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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. 1. Too many texts and there are no spacings. 2. Will just reply to this quote below. The rest, I gave up reading, altogether. 3. If your condo unit does not have any major renovations between Period 6, 7 and to 8, then; you should first construct a Period 6 chart. 4. It is good that you draw up both a Period 6 and Period 8 chart. 5. Often what we do with these two charts are: 5.1 If the home had been lived in for some time, we try to see if it match our "live". Usually, a professional Feng Shui consultant can find out salient points. 5.2 In many cases, before, we want to add enhancements or cures, we look at both charts. In some instances, by coincidence, a water position can be placed both or either under Period 6 and or 8. And in some instances the mountain position matches both P 6 and or P8. And it means looking at both charts. 6. In general, one "strict" Feng Shui school of thought says that only when the foundation of the condo is replaced or demolised and rebuilt could it changed to a Period 8. 7. Thus it is always good to work out both charts. This is the preferred method. Quote: Nin Z. wrote: but got confused as to whether we should use period 8 flying chart or our condo period 6 or whether our condo period has changed to period 8 since we had opened our N1/NW sliding glass door for a few months.
  2. 1. Frankly, there are more in Feng Shui than what you had mentioned. 2. The info and the enhancements that you want to make in my opinion, is like trying to apply "Kindergarten Feng Shui". 3. For those who want to DIY and use many of the "logic" found below, should seriously scrap applying this type of kindergarten Feng Shui. Here, it is better to go with your feelings than to "considering painting the front door black to help enhance my career/wealth ". 4. Proper Feng Shui has no precedence with ideas and hopes, below. 5. For those who really only want to DIY, have to really find means to enlarge your Feng Shui knowlege. Frankly, this cannot do. Judi W. wrote: Please direct me which way to go with this. I am very confused. My front door face exactly North, as does my entire house, but the front door ison the right side of the front of my house (standing outside looking at the house), which makes it positioned in the N/W section of my house. I was considering painting the front door black to help enhance my career/wealth but it is clearly stated in many things I read not to have black (water) in the N/W! The N/W is a positive direction for my husband (he is a KUA# 7 and the North is a positive direction for me KUA# 9. Can you tell me if this is helpful for my husbnand being we live in a house that faces North? Thank you. Judi
  3. 1. If one wants to find out one's career based on Chinese Ba zi, then you need to "include your DD/MM/YYYY. The free report to find your element is here:- http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-element.htm 2. You have find out your element and strength. 3. Under the Five elements concept: the industry known as "accounting" belongs to the metal element. 4. In addition, many of the past messages had covered things like the industry can be e.g. metal element. While the job specification is another consideration. For example, one can be:- in a Metal industry (accounting) but job specification is wood element. Wood element includes skills like co-ordination, strategic planning, management skills involving "growing" a company. in a Metal industry (accounting) and job function is marketing and sales which belongs to the fire element. Quote: Anonymous wrote: Hi! I was born under a Fire Dragon year (1976). I am currently an Accountant. Is this the best career path for me? Thanks! LL
  4. 1. There are many factors involved in Feng Shui when evalutating of a (new) home. 2. Since it is one of the largest investment that one is likely to make; if you are not sure, then try to get a competent practitioner to evaluate the home for you. 3. Traditionally, the number of the home is "transparent" to Feng Shui. 4. There are many different methods and formulas with regards to whether a house number is auspicious, inauspicious or neutral. 5. And in many instances, the phonetic "sound-like" e.g. Cantonese avoid #4 etc.... can affect the resale value (or marketing) of a home especially in a predominant area with some Chinese. 6. Numbers are a double-edged sword: For example, some people claim that number 13 is inauspicious to them. While there are another group of persons who says that number 13! is their lucky number! Thus, the saying goes "One man's meat is another person's poison!" 7. In general, most of the time, when buying a home it is best to bring all family members to view the home prior to purchasing a home. Quote: Anonymous wrote: the house no is 4 and one of my friend suggested 4 in feng shui means death.
  5. 1. You might like to refer to my most recent reply on what is the true meaning ofthe percentage of anelement. 2. Traditionally what is meant byan element be a 0% or too strong. You may like to refer to the posting:- http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=1&mid=23968&new= Above link with Topic: Elements missing Posted in: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui) Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2008, 01:42 AM, 3. In general, the element thing is more rooted towards the Chinese and especially their new borns. 4. Here, some Chinese parent (e.g. the father and even the grand father) may play an active role. Where they would seek the advice of a geomancer to help them "name their child". 5. Briefly in the above link, one will understand that a Chinese name be selected to "compensate" a child for their lack of elements. 6. As each Chinese (Mandarin character) is associated with one of the Five elements: water-wood-fire-earth-metal; thus one of the considerations is to find elements that would either enhance the lack of element(s) or avoid that element. 7. Thus, in my opinion, there is no tradition for Westerners in this aspect of ba zi name selection and analysis. Please go thru the above article for awarness of more...
  6. 1. If the bedroom is occupied by husband and wife, http://wiki.geomancy.net/wiki/Master_Bedroom:_Which_side_must_I_sleep_on In the above link, for example, the Master Bedroom is located in the South-West sector of the home. Under the Eight House concept, SW is suitable to the Mrs (her longevity) sector. While SW to : Mr is his death sector. If the master bed is placed as shown in the illustration; Mr should sleep closer to the master bedroom door, while Mrs, sleep closer to the "toilet" area. 2. Here in this example, therefore:the master bedroom is located at South-West (SW) compass direction. If the bed-head is placed in this position, MRS should sleep closer to the window while MR should sleep closer to the bedroom door. Here, MRS (LONGEIVTY) shield's MR (DEATH).
  7. 1. Please see attachment or a quick summary of below:- Balance of Elements in your Chart Based on the Favourable and unfavourable Elements. Ideally, a perfect harmony would be when you have 20% of each element to be in complete harmony. This shows you exactly how much of each element you have. It helps you determine which element listed in your favourable element you need more then another. Element Strength Percentage % Rating (!-- Recommendation --> 5 Water Weak 34 % Acceptable (Reduce Element) (!-- Have less of your Unfavourable Element --> 4 Wood Strongest 46 % Reduce Element (!-- Have less of your Most Favourable Element --> 1 Fire Strong 9 % Acceptable (Increase Element) (!-- Have more of your Favourable Wealth Element --> 0 Earth Extremely Weak 0 % Increase Element (!-- Have A LOT more of your Favourable Element --> 2 Metal Weakest 9 % Acceptable (Increase Element) (!-- Have more of your Most Unfavourable Element --> 2. Traditionally, when a child is born, a parent or grand-parent (e.g. grand-father) would approach a geomancer for advice on naming that child. 3. In the above example, the highernumber of counts need not necessarily mean thatit is of a higher percentage. For example, although the water = 5 counts, but the percentage is onl 34% vs 4 counts of wood, which amounts to 46%. 4. Thus in the past, the geomancer, when finding an auspicious name for the child would consider all the Chinese characters and avoid those especially with wood element and water element in that name. Most likely the child's name could have "earth" or "fire" or "metal" in the child's name to compensate for the above imbalance. 5. Therefore, if you look at, the ba zi analysis is geared towards "when born". And an "auspicious" name is said to compensate for too much wood / water element and suppose to improve the child's luck. 6. Traditionally, this is what the ba zi is used for. Or in modern times, some go to a geomancer to change their name in the hope of getting better "Heaven Luck". 7. Please note that the above, should not be confused with one's Ba Zi element. In this example, (see attachment) although this Sample Female count of wood is high and her water is also high, overall, you should be looking at:- Birth Element Since you are a strong Water, you don't want to be too overly strong otherwise, you will not be able to control yourself. Thus, you should increase yourself with your favourable elements as follows. Favourable Elements Most Favourable Element Colour: green/brown Favourable Element Colour: yellow Unfavourable Elements Most Unfavourable Element Colour: white/gold Most Unfavourable Element Colour: blue/black/gray Favourable Wealth Elements Wealth Element Colour: red 8. Under the ba zi, in terms of colours, one may consider one's favourable and/or unfavourable colours. 9. The above falls under "Heaven Luck". 10. Under the Chinese Holy Trinity of Luck, there are three kinds of luck:- 10.1 Heaven Luck - what one is born with (your ba zi) 10.2 Earth Luck - Where one live and work plays an important factor in one's luck 10.3 Man or Human Luck - Family, relationship, family bond etc... 11. Overall, your life reading is only about your Heaven Luck. And I have already illustrated what is meant traditionally by "missing elements" and how Chinese, try to improve this by finding an appropriate name (new born). Not every family does this, thou. Quote: June L. wrote: Please advise and help me the proper ways to balance the missing elements in my life reading .
  8. It is best to get further advice from your earlier source. As this is a free general advice forum and not a free consultation service. Quote: I was adviceby a master to have myoffice table change to southwest facing but it seems business is not getting better.
  9. 1. If you are applying Flying Star Feng Shui, it is best to look at both the interaction of the Mountain Star# with Water Star #8 at that sector. (Base star should be noted) 2. For example, if the Mountain Star is #3 (bad wood) element, and the water star is #8, water fuels #3 leading to issues like: Conflicts, quarrels, lawsuits etc.... Quote: Pito W. wrote: I hope you indulge myamatuer question. I have always wondered whether or not one could activate a water star 8 with water if it is in the NE being that this is the Direct Spirit? also, does one need a window or a door facing this activated direction to capture it's auspiciousness?
  10. 1. Most likely, you notion of Career sector is based on a "fixed template"? model? If so, this fixed template model is a modern invention. And may not be true under Traditional Feng Shui accessment. 2. Under Traditional Feng Shui, it is best not to have a giant main entrance . As for a giant doorway, generally, it should not be an issue if it is part of the living area or the passageway. 3. Again, this "knowlege sector" is not based on Authentic Traditional Feng Shui. Quote: Three stairs go up through the giantdoorwayto the other side to enter the knowledge sector 4. What you had been applying is the modern invention. Anonymous wrote: I have a question about what is good and bad architecturally. I had a duplex and connected the two units. I made a giant doorway (82 inches by 72 inches)in the middle of the Carreer sector through a two-foot thick brick wall. This brick wall used to divide the units and the Carreer sector was directly bisected by the big brick wall. The opening is supported by a massive weldedsteel plate encasing the brick overhead. Three stairs go up through the giantdoorwayto the other side to enter the knowledge sector. I have wooden black bookcases with glass doors surrounding the opening and two glass doors that can close off the opening, if I choose. On the other side of the opening the wall is exposed brick.
  11. 1. Most of the time, it is not recommended to place a water feature in a bedroom. If you meant "my room" as the bedroom. Quote: Mark Anthony L. T. wrote: Is it safe to put aquarium in my room? or should I put it in the living room. 2. If you have the time, you may like to view some of the resources on the guidelines of placement of a water feature, under this link:- http://wiki.geomancy.net/wiki/What_makes_a_good_Water_feature/_fountain 3. In general, under this current period, you may consider placing a water feature at the SW sector of your living room (and depending on the layout of it). If Flying Star Feng Shui is applied, then the water feature may be placed at location with the Mountain Star #8.
  12. 1. Frankly, authentic Feng Shui has to use tools like Flying Stars etc. 2. Otherwise, you may have to do like everyone else; based on your acumen and feelings in the placement of your bed etc.. 3. When you place your bed-head, you should feel comfortable with it despite having 2 doors and 2 windows as it is very difficult to visual what you had mentioned in writing. 4. If your bed is placed against a window, often, the window(s) are not opened and curtains are drawn. Seethe B. wrote: i am fairly new to feng shui. i get the basic idea, so i dont know much about flying stars and all the fancy stuff, but i am trying to at least start with the basic ideas or feng shui so i can try and improve more aspects of my life, especially my career as the last 6 mths have not been that great and when i look back on the (old) room it was not feng shui friendly in anyway. So i will try and explain my situation as much as possible as i really need some guidance, as sinly as it may be! I live in a very old wooden house in queensland, australia. The type of house is infact called a 'queenslander' as it is different from houses built in any other state in australia. They are built on stilts to keep away from flash flooding and ants. They often have a 'sunroom' at the front of the house with glass louvres and often have attached laundrys at the back of the house as most original 'queenslanders' were built before inhosue laundrys. our house face n/e and my room is in the back left corner. It is a pretty decent size room. The problem with my new room is i cant figure out the best place for my bed and this is why. I have two doors- One on the n/e facing wall about a metre form the north corner of the wall and one on the n/w wall right on the north corner. The door on the n/e opens onto the entry way, the n/w door opens onto the kitchen. I also have two windows- one in the middle of the s/e wall and one in the middle of the s/w. I also have an exquiset ornate domed ceiling in the centre of the room. THe domed part is about 1metre diameter, the ornate part is 2.5metre diameter, a chandelier hangs from this. The ceiling is 11' high excluding the domed part, which is probably another foot higher. The walls a lined with a dark wood panelling which stops about 7' then is a cream/white colour the same as the ceiling. If i put my door in the western corner my bed either faces directly out the door in the 'coffin position' on the n/e wall or completely away from both doors down to the window on the s/e wall so i can only just see the n/e door wilst liying down but not the n/w door at all. If i put my bed with the bedhead on the s/w or s/e wall without it being directly up against the wall (9inch gap?) about 1/4-1/2 of the bed head will cross the window depending on the wall. i also do not have a built in wardrobe. i have the clothes i wear the most often on a hanging rack and clothes that i dont wear that often or winter clothes (it is summer here now) folded in an antique cupboard containing shelves. i also have paperwork in here like gas/electricity bills, receipts etc. is this ok to put at the end of my bed or it is classed as a door as well?? hopefully i can get drawers to replace this. Hopefully you will be able to help me a little!
  13. 1. Since no two lots or sites are the same, just be careful thatthe main door is not facing a T juction (street). And under Shapes and Forms, the drainage needs to be looked at. In general, best to avoid a large drainage behind the plot. Quote: I am looking at a lot, frontage is about 24 meters. But a portion-8 meters is facing a street. Isit still advisable to acquire such a lot. Is there a bad omen to lots facing a street. This is just a portion.
  14. 1. Many people are in your situation where they had purchased a home and started to "fiddle" with Feng Shui and Oops! this is bad or that is bad. 2. Most or many homes are fixed and based on the concepts that you had mentioned, they are meant more for those who have yet to build and trying to avoid such areas. Frankly there is no perfect home, and honestly there are relatively "no antidote" other than Para 2. (Which often is not practical which means moving out of a home....)Thus, you have look at other options of maximizing qi from other areas of the home:- http://wiki.geomancy.net/wiki/The_Concept_of_Maximizing_Marks Quote: Steve J. wrote: Hello... I belong to the four East group as a Wood element. The house is in it's 5th period and is NW facing, with the main door from the interior that has the 337.4 and 337.5 degree lines of disaster and prosperity line going through it. What are my options to try and remedy the disaster line? Also, my angle of influence for prosperity encompasses the kitchen. I've been told this was not good. How can I remedy this as well? Your advice is always appreciated. Many regards, Steven
  15. Please get someone competent to access for you. Frankly, if your office is a small one, it is ever better for you to concenrate more on your business than to squeeze in an aquarium. Many highly successful businessess don't rely on it for their business. In fact, if you say that you own a site and want to locate a water feature outside your building.. usually that is great! Quote: my question and my problem is could you identify the wealth area or corner of my office and where should i put my aquarium - the south east corner of my office is where the toilet situated so we have missing corner (do you agree) - currently i place my aquarium inside my office partition looking from outside (east to west) it is in the SW or far left corner of the partition
  16. 1. Applying Feng Shui is a holistic approach. 2. You may want to read thru the first page of the wiki:- http://wiki.geomancy.net 3. Even applying proper Feng Shui, there is a holistic approach to it. 4. Honestly giving a simple sketch or giving some details is very hard to find out really what's wrong. As often, a full Feng Shui audit needs informatinon like the Shapes and Forms of the site / building and unit and even compass school. 5. If one really wants to DIY, then you may have to understand - Key Success Factors in D.I.Y. Feng Shui and many more considerations that I had highlighed in the above wiki. Quote: Granted there are many causes but I'm suspecting that maybe there's something that feng shui can help?
  17. 1. In the Chinese metaphyics, there are three kinds of luck:- 1.1 Heaven Luck or born with (analysed thru Ba zi) 1.2 Earth Luck or Feng Shui of a home or office 1.3 Human or Man Luck. (Relationships with family members etc..) 2. Here, 'Luck is against you' refers to one's person Heaven luck is not so lucky. Thus, in the specific 10 year luck period, one is not born with a "silver spoon" nor have the "silver spoon" luck during that 10 year period. 3. Thus, there are those who may not have good Heaven Luck, but have good family bonding, relationship support may even trascend even if one may not have that good earth luck. Quote: June L. wrote: Can you please explain further when you mentioned in your free bazi reading , when you said 'Luck is against you" .
  18. 1. Best to be married before sleeping on the "An Chuang" 安床 bed. Else best to sleep in another bedroom (not Master bedroom) until the proper wedding date has arrived and after proper "an chuang" procedures. 2. Usually an auspicious date is chosen closer to the wedding date and not earlier. Our free within 30 days dates can be found under this link:- http://dates.geomancy.net 3. The procedure can be found, in this Free e-book Quote: 1. Can we sleep on the bed after we moved in next month before we an chuang ("install" bridal bed)? 2. When do we have to an chuang? 3. What are the an chuang procedures? Thanks much in advance for your advice.
  19. 1. You can check out this link:- http://www.geomancy.net/resources/art/arowanafish.htm 2. For example, if you have the time you may like to read articles Q3 and Q9 on the "Gua" and the "Ba Zi method. 3. Another traditional method is based on the Flying Star. Where :- 7 number of gold fishes represents metal element. And a black gold fish is added (to represent water). Thus in the past, a practitioner may advise an owner to rear 7 gold fishes + 1 black (symbolises water element) fish. Alternatively 6 number of gold fishes also represents (big ) metal element. And it is equally acceptable to use 6 gold + 1 black.
  20. Frankly, in Singapore, many HDB apartments and condos share the same issue! In fact, many newer condos have master bedroom where after placing the "queen-sized" or some can squeeze in a "king sized" bed, and left over is the wardrope area / TV console (or mounted) and some dressing table. And many of these condos also have attached bathroom that is "on the side" of the bed. Is the toilet really so disgusting that we should not have it? In the past, traditional Chinese homes have toilets that are "outside" of the living quarters. But today, it is "scientifically" true that a toilet can be dirty. For example, whenever we "flush" the toilet bowl and worse, if we cover the lid, some toilet seats have gaps and many of the "droplets" fly off this gap when water is flushed. Or if the toilet is not used for some time, the "U" trap of the drainage lets "air in". Thus, look at this way, where ever one place the tooth brush in the toilet area, and check for germs or baterial, there is sure to have some of these. I was "shocked" when a few years back, I was driving and this person came on air and said that all of us should buy his "disinfection" tablet (much like those that clean dentures) and regulary dip our toothbrush into "his tablet solution" to destroy the germs on the tooth brush! Come on, BE REALISTIC! How many of us do this in our life time? YES? or NO? The simple reason is that yes, the toilet may harbour some germs but many of us are healthy enough to RESIST these germs. So what is the big deal of being so scared of your own toilet! For Singaporeans, I am sure many keep a decent toilet, but yet, do visit any of the toilets at HDB coffee shops! How dirty they are? For example, in the past, children drop their baby teets and they immediately place them back into their mouths. Nowadays, parents so scared, must sterilsed them! Frankly, if you consider your own toilet so dirty, one is living in a UTOPIAN world. And this is not practical! And there are confirmed studies that say that even your Personal Computer KEYBOARD at work or home can even be MORE "dirty" fully of more yuck germs than the toilet seat! So don't be misled by some people who know next to nothing on what "dirt" or the "dirtiest" is. The only thing visually "ugly" (for some) is literally seeing e.g. the toilet bowl from the bed. It is "ugly" to some, but as I mentioned, a PC keyboard has more virus or germs than your toilet seat! So ponder over this, next time around.
  21. Frankly, it is not rocket science. If you can see my sample: just imagine the purple colour in my attachment shows a "fixed" panel glass. Thus there is no straight path between the main door towards the balcony. In the same situation, if your four room is similar, without the sliding door panel (purple colour), and if you have a casement window, simply just close the window. Then there is no straight path between your main door towards (that specific window). Many five room owners, have removed the sliding door and should face the same situation as your 4 room flat.
  22. 1. This is a common "feeling" with many people (inclusive of those that do not engage a Feng Shui practitioner.) As either they have heard from relatives, friends or having read Feng Shui books. 2. On the safe side, many either considered installing a partition or make sure that the windows are closed. 3. Some flats, have a balcony. And many decide not to remove the balcony sliding doors. And when the main door opens, it faces this "partition". 4. Please refer to the two attachments: 4.1 Typical Older Generation HDB 3-Room Flat (Note: HDB = Singapore Government Housing Development Board flat) 4.2 Please to refer to this attachment. If one measures the door frame and main door of this flat, it is "Feng Shui friendly" ruler measurements. 4.3 There is a wall in the middle of unit. The purpose is that there is no direct path between the main door to the "back windows". However, not too aware of the Feng Shui considerations change the door to this "pink" wall area. 5. Typical Newer Generation HDB 5-Room Flat Again, many of such flats have a balcony. And if you look closely at the layout plan the area marked in "purple" is where many keep the sliding door in-place. And this sliding door "acts" as a partition between the main door with the balcony. Of course, there are some who demolish this balcony and use casement window(s). And often the casement window directly facing the main door is (are) closed. Quote: Zhang H. wrote: Is it true that if you main door is facing towards your window your wealth will also flow out?
  23. You can use our freeBa Zi Element report under the link below to find out whether you are strong or weak element:- http://freereport.geomancy.net
  24. 1. In my opinion, what comes first depends really on when one gets to know Feng Shui and applies it. 2. Thus, there are cases where many after understanding the concept of the Eight House and Flying Star, have sought to analyse a home, first before purchasing it. 3. Thus, if one has good knowlege of both concepts, many persons or by seeking help from a professional FS practitioner can help to identify which homes are better overall. 4. Thus your question sounds simplistic: " The chicken or the egg, first?" Instead of, going into a deep blackhole to "argue" whether the chicken came first or the egg? There is such thing as apply both concepts together! 5. Both the Gua and the Flying Star belong to the same Compass School of Feng Shui. 6. Even if one already stayed in a home, a Feng Shui practitioner would have to look at both concepts and see if there is an optimum that both concepts can be applied - in unison! 7. We have to ensure that we don't become too academic or myopic or have tunnel vision. And Traditional Feng Shui and its application is not rocket science. Many of it's concepts and principles are based also on commonsense approach like any other ordinary everyday situations. It is a pity some practitioners or websites, turn it into a "black" art or often, you hear.. "our Feng Shui secrets" etc... Quote: Lara M. wrote: What comes first - a house gua or the flying stars? Does the flying stars override house gua unfavorable sectors or vice versa? Thanks!
  25. 1. In my opinion, yes, usually, in a working environment, many of us feel better if we are not isolated! That is why, open office concept was and still the most commonly thought out layout. 2. Like you have mentioned, having an office in a "crammed" tower and being isolated is never a virtue of any human beings.. other than a "prisoner" or a "hermit". 3. We can draw many comparisons to "well wishing" parents who lived in a landed property. I have encountered many cases where, the parents have a three level apartment: ground floor = living / dining / kitchen and utility; 2nd storey is the master bedroom and often two more smaller bedrooms. And often the 3rd storey is another "2nd master bedroom". 4. Some well wishing parents, wish to give their "eldest" child a bigger bedroom. As a result, many of these children "object" to having their bedroom at the 3rd storey. For the parents, their thinking is that they would like give their child the biggest bedroom. But to the child, "HEY!, both of you don't want me anymore... so you "kicked me out" to the third storey? 5. Thus, most likely, your hospital, perhaps have good thoughts but did not consider our human instict "not to be isolated" or thus powerful message that.. we are the "odd one out". But often this is not the case. Most likely, the hospital is out of space. Thus, if you have the chance speak to your superior... and see what else can be done hopefullyin the "long term". In the short term... it may be more difficult.
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