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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. A charm is kinda like not hiring a security guard. But rather pasting a piece of yellow paper with written calligraphy. To protect the home from evil spirits.
  2. Even pieces will always have a SPLIT in the middle. For mirrors, go for either ONE piece or ODD pieces...
  3. Yes, a large bowl can activate the water position. Remember, not a tiny bowl with a tiny small ball!
  4. A flamingo is giving us this advice...... please listen carefully to her...
  5. Whether it is bull-shit, dog-shit, cow-shit, bird-shit... Yes, they are also SHIT, SHIT and SHIT!
  6. Wind Chimes used as CURES: 1. Wind chimes used as CURES must never be too colourful or too decorative. 2. Best to have HOLLOW rods and the preferred wind chimes have six hollow rods. But if one desperately cannot find those with six hollow rods, may consider as a last resort 5 hollow rods.
  7. For practical reasons, nowadays in modern times, we should not be too concerned with which direction one is moving. For example, if you have to move in the east direction, one has to move to that direction! Our free auspicious dates are for the next 30 days at: http://dates.geomancy.net
  8. Beware of bringing home dubious antiques. By chance, one may accidentally bring home something in addition of the antique.. Dear cecil, I read somewhere that it is bad feng shui to keep antiques at home. Is it true. Thanks.
  9. In many instances, even if we try to build our perfect dream-Feng Shui home; there are often compromises to be made. Often, for convenience, we have toilets that are located at no longer choice location in the home. Or that kitchen stove could be viewed from the main entrance door. Thus we can try to build a near-perfect Feng Shui friendly home. But not always 100 percent perfect!
  10. 1. Numbers are like : one man's meat is another man's poison. 2. Numbers are very subjective. In fact, I know of many Chinese who are not superstitious of the number 13. While some others are very fearful of this number. 3. For some westerners 13 is an inauspicious number. But generally, many Chinese don't care too hoots about living on the 13th floor or a house number with 13. 4. For example, Singapore Airlines business class has only cabin numbers that are 12 and they skip 13. Thus, you can only find seats that are 12A, 12B, 12C, 12D etc.. and 14A, 14B etc... 5. Frankly, some Chinese also have no adverse "reaction" to the number 4 or 4 or 444 or even 14. 6. Common sense: 6.1. Doors facing road bad? 6.2. More to do with common sense. Can a run-amok vehicle plough into the home? More likely a vehicle plough into a home then side-swipe it. Thus a home at a T-junction "pose a slight if ever risks of such a thing".
  11. These are some considerations: 1. Everything you said can be summed up under the term "Common sense" than Feng Shui. 1.1. For example, it is more about visibility. If the toilet door is not closed, some feel that it is not NICE to see into a toilet + toilet bowl. Only young boys and even men may on the contrary love it! If there is pretty girl using the toilet and the door is not fully closed! 1.2. Otherwise, there is no major concern other than what is in one's mind or head. 2. The other common sense thing is that the toilet door is suppose to open inwards or sliding or folding (are) fine or OK 3. But if the toilet door open outwards and not just the toilet door, any door facing the stairs; should face inwards so that there can never to an accident where some one comes out of the toilet and push another person "down" the staircase...
  12. 1. In my opinion, this has more to do with common sense. 2. Can search for "dangers of underground water" 3. More importantly, it is always not adviceable e.g. to stay close to locations where "fumes" can emit. 3.1 For example, it is not ideal to stay next door to a petrol station. Why? 3.2. Common sense says that fumes be it from people pumping petrol into their car-tanks or from underground storage beneath the station can emit fumes. 4. A key ingredient of Feng Shui = Wind and Water = "steam" (or gas). And such locations may produce too much (emit) too much of such unhealthy fumes). In addition to higher probability of an explosion vs staying next to a church. 5. Thus, in your case, just beware of fumes from gas such as methane (sewerage) etc...
  13. Applying Feng Shui be it by a geomancer of D.I.Y. is the same as an orchestra conductor....
  14. Only if one has done a Feng Shui Triage (investigations) can then determine whether the home is a unpolished gem or a sour grape....
  15. Some homes are like a scooter. No matter how much one tweaks it, it will still remain as a scooter....
  16. Yes, I either forgot to switch off the power-mains and to fix-the-leaks.
  17. 1. Some homes are like an unpolished gem. Some enhancements go a long way! From a small saloon car to a Ferrari! 2. But some homes are like a 100 cc scooter. No matter how much you use Elastoplast (Band-Aid) it does not matter! A lousy house is a lousy house!
  18. Is the poison arrow in the form of a lone lamp post slicing into your main entrance door? Can I help you, here?
  19. In my opinion, especially Tai Chi is a slow but (calculated to strengthen) since it has always been one of the most popular activities especially for the "aged"; I feel that it is OK. (Subject of course to the caution: that some who have certain health concerns; check with their personal doctor, first.
  20. This is the link to the service: http://www.geomancy.net/products/po-dates/po-dates.htm
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