls:- Do you have a TV set in the bedroom facing your bed? The results of this poll is shown below:- http://sg.geomancy.net/poll/poll.pl?id=032410115238&view=results If you do not cover the TV sets, do you have sleep problems? http://sg.geomancy.net/poll/poll.pl?id=032410115548&view=results 3. What does the results suggest? 3.1 It suggests that each of us have different tolerance level. 3.2 Take the case of the fairy tale princess. Who can still feel a pin embedded in many layers of bed material. 3.3 Thus some of us are considered highly sensitive. And a mirror or even a tv set screen may affect them (their sleep). 3.4 However, there are many who can be considered as having `thick skin'. Manyof us have grown up with a TV set facing us in the bedroom. And can sleep soundly. 4. For some of us, an entire row of wardrobe mirror has no effect on us even if it is facing the bed. And this may not be so for others. Thus, the test is, are you able to sleep soundly most of the time with a mirror facing the bed? If yes, then there is no issue on the mirror in the bedroom. If one is sensitive to a mirror, then the best way is " if one cannot see it, it no longer becomes a threat ". Yes, simple thing like covering with a curtain or even buying opaque film to place it on the mirror - can help. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  12. Dear Miriam, Yes, one can use one of these. But in many cases, it may overlap a neighour's frontage. Thus in some instances, not practical. On the other hand, if, it has not being renovated yet, can use a protruding floor tile. Which, I had posted a picture sometime back. This is another picture (illustration) of what I mean by the above protrusion. In fact, this has been used in some Singapore condominiums. One location is Signature Park Condominium, developed by City Developments (a subsidiary of Hong Leong Group). Warmest Regards, Cecil
  13. Dear Anon, It is best if, you can attach a picture. As, it is important to see the general area of the shop and surrounding to this area. Usually, it is usually not advisable to have shops (unless, they are very exclusive e.g. branded) that gives an exquisite feel. Common people usually try to avoid steps leading to shops as it may feel `unwelcoming'. In such a situation, in my opinion, it does not matter if a "hump" can help. It may inadvertently cause someone to trip. Usually business of such establishments may not be striving given the `unwelcome' effect. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. Dear Harriet, It is difficult for me to give you an honest opinion on the small pond based on current information. Firstly, Shapes and Forms has to be looked into. It would be disadvantages if this location happens to be the `tiger' side of the house. In such a situation, it symbolises a tiger's open (hungry) mouth. Under Flying Star Feng Shui, if a chart is drawn and if this location needs instead i.e. mountain star etc.. then it is again inauspicious. In other instances, if any of the above does not occur, it would seem ok to have the pond there. Usually, we are influenced by where we stay. Thus, if you have business or own part of it, your influence or wealth is related to where you stay. For the gradient curve into your property, one has to be physically present to look at the entire situation. Usually, the most vulnerable locations of the home are the gate, main entrance and windows. The idea is, if these are under threat..." Protect, protect, protect!" Warmest Regards, Cecil
  15. Dear Anon, Please see below:- Best to use big oval shape leaves rather than sharp pointing edges. Yes, it can be done. But, if the legs are not rounded, it is still a pointed arrow. (Check to see if the rest of the table still has poison arrows aimed at the bed.) Usually, if the table is 3 feet away, then the impact is minimal or negligible. But if the table is next to the bed and the edge is 1 to 2 feet away from the bed, this is a poison arrow (with impact). Yes, you can do so. Firstly, avoid placing any wind chimes facing the temple. It will be good if your unit is at least 4 storey high or higher. The major impact is usually at 1 to 3 storey high. Avoid, any lone or large plants facing it. As such plant or tree is said to be able to harbour a spirit. It is best to use more yang energy e.g. red brickwall or use red curtains within the house. If you are living at 1 to 3 storeys, it is best to use a ba gua mirror with a pair of door gods to `protect' this area. Attached please find an illustration. It is highly inauspicious to have a house situated at a NE to SW direction `cutting' to the temple. Especially if such temple has urns and in close proximity of 1 to 3 kilometres. It is said that spirits, can only travel in a straight line. Thus, this is the rational why some homes with main door at NE or SW are tilted at an angle so that such spirits cannot `come in'. Quite sometime back, I faced the situation as found under this illustration. The luopan, goes haywire, especially at the field close to the temple. Some of these temples are considered `unclean'. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  16. Dear Soo Juan, Yes, due to physical contraints, there is not much one can do here. The most important consideration is have a tidy kitchen. Here, remember to keep all forks, knifes and sharp objects of the kitchen. It is inauspicious if such items is placed in a situation, where when one opens the main entrance door, one sees such object(s) e.g. knives or sharp objects of the kitchen. It is preferred that the stove should not be in full view of the main door. If not, best to close the door leading to the kitchen. Here, the stove is usually a location where one suppose to keep the warmth and in such a situation, warmth is hard to retain. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  17. Dear Jordan, Please see below:- Yes, in Feng Shui, this is not ideal. A `coffin' position is where one's leg face the bedroom door. One remedy, although not ideal is to use e.g. a 4 drawer linen cabinet (as a shield). I believe, this is the `coffin position'. Not auspicious. Perhaps, take a look at the attachment to see if it looks like this. If it is, this is the `coffin' position. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  18. Dear Nina, 1. One alternative is to purchase mosquito lavae grandules especially from plant nurseries located all over the island. A bottle or packet costs between S$3.50 to S$4.50. 2. A table-spoon of it can last a few weeks. 3. On the topic of fishes: Frankly, there are quite alot of interpretations as to the number of fishes:- 1. Yin and Yang concept Water is considered yin (soft). Yin is also represented by even numbers e.g. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc... To balance the water in say a fish tank, one concept is to go for odd number fishes. As odd numbers represent Yang. Thus, there is both yin and yang. Yang is represented by odd numbers e.g. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 etc.. 4. A fish tank usually hold one lone dragon fish. (Although, they are territorial, one fish is considered yang). Thus in a fish tank, there is yin and yang. 5. For a small fountain, such a fish (dragon fish) or koi fish are not suitable since they require lots of space e.g. depth and width. 6. This point is not Feng Shui. But if you are going to rear fish, perhaps, you may need to change the fountain pump to a fish tank filter/pump instead. As a fountain pump simply pushes water into a rotating fan. And a small fish may end up being minced to pieces, much like smashed sardine spread. 7. For a fountain, it is best to go for all 5 elements: water in the tank (really water) fire = lighting wood = a water plant or place a plant next to the fountain earth = the objects e.g. stone in the fountain metal = best if the fountain has rounded shape. (Round represent metal element). Since goldfish (or rancho - Japanese name for goldfish )is considered as metal element, in my opinion, it is really not necessary to go for any specific number of fishes. Especially if metal (ruound) is already present. The rationale for not giving a specific number of fishes is that more often, one or two fishes may inadvertenly die. And it would certainly be a hassle replacing them each time one dies. Most likely, one may end up giving up on the fish(es). Another consideration is that in many instances, gold fish may last (depending on the cleanliness of the water: 6 months to 1 year. I hope that you do not take me as not loving fishes but, if the pond is not cleaned weekly, there may be a `fishy smell'. In my opinion, a fountain, is not made to house fish. As, it may not be easy to clean. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  19. Dear Yung Kwung, A lose-lose situation occurs when one party hangs a Ba Gua mirror above his main door (facing a neighbour's unit). As a result, the neighbour (if he/she is a Chinese, may or most likely have no choice but to hang a reflective mirror to bounce back the Ba Gua mirror. Therefore, it would seem that this has resulted in a lose-lose situation for both. It would be better off, for both of them to call a `truce' and remove each of their mirrors. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  20. Further to the above, please find the attachment, below.
  21. Dear Miriam, Thank you for your sketch:) It certainly helps to understand what you had mentioned. Please see below:- In a pie chart, indents or protrusions do not really matter when superimposing or drawing out the lines for the pie. It is only or during FS analysis that we see whether we can include a cure at a sector. Since your sectors with `pink' are small in comparision to that sector, if a cure is required, then it can be placed within the house (instead of the `pink' areas). For areas with large missing corners, then, that corner may be totally missing thus, in many situations we cannot say `hang' something there i.e. 6 coins. In your pie chart, there should be an additional enhancement i.e. a circle at the centrepoint to indicate the centre of the house for the centre Flying Star numbers: #mountain with #water and a base star. Otherwise, you had correctly drawn a proper pie chart. Please refer to next message for the attachment for more details. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  22. Dear Anon, One way of looking at landed property is to find the frontage of the house. (Or the location with most light coming in) Since this is the frontage or the `entrance' area in such a situation, a grid, with say the main door drawn at the middle can be superimposed on this layout plan. Do note that, an ordinary compass is still required to find the North/South direction so that an appropriate template can be laid on it. In Flying Star Feng Shui, if one notice it carefully, majority of the 24 directional charts or 24 mountains (directions) are almost similar for each period. Thus, IN GENERAL not a major issue whether to take the compass reading from e.g. centrepoint to the house or the compass reading of the frontage. For example, under Period 7 (1984 to 2003), majority of locations in the house facing East has Misfortune/sickness #5 while South has #2 for nearly all Period 7 templates. Therefore, if we can roughly call this "the margin of error". The only major difference is that the interpretations under the eighty-one combinations should not be relied upon since this varies with each of the 24 directions of the Flying Star. Thus no matter if one moves the `main door' to the middle of one of the grids, one muststill align this template to North-South and East-West. Warmest Regards, Cecil PS. Please refer to the attachment below on the two methods of compass reading(s) based on the frontage of a building/landed property
  23. This is the link to the FAQ on our Free Feng Shui talks:- http://www.geomancy.net/../events/events.htm In general, there are three types of talks held by us:- Choice 1: Yearly Fortune Talk: Year of the Goat 2003 Timing: To fit your needs. Estimated duration: 1 talk Session: Lunch-time or evening talk Availability: Weekdays (Mon-Sat) or Weekends (Sun) This type of talk is usually held in the early months prior to Chinese New Year e.g. Year of the Goat 2003. This talk has a flavour of both what is in store for the new year as well as Feng Shui tips:- "Find out your fortune in the Year of the Water Sheep. Join Master Cecil Lee as he unfolds what lies ahead for each Chinese horoscope: your love life to your career, and compatibility and a wealth of insights into Feng Shui to activate and improve your life." Choice 2: Feng Shui Awarness Talk (MOST POPULAR & ENTERTAINING)Timing: To fit your needs. Estimated duration: 1 hour talk Session: Lunch-time or evening talk Availability: Weekdays (Mon-Sat) or Weekends (Sun) Topics: 1. Short introduction: How I became involved in Feng Shui - Cecil Lee 2. Current Feng Shui Trends & Practises 3. Feng Shui Tips for the home 4. How to use various Free Feng Shui analysis tools found at www.geomancy.net to improve one's Feng Shui (Robert Lee) 5. Question and Answer Session (Cecil Lee will be speaking on items Para 1 to 3. While Robert Lee will talk on Para 4. This is followed by a Q & A session afterwards.) Choice 3: Palmistry & Numerology TalkTiming: To fit your needs. Estimated duration: 2 hours talk Session: Lunch-time or evening talk Availability: Weekdays (Mon-Sat) or Weekends (Sun) "Many a time, we have heard of how the lines on our palms dictate our forutnes. Can our fates be overcome? Join Master Cecil Lee in a palm reading as he unfolds your character, personality, financial wellbeing, family life, talents and destiny. Find our how he judges the Feng Shui of your homeusing the science of numerology. Note: Because of the technical aspect of Palmistry, reference notes on Palmistry will be provided FREE-OF-CHARGE to all participants at the talk.
  24. Dear Patrick, Please see below, Basically, qi (beneficial qi) must not flow in a straight line from the main door (directly) right to the back of the house. For the kitchen, in addition to the above, itis very inauspicious to have the kitchen door face the main door - especially if utensils such as forts and knifes are vissible from the kitchen towards the main door. In addition, if there is a wall to screen the back from the front, it must not be a half wall. The wall should preferably cover the entire door. Yes, a screen or divider can be used. For a divider, it should preferably be `air-tight'. Not pigeon hole type of divider. For a divider, it can also have - bottom e.g. wooden cabinet and top i.e. glass framed by an outline of wood. This is good if the house is North-South direction. As little light flows thru to allow as much natural light to flow thru the apartment main door. The hu lu is an authentic Feng Shui tool. But normally, it may not be as effective as a screen or divider. It should normally be used e.g. the entrance to the kitchen rather than say at the back door area. Or at the middle location. A ba gua mirror MUST never be used inside a house. It should be used facing outwards of the house. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  25. Dear Soon Hoe, 1. Yes, one MUST not rely on this report: Eight Aspirations/Life Associations. 2. When one generate the report, we have stated clearly in the report that it is simply too general to be of use to anyone. 3. Unfortunately, there are many (tons of books) written to capitalise on this general concept. 4. In many of the past messages found under this forum, I have cautioned about "sector feng shui" or paying homage to a sector. 5. The rationale is because, this concept simply states that e.g. SW = romance sector. North = career. And this is not personalised to anyone. 6. It is like telling everyone that our romance sector is at South-West. Imagine: how can this be for a million, 2 million or a billion people? How can one best enhance such a sector in-light of competition. 7. Just 3 persons, trying to enhance this sector in the same office, does not necessarily mean that as a end result, one will have romance. 8. The Eight House theory (East four/West four) at least is personalised to an individual based on his/her DOB. 9. The Flying Star Feng Shui has also to be personalised to a home. And it depends on the direction of the main door of the house/office. 10. Shapes and Forms Feng Shui. Even the popular Shapes and Forms Feng Shui must be personalised to a home / office. For example, not all houses are at a `T' junction. Nor is all houses have a poison arrow aimed at it. Such poison arrows if any have to be neutralised. Please see below:- Currently, there are many resources on the above three. And also how to rank them. Do try to do more homework by doing a SEARCH in this forum for the above topic. In general (the clue is), it is always best to understand: 1. Strength and weakness of each theory or concept. 2. What is the purpose of each concept. Do take note that if one clearly understands the rationale for each of the concept; then one will notice that each concept has a specific purpose, strength and weakness. We glad to learn that you find the reports useful. Many of these reports are already in the latest versions and continually being enhanced. Wamrest Regards, Cecil
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