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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. 1. In many countries, besides the rectangular and squarish interior layout plan; 2. It is common even in my country to have developments littered with such "triangular" shaped flat. 3. Even this afternoon, went to a client's home that looks very similar to your layout plan. 4. In the attached illustration; where I had marked the center-of-gravity or centrepoint of your proposed rental flat; you can see that after I had drawn a triangle and fit the layout plan; it does not look "scary" anymore. 5. However, from a Shapes and Forms Feng Shui point of view; this Feng Shui School suggests strongly against newly married couples to occupy a bedroom (or master bedroom) that is odd shaped or less than rectangular. In addition, if the top view or helicopter view looks like a butterfly; it is said that a butterfly has a relatively short lifespan. 6. From a Flying Star Feng Shui point of view; it depends totally on the facing direction of the flat.
  2. 1. Frankly, this Feng Shui thingy can be very difficult for a newbie or a novice of Feng Shui. 2. As traditional Feng Shui involves both Shapes and Forms (external and internal of the home/ site /building) and also to diagnose the interior of the flat: compass school of Feng Shui - Flying star has to be used to not only both plot the birth-chart of the home but also interpret the findings. 3. Thus like the dimension of your desk is secondary when compared to Para 2, above. 4. For example, under Flying Star Feng Shui: someone with this knowledge has to plot a proper Flying star chart: often the chart will show numbers in a sector and also the 81 combinations:- 4.1 For example: #7 = theft or robbery start 4.2 81 combinations is something like: Mountain star #7 with water star #7: beware of bulgary at home. 5. The above are some of the simple examples of how a home is charted using the proper Feng Shui tools. 6. There are two ways about it:- 6.1. Do it yourself : DIY = not so simple for a novice 6.2. Peoples Action Party: P.A.P = many always use the term: Pay and pay a professional to do it for you. Fiona A. wrote: Hi, I moved into my new house, set up an office in one of my rooms,but since I set up my office to work from home I havehad two business properties broken into on seperate locations and datesCan you help? I am new to Feng Shui and believe the only worry I may have in my office is the dimensions of my desk, could this really cause me so much trouble? Or is there something else I'm missing?? I am very concerned and ask for guidance please? Fi
  3. Please see attachment. This layout is preferred over the other one. As the bed is parallel to the bedroom walls. However, in a larger bedroom, your second alternative "slanting the bed" is practised by some Geomancers. Overall, do check that the toilet bowl particularly the piping is not sharing the same wall as your "face" when you sleep. There is a cause of concern of cancer in such a situation.
  4. 1. Your analysis is OK. 2. Just take note that usually Orange colour should be classified as under metal = gold element. 3. As three major dialect groups of the Chinese consider "orange" as gold:- 3.1. The Cantonese Dialect group (largest population outside of China, Guandong province) in Hong Kong and is 2nd largest Chinese population in Singapore: calls orange "KUM" or gold. 3.2. The Hokkien Dialect group (in Singapore is the largest dialect group) outside of China calls it "KIM" or also gold. 3.3. The Teochews (the third largest dialect group in Singapore) also calls it "KIM" or gold. 4. For example, many young couples or youngsters who visit their elders always bring a pair of mandarin oranges. They will hand the oranges to their elders (in the elder's home). In return, the elders would return them two oranges. 5. And the oranges = KUM or KIM in Cantonese, Hokkien (Fujian) and Teochews means GOLD. 6. Thus, rightfully, orange is best to be classified under gold. There are some oranges such as sunkist oranges - some of which looks yellow. And in this case, "yellow" orange should be considered as earth element. 7. My terms of reference is that of traditional mandarin oranges which is predominantly orange in colour. 8. Of course, there are more exotic oranges such as those blood red oranges that looks red on the outside and the pulp is also red. These are not the normal sort of oranges. Thus we are not talking about these.
  5. 1. Yes, in Singapore, there are similar plots similar to the plot 18 you had mentioned. 2. There should be more study, but generally, the main entrance door should not directly face the gate. 3. Often the best is to make such a home on this plot as rectangular as possible. And just imagine, the driveway; a car drives up to home. And the better situation is the main door runs parallel to the driveway - is one way to neutralise any sha qi from the cul-de-sac.
  6. These are the consideration:- 1. Burial date does not depend on any person's "auspicious date(s)". 2. But rather for the Chinese, burial or cremation is always on the "yang" days. Yang days are odd number days. Never YIN days. 3. Thus for example if a person dies on this Friday, then Friday is counted. Thus, the earliest burial day is SUNDAY (three days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday - note Firday is counted as 1 day even if it is late into the night of Friday). 4. Thus Chinese burial (or cremation) is always: Third day, Fifth day, seventh,ninthday. Never on an even day for those in the know: 2nd, fourth, sixth, 8th day.
  7. 1. Based strictly on Shapes and Forms Feng Shui; your attached layout plan is pretty common given the constraints of windows / balcony / toilet door / bedroom door and location to mount the tv set. 2. Thus overall, looks fine under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui.
  8. One is better off applying studying things like Professor Michael Porter i.e. Porters five forces and applying say Suntzu Art of War strategies.
  9. 1. Please note that in the past, a good site is always influenced by the dragon with gentle embrace of the tiger (landscape). 2. For a burial site; often it is best to be situated on the SOUTH-SIDE of a hill and the burial plot faces south. This the big picture is the "landscape" not just the plot and it's surroundings if that is what you are trying to figure out. The key here is the "big" picture of a land... 3. Thus, a good burial site is a hill where all the cemetry plot faces south.
  10. It is good if there is a layout or simple sketch. As in many instances; some of us may mis-interpret the "center-of-gravity" of a home wrongly. Just recently, a client was so worried about an "L' shaped layout plan. When I reviewed the layout plan; instead there were some protrusions and missing corner(s) for this home. And the layout plan based on the "centre-of-gravity" concept; is not an "L"-shaped layout plan.
  11. Thanks very much! You have successfully activated the Fire Element for my home! A thousand thanks! BTW, where can I stay now?
  12. These are some of the considerations:- 1. In my opinion; "It Depends". 2. For example; one should still have to look at the 20 Year Flying Star numbers in relation to the yearly #5 at SW sector to further fine tune the situation. 3. Actual location : room located at SW. Even subtle things like the decoration; any strong colours used in the room e.g. Bright Yellow? Bright Red? Bright Blue? Also any strong colours on furniture in that room e.g. Bright Red, Bright Yellow furniture etc... 4. Sometimes a room can be within two pie chart zones. And in such a situation, one has to look at which zone has the highest influence over the room. 4.1 For example: if a room falls within the SW and West. And say if one draws a pie chart and it shows that the west area covers most or all the windows. And there is a likelyhood that the windows would be opened. 4.2 And, in this example, SW is trapped at a corner of the room. Then, I would consider this room best influenced by West sector "qi". 5. It is this kind of fine tuning which is more important whether you are strong wood. 6. The saying goes: If you don't spent time in that room; Feng Shui is not by remote control. 7. Thus it's slightly puzzling how one suddenly links one's ba zi element to say a room that one does not occupy - if this is the real senario. 8. There is a difference unless one fully spends lots of time within a sector; then the standard Feng Shui thing is to harmonize the room .. to that person.
  13. Is it true that besides: Lovesigns.net there is a domain name known as: Palmistry.net? True or False?
  14. Yes, fact is stranger than fiction! BP's 1999 slogan came true! Don't believe, look at the two caricatures.. now!
  15. Let this head-hunter extraordinary share with you his advice on types of jobs under each different decade!
  16. 1. Ba zi should never be used to determine "harmony" within a family as it could lead to one of the following or a combination of any of the following:- 1.1. auto-suggestion; and/or 1.2. self-fullfilling prophecy; and/or 1.3. premature evaluation 2. It is (at least) not so bad if one wants to apply it "externally" e.g. searching for an external business partner.. but try not to apply it to "family or immediate family". 3. For example, in Singapore, the hall mark of our system is fairness and objectivity such as choosing the right person for the right job. Not because someone's element is such and such and compatible or not compatible to the boss!
  17. These are some of the considerations:- 1. OMG! Luckily, the Chinese culture does not think in terms of your academic exercise! 2. One of the key success factor of Chinese culture is the support group of a family. Here, the family support group includes: Grand parents to grand uncles; uncles, aunties and immediate family support. And in the past and even present no other cultures have clans. 3. For example, Singapore Ngee Ann Konsi, Tao Nan, Hakka clan etc... provides greater support for Chinese belonging to a specific province. Even in an overseas country; when Chinese of a certain clan came to Singapore to work; they can rely on their clan for support. 4. Fortunately, although the Chinese developed such a system; Ba Zi and or Tze Wei Tou Shu; in my opinion and no offence; seriously; if a Chinese were to think like you; even in such an academic exercise; the Chinese culture would never have existed 5,000 years or more. 5. Drawing a parallel; you are in the process of or towards "designer babies" type of situation. Luckily, in the past, majority of birth is via natural birth. 6. Such thinking often leads to : some JOKER wanting to select dates and even time for forced induced birth. OMG! 7. Far from creating balance and harmony; what you mentioned leads to: things like premature evaluation; auto-suggestion and even self-fullfilling prophecy. 8. In the past and modern times; the only concrete situation is where some before getting married check out the compatibility of their "spouse" or vice versa. At this state; at least they are not "family yet". 9. But what you are "proposing" or suggesting is that a family checks it's compatibility... of a with b, b with c, c with d... Frankly, most Chinese are not so free to do such a thing. Let alone there are better more productive things to do. 10. So how, if all family members are not compatible? The patriah disown his children or select a "pet" child? 11. As I mentioned, blood is thicker than water... Chinese support group is strong even if a child has no hands, the parent will still love them! 12. Unfortunately, I have to say: "Stop this non-sense, please!" It is a disgrace to the Chinese who developed the Ba Zi. And it should not fall into the wrong hands! Or mis-used in it's entiety. Have nothing better to do is it? 13. Please don't be offended by the above as you can be forgiven for not knowing our Chinese culture. And frankly, this is not the way to approach the Chinese culture. 14. For those not too familiar with the Chinese culture, perhaps, call this a "culture shock", please. (Note: Even if you are a Chinese, this is not the right way to mis-use the Ba Zi system).
  18. He lays to rest the destitue, murder and suicide victims.. Source & Credit: Today issue
  19. I score full marks in my Flying Star Feng Shui calculations! SO WHAT?
  20. Technically, it makes perfect sense. Paul W. wrote: My post: Base on the above existing elements, am I right to say: since metal destroys wood (myself & our education business) due to the resulting growth in metal, it'll only destroy the excess wood element , thus creating a balance of wood element benefiting myself & my education business; it'll not destroy my wood element completely or my business? If so, does that mean base on that 5-element concept, it may not necessarily be a bad thing if your element is in "conflict" with another element? Greatly appreciate your patience. Best regards Paul Wangchuk
  21. 1. Technically, if one wants to match an animal sign with the other; then the logo of a dragon:- 1.1 Is Tiger compatible with Dragon:- YES! http://www.lovesigns.net/horoscope/areference/ctidr.htm Considered a very good pairing. 1.2 Is Ox (Cow) compatible with Dragon:- NO! http://www.lovesigns.net/horoscope/areference/coxdr.htm 1.3 If one wants to use a prominent logo like the dragon; and the dragon happens to be one of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs then you may have to refer to the above. Paul W. wrote: Hi, I'm setting up a business related to education (teaching/ training) with a friend. I'm of strong wood element (tiger year) and my partner is of weak metal (cow year). I'm thinking of incorporating: yellow, brown & white colours with a drawing that "resembles" a dragon into our company logo; the body of the dragon has wavy lines to replace the scales ( I suppose wavy lines = water element) . Will it be suitable for our business, my partner & I? Looking forward to your advice. Paul Wangchuk 2. The yellow (earth) and white (metal) colours are suitable for both of you. 2.1. However since you mentioned that you are a strong wood element then you should try to avoid using brown. As brown is considered as a wood element and would further inflame strong wood element which is not ideal. 2.2. Here, one can subsitute with the fire element: red, pink or purple. 2.3. Thus for both of you; the best colours are:- Metal (White or silver or gold) = beneficial for both of your element Earth (Yellow, cream or beige) = beneifical for both of you element Fire (Red, pink or purple) = benefits only yourself (strong wood) 2.4. You may have to scrap the use of the dragon as wavy = water but water further inflames or fuels strong wood which is not favourable for yourself and even your partner.
  22. There are various Flying Star jargon like: Palace star, Mountain Star, Water Star... and their various formations...
  23. 1. Frankly, the main concern is that of placing an altar with it's back sharing the toilet wall. 2. For example; this applies to both Chinese altars of various gods and even some Catholics who have a small "symbolic" altar. 3. Otherwise, any other concerns has more to do with personal feelings or personal sentiments: in your case a deep concern of placing family photos say on wall mounts. 4. Given the layout plan that you had provided; in-fact, there are many who had placed their dining table next to the toilet wall or sharing the wall -
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