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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. 1. In my opinion, many professional Feng Shui practitioners use the PIE chart method given the elongated layout plan such as yours. 2. Thus, try to plot a pie chart: as in an elongated layout plan, you cannot have a "perfect" 9 grid all round: The advantage of the pie chart is that it can "stretch" to fit narrow areas and pay attention to areas of openings e.g. windows vs a blank wall. 3. Areas with openings where a sector is closest to would have the higher sector influence vs a sector that is stuck against a wall or corner.
  2. This was one of the links, I mentioned ..... http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=1&mid=27838&new= Posted in: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui) Posted on: Thu, 25 Feb 2010, 14:18 PM, These are some considerations:- 1. Feng Shui cannot be done by remote control. For example, moving to a new home say in US; does not affect things that happen in Singapore (sorry to hear about your brother's demise). 2. Feng Shui or one of it's major schools: Compass School comprising the Eight House and Flying Star are both compass based. However, in real life situations; some other forms of magnetic influence can over-ride the Feng Shui. 2.1. For example, in real life situations, there are indeed cases of hauntings. Where, part of a geomancer's occupational hazard is to meet such things once a while. For example, our tools like the Luo Pan with it's compass needle will spin around... 2.2. Around 8 years ago, one gentlemen called me up and asked me to Feng Shui his home in Haig Road: one of the blocks and he was staying at 2nd storey. His flat was converted from 3 rooms to a 6 room flat by the government. And this flat was vacant for around 1 year. The old owners left two green Chi Lin (Two Fu Dogs figurines) and one Quan Yin (Goddness of Mercy) figurine in the home. 2.3. This new owner had no heart to throw these three figurines away ... and decided to house it in a display cabinet looking towards the main entrance door area. 2.4. He has young children. And he said that when he moved in; his two children often got dreams of being suffocated (or suffocation). And his eyes ... have those "dark rings" ... not those cosmetic ones but those having had a house posessed sort of thing. 2.5. Originally he thought that it was due to someone commiting suicide and falling down and hit the head against the concrete railing just before his main entrance door area. 3. Actually, it was someone who had died at a funeral at the void deck; and this person; chose to live in the vacant home (1 year vacant). And this family of four came to "trespass" in his new home. This entity hid in the Quan Yin figurine. 4. In the past, I have mentioned that there were other situations where such entities does hid in vases etc... 5. If in doubt never bring home any antique furniture - if we don't really know it's history or especially photos and glass crystals. 6. Drawing a parallel from what you had written; although the items are of sentimental value of sort; unless one is able to "check" these items to see if they are clean or not; it is very hard to guess whether if any such objects bring bad luck or not. 7. In the past, another case in mind was: government wants back the land; grave had to be exhumed; the grave digger found skeleton and a black button. The grave digger gave it to the grandson who is only 5 years old and was present at the grave... After doing so; the grandson cried continously.. and ritual was done .. and everything went back to normal. .. 8. In your case; to reduce the string of problems; the most common Chinese custom is:- 8.1. Seriously consider not holding at all any belongings of your brother. Best method is to wrap items in clean newspaper and dispose of the items in the regular trash bins. Best not to give these items away. 8.2. Purchase assorted flowers and if possible 3 limes - cut in 4 quarters (last resort is lemon x 3), get e.g. a plastic bowl. For all family members especially yourself and your partner; after bathing, pour the water with the assorted flowers and 3 limes EACH. You can collect the items and discard them. 8.3 Avoid going into the bathroom for the NEXT THREE hours. 8.4 Best is that the male breadwinner do it one say Day 1; and then female person next day or at least 5 hours later if the same bathroom are used. 8.5 Best timing for this activity is between 7am to 9am and 11am to 1pm. If working do this on a non-working day especially Saturday or Sunday. (Not necessary for your son or daughter). 8.6 If need be, repeat this flower bathe one more time - one month later. 8.7 This time round - it would be nice if the flower bathing activity (NICE-to-do) on a full moon day or on the 1st or 15th lunar day of the month. 8.8 Hopefully when your brother "passed away"; he was not hand-cuffed by the police. (Even after death). It is good that relatives in Singapore could approach a temple in Singapore. In my opinion; by far the better temple is the Quan Yin temple at Queens Street - (Godess of Mercy). Family members there should direclty buy the flowers and lime from that temple to do this flower bathe exercise in Singapore. Of course - this option is not applicable given the distance between US and SGP. 9. For those who have an altar at home; a Chinese Luo Pan can be placed "hidden" below the altar or altar drawer immediately below the figuirine (but the needle alignment unfortunately should be done by an expert). Some place the luo pan vertical but again - must seek advise from an expert as it is far more trickly with the vertical placement.
  3. Yes, if the coins were used in a salt water cure especially meant to neutralise #5; under general custom or belief; it is best to throw away the coins especially if was "Kai Guang" for that purpose. For disposal, best to wrap it in a white envelope or wrap in a used newspaper and throw it into a bin. For example; drawing a parallel; for the flower-bathe thing to ward off further bad luck; after bathing, and flower bathe; the flowers and lime has to be thrown away. And it is recommended that one do not enter the toilet for the next 2 hours or so. There are lots of other parallel cases; of such nature. And don't worry, so long as it does not remain in the home; that is fine. When one has the time; check out past forum messages.. something like Haig Road ... etc... Anonymous wrote: HI 2 years ago, I rented out my flat and lived with muy in-laws.I was ignorant about the disposal of salt water cure. I pour the water away, but kept the coins and bowl. I brought back the coins back to my in-laws' house and even washed it clean. Now the tenant finshed the rental and my family now moved back. Only today did I stumble upon the correct disposal of the salt water cure in the internet. I intend to dispose tonight the coins and the container. But the two years were terrible luck. My mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer and passed away and there were lots of disputes. 1) Come to think of it, is it because of the coins and the container? I felt terribly guilty about bringing bad luck to my family. How do I reverse the effect? 2) But the coins were "Kai Guang " before, so is it ok to just dispose in the bin outside?
  4. So sorry, this is only a Free General Advice forum. And hope you understand, your posting is too specificand as much as I like to help; this is beyond the scope of this Free GENERAL advice forum. Most of the questions that I answer is either a catalyst or can be applied generally to most users benefit, here.
  5. Frankly, determining an industry or job specification is based on a certain mastery of the Five Elements Concept and also Mandarin characters. In some sense, your question is like: why are there only 5 elements: metal, water, wood, fire and earth? This sort of question. Anonymous wrote: Thank you very much for answering my query re career element. May I ask also, what are the characteristics of a metal element career? I understand that a metal career would include finance, entertainment, politics etc...what do they have in common? Thank you once again for sharing your time and expertise. Have a great day !
  6. 1. In my opinion, if your job scope is to recruit; then it should be classified under the earth element. 2. What you mean by "providing security equipment"? 2.1 If you mean that you are a staff handling out e.g. walkie talkies then it can be considered as metal element (as majority of the working components of equipments are metallic - excluding the shell). 2.2 However, if your job is 'providing" as in sales or doing sales and marketing to promote for your company security equipment; then it can be considered as fire element. 3. Again, there is no right or wrong: one has to be specific as to one's core job function, first. Anonymous wrote: Good evening!what elementwoulda business on recruitment of security personnel and providing security equipment belong to? Earth element or metal element ? Thank you very much.
  7. These are some of the considerations:- 1. Please note that there is no perfect or academically correct procedure PURELY meant for Hokkiens. 2. Most of the procedures are passed down by elders.And again,someHokkiens got influenced byelders of different dialect groups. 3. And thus there is really no 100 percent pure hokkien procedures. 4. However, many others do use at least one major South-East Asia Hokkien procedure i.e. of throwing a pineapple into the home. As pineapple sounds like "Ong lie" or "Ong" = Huat or prosper. 5. Another Hokkien likes is the fa gua or Huat Quay as the connotation "Huat" means prosper. 6. The Cantonese belief in the 5 ghosts is also added in the form of 5 types of fruits in my procedure. 7. Thus the procedure which I had set out stretch between the First-time open door and things like stove - is carried forward towards the Move-in procedure. Some do the stove ritual on the First-time open door. 8. Some religious hokkiens, pray to "Tee Kong" or Heaven God by offering burnt paper etc.. 9. If the procedure for, example, don't satisfy you then, try to check back with your parents or grand parents for more it. 10. The procedure listed by me has been done on a research basis that encompass not only Hokkiens but all major Chinese dialect group. And if were to disect the procedure.. symbolically it boils down to one key word: Placing of wealth into one's new home. 11. The link is at http://info.geomancy.net 12. For info, I am also a "PURE" hokkien ie. both parents Hokkien. So majority of what is useful for or of the hokkien has been incorporated into the above link. And the main emphaise of the procedures is that it has to be meaningful and easily performed by many young couples. 13. The saying goes... Hokkiens are the most "easy going" people. Contrast this to the Cantonese who have even more elaborate procedures e.g. boiling water on a stove outside the premises; and subsequently jumping in with the correct legs for male / female etc...
  8. Many of us today have to use various skills in our work. For a CEO, he/she has to recruit, reward, plan strategies, coaching, delegate and even fire staff! When evaluating which element one's career is:- 1. Which industry are you in? E.g. Banking (Metal); 2.Which is your main job function? Sales and Marketing (Fire)
  9. Lawrence K. wrote: Hi Master Cecil, With reference to the suggested option 3, there is a little hole beside the area in the balcony. It actually represents a water pipe, probably for draining water in the balcony area. With this info, does it mean that option 3 is still feasible? 1. Since there is a water pipe; then option 4 (as shown earlier in light cyan-blue) should be considered instead. This is where the TV console is pushed towards option 3 spot. 2. Option 3 can still apply if you continue to keep the sliding panel and also good if you draw-down the curtain at that area. Can still be considered better than instead of placing it at the balcony. Alternatively, you may have to sacrifice some space and place the altar at position marked in RED = 6 which is directly opposite position marking = 3. Lawrence K. wrote: Hi Master Cecil, A follow-up question: Could the altar be placed in the balcony? 3. This is only as a LAST resort. And the main criteria is that it should not be bathed by say the afternoon sun. Equally important, it should not become "wet" e.g. heavy down-pour or strong winds that make the entire altar wet. 4. Thus, please see attachment. AS A LAST RESORT, it might work at location marked in RED 5. The balcony area may have some "screen" e.g bamboo blinds to protect from strong winds and rain fall. And location marked 5, is not affected by afternoon sun. 5. However, placing the altar at the balcony, should be a last resort in your case. In the past, many balcony have half height solid brick wall; therefore, symboically it is a plus point. Nowadays, many balcony are not like that.
  10. 1. Further to what I had mentioned, especially if the home is a landed property or condominium; usually the ceiling is higher than aregular Govt.Housing Board flat. 2. If so, one MAY still consider placing the altar at the previous mentioned: OPTION 1. 3. Here, a tailor-made top-hung cabinet can be placed as shown in the attachment. Caution: Just becareful if a pull out shelf to place fruits is used; don't bang the head against it will do. Else don't install one of these.
  11. Lawrence K. wrote: Hi, I would like to seek your advice on the following: (A) Based on the layout of my new flat, where would be an ideal position to place an altar for worshipping Guan Yin buddha? 2. Under Option in RED 1: dining table may stay or moved. 3. Best location for an altar is based on ranking in RED: 1 , 2 and lastly 3 or 4. 4. The worst place for an altar is at marking in PURPLE "A". 5. If option 3 or 4 is chosen, then the tv console should be moved futhest away from the altar. (B) Is it necessary to custom the size of the altar based on certain dimensions or ratio? Definitely, all good altars conform to good Feng Shui measurements: where the Yang auspicious ruler measurement must be auspicious as wall as the Yin auspicious ruler measurement must equally be auspicious. (C) Can I just pray to the buddha without lighting joss sticks? This is considered as a "simple praying". Drawing a parallel to the Catholic religion; many Catholic public buildings e.g. St Patrick's School has a Virgin Mary statue in it's grounds. And many Catholics e.g. Catholic teachers "kiss" her feet as a mark of respect. As Catholics don't light joss sticks. Occassionally, they may light some candles e.g. during Easter or Christmas. I am not asking to the feet of the "buddha". Frankly, I am a free thinker; perhaps, you can approach people of your faith or religion and check FURTHER with them. Since I am a free thinker, anything goes. So long as you don't ask me to go to a church or temple; I would prefer having a good nap then venture there. That is why perhaps free thinkers are literally free and easy. (D) Is it okay to eat beef at home? As mentioned above, I am a free thinker. I must confess that like all Chinese, anything that crawls, legs or no legs; flies it can easly go into my mouth. Provided on one condition: it has to be FRESH. Thus, again, you may be asking the wrong person: as a free thinker, I am a carnivore (any sort ofnon-human meat) and ok with vegetables. Again, if your religion DOES NOT permit you to eat beef, then so be it. Please check with people of your faith or if you follow your parent's faith, then do get their advice! Seriously! Like this situation: Many who go to church are told off " believe in god or believe in luck?" Definitely you have to believe in god! not luck! But many times; when you converse with a taxi driver; they often say LUCK plays an important part of their business. No offence, Morale of this story? For some of your questions; please don't seek advice from a free thinker like me! Cheers!
  12. Please gothru this recent link:- http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=12&mid=27980&new= For e.g. you can find out your best colours following the info, above for your biz card.
  13. 1. In the past, a career is pretty straight forward: a butcher is a butcher, a merchant is a merchant. 2. Nowadays, we have the industry one works in e.g. Microsoft. And if one is a programmer, one's core function is say in IT (water). But if I am an accountant at MS, then my job function is metal. 3. Frankly, nowadays with multiskilling, we can be doing more than a single element task. 4. CEO? Perhaps his core taskis growth or strategic planning = wood element. So does not mean that he cannot interview or hire, or involved, in operations or accounting rite? 5. Thus there is always the industry one is in, one's main core JOB. Plus all of us have to perform other jobs, sometime or other. For a Marketing Director, he also has to recruit, sometime fire and evaluate his staff, involve in budgeting etc. BUT overall, his core area is marketing. 6. In your case, your principal task is to SELL, so your CORE role forNOW is sales.
  14. Jhony G. wrote: I dont see why sales = fire elements. is it because sales is the front line of each company that always takes the beating first? please advise Just because you figure out that sales = front line takes the beating, first. Is something new to the Five Elements concept. Please note that under the Five elements concept: Sales and Marketing belong to the fire element because: Fire element is the most VIBRANT and most YANG Qi. And not because you reasoned that a sales person needs to take the "heat". Furthermore, Marketing people may not be at the front line. Many of them are high flyers and the marketing people has to be vibrant and most energetic. For example, a career in sales or marketing cannot be yin. Yin is slow, poor or dull activity which translate to say poor sales etc... Jhony G. wrote: and is there any other fire elements related careers in addition to this http://www.geomancy.net/talknotes/talknotes.htm ? Please check the link again. The link does not only state sales people only as belonging to the fire element. In that link there are more careers mentioned.
  15. Ground Air has found a niche market! This is the only air-line in the world where you will be glad; that you had LET your mother-in-law or MIL fly with us! Don't be sorry, you did not let her fly with us!
  16. Part I: You should determine what is your element and strength: e.g. weakearth or strong earth or weak metal or strong metal person etc... Under thisresources:- http://www.geomancy.net/reports/reports-list/reports-list.htm The actual link to how to generate the report is as follows:-http://www.geomancy.net/reports/reports-list/perlist-personal-element.htm Part II: Next, you can do a SEARCH in this forum e.g type in "Company Logo" http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=1&mid=17648&new= http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=12&mid=20826&new= http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=12&mid=22494&new= There are lots of resources on Company Logo, just do more searches (FIND)to understand more. The FIND box is located on the TOP left-hand side of this browser. Part III: This has a comprehensive understanding of what colour is associated with each element : metal, water, wood, fire and earth. And also, what shapes are associated withit:- http://www.geomancy.net/talknotes/talknotes.htm Others: For business names, ONLY Traditional Chinese companies could or may select a name that has a corelation to the Five Elements Concept. Thus any say English Name: has no precedence under this name selection.
  17. 1. Yes, the partition is a sha qi (poison arrow aimed directly at your main door). OPTION 1: (Most effective method) ======= 2. The most effective method is agrille gate that is "opened and closed immediately at all times:- 2.1. Some sort of a grille gate: 1st choice e.g. a full chrome finished grille gate that has a long vertical panel that covers the entire partition. PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT. 2.2. 2nd choice is a grille gate, again with a long vertical panel like para 2.1. but non reflective. (May have to consider a conVEX mirror above the door as an added protection.) 2.3. Under Para 2.1 to 2.2 make sure that when coming in and out of the home, the grille gate is always closed. However, if so, the main door may or can be opened (if required) to let air come in. OPTION 2: Common Traditional cure ======= 3. Standalone solution: Place a conVEX mirror above the main door.
  18. 1. Especially these few months, don't be surprised with more flooding and tree uprooting! 2. You never know! Even your neighbour's partition could (may) come crashing down due to the heavy monsoon winds! 3. If the winds can bring down the partition once, most likely it can bring it down twice or thrice! If so, I strongly believe the neighbours would give up having such a partition! Pray Hard.. it may just come true! WARNING: ABOUT THIS CARICATURE:IF SUCH A THING REALLY OCCUR; IT IS PURELY CO-INCIDENTAL AND WE ARE NOT LIABLE AT ALL FOR IT.
  19. These are some considerations:- 1. From your sketch; the lamp post does not seem to slice thru your main gate. 2. In such a situation, the sha qi from the lamp post is not a threat to your main gate area even if it is a sliding type. 3. Since it is not a threat to the main gate; from a Feng Shui point of view; there is no need to replace or update your main gate; other than for asthethic or cosmetic reasons.
  20. Further to what I had mentioned; this is another link to another "type" of ba gua mirror. URL: http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=19&mid=25888&new= Apparently, this version is the latest version that has both the conVEX mirror and the ba gua trigram together. As mentioned, your purpose is to "deflect" or neutralise the sha qi from the street lamp. And it is not compulsory to add the ba gua trigram. As the main purpose of the ba gua trigram is to or suppose to "scare away evil spirits". That's all.
  21. Andrew Y. wrote: Early this year the PUB did a upgrading works and added a lamp post in front of my one storey terrace house. The lamp post did not not "slice" my front door but directly onto my bedroom open window. Ever since then I noted I have problems in my career to the point that my car was flooded while driving home. What can I do to deflect the "ills" from lamp post? Thanks 1. Yes, although the lamp post does not slice your front door, it is indeed bad-enough if it slices into your bedroom. This is a threat to your bedroom. 2. Traditionally, the most effective method is the placement of a ba gu mirror. 2.1. What type of ba gua mirror should I use? 2.2. If your purpose is simply to deflect the "sha qi" of the lamp post then; a standard "simple" ba gua mirror = which I marked under this link as (D) = Simple Ba gua mirror: this mirror has a red coloured plastic ring surrounding a conVEX mirror. 2.3. Please refer to this link:- http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=19&mid=10391&new= 2.4. As your purpose is just to neutralise this threat to your bedroom; this simple ba gua mirror marked as D. is sufficient. 2.5. Those other mirrors shown in the link have dual purpose. Especially those ba gua mirrors that have an external trigram design are meant to "scare away spirits" and the mirror at the center: convex is to deflect sha qi and the oldest version has a flat piece of mirror. The newer ones are "modified" with the conVEX mirror and no longer use the flat piece of mirror. 2.6. This mirror is usually placed strategically facing the lamp post and usually just below the window level frame. A. Another "ancient" method is based on this url:-http://www.geomancy.net/resources/art/arowanafish.htm Under the above link: Para 2. Quote from the above link:- "Para 2.2 According to ancient Chinese, these Five Elements are interactive, shape and stimulate our daily life. 2.3 Under the productive cycle of Feng Shui, Water nourish plants and trees: producing Wood, Wood makes Fire which burnt into ashes to form Earth, Earth is the source of Metal. Metal can be condensed to water or can be melted into liquid i.e. `Water'. 2.4 Feng Shui utilizes the Five elements concept, also. 2.5 For example, assuming a specific house is at the ground floor and from the living room window, one can see a lamp post slicing through the window. Under Feng Shui, this is considered as a threat for the owners of the house and need to be neutralized. 2.6 Since the lamp post is tall and thin; even if it is made of metal or wood, it is still considered as a `tree?which is considered as the WOOD element. B. If it cannot be seen, it no longer becomes a threat. This is where one uses a day curtain to partially screen-off the "threat". Or the use of a blind. But often, on the safe side, a conVEX mirror should be placed as an added security.
  22. 1. Feng Shui is a holistic approach. Andit is prematureto offer any solutionwithout investigative work done. 2. Might as well,use the "Flip a coin" method: Heads orTails senario.
  23. Benjamin P. wrote: Attached the actual layout, please confirm on it to release our worry and is there any different with lamp post is without lamp post in front of the house? 1. Of course, it would be better if there is NO LAMP post that SLICES into a home. Anything outside your home perimeter is not your jurisdiction, so most likely not in control. 1.1 Sometimes, if the lamp post is on the empty land or at the fringe, good to have "free" lighting at night: good fordetering any thieves (if any) 2. Frankly, from your simple sketch it looks like no lamp post SEEMs to be slicing into any part of your EXISTING home. I believe only on the empty area. Benjamin P. wrote: No lamp post shall be better compare with lamp post is it? Or nothing different? What if I need to built a extension kitchen on the empty 10ft land, will it now causing problem? 3. Your question is so general. How to answer? 3.1. For example, there are things like where the stove should be located; the interior layout of the kitchen; which compass SECTOR is the kitchen cum stove. 3.2. There are more than meets the eye. In Feng Shui, even the Flying Star chart is looked at also to determine whether the kitchen is good or bad. For example, if the kitchen falls in a auspicious double #8's from now to 2023; then it the auspicious stars are wasted, here. 3.3. Thus, without the proper facts, you might as well get hold of a coin: determine which is you want: HEADs or TAILs. And then tell yourself maybe: HEADs = kitchen will not cause you problems. This sort of thing. Benjamin P. wrote: land to do as for our family good? 4. Imagine, you go to see a doctor. And immediately ask this question without even an investigative work done say at the Hospital Triage. 5.Your questions are one or two liners and then you expect some "miracles to happen". sort of .. or precise answers given...
  24. 1. In general, there are two methods:- 1.1. Based on Traditional Compass School of Feng Shui:- You can browse this link for the various free reports:-http://www.geomancy.net/reports/reports.htm The specific report that you should be looking at based on the compass direction is: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/reports-list/perlist-sleep-position.htm 2. The second cateory which is either using intuitive means to locate the best bed position or commonsense Feng Shui :- Itarina L. wrote: What is the best bed position? Under a window, on the same wall as the room door, or a wall with plumbing behind it? 2.1. For the above, usually Para 1 is considered first. And see if we can try to place the bed-head in our advantage position. Sometimes it can be done; on other occasions: it should be considered as "NICE-to" have and not a "MUST-have".
  25. This government housing board flat is literally dotted with RED at the frontage:- 2 x large lanterns 2 x small lanterns 1 large banner RED signifies auspicious conotation for the Chinese. However, some of the picture shows that many of the occupants of this entire row of flats burn joss sticks. This accounts for the "blacken ceiling" of the corridor. The white patches is done by the contractors trying to cover darker spot areas. Frankly, they should re-paint the entire ceiling instead!
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