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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Quote: 1)Do favourable directions same as area? Meaning my favourable direction is west. So best is bedroom at west of the house and bed position facing west? 1. Under the Eight House concept: It is considered"nice-to-have" for a west group person to have his bedroom located in the WEST. And it is equally "nice-to-have" (also) if his bed-head is facing west or NW or SW or NE. Thus it is good to have all these"favourable" factors. The"more the better". Quote: 2)West is my prosperity, so I put an aquarium with live fishes in my west area of the house. My main door is North. So, now i haveone good andone bad. Will this give a tie? or whichone gives more harm? 2. In my opinion, this is not the correct way or method in practising Feng Shui of "locating a water position" be it an aquarium or water feature. Nor a water feature at west cancels out your main door at North. This is not how, proper approach to Feng Shui is all about. Firstly, your prosperity sector at west does not necessarily mean that it is always good. Since we have to appreciate that the home (distinct) from your Eight Elements. Your home has it's own distinct chart e.g. Flying Star chart and it's numbers. Under the Shapes and Forms, some consider west as the white tiger location. And a water feature e.g. a circular one... is akin to having a "tiger's open" hungry mouth thus inauspicious...... This are just some simple examples..
  2. In the Five Elements concept (or simply, in theory), a weak wood can actually increase the weak wood with "water element" and "wood element". Thus strictly from a career perspective, for example, an accountant (metal) in a water element company e.g. Pepsi or Coke is one example. Or another example is that of an accountant by training but one's work scope is "wood specialisation". Wood can range from a CEO, making a company grow, or many other wood careers eg.. co-ordination, training, teaching and many more. Most importantly, we should be very thankful that you have talents to go so far as to go into one of the professions where there is a proper professional body! As an accountant, one can even go into Management area unlike a general Business Degree holder. In Singapore, (not Feng Shui) it is good to be an accountant, as Singapore has a good reputation (or many Singaporeans have a good reputation) for being hired locally or even overseas as a financial controller etc.... And with the vast expansion of business especially in China and India, accountants are needed even till "old age"! Frankly, AVOID two things: 1. Auto suggestion 2. Self-fullfilling prophecy Too much auto-suggestion i.e. career no good for me... is unhealthy! A degree is merely a stepping stone to what you like to do in the future! Avoid self-fullfilling prophecy as it one things too hard about it, it may just happen! Good Luck in your studies and do your best to make your parents proud of you!
  3. In real life situation and not in a far fetched, utopian world; under Feng Shui:- Metal can be represented by white and gold. White can also be considered as a "neutral" colour. For example, in the past, either sandstone or lime is used to plaster walls. And lime is = white. And white is a very common colour. Gold is "tricky" colour. As you had mentioned, many of the near pure gold wedding rings are "yellowish". Thus, some people, may consider "yellow" as gold. However, usually, one can or may try totell, by looking at say a curtain. Some curtains are silky smooth yellowish - much closer to gold colour. While some curtains are just plain yellowish. Orange colour is also considered as gold colour. The clue, here is that real oranges to many of the dialects sounds like gold: Cantonese "Kum", Hokkien "Kim". And it is widely given in pairs during the Chinese new year - as "giving a pair of gold". Frankly, currently there is NO standard colour chart or pantone colours that all Feng Shui practitioner's adhere to! Nor is there any standard universal colours that all practititioners adhere to. For example, some practitioners may consider "brown" or tones of brown as "earth" while others look at it as "wood" element as real wood is brownish. For the layman or layperson, each person's encounter with an individual Feng Shui practitioner will be based on the "tunnel vision" of his /her practitioner or your own personal guess.
  4. 1. In my opinion, this is not the best method. As so far in my life (span) you are the first to associate a child's interdisplinary studies with the Five Elements concept. 2. The Five Elements Concept: 2.1. Everything cannot be simply just "black and white". Or for that matter, if one's element is metal, imagine if we simply base on it's colours: white, gold, metallic or silver and say decorate a home that is completely "white" life will be simply plain. 2.2 We were born to admire or most of us are able to detect at least more than 60,000 shades of colours. And why limit one to One or Two? 3. Thus it is the same for studies. One should not limit one's child just to one study or aspect of study. 4. Even in work, it would be dreadful if we only perform say "metal" function. Some of the studies you indicate may not necessarily belong to just one element:- (1) Accountancy - Metal? Technically, yes, the core is Metal element. (2) Banking & Financial Services. Technically it belongs to the Metal element. But the role of a financial adviser can be the Wood element. Or the regulator e.g. MAS can be considered Wood element. Honestly, it is best to scrap this "one of a kind" or first time, I have ever seen approach to associate a child's ba zi with her ba zi strengths. More important is to adopt a sensible approach: best is to go thru some of the syllabus of each subject and ascertain how much work load or "pressure" would be on a child. Or thru peers..advice. Equally important, ask your daughter what she feels like studying. Usually at Diploma level, as the subjects indicate it is at the general level of study. And it is no good to have subjects that match her ba zi but result in much more work - or added stress. A key success factor is the hope that she has close friends with whom she and her friend(s) can be together to "team up" or give each other some moral support in taking near identical electives (subjects).
  5. 1. Hopefully the stove is not directlyat the NW cardinal point. Even still, this is considered as a major flaw while the NE missing corner is less serious. Both issues can be negated. But NW, can still be a "thorn" in the bush. 2. If the condo has more than Three major "leaks"; one is most likely on the way to "serious" issues.
  6. 1. Frankly, this kind of layout is fairly common, nowadays. 2. One advantage is that there will not be a direct path between the main entrance towards a balcony or a window. 3. The main consideration for this type of layout plan are: 3.1 Never place a hanging water feature on the wall. 3.2 Avoid having a large piece or any mirror on this wall. 3.3 Avoid placing any posters within a glass frame. If glass frame is used, use the matt type or non reflective type.
  7. 1. Frankly, what you had mentioned prevail our all other concepts. 2. For example, I was overseas a few weeks ago and similar or exactly the same situation as yours. 3. The existing owner was selling their home. And their daughter also prefers to sleep as you had described.However, when the new owner purchased the home, his elderly father will be occupying the "daughters" bedroom. And his preference is to have his bed - head away from the bedroom door.
  8. Posted in: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui) Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2008, 07:43 AM, Iknow that in one of your posts you mentioned not to post too many thank you messages as many people subscribe or receive updates by mail butI just had to! For ALL these years I've been trying to learn Feng Shui no one and no book has ever been able to settle this point for me and clarify the difference until today! I am SO SO HAPPY! It answers so many of the other smaller questions and incongruencies that have hinged themselves on this ONE but most IMPORTANT point!!! I am besides myself! everything is soo clear now, like a fog has lifted! THANK YOU SO MUCH!I LOVE this forum! PEACE+LOVE+LIGHT -Sherwin P.S. I'm now FACING my favorable direction asI type this!!!
  9. 1. This message sets apart all other messages before it. 2. Previously, the milder term " Fast Food Feng Shui" is applied. 3. But, today, this message sets the tone for a new category of messages. It is not only about "Fast Food Feng Shui" but a new term know as "Commando Style Feng Shui". The actual award can be found, here:- http://www.geomancy.net/wiki/Image:Home-of-the-commandos.jpg Ellen E. wrote: Thearea of my My living room is 24 feet x 15 feet. What is the appropriate size/height of a water fountain to be placed at the SW sector? Should the water fountain be placed on the floor or on a table top. What is the colour of the water fountain for the SW sector?
  10. 1. Missing corner(s) depending on where it is can have an impact on the Feng Shui of the home. 2. In particular, if the missing corner is at the NW sector which affects the "head-of the house". Quote: We will soon move to a new apartment with a missing corner East, facing NW 3. Not sure what you mean, but hopefully it is not para 2, above. 4. For landed property, landscaping such as from a "top-down" helicopter view, one has landscaping e.g. plants or bushes or something that forms the outline of the missing corner would be best. And at the corner, a lamp can be placed at the corner.
  11. 1. Yes, what you said is absolutely, correct! 2. As once we purchased a home (especially a built up home), we cannot just change it's environment nor the site. 3. Thus do or die, Shapes and Forms Feng Shui has to be correct! 4.1 Yes, in addition to wrongly calculated ba zi; it is correct that we may even get the birthdates wrong. In Singapore, Malaysia, also, many do not report the birth of their children early - especially in the 1920's to 1940's. And some people only go to a police reporting station several weeks later and their birthdate is "stamped" that day! 4.2 This is why only the experts, are confident of using only the Ba Zi method, fully. But again, it makes more sense not to place all our eggs in one basket. 5. Frankly, for everyone, especially a novice:- 5.1 My advise is that proper understanding of concepts is really commonsense than rocket science. 5.2 Never, never tempted to buy products in the name of Feng Shui unless they are traditional "cures" or enhancements. Selling products is very lucrative, but, in my opinion is a "dishonest" way of living off others! 5.3 Any concept that is "timely" is definitely a better bet than "fixed" or longer period. 5.4 All famous Chinese Geomancers in the past, learned from books and what sets them apart is that they pick out concepts that works for most people most of the time and discard concepts that don't often work. 6. Know one's strengths! Most of us are either inclined towards Left or Right Brain! 6.1 For example, in the US, those that are better at the arts or humanities, go to ivy league schools like Harvard to learn Law or Human Resource Management etc. Those who have children that are more inclined towards mathematics may sent their children to MIT or UCLA. 6.2 Thus, in the wonderful world of Chinese metaphyics; some of us are more inclined towards: Shapes and Forms = spatial and random. While some are more inclined towards mathematics = Flying Star. 6.3 For example, some can easily see a sector has a "dragon " or a "mountain' (Shapes and Forms inclined); while others need mathematics.. e.g. OH! THE mountain star #8 is here! 6.4 But to be a reknowned Feng Shui expert one must try to "assimlate" or be good at both methods! This makes a well rounded Feng Shui master! 6.5 Most Feng Shui masters, often are more inclined to Shapes and Forms and "forced" to appreciate the mathematics or logical Flying Star Feng Shui. 7. Whenever, I discuss Feng Shui with a client, whenever, the mathemathics part of Feng Shui comes in, their eyes light up especially when they themselves are an accountant or an engineeer. But when describing "the dragons and tigers" of the Shapes and Forms, they have a harder time to relate to. P.S. Currentlyfew practitioners and sites that don't sell products, I hope everyone can support : "When the buying stops!, the Selling (of commercial FS products) can!" i.e boycott or tell your friends about the "dishonesty" of sellers of such products!
  12. Thus usually either "Method 1" or "Method 2" or "Method 3" are applied:- 1. Method 1: Gua + Flying Star + lastly Ba Zi Check one's Gua number Check Flying Star numbers and finally see if "we can in-corporate" one's personalised ba zi element (especially favourable colours to the room) 2. Method 2: Purely ba zi As majority of the time, Gua numbers conflict with Ba zi, both don't go hand-in-hand! So, in the first "round", either Gua is used OR Ba zi is used. As both methods conflict! 3. Method 3: Ba zi +(Gua- directions) +Flying Star Here, ba zi is used to review how suitable the house is and individual sectors. [Gua - best bed-head directions or work study directions can still be applied but often not it's component of 4 best sectors could or could not be applied.] Next, Flying Star is applied, FIRST or considered first. Then Ba zi (especially colours - can it be incorporated, here). For example if the sector has bad #5 with #2 (earth / yellow) and the ba zi best colours are Yellow, cream or beige. Then, we have to forgo YELLOW since it may trigger #5 or #2. Thus flying star "colours" take precidence to one ba zi colours, first.
  13. 1.1 The clue, here is "Compass School" of Feng Shui". 1.2 When we consider the Feng Shui of a home, we have to apply both Shapes and Forms and Compass School of Feng Shui. 1.3 Thus Compass School of Feng Shui have two parts:- Personal: Your Gua / Kua number House Feng Shui: Applying Flying Star Feng Shui. 1.4 Therefore if one's aim is to apply "Feng Shui, then Gua and Flying Star takes precedence over Ba Zi in most instances. 1.5 This is the most common approach. And Ba Zi is "nice to have" . For example, colours are often used. Thus, if possible, personal ba zi colours are used to harmonise the individual's bedroom. 2. Therefore, Para 1.1 to 1.5 are said to be a series of the more common approach to Feng Shui. And most popular. 3. The Ba Zi method can also be used. But often, as you have deduced, often it clashes badly with the Gua method. 3.1 Many practitioners, EITHER practise Method 1 : Para 1.1. to 1.5 OR stick only to the Ba Zi method. And often the ba zi method is impractical to be mixed with the "method 1" as mentioned above. 3.2 Why? 3.3 It has to do with the term "Garage in garbage out". 3.4 There is a higher chance that one may get one's Ba Zi element wrong! And this will totally change the outcome or result! 3.5 For example, there is a vast difference between a weak fire or a strong fire person! If the ba zi is calculated "wrongly" imagine; it is totally RIGHT or WRONG, no half way answer. 3.6 For example: a weak fire person: South facing is excellent as south is fire and fire helps the weak fire person. But if the person is a strong fire person, south is not good for him/her! 4. It is very rare that one gets your Gua / Kua number wrong! Nowadays, you can also check out many gua calculators or even the manual calculation of gua is easy even for a 12 year old child! 5. But, for Ba zi, I am afraid, some sites may not properly know how to or is inaccurate. Thus, there is a very high incidence of getting wrong, here!
  14. In my opinion, an airline pilot has to do with earth element as earth element is related to transportation. And a plan literally is a transport be it transport of passengers and/or cargo. Thus airlines are typically in the area of "transport". Although, another way of looking is that these transports are mostly "metallic". Thus the career element is earth, but surrounded with "metal".
  15. Nowadays, eight out of ten Geomancers sell products! Even a Judge said that he was previously CONNED into buying such a product! Where is the SELLER now?
  16. In a past Germany, study, it was found that there was a high correlation of cancer especially when a bed was placed above sewerage pipes running beneath the home! Avoid, sleeping with the sewerage pipe running below, one's bed!
  17. 1. Usually, the origin of the "white elephant" comes from Thailand instead of China. 2. In the past, elephants were revered especially in the north. And elephants represents strength and good fortune in China. Chinese figurines often have children or a child riding on it to symbolise "fertility" and "wealth". 3. In my opinion, the white elephant has more to do with Thailand. As White elephants are rare and the King of Thailand, is the only one that keeps or considers white elephants as sacred and thought to bring good fortune. Thus anyone in Thailand that can "supply" a genuine White elephant to the King (Thai King) will be well rewarded! 4. In Thailand, the King has a team of experts that examines an elephant (based on well written documents to determine whether it is the rare white or simply a common greyish elephant. 5. Laughing buddha with children often symbolises, good fortune and happiness (ahappy family unit).
  18. If this present was ever given to China's President... World War III may have just arrived! Never give a Chinese a CLOCK as a gift! Even if it is very valuable or a quality antique!
  19. A "Class One" Mountain star = Safe! Let's home this time round, the floor can support the safe! (or Mountain)
  20. To activate a mountain star #8, one may consider a home safe as a "solid object" with mass."
  21. NO TWO HOMES ARE THE SAME! A Ferrari?? 1. Not all EXISTING homes may benefit from Feng Shui. 2. For example, even before some homes were built, they were "condemned" when the drainage out of the home cause loss of wealth and/or power and authority. 3. Some homes can benefit directly, for example, the living room is at water wealth location. And, activating such a location can result in a 1,000 cc house (car) turning into a Ferrari. 4. Unfortunately, for some homes, it will forever be equivalent to a 10 year old run down 1,000cc car; such as this caricature, shows:-
  22. The drainage of ALL PLOT of land can affect either wealth retention, wealth accumulation or becoming successful or powerful in business or even in politics! Most plot of land have TWO or THREE directions where drainage out of the property can yield: either $$$$ or Power and authority! And the rest of the drainage, depending also whether drainage goes from left to right or right of the main entrance will affect your wealth or power and authority in business, career or politics.....
  23. The dreaded number #3 in the Flying Star vocaburary has to do with Conflicts, Quarrels, Scandals and Lawsuits.... Oh My GOD! How do I disarm it?
  24. A west facing home may result in family members becoming "suntan". For example, in a high rise with many parts of the home facing west, direct afternoon bringing UV lights may penetrate several living areas of a home!
  25. In one's ba zi, there is the Ten Dieties numbers. In this example, the female's Power of authority is very high! While the male (potential husband is low)! This indicates that should the two get married: the female may most likely dominate the male at home : Managing his cash! In Singapore, we can say " The female becomes the Finance Minister. While the male becomes the Minister without any portfolio!"
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