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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Gayle, 1. Basically, the Eight House theory or East/West group of persons are but just one of the several concepts in Feng Shui. 2. Overall, one can say that this theory looks at: 2.1 how suitable the house is to e.g. the breadwinner. 2.2 Other areas that can be looked at is the intangible force at the bedroom location. 3. In my opinion, this concept or theory does not really have a `cure' for the above situation. This should normally not worry anyone - yet. 4. Foremost, we should look closely that an important consideration i.e. Shapes and Forms Feng Shui. If you site and home has good feng shui, or even to `excellent' status, then, the Eight House is just a small fraction of the `luck' component. 5. It is difficult to say for sure, how good the Shapes and Forms of your house. It involves a physcial look at the site, location and house. 6. If say, your house as between good to excellent (range) under Shapes and Forms, the negavtive effects of the `unsuitability' will be greatly reduced. One can very well prosper in such a house. With or without added tools used e.g Flying Star. 7. However, if the site and house does not have good Shapes and Forms e.g. where it ranged from average to poor. Then this is a concern. In such a situation, one might try to use Ba Zi (Pillars of Destiny) with Flying Star Feng Shui to correct any major faults and try to improve on the situation. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. Dear Anon, I have personally seen clients who even if they are missing out in their resource element, make a success in their Wealth or even Power element. In many of these success stories, another major aid is their home. Perhaps, I like to clarify here that maybe (just maybe) that their `excellent' homes has added a second dimension or `had replaced' their missing resource element. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. Dear Anon, 1. If it is a temporary arrangement, the major concern would be the lighting and the `cleanliness' of the place. (Not so much - crucial about Feng Shui). 2. However, in Feng Shui, try to make sure that you and your family are comfortable in this temp location. And since, it is a basement, the ventilation should be adequate. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  4. Many of Singapore's oldest Shopping malls or shopping centres are opened in the late 1970s. Many of these shopping centres are now tucked away with poor mix of shops. Many of the older ones are popular with renovation contractors and maid agencies. These shops are not a popular draw of crowds in Singapore who wants to relax and `window shop'. Many of these shops were developed under Period 6. And when Period 7 started, the fortunes at these shops begin to wane. In period 8, or after year 2003 (giving it a further 1 year) before Period 8's influence start to increase while Period 7's go into obscurity. It is interesting to note this phenomenon as we will see many business started and that prospered under Period 7, will go down or have their fortunes dwindle in Period 8. These are Singapore's oldest Malls:- BUKIT TIMAH SHOPPING CENTRE, Opened 1978 - Majority renovation contractors, maid agencies. BUKIT TIMAH PLAZA, Opened 1978 - Major tenant is NTUC Fairprice Supermarket. Majority renovation contractors, maid agencies. BEAUTY WORLD, Opened 1983 - Clothes, shoes, household items & Goldsmith shops CITY PLAZA, Opened 1981 - Major tenants - Clothing Stores. TANJONG KATONG COMPLEX, Opened 1983 - Major tenant - Yokoso Supermarket. Clothing & Curtain stores. QUEENSWAY SHOPPING CENTRE, Opened 1976 - Eyeware, Clothes, Renovation contractors & maid agencies UNITED SQUARE (known formerly as Goldhill Square), Opened 1982 - Major tenant Cold Storage Supermarket. Watson, Times book shops. THOMSON PLAZA, Opened 1979 - Recently renovated ground floor and second storey. Major tenant: NTUC Fairprice Shopping Centre. DBS and POSBank branch. Piano and music stores, handy-fix, Popular Book store, handphone shops.
  5. Dear Pam, Overall, this is acceptable if it is directly facing the front door. It is not ideal but, can still be placed there. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  6. Ben, Thanks! Apologies! I have reposted the correct graphic below:- The model 3 layout where the toilet is directly at the centrepoint of the house. Therefore overall considered inauspicious. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  7. Dear Vince, 1. Attached, please find a graphic illustration of the " rectangular " court-yard + the Chinese (mandarin) character for tree. 2. The two combined is called " KUN " or trapped or imprisoned. 3. This is another aspect of Symbolism in Feng Shui. 4. However, so long as you do not place any tree especially a single tree / plant at the this centrepoint, it is still acceptable. Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee
  8. Yes, this layout plan has a toilet at the centrepoint. Again, not an auspicious layout plan. A bedroom 4 has attached toilet which is close to the garage door / main door? Where possible, try not to:- 1. Concentrate toilets at the centrepoint. Here, the toilets at the centre are does not share an external wall. 2. Furthermore, toilets close to the main entrance area is doubly inauspicious. 3. Scatter toilets all over the layout plan. Overall, between Model 1, Model 4 (shown earlier in other messages.) Warmest Regards Cecil
  9. With compliments to Ben Jue, who has graciously provided the sample layout plans! In this attachment, the centrepoint is at a `clear space'. Overall, this layout plan is acceptable. As for the slightly curved staircase (or the `majestic' staircase), fortunately it is not in a direct path with the main entrance. However, an optional screen, not necessary full height (just covering) the door frame will do is acceptable here. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  10. This learning series is with compliments from Ben Jue. Thanks Ben! Ben has forwarded four different layout models. We will individually look at the four models to see if they are considered inauspicious. In this first attachment " Model 1" layout, Yes, indeed, the toilet is right in the centre of the house. In retrospect, I believe, the architect usually does this is because it makes it very convenient for family members. However, in Feng Shui this is `dreaded' situation. The implication is finance related problems. The most common is the breadwinner does not seem to retain wealth or save money for the rainy day. As soon as income comes in, it quickly disapears .. equally fast! ----Start of message ------ From: Ben Jue Subject: Bad Layouts of houses I dug up some layouts from houses I looked at from the past. These I noticed looks like they have toilets either center of house or next to main entrance. One house as a spiral staircase in the middle but I'm not sure if it is considered inauspicious. ---End of message -----
  11. Dear Anon, Under the Eight House Theory, it is very common to find partners or spouse with opposite gua numbers. If let's say the bedroom is located in the North-West of the house. Since North-West location is your best sleeping position, in your case, try to sleep closer to this intangible line. While for your wife, she sleeps further or next to you (further away) from this intangible line. Here, you are like acting as a shield for your wife. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  12. Dear Peck Wun, 1. As requested, please find the layout showing the centrepoint of your apartment. 2. Please use an ordinary compass to take a compass reading from point A to point B as shown in the layout plan. Here, you can then find the direction of your main entrance. 3. Based on your rough sketch or orientation showing North, I have added in `purple' a rough outline of the North-South and East-West orientation for your layout plan. From here, you can easily note down, the NE, SE, SW and NW locations. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  13. Dear Yew-Meng, Thank you for the sketch of your layout plan. I have marked the centrepoint of the house. The attached illustration will also show that you should take the compass reading from point A to B. Please refer to the above. You should be able to find the direction of the main entrance based on the attachment. From your sketch, it looks like your main door is at the North. It is a serious flaw if the house has its main door facing a hill. Ideally, the main door should be a the frontage or many of the windows for the frontage are located here. Sometimes, the main door can be at either side i.e. East or West. If one purposely built the frontage facing a hill (especially if the back has a hill) this spells calamity for the owners. And death can occur. Ideally, in your layout plan, although the toilet has one of it's side sharing an external wall, it would be advantages if they are side by side and preferably, at a corner of the house closer to the back. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. Dear Seeker, 1. In my opinion, even if we get the element correct for all these appliances, it means very little in the scheme of Feng Shui, today. 2. Another contention is that there are so many varied interpretations of these appliances. For example, some would say that Computer is of the fire element. (Electricity that goes into it) While others may say that is of the water element e.g. electricity is fluid. In your case, it may be felt that it is metal element. It is very hard to say who is correct or who is entirely wrong. If one looks at the outer casing of a computer i.e. Central Processing Unit `box' or CPU, many have metal frames to conduct heat. So perhaps this is the idea that it is `metal'? What about the screen or video display unit? Electricty goes round it. And nowadays, there are the LCD screens and the previous cathode ray screens. How do one classify them? How do we collectively classify the keyboard, the screen, the cpu unit, the mouse? Difficult rite? 3. The question asked is should we? Take all the trouble to identify these objects? What happens if we get it wrong or rite? 4. Since these objects are secondary to Feng shui, perhaps we all have better things.. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  15. Dear Carol, It is best to look at a sketch. The rationle is that the main consideration is the Shapes and Form Feng Shui. In addition, it also depends on the country or climate. For example, if the weather is hot and there is no shade, a West room may become hot and not conducive to work. More importantly, as mentioned above, the Shapes and Form is the most crucial aspect. Sectors with imbalances, can easily be corrected at any location i.e. be it at the North-East or West. As mentioned, if you have a sketch, I can look at it based on the Shapes and Form (better positioning). Otherwise, it is difficult to provide a conclusive set of comments. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  16. In my opinion, all the above are acceptable EXCEPT for the Black Hat. There is always a rationale as to why Black Hat is not "welcomed" or acceptable. You can find out more of Lin Yun's confession at this link:- http://www.qi-whiz.com/confess.html Frankly, if one is determiend to achieve something, go for it. I believe, it is all in the mind. If one notes down on a notebook, perhaps, consciously, it may help some people in becoming focuse. I am not saying to do it, but, it is akin to some teaches who ask their students to write e.g. 1000 lines as a form of punishment. Therefore, there is really no harm doing so if one feels like it. Often, many of us, carry a notepad to record our thoughts or actions i.e. Things to do. Perhaps, this is why Palmpilots are so popular `reminder' tools. Yes, I could'nt agree with you more. This is why, in my opinion, she is hurting more people than helping them. I cannot seem to believe the number of books she can churn out from just simple themes like SW = romance, North = career. I feel that she has that sort (perhaps) the wrong sort of creativity to curn out tons of books and evey 101 tips etc... If you ask me, just take alook at many of the authors who write books. They don't sensationalise objects or give the false expectations. For example, I would like to quote books like authors e.g. Evelyn Lip (Dr) or Derek Walters. When they write books, they do not sensationalse e.g. sector feng shui or get us to go and do all sorts of things. In this forum also, you do not see me reviewing material goods or promote them in anyway. I feel that this is wrong. Many of the Feng Shui practitioners learn Feng Shui from books. Even many of great masters in the past, learn from books. What makes one a better Feng Shui practitioner is always to look at all the various tools or concepts. And apply only those that have repeated, a good chance of success and discard the bad practises. I mentioned that many of the past Great Feng Shui masters learned Feng Shui widely especially from books is because, of the human tendency of not `passing' down either all the information or miscommunication of some of the concepts. In fact, if one looks at history, there were some Chinese emperors who jeaously guard their Feng Shui and also planted false information. Some of them are still found today. It is good that you use the varied concepts (tools) as: 1. Each tool or concept has it's strength and weakness. And it is best to use each for a specific purpose. 2. Each concept has a specific objective. 3. Feng Shui is all about Earth Luck. And by using all the available known tools, we are trying to increase luck in all compartments of Feng Shui. Contrast this to just paying homage to a single sector. Even if we get 100 percent correct here, what about other areas? We still can fail the examinations. Assuming that it is an essay type examination. We are suppose to answer 4 questions. If we answer 3 very well but did not answer the fourth? We can still jolly well fail. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  17. Dear Carlos, 1. Earth colour is `yellow'. 2. It should not be mistaken for `gold' colour as this represents the Metal element (gold or white). 3. For wood, the closest colour is `pine wood'. Many would know it especially if you have an IKEA store around you. 4. Please take note that earth element is the strongest all round the season. And for any enhancements using `earth', one should be more cautious. 5. This common childhood phase can be applied to earth: " Yellow, yellow, dirty fellow ". 6. Because of bad earth elements such as #2 sickness and #5 misfortune; especially #5 is also known as "Deadly Yellow". 7. Another characteristics of earth element is that `square' or `rectangle' represents earth element. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  18. Dear Vivek, 1. Firstly, if you have your layout plan with the furniture placement on it, do let me have a look. 2. I am open to either via fax e.g. 065 64820570 or as a sketch in any of the graphic program. 3. If you are able to find the centrepoint, of your house, feel free to contact us at support@geomancy.net for the various Free (paid reports) to help you analyse your home. This involves, some work on your end. Here, please quote your geomancy-online account (if any). Take care! Warmest Regards, Cecil
  19. Dear Peck Wun, The information, is based strictly on Shapes and Form Feng Shui. Please see below. Yes, this is acceptable situation for your home. Contrary to popular belief, this is by far the best location in a HDB flat. One rationale is because of `security' and `privacy'. Especially if one opens the main door all the time or most of the time, no one will get to see how many persons are in the house or at the sofa. Imagine, if a casual person walks at the common corridor and frequently finds e.g. an old lady alone on the sofa. If one has `evil intentions' or a thief or someone up to no good will be aware of who is in the house at the time. But if the sofa, is placed away from direct view, it is harder to estimate how many people are in the house at that time. Yes, this is indeed considered a beam. For a concrete beam: 1. If no one spends time below it, it is not a threat. Unless e.g. your bed is below it, then one has to cure it e.g. with two bamboo flutes. Otherwise, this is a non issue. Yes, as mentioned above, from what I understand, after many audits, Singaporeans prefer this location as mentioned for both privacy and security. Warmest Regards, Cecil P.S. Preferred locations are shown in the attached layout plan.
  20. Dear Anon, 1. The key answer to your question is on the use of your date of birth. 2. The reason why we can get confused over this is because of what type of information was used and applied. 3. For example, in your case, whe you mentioned that you are a `fire-horse', it would mean that only your Year of birth has been looked at. 4. It is true that in one of your pillars, you have a fire and a horse. 5. However, the key to understanding which predominates is to go further into finer details. For example, in just the Year pillar alone there are two components `fire and horse'. And imagine, when we add more `components or variables' such as Month, Day and Time of birth. 6. In such a situation, you will get many sets of variables. And these are look at in relation to terms like `triple classes or combinations' etc... 7. Therefore, it is better to look at analysis that has included all your Date of Birth information i.e. Year, Month, Day and Time as compared to just merely the Year of birth. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  21. Case Study 1 Condo Name: Regent Grove Developer: Far East Organisation URL for layout plans: http://www.fareast.com.sg/mainpage.asp?LeaseSale=Sale&page=FloorPlan&Cat=Residential&id=39 MY COMMENTS: I had visited the site several years back when a client asked me to meet him at there sales office located on site during the initial sales launch. I shook my head, when I saw the same layout plan in the sales brochure. I immediately, told my clients to `forget' totally about this development. We left soon afterwards and never spoke about this development. Recently, there were a few enquires which I received. As the main draw was the walking distance to the MRT station. I said "Not worth" look somewhere else. Take a look at the sample layout plans (under the above URL link), Particularly Type C3 and C5, it is considered very inauspicious to have the toilets next to the main entrance. For units Type B's it is in the form of a `butterfly shape' signifying short-life. Butterflys only live up to 2 weeks. In addition, if one looks carefully, most of the units in this same layout have their toilets close to the centrepoint and especially Type C5 has both toilets at the main entrance and close to the centrepoint. No wonder, in my opinion, many of the units are still left unsold. TOP sometime in late 2000. The only plus point: Walking Distance to Yew Tee MRT... Otherwise, my recommendation: Do'nt Buy!
  22. WANT TO PARTICIPATE? Note: All users, Do you have a scanned image: a picture or layout plan, of what you think are `lousy' houses? If so, and like to share with everyone, feel free to e-mail it to: support@geomancy.net Appropriate credit will be given to you. We can learn from each other:) Cecil Lee INTRODUCTORY NOTES 1. This page lists out what I personally feel are not so "friendly Feng Shui Apartments". More case studies will be added since many in the forum have come here to learn. What better way to highlight the obvious - especially poor Shapes and Forms. This site is focused on Applied Feng Shui and we prefer to give real life examples or situations for you to have a better feel. You can be a student of architecture, a person interested in owning a `good' home or simply someone curious with Feng Shui. 2. To be fair, I normally list out the rationale as to why, I do not like the particular development. It could be because of just the location or site or the layout plan or all three situations that are not ideal especially to Shapes and Forms Feng Shui. 3. In addition, it does not mean that ALL projects by the specific developer are `lousy'. It simply means that only that particular development (in my opinion) is not Feng Shui friendly. Nor, is it an attempt to `black mark' any developers. 4. I must emphasise that it is my personal opinion and my reputation at stake here. And, in line with this learning forum, I hope to provide a transparent view based specifically on Shapes and Forms Feng Shui. 5. If you ask me, I personally would place a high weightage on Shapes and Forms Feng Shui. 6. Here, it is similar to the concept of a leak. If one bought a leaking ship, even if the interior is excellent to the owner is but only a myopic view. 7. It is like living in a house, and oblivious to the external enviroment which may be crumbling outside. 8. Therefore, I must emphaise again that this section is not to `pick' on any developer. Since no two sites or layouts are identical, there will always be homes with different designs. And whether, general Shapes and Form Feng Shui are taken into consideration or not. 10. For the Developer, if you do not like to hear anything `bad' about your development, then, in the future, try to avoid building these type of homes again. 11. As you are the consumer, I leave it entirely to you to make the final or ultimate decision whether to buy as a new or resale in some of these developments. The choice is yours.
  23. Note: In later reviews, we will take a look to classify each of the buildings. For example, OUB building is considered a Fire element building. While the Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation building, The Ritz-Carlton Millenium is an `Earth Building'. While the United Overseas Bank Plaza One is a `Wood building'. One interesting thing about looking at a large number of buildings is to look at the trends or preferences (if any) of the designs by the architects. Usually, their designs either `caught' the eye of the owners or have to be revised perhaps according to Feng Shui in many instances! One must say that to be fair, the ultimate design is influenced by the building owners. Some architects, perhaps do not have the ultimate say. One obvious interesting trend is that hotels usually are of the Earth design. This is to maximize space and provide a paranomic view for their clients. And interestingly, it is good that hotels adopt an EARTH shape structure. As basically, they are `earth bound' and in the service industry serving... humans from another country or city! INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTS BEP Akitekt (Pte) - OCBC Centre (with IM Pei) (EARTH), Communications Centre (Comscentre), Hilton International Kenzo Tange - Overseas Union Bank Centre (FIRE), UE Square (EARTH), United Overseas Bank Plaza One (WOOD) & URA Building (EARTH) Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo & Associates - Centennial Tower, Millenia Tower (FIRE & EARTH), The Ritx-Carlton Millenia (EARTH) Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates - One Marina Boulevard, Tower I (EARTH) Kisho Kurokawa - Republic Plaza (WOOD), Wheelock Place IM Pei - The Gate Way, Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation Building, Swissotel Singapore (METAL), Raffles City Tower (jointly with local Architects 61) (EARTH) Murphy/Jahn, Inc. Architects of Chicago, US - Hitachi Tower Norman Forster, Sir - Singapore EXPO MRT station, The new Supreme Court Philip Jhonson - AT & T Building, Glass House, Millenia Walk P&T Group (Hong Kong) - Cairnhill Plaza, Six Battery Road Stubbins Associates - Temasek Tower (METAL) Swan & Maclaren - AIA Buidling, Hong Leong Building (EARTH), Ocean Building, Ocean Tower, War Memorial (FIRE), Singapore Rubber House Sydness Architects (New York) - Conrad International Hotel (EARTH) Tsao & McKown with local DP Architects Pte Ltd - Suntec City (CONCEPT OF RECEIVING & RETAINING WEALTH) LOCAL ARCHITECTS Ang Kheng Leng & Associates - International Plaza (EARTH) Architects Team 3 - Ardmore Park Apartments, Robina House (jointly with Ho Yut Choon) Archiplan, HOK - Dynasty Hotel (now the Marriot Hotel) , The Colonnade, Mandarin Gardens, Thongsia Building Archurban Architects -Pearl Bank Apartments (METAL), Hawaii Tower 1 & 2 (Anson Rd), The Vantage (Orange Grove Road) Chan Kui Chuan - UIC Building Descon Chartered Architects & Planners - Hong Leong Centre Ong & Ong Architects Pte Ltd - Scotts Tower RSP Architects Planners & Engineers (Pte) Ltd - Capital Tower (Shenton Way), Forum Galleria Simon Kwan & Associates architect SYL Architects - May Bank Tower (WOOD) Stanley T.S. Leong - Mandarin Hotel Singapore Tower 2 Public Works Department - Central Provident Fund Building, new Ministry of Education Building Tay Joo Teck Chartered Architects Shenton House (EARTH) Timothy Seow & Partners - AAS, Landmark Tower, Westwood Apartments, Tong Building, Horizon Towers, Horizon View RESOURCE LINK SKYSCRAPERS.COM is the world leader in architectural information. Through an international network of many editors they manage and maintain this site, which is absolutely free to use. Here you will find tens of thousands of buildings, facts and figures all over the world. URL:- http://www.skyscrapers.com
  24. In this tip, you will understand that proper Feng Shui practises can help a business in:- 1. To improve a business or let it remain healthy. 2. Promote harmonious relationships in the office. 3. Improve `clarity' and purpose i.e. the focused objectives of the company. The other indirect benefits would include the following:- 1) minimise on accidents, fire and other misfortunes or disasters including theft or burglary. 2) reduce high staff turnover and absenteeism. 3) legal entanglements. Applicable also to a home office environment Warmest Regards, Cecil
  25. Subject: How to properly place a pair of Chinese Stone Lions We have seen many pictures of buildings with the Lion figurines. In many of the ancient Chinese buildings, one hardly notice that:- 1. The Male Lion 1.1 This Lion sits on the left side of the building. 1.2 The Male Lion will have it's mouth open. Showing in traditional Chinese society, MALE is `dominant'. 1.3 It is holding a ball. 2. The Female Lion 2.1 It sits on the right side of the building. 2.2 It has it's mouth closed. Here, the FEMALE is considered submissive. 2.3 The Female Lion holds a lion cub. You can view the pair of MALE and FEMALE lion under this URL: http://www.geomancy.net/mypictures/cgi-bin/mypictures.cgi?search=lion&img=8&cat=all&bool=and The pictures in the above link are:- lions1-1.gif (Showing the FEMALE lion with cub) lions2-1.gif (Showing the MALE lion with ball) 3. Do click on the thumb-nail picture for a larger view. 4. I hope you now better understand the symbolism of the `ORIGINAL' pair of Lions. Does your pair of LION STATUE have this description? YES / NO ? If not, yours is just an `ordinary' lion. Warmest Regards, Cecil
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