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Cecil Lee

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Blog Comments posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Question: Need to choose English name for my fiance, based on bazi can recommend?

    Generally, the Chinese Name Stroke Analysis is primarily meant for Selection of Chinese Name. However, using the same fundamental of the initial character and total characters in the English Name, this same concept is also used to help find a suitable English Name usually together with the Chinese Name to help improve the ba zi. Although, the English Name analysis will be somewhat limited since the analysis was originally created for Chinese Name. But it is used to help find a suitable English Name for a person as well as based on whether the name can improve the five elements of the ba zi. 

    In your case, I will probably check on the existing Chinese Name, and then help to recommend an appropriate English Name that will help improve the ba zi luck. So it would still be the similar to a full name selection review.

    URL: https://www.geomancy.net/forums/store/product/23-selection-of-newborn-chinese-name/

  2. Kitchen Tips from Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.net

    Seven (7) Commandments of Stove Placement

    1. Shield from vibrant wind. Avoid having a big window behind the stove.
    2. Do not place next to sink. If you have to, try to leave a gap or distance between the two.
    3. The stove should not face the main door; a toilet door; a bedroom door and the kitchen door.
    4. The stove should not be under a beam or below sewerag or drainage pipes.
    5. Do not place it in a corner.
    6. It should not share the same wall as a bed-head.
    7. It should not share the same wall as the toilet bowl or toilet sink.

    A Cook's Harmony

    The kitchen is a central part of the home.
    Where many of our basic needs are met.
    With good Feng Shui, you can enhance your kitchen's healthy flow of abundance.

    Wake up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee or the tantalizing whiff of bacon and eggs and chances are, you will be looking forward to the day bright eyed and bushy tailed.

    Kitchens are the nucleus of every household. It represents both wealth and health. This may explain why Chinese families boil plenty of water at the start of the day - to ensure a never-ending abundance of the Earth's life force.

    "In Feng Shui, each compass direction is associated with an element, "says Cecil Lee, Principal Consultant and founder of GEOMANCY.NET: Center for Applied Feng Shui Research. "In any kitchen, there will always be the interplay of water and fire elements. Ensuring a good balance between yin (water) and yang (fire) will  result in favourable fortune. Upsetting the balance could result in poor health, loss of weath or both."

    A key factor to harmony in the kitchen is the location of the stove in relation to the door, sink and window. The metal element, which is common in this area of the home and represented by cooking utensils for example, is often used as a bridge between the water and fire counterparts. So what happens if there are imbalances?

    According to Lee, it depends on the severity of the situation, "The solutions can range from the re-orientation of the fridge, moving the stove, using a mirror to renovatng the kitchen."

    Comfortable surroundings breed content so it is vital that the person who spends the most time cooking in the kitchen has a conducive environment. Any disturbances could affect the cook's energy and the overall ambience of the home.

    Having enough working space is a good start to encourage a steady flow of chi. Practise basic Feng Shui hygience such as keeping the area neat, orderly and clutter free. This can be achieved by having plenty of storage space to put things away. Take note that a refrigerator stocked with fresh foods symbolizes prosperity in the household.

    "Make sure you have a well-lit, properly ventilated kitchend and preferably one where the person who is cooking can see the door way," suggests Lee. Airflow ensure that heat and vapours do not permeate the rest of the house. The cook needs to be aware of the presence of visitors or other family members to avoid unwanted surprises. Dangerous situations can present itself in the activity zone of the kitchen when an suspecting cook could accidentally spill extremely hot contents and hurt someone.

    More advice

    On the location of the kitchen and stove
    1. Avoid placement in the North which is associated with the water element: water drowns fire
    2. Avoid placement in the Northwest or Heaven's gate as it also represents the head of the household, that is, the father.

    On the location of the fridge and sink
    1. Avoid placing them next to the stove as this can cause a conflict of water versus fire.


  3. Success starts with good Feng Shui.

    Do you offer a 1 visit audit for a few of us in our office? How much?

    Yes, this office on-site service is also very popular! 

    A. For Three friends/colleagues:

    Have many cases where each friend pays only $88/- each. (Minimum fee is $264/-) = 3 persons @ $88 each.

    B.  For Four to Six friends/colleagues:

    Is $68/- each.

    Note: But in the event that on the day of visit there are only Three persons, then the fee is as Per Para 1. above.


    Alternative resource page for this service:-


  4. Do you provide Feng Shui audit for an existing home review to improve Health, Weath and Happiness?

    1. Yes. Two visits: 1st visit is fact finding. 2nd visit is to discuss findings:-

    1.1. Pixelated for confidentiality:-


    P.S. Note: No two audit review reports are identical. The above is a rough sample of a 2 visit audit review.

    2. There is also a no frills: 1 visit audit.

    3. Contact Cecil Lee at HP/Whatsapp: +65 9785-3171 for more information.


  5. Case Study 8: Client wanted to do an Additions and Alternations (A & A works) and wanted to seek advice prior to meeting with their architect.

    The earlier Case Studies 1 to 7 belong to this same example. Where the original layout plan was the starting block for refining the layout plan to suit a family with 3 children and their mother.

    1. Gound Level:


    2. Level 2 and what to take note of:-


    3. Preliminary advice especially of suitable bedrooms for whom804952520_LEVEL3.thumb.png.70ea37de479bc9253df5237cea5bda0f.png

    Note: Please note that when I have the time, I will be sharing another method of presentation of such a proposal.

    What matters most is that my comments will certain give a heads-up for you to better plan your new home be it a total built from scratch or an A & A works.

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